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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6714012 No.6714012 [Reply] [Original]

I want to go from Chubbyfat to Ottermode, but I don't know a lot about food or cooking.

I don't have any super restrictive budget requirements. What kind of foods should I eat y'all?

Help a cooking noob out!

>> No.6714013

go to /fit/ retard

>> No.6714016

Already went /fit/. I came to /ck/ for some creative answers bro.

Figured you lot might be able to help out.

>> No.6714020

Eat fewer calories, burn more fat.

>> No.6714021

Okay, yes, but what can I substitute things for that have less calories? Are there any specific tips and tricks you have?

>> No.6714036

The body shape you want is pretty natural. You could do it from diet alone. Cut out empty carbs, like potato, rice, pasta and bread. Eat cereals for breakfast with skim milk, make tasty salads for lunch, tuna and chicken are good for the protein and flavour content of these. Try and minimise red meat for dinner. Stick with fish, lean pork and chicken 5-6 nights a week. Steamed and seasoned vegetables as sides. But don't be a drone. Make sure you have a nice fatty red meat meal once a week so you don't go crazy. You'll probably lose 2 pounds a week just from that diet alone. Moderate exercise will take that up to 3. Even a brisk 45 minute walk will do wonders. Be disciplined! Good luck bro.

>> No.6714038

Thanks man!! That's all really helpful!!

>> No.6714039

Most of your meals should be a protein combined with a low calorie vegetable (broccoli, asparagus, spinach, kale)

>> No.6714040

Are there high calorie vegetables? Genuinely curious

>> No.6714046

Yams, green peas are actually pretty high

>> No.6714053

>Cut out empty carbs, like potato, rice, pasta and bread
> Eat cereals for breakfast with skim milk

oh wow
op just eat oats, veggies n lean meat and ur good2go

>> No.6714054

Not really. Corn and potato are probably the worst due to high starch contents. Calories in veg come from how you cook them. If you saute mushrooms in butter, your calories will skyrocket. Try and eat 2 pieces of fruit a day as well. The natural sugars are well and truly offset by the great nutrients you will get as well as improving your metabolism.

>> No.6714058

Thank you!

>> No.6714061

1. no more than 1200 calories/day. Cut greasy foods and sugary drinks.
2. Light exercise like running or crunches
3. at least a year of your life

It's simple, you just have to stay consistent.

>> No.6714064

Will heavier exercise/less calories per day decrease the amount of time it takes?

>> No.6714068

Of course it will, but try and strike a balance between losing weight and enjoying life. 1700 cal/day and light exercise and you will be where you want in 6 months.

>> No.6714073

1700cal is more than 1200 cal a day. Do you mean less, or are you contradicting what the other person said?

>> No.6714084

/fit/ here, calculate ur TDEE then take 500 calories away

>> No.6714086

I'm not contradicting, but you need to strike a balance. Of course less calories will mean you lose weight faster, but you still need to live and enjoy life. Cooking and eating is a great joy of life, at least I think so. You can eat well from 1700 a day, 1200 starts to get tough. It depends on priorities. If you are desperate to lose weight as fast as possible, go to 1200 and do some hard excercise for an hour or two a day. You'll shed weight very quickly. I prefer the slow and steady approach, so I can still enjoy myself to a certain degree. Also, alcohol is brutal on calories, keep that in mind if you enjoy a drink.

>> No.6714091

I'm Australian, so naturally I love a drink. Especially bourbon, which I suspect to be the most calorie dense.

I think I'll go for 1700 and heavy exercise perhaps 3 times a week. That sounds like I can still enjoy life and lose weight quickly.

I prefer things to happen quicker with a little bit of extra effort, than to take a long time.

What is a TDEE?

>> No.6714103

I'm an Aussie too, where are you? Cairns here. I like a drink too, had a shit job where I worked late and ate shit. Got about 10kg overweight, was disgusted with myself and lost it in about 3 months still hitting it on the weekend. Discipline is the key mate. If you're good all week and then smash the piss on the weekend, you'll undo all the hard work.

>> No.6714107

Corn is not a vegetable when you're trying to lose weight (or in general). It is a whole grain. Treat it as such when planning meals.

Potatoes are not a vegetable when you're trying to lose weight. It is a starch (group it with carbs).

Green peas are fairly starchy, too, but I keep them in the vegetable family culinarily (try to eat them in the pod), along with radishes, carrots, turnips, and other higher calorie veggies. These aren't bad for you (good choices), but you're not going to want to binge on them thinking they're low, low calorie.

