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File: 81 KB, 513x385, 20121014-226128-vitos-slice-bad-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6715944 No.6715944 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that NY pizza is mediocre at best?

>> No.6715953

I wouldn't eat that cardboard.

Its not worth the calories.

>> No.6715960

Grease and ketchup soaked paper towels would be more appealing. Approximate in taste, anyway.

>> No.6715968

NY pizza is the standard for all American pizza

Chicago deep dish is a casserole


>> No.6715976
File: 3.86 MB, 4160x2340, 0725151312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ny rocks what is that on op,s plate?

>> No.6715986

Why is it all women?

>> No.6716026
File: 473 KB, 2000x1247, italian-style-american-pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6716029

Was this shopped or did someone apply their autism to a billboard?

>> No.6716033

ITT: dollar slice plebs.
NY pizza is still best pizza

>> No.6716034

Why do people from New York act like they have a special kind of pizza when the exact same pizza is found in every american city?

>> No.6716038

So it should be called italian style american pizza, got it.

>> No.6716040

>Why do people from New York act like they have a special kind of pizza when New York style pizza is found in every american city?

>> No.6716045

>when New York style pizza
Its just called pizza around here

>> No.6716046
File: 72 KB, 794x794, 1437576864362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It started there and they have a very large amount of good or even just decent spots.

>> No.6716047

It's shopped obviously, but if every anon donated 5 autismbux today we could make this happen.

>> No.6716049

water quality, this is a fact that was tested as scientifically as it could be

identical pizzas were made using identical ingredients by the same pizza maker in the same oven at the same time. the only different factor was the water used, one was from new york, one from los angeles, one from chicago

the new york pizza was unanimously the favorite among all who ate it for its flavor and crust texture

>> No.6716050
File: 37 KB, 550x550, rattydave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol didn't mean to tag you

meant u faggit

>> No.6716055

>a very large amount of good or even just decent spots.
literally everywhere there are people in america does

>> No.6716056
File: 24 KB, 240x320, Fag.jpg-320x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U want all men?

>> No.6716149

> waaaa! It's too high quality to be pizza?
I don't give a single shit about New York or Chicago, or America for that matter. But do people from New York actually pride themselves on making some greasy cardboard and say that it is better?

>> No.6716201

It's okay. I don't hate it. I just don't understand the mystique people ascribe to it.

Only New Yorkers think this. Also no one outside of New York (including Chicago) gives a shit about this retarded rivalry.

>> No.6716214

I'm from New England. So I like the thicker, slightly puffy Greek style pizza

>> No.6716248
File: 15 KB, 523x222, 2677b37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't agree that it's some fag mystique, it has to do with the fact that are so many pizza places which results in competition and a better end result. If a person has about thirty to fourty places to choose from in a 20 block radius, more if you increase the radius then you're likely to have some good results.

See, it's not personal, it's strictly business.

>> No.6716259

We KNOW that you like the poofter style.

>> No.6716263

I live in Chicago, I love New Yorkian (LOL) pizza, Chicago is also a cesspool ... most OVERRATED shithole city ever lol

>> No.6716266
File: 1.53 MB, 3221x1779, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only worthwhile american pizza style coming through.

>> No.6716269

WTF is that crap? It looks like degenerate Canadian crap from a degenerate Canadian pizzaria, complete with weird burt shit growing from the edges.


>> No.6716271

Fair point, but it's still a stupid rivalry. Different styles of pizza can all taste good.

>> No.6716276
File: 10 KB, 283x178, 543545345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga.

>> No.6716277

True and we all our preferences, the so called rivalry is just harmless banter. Nobody really cares except media types who make a difference about it. No real people even bring that stuff up, it's a media invention like a lot of stuff these days. It fills time between commercials on tv and advertisements in print.

>> No.6716282

Its cooked in a pan that caramelizes the cheese at the edge, giving it a crunchy, flavorful crust.

