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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 229 KB, 1160x864, sorbet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6711773 No.6711773 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you eat high-end food /ck/? I'm talking about Michelin starred restaurants and the rung just below.

I'd say about once a week here for me, which as an 18 year old kid isn't bad.

>pic related

It was from the Robuchon Hong Kong thread I made a while back. I've been back since, but their standards service-wise seem to be slipping.

>> No.6711776

Inb4 300 shitposts

>> No.6711777

what the christ is that

>> No.6711784

i h8 those fukn retastruants like u sit around for fukn ages yknow??

>> No.6711787

It looks like it's either an egg or a steel ball.

>> No.6711789

Every day for lunch. I'm 21, so it's not bad.

>> No.6711791

It was my friend's Pineapple sorbet encased in a sugar pearl with some 'exotic' coulis, mint milk mousse and Malibu jelly (whatever that is).

>> No.6711793

The perle au mustard.

>> No.6711794

once or twice a year.

i remember your thread, you were a bellend.

>> No.6711797
File: 251 KB, 1122x872, crab salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating good food and drinking good wine with friends before heading out for table service at a club makes for a nice evening.

What could be better?

The amount of care taken into each plate is also extraordinary. There isn't a squirt of sauce out of place or a stray parsley.

>> No.6711819

I'd rather stay in and make myself a good dinner for cheap and have leftovers. And then have some mates over and drink and hang, for much less.

Sorry, I'm not a rich man.

>> No.6711821

Of the two, this honestly sounds like a better night.

And I'm not poor by any stretch.

This >>6711797 just doesn't seem relaxing at all, and for people who actually work for a living it can be a little much.

>> No.6711825

This looks literally like cobbled together leftovers spread on a too large plate and sprinkled with sauce and seasoning.

Actually, that describes most "fancy" food.

>> No.6711826


>i have never tried fine dining but i have an opinion on it on principle

>> No.6711828

I guess so. It's just that Hong Kong's a very vibrant city with something always going on and of course, amazing food. Coupled with the fact that I've got a fair few friends, it seems a waste to not go out from time to time.

>> No.6711829


how does it look like leftovers at all

and how is the plate too large, it's very appropriately sized in that image

god damn stop trying so hard

>> No.6711831
File: 279 KB, 1172x870, half eaten lobster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rusticness is part of the charm. Traditional french fine dining where everything is structured and looks pretty is old hat. It's now 'dirty pretty' if you get what I mean.

This was my lobster starter.

>> No.6711833

I don't know where OP lives or anything, but I ate way more expensive food where the platter actually looked full and appetizing. The prize of the food doesn't always equal the quality.
This for example is just sad. You could even cook a better meal at home. A person who has eaten out at several places and decent cooking skills knows that this plate is laughable.

>> No.6711837


> I ate way more expensive food
>The prize of the food doesn't always equal the quality.

then why mention how you ate at more expensive places

god dammit why can't we talk about fine dining on this board without complete and utter faggots on either side of the debate pretending they know everything there is to know on the subject

> A person who has eaten out at several places and decent cooking skills knows that this plate is laughable.

no, they don't.

>> No.6711839


Never and I probably never will because it's ridiculously overrated and overpriced. I am 100% certain that everything I cook tastes just as good if not better than the things the cooks at those places can come up with.

>> No.6711843

Really. I've seen four-star dishes which are just chopped fruit (and I mean really simple, common shit like green grapes and apples) thrown on a plate, and then drizzled with some kind of sauce.

For five hundred dollars.

>> No.6711845

Robuchon, being a 3* Michelin restaurant and all, was pretty expensive. Luckily my parents pay for my dinners otherwise I'd be skint after one night lol.

>> No.6711849

Is this before or after consumption? This looks like the plate has been finished by the customer and this is what's remaining.

Torn tortillas and haphazardly placed lettuce and all.

>> No.6711850
File: 246 KB, 1164x868, cod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am 100% certain that everything I cook tastes just as good if not better than the things the cooks at those places can come up with.

You're utterly deluded. Any chef will know just how much the top chefs slave away at their art. Every dish in a Michelin starred restaurant is a masterpiece to the average Joe.

>> No.6711860

I see fine dining threads on /ck/ and it makes me really want to try it sometime... but then I see this >>6711797

>> No.6711862



You mean "Here's a tiny portion of regular food with a dollop of sauce on a gigantic fancy plate, that'll be 149.99 plus 50 dollars fixed tip plus tip"?