Dark green veggies (or brightly colored leaves) and cruciferous vegetables in general are THE BEST vegetables. Very low calorie per volume, lots of great nutrients, excellent fillers.

I try to base my meals on a lean protein and a cruciferous vegetable and then work out from there. Pork chop and spinach. Chicken thighs and cabbage, etc.

>> No.6714112

Yeah I'm down in Wollongong mate, in NSW. Studying at uni at the moment so there's a fair bit of piss involved. But I don't think I'll be drinking for while after the last episode, hahaha.

>> No.6714121

I lived in Sydney for 3 years, loved a nice Sunday drive down the Gong with the dogs on the beach. Stick to 1700/week and do intensive 45 minutes excercise a day and you'll be fine. And remember that fucking counts as exercise too...

>> No.6714176

Yeah man I love it here. It's great.
cheers bro, I'll certainly keep that in mind hahahaha.

>> No.6714194


>> No.6714206

> chicken thighs
> lean protein

>> No.6714222

Fewer calories takes you to skinny, not ottermode.

More weightlifting is good though.

>> No.6714239

why would you want ottermode when there's athletic?

>> No.6714349


>> No.6714385

1. read the sticky
2. ss+gomad

>> No.6714414

I want to go from builtfat to bearmode... so I gotta start lifting.

1700 is a good start if you're going to be exercising as well. Take a cheat day once per week, but try to keep that below 2500, and start that day with coffee, and a spicy breakfast.

To cut calories - skim milk, cut sugar, cut oils and fats (bake and steam when possible), eat fruit instead of sweets, cut starches (except for cheat day).

Enjoy your steamed/raw veggies and baked chicken... with the right spice rack happening, you can actually cram quite a variety of flavours into a few ingredients.

>> No.6714453
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OP avoid fast food and processed food. no sugar or carbs. lots of dark green vegetables and lean meats. id cut out dairy too it's all literally just fat.

>> No.6715517

I want to die.

>> No.6715524

viper urself my man

>> No.6715525

>stop buying food
>buy DNP and Ephedrine
>report back

if you survive

>> No.6715598

I hope you aren't implying fat makes you fat.

>> No.6715754

eat nothing that comes frozen unless it's whole meat or whole veg

ottermode is a shit goal imo tbh, not aesthetic at all unless you're a /fa/ggot

get into lifting

there are pretty much two trains of thought, you can go balanced carb/protein/fat or you can do mostly protein and fat and low/no carb

personally i go low carb, a breakfast for me would go like this

>32 oz coffee, just enough milk/creamer to change color
>Hard boiled egg and plate of veg and a tbsp of dip of your choosing
>Plate of veg with some kind of meat and tbsp of dip of your choosing

>Salad with some kind of fat/protein, cottage cheese, meat, eggs, etc. your call.
>If you want carb, have a slice of toast or a handfull of pretzels or something.

>Grilled meat with plate of veg or salad

If you want a snack at some point during the day, here are some ideas
>Yogurt with fruit and granola
>Crackers with tuna salad
>Celery sticks and some kind of dip/sauce
>Protein bar (you need to lift faggot)

Also drink plenty of fluids. Don't overhydrate but you should have around a 16oz glass of water or unsweetened tea with every meal.

Avoid soda and juice like the plague.


>> No.6716579

Alright man, I'll do all of that. I've screenshotted that as well. Cheers man!

>> No.6716586

How do I achieve bearmode? I am currently chubbyfat.

>> No.6716647

im not but dairy is also high in calories.

>> No.6716654

I think ottermode is perfectly acceptable as a goal. It's a fit body type, and it's feasible to maintain for most of your life without requiring obsessive training.

Don't go bearmode. It looks gross and girls hate it. Just try and get swole and let yourself get a little fatter as you age. If you're bearmode in your 20s you're guaranteed to look like shit in your 40s. Keep it lean.

>> No.6716707
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Are you gay op? I think otters are super sexy ; )

>> No.6716767

Not gay, just not sure I want to commit myself to hyper intense training to maintain athletic aesthetics.

>> No.6716775

Google UD 2.0. Pretty solid shit.

>1,200-1,000 calories
>lifting heavy
>low carbs except on friday and saturday

But honestly, just calculate your maintenance calories and go under that number and you will always lose weight. You don't NEED to do cardio.

tl;dr tl;dr
-Eat under maintenance
-Lift weights (8-12 reps per set)

>> No.6716872

Eat ur roommate's dick :3

>> No.6716892

You should turn into a twink that looks like the one in your pic and let me fuck you.

>> No.6717096

Float yourself