>> No.6716287

Downgraded version of true italian pizza
Cheese and tomato soup in a bread bowl
God tier fluffy dough with crunchy cheese crust

>> No.6716289

That looks pretty disgusting, kind of like NYC public school cafeteria pizza. I almost wrote penitentiary pizza but even that can't be as bad as public school cafeteria pizza.

>> No.6716292

Pizza fucking sucks in general. Sick and tired of this god damn meme food. It's fucking worse than bacon faggots.

>> No.6716295

Really true, you mean with tomatos that are native to the Americas?

>> No.6716297
File: 101 KB, 610x458, bacon-faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bacon faggots
Looks pretty dank to me.

>> No.6716303

>it has to do with the fact that are so many pizza places which results in competition
this happens everywhere, pizza is incredibly common

>> No.6716309

>Downgraded version of true italian pizza
The modern concept of "true italian pizza" is just stuff they started making for tourists once americans started making pizza and associating it with italian immigrants

>> No.6716312

Billy Gaybert you still here?

>> No.6716318

I know that, who doesn't but the population density in NYC means that there's likely to be a lot more in a given area, especially Manhattan. Regardless of mystique one can get some really good pizza in Manhattan and it's not hard to find. If one shows a little effort and goes to places that aren't frequented by poofters and dumb bitches with a cell phone in one hand, a starbucks coffee in the other, and shaking keys around to announce their presence one will find good pizza.

>> No.6716322

>means that there's likely to be a lot more in a given area
it also means there are proportionally more people, so thee supply/demand ratio should hold the same

>> No.6716325

Do you have to fight through the nigger crowds in Detroit to get to those all of what maybe two or three places?
That doesn't happen in NYC, we have hundreds.

>> No.6716331
File: 95 KB, 640x480, 2015-07-10-200911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this from browsing yelp after finding out the papa johns near me closed. It wasnt bad but I felt like I could make something close. Thin while papajohns is pretty thick.

>> No.6716333

It doesn't work that way directly. Look at Tokyo or Hong Kong, they don't have any world class pizza joints but have an extremely high population density.

>> No.6716336

I wouldn't feed that to a feral cat.

>> No.6716346
File: 36 KB, 600x525, Don't_know_therefore_aliens-history_channel-9148130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6716358

Papa John's is shit. Their sauce taste like sweet ketchup. Absolutely disgusting. The only thing they have over any other fast good pizza place is that their meats are better.

>> No.6716370

Sure, I am talking about america though where people eat a fucking lot of pizza so pizza places are common everywhere

>> No.6716379

Men don't play slots

>> No.6716382

I think Marcos' meats are better.

Also every Papa John's I've been to is super stingy with everything. Last time I think they wanted $2 for a couple extra of those little banana peppers. Fuck those guys.

>> No.6716394

Grilled pizza 4 lyfe.

Followed by Anthony's Coal Fired and their god-tier wings.

>> No.6716422

No shit sherlock but even here there are places where people eat a lot more pizza and there are a lot more pizza joints within a certain radius therefore by averages, the average here is better than some podunk shit town where there might be 2 or 3 places within 40 miles. The average here in NYC is a fuckton better than the best in most every other place. Something that would be considered acceptable in a lot of places around the world would go out of business here within a few weeks for sucking.

>> No.6716436

city water is shit
more news at 11

>> No.6716449

NYC water is pretty damn good, it's probably the most highly regulated and watched in the USA. I love coming back from travelling, getting off of a plane and running a shower. I can smell it, it smells like... victory... ok smells like home.

It's certainly a lot better than sulfur smelling shit water from South Florida.

>> No.6716469

yes, NYC has good water

for a fucking city. I've talked to people from New York that think their water is the best in the world, better than the literal spring water that comes out of my faucet or anyone else with a well out in the woods.
typical NYC ego blurring their vision, it's the same with everything for these people.

>> No.6716480


As a real scientist literally reading scientific journals and doing labwork daily I have to say that this is dubious at best.

