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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6714691 No.6714691 [Reply] [Original]

Where did this whole washing chicken thing come from? I didn't even know this was a thing but apparently many, many people do it.

>> No.6714693

What's it matter if someone else is doing it?

>> No.6714696

i dont know

ive always rinse my meat before i start marinating them

>> No.6714709
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I guess that you can get poo poo illness if you don't, maybe. Chicken packing plants are salmonella hell holes so I mean, it makes sense, but I'm not a baby so I don't do that.

>> No.6714717

I always wash raw chicken with a dirtier vagina.

>> No.6714722 [DELETED] 

whatever gets that chicken in your fat gut sooner huh nigger?

>> No.6714735

Was that really called for?

>> No.6714736

You are putting it somewhere so hot it will kill bacteria, why on earth would you wash it first?

>> No.6714751

You just splash droplets of chicken water around your kitchen.

>> No.6714756
File: 35 KB, 478x269, gty_dane_cook_thg_130531_wblog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dane Cook spoils the broth.

>> No.6714758 [DELETED] 

confirmed nigger, hows it feel to be inferior?

>> No.6714773

> Edgy anon thinks he's in /b/

> Anon from reddit thinks he can downvote

>> No.6714779

I wash it to get that slimy shit off so I'm working with a clean piece of meat.

>> No.6714792

Paranoid germfags seriously believe that bacteria on chicken is only at the surface level and that a trickle of water is going to wash all bacteria away.

What they don't realize is that rinsing the chicken in the sink increases the risk for cross contamination (hands touching chicken-touching sink handles-hands touch juice in sink-hands go on to touch handles/surfaces-etc), and the bacteria-infested juice water from the chicken splashes all over the place.

>> No.6714794
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>> No.6714812

>rinsing the chicken in the sink increases the risk for cross contamination
>hurr there's bad things on this chicken so let's just spread it ALL OVER THIS SHIT AND AND THAT SHIT TOO

>> No.6714828

I buy some individually packaged breasts and they are sitting in their own slimy goo. I just rinse it off and transfer it 6 inches to my left on the cutting board. so hard

>> No.6714829

why is your chicken slimy anon? buy better chicken.

>> No.6714870

>Chicken packing plants are salmonella hell holes

Every chicken is washed in a chlorine bath before ever getting butchered/packaged.

t. former chicken processing employee

>> No.6714880

Wait so you don't have to rinse thawed out chicken/fish/etc if it's store bought?

>> No.6714901

This. Sometimes it's just slimy.

>> No.6714903

Stop buying chicken that's injected with water

>> No.6714924

Rinsing the chicken only contaminates your chicken with the droplets that splash everywhere. Don't rinse your chicken, cooking kills the bacteria better than rinsing it.

>> No.6714930

>adding fluoride to you chicken

>> No.6714948

lmao tbh

>> No.6714970
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Your water probably has arsenic in it as well

Whoop de doo, Basil

>> No.6714995 [DELETED] 

>the mad americuck says, as he bends over to gobble his poison up off the floor and take it up the ass from john business

>> No.6715007

>Where did this whole washing chicken thing come from?
Kosher laws, I'd guess.

>> No.6715016




>> No.6715869

I could understand if it's Purdue. I am very picky about the brands of chicken that i buy from the local supermarket. The storebrand is normally okay. But anything national has some kind of slime on it that has to be washed off before cooking. The FDA doesn't give a shit and so who knows what the hell is in it. Also the bones are weak as hell when I cut the meat off from it. Either get the store brand which will be from a local distributor or the boneless cuts.

>> No.6715946

I usually lightly rinse meats to get the packed-in liquid off them

apparently there was some study about spastics who blast them at full force and how it splashes crap everywhere but that's for spastics who don't understand that the faucet has degrees of strength

>> No.6715956

Washing food before preparing or eating it is a result of helicopter mom's who don't let their kids eat dirt and boogers. I've got pictures in my fucking baby book of me eating dead crickets off the floor (thanks mom) and I haven't gotten any debilitating illness since my hip infection 20 years ago.

I eat apples and shit without washing them. I'll take a bite out of a raw Great Value™ ribeye. I'll eat stale fries off the floor of my car when I'm hungover.

Learn to exercise your immune systems. It's like lifting.

>> No.6715962

Grocery store chicken is basically a biological weapon, I'd be reluctant to eat it even after soaking it again in cetylpyridinium chloride (it's already been done) and cooking it until it's a charred husk. No thanks to that. I only eat chicken maybe twice a month and when I do, you can be assured it's from a farm with a name, within bike distance (I don't own a murderbox).

I do this mainly for the taste but it is also superior from an ethical, ecological, and health perspective. It doesn't need to be overcooked. I suspect you would make childish faces and go "eew yucky" if you were to taste a real chicken. It's a shame, but carnism has taught you that you can afford meat. Notice how this means either your definition of "afford" or "meat" is wrong. Most likely both.

>> No.6715972

>Learn to exercise your immune systems

If I am being treated for a blood condition with a drug that weakens my immune system, should I still take your advice and eat things off the floor of my car?

>> No.6715978

>getting a hip infection

I've never gotten a debilitating illness and I don't eat garbage intentionally. You are really disgusting and you obviously are rationalizing having had terrible parents.

p.s. I'm vaccinated, you?

>> No.6715995

Probably not, dumbass. My advice only applies to people who are relatively healthy. If you think you'll get cancer and AIDS from not washing your hands after cracking an egg, you're part of the problem.

I am vaccinated. I just happened to get a deathly infection when I was a toddler. I haven't been too sick to miss school or work since then. I get the occasional cold and food poisoning, but I've never had the flu or anything like that. I wash my hands when I leave the bathroom and before I eat. Doesn't mean I can't be a gross (read: normal) human being and not die from the first fucking virus that floats my way. Humans have dealt with this shit for thousands of years.

All I'm saying is that you have to expose yourself to bacteria regularly to be healthy. If you don't, you'll die from the first rhinovirus that floats your way.

>> No.6716001

>all this rationalization and hyperbole
Sorry about your parents :(

>> No.6716008

Oh shit, I was baking brownies while reading your post and forgot to wash my hands after cracking the eggs. Better throw everything out and take an acid bath to make my body sterile!

Neuroticism. How terrible.

>> No.6716015

You do that. Make sure you suck off a homeless bum while you're at it. Otherwise you might die of the sniffles.

>> No.6716019

Don't worry, I already contracted HIV from conversing with you.

>> No.6716086

I shoot myself with smaller bullets to build up an immunity to bigger ones

>> No.6716087

>tips fedora

>> No.6716098

>not activating your chicken under running water

>> No.6716107

>only buy foster farms chicken
>been eating it for years
>don't wash chicken
>cook my meat properly because not a fucktard
>never had food poisoning from my own chow

>> No.6716690

It's easier to handle and cut up if it's not slimey and no matter the storage or the price of the product it comes out of the package a bit slimey. Washing it off makes the chicken easier to handle. Handle that chicken like a boss!

>> No.6716714

There's a big difference between giving any packaged meat a quick rinse and giving it a total wash with tongs like some paranoid faggit. I give meats a rinse, I use my hands and it takes all of 15-20 seconds... bangin' done, it really does make it easier to cut when that's necessary.

>> No.6717445

if you're rinsing it off to get rid of sticky slimy shit fine

but if you think it's making it safer to eat, you are retarded

that's the bottom line