It's entertainment. Also, I don't know if they'd be willing to be shown to be full of shit on national TV. Also, having New Yorkers vote on the best pizza and having it (Surprisingly?) be New York pizza is beyond biased.

>> No.6716937

Just fucking eat what you like you autistic fucks.
jess Christ get a life.

>> No.6717084

pizza dont means pie in italian you silly amerifags

>> No.6717089
File: 2.67 MB, 3216x2136, 2627757-5428875245-DSC_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what is a true italian pizza. real pizza is easy not full of shit and cheese

>> No.6717094

Really dude? You seriously can't tell this was shooped? The damn picture goes right over the stair railings for fuck sake.

>> No.6717147

We sell the same shit in Canada, it's called 99cent pizza. It's nigger tier.

>> No.6717166


>> No.6717169
File: 579 KB, 1024x768, 324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is that? That can't be pizza.

<this is pizza

>> No.6717181

This fucking board should be renamed "Pizza Arguments".

>> No.6717218

Underrated post

>> No.6717275
File: 52 KB, 225x374, NY-AX369_PIZZA_G_20110422173639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>99cent pizza

>> No.6718059
File: 20 KB, 250x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Downgraded version of true italian pizza
>implying that pizza actually originated in Italy

>> No.6719288

anally crucified jew yorker detected

>> No.6719298

what the fuck dust are you talking about, OP?

No seriously, fucking tell me because I don't fucking get what you are trying to say.

>> No.6719301

yes we can all agree

>being this contrarian

>> No.6719907

Being this gay

>> No.6720070

it's the best pizza in the world. by a mile

>> No.6720085

Pan pizza really is the king of all pizza.

>> No.6720088

never been to NYC

never want to go there. extremely afraid of big cities and towering skyscrapers

the idea of that place makes me anxious. so many people, so many steel and concrete structures. just thinking about it could trigger a panic attack.

am i missing anything special if i never visit NYC?

>> No.6720168

I like all pizza.

>> No.6720175

Yes. Chicago master race

>> No.6720187


>> No.6720190

ITT: a bunch of faggots looking at several pictures of different types of pizza and saying they're all not pizza

>> No.6720194

Are you being serious?

If so, what is it like being you?

>> No.6720206

im not the same anon but I imagine life is fine for him. ost of the planet is not inhabited by cities, especially ones as big as NYC.

>> No.6720229

yes. never lived in a town with more than 11,000 people, if that gives you any idea of my background.

NYC is hard to imagine for me. So many people and cultures intermingling at once. How could you fret over something like pizza when there's so many other things going on?

>> No.6720402

Earth is not like Coruscant, you fucking New Yorker piece of shit

There is more wilderness than urban area on the planet

>> No.6720500

It's better than any American alternative. Especially that Detroit trash.

>> No.6720513

I only lived in small towns my whole life either. I thought moving to NYC for college would be a huge adjustment but it was actually pretty easy.

>> No.6720544


Yes, he never went to New York City. You make it sound like it's something everyone has done or should do.

>> No.6720645

>New York style
You mean the pizza that is the only pizza not having some retarded special name in every part of the world except the US?

>> No.6720658

That pizza looks like it'd taste super fucking bland and that the only redeeming factor would be the sauce.

It's all fine and dandy if you can make a nice tasty sauce for a pizza, but it's not the only thing I go for.

There are better NY style pizzas, though. The ones you can buy for like a $1 a slice is meant to be cheap so it's hardly something I'd compare it to.

Most of the Chicago Style pizzas people are comparing to this roadside cart pizza comes from damn good pizzerias or restaurants, too. I don't get why they keep comparing the two.

Also who the hell has such a huge fanatic obsession over one style of pizza.

>> No.6720704

> thinking burnt cheese = flavor
> being this autistic

>> No.6720706
File: 76 KB, 350x233, 1028174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself nobody cares

>> No.6720708


Nobody cares about what? The fuck are you doing in this thread?

>> No.6720710
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>> No.6720712
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Someone takes their $1 pizza slices too seriously