>> No.6711863


you see that and what? decide that every fine dining place is the same? every dish at every fine dining place is the same?

this is why you people are retarded. you have this prior bias based on money, let's be honest here, and so every single example of something that doesn't immediately appeal to you becomes evidence that fine dining is universally bunk. you sound like bitter faggots and the dumbest thing is almost anyone can afford to do this once or twice a year.

>> No.6711865

Ive only been to the french laundry and 11 madison park but i only got to eat there cause my chef set me up with a 2 week stage working and learning was fun but some of the dishes are kinda unapproachable to me after working in the kitchen it looks more like a work of art than food but still very good anyways

>> No.6711869

Is Olive Garden considered a high-end restaurant? If so I eat high-end food a few times a week, which as a 12 year old kid isn't bad.

>> No.6711874

>then why mention how you ate at more expensive places

god dammit why can't we talk about fine dining on this board without complete and utter faggots on either side of the debate pretending they know everything there is to know on the subject

I'm laughing at your sad attempt to make this pile of crap an excuse for fine-dining

>no, they don't.
I'm laughing even more

btw >>6711831 this lobster is just as sad. Just accept the fact that any person who's actually rich or a chef would make fun of you for trying to show this off as fine-dining. probably american.

>> No.6711877
File: 20 KB, 609x480, bunga bunga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm smelling some peanut butter and jealous.

And no, not American, not even close.

>> No.6711878

No, I see that and think with my luck that's the shitty place I'd end up with a huge bill at.

I'd totally go to that place the British namefag always blogposts about.

>> No.6711882

>chef would make fun of you for trying to show this off as fine-dining

Any real chef would give the dish a fair chance and actually taste it before laughing it off as shit.

>> No.6711886

>Tell the truth
>must be jealous
the oldest attempt, and still you eat shit

>> No.6711889
File: 49 KB, 464x444, 1462869_439323656173318_33155659_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6711910

I'm pretty sure that's OPs pic of what he got in a 3 Michelin star restaurant in Hong Kong.

You are so wrong it's like a grand spectacle of wrongness. Especially considering your childish tirade prefacing your ignorance.

>> No.6711915

rich parents for everyone!

>> No.6711930


you just have to find some place that sells you food that speaks for itself and isn't served in an overly pretentious atmosphere..

fine dining is weird. i really, really like cooking and eating high end/expensive food but at the same time i don't want to dine someplace where the server needs to explain to me why a dish is good. food should ride on its own merit; it shouldn't need some asshole to talk it up and explain how to eat it in order to appreciate it.

that being said: i do think that eating a 6+ course tasting menu that is paired with wine is one of my favorite things in life. it's not everybody's cup of tea, but i think it's just the bee's knees.

>> No.6711946


OP, this plate is shit.. was this really served at a michelin star restaurant?

if so, that just proves that the michelin rating system is all politics and dick sucking.

>> No.6711954


But look at it! There's tiny dots of sauces, there's half a handful of salad with some bread (?) and sprinkles of various exotic spices like pepper and red pepper. 5 stars.

>> No.6711960


it's ironic that you're trying to shit on the dish for its appearance while simultaneously making fun of people who are too impressed by appearances.

> exotic spices like pepper and red pepper

oh is pepper not exotic enough for you? or are you pathetically mischaracterising the kind of people who eat at fine dining restaurants?

>> No.6711961

The problem with "high-end" food is that 90% of people, like yourself, will eat it to brag about it and feel fancy. Not to really appreciate the food.

>> No.6711962


I have no clue what you're talking about because I'm getting kinda drunk. BUT here's the thing: fuck high-class restaurants and the pretentious fucks thinking that their food is better than those of US REGULAR JOE just because it's more expensive and comes in way smaller portions

>> No.6711963


in other words, you're not actually talking about the food at all, just class. thanks for making that clear.

>> No.6711964
File: 53 KB, 512x682, unnamed (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it legitimately looks like something you would get at applebees.. it's an abomination.

this pic is from last night, and it might be the most delicious thing i have ever put in my mouth. it's not from a michelin star restaurant, it's not from a chef who makes food that insists upon itself, and it's simply top notch ingredients put together in a thoughtful way.

literally a plate of tomatoes. that's all.. and it was one of the best dishes i've ever tasted; the flavor profile was beyond anything i ever thought was possible.

>> No.6711982


if that got posted by OP everyone would be like

>literally just tomatoes
>flowers on the plate
>no fucking sauce

>> No.6711993


>not seeing the green coriander aioli

i feel like you are OP and i am fairly certain you're a total pleb. the plates you posted look like trash, dude. "rustic" is just code for sloppy.

i'm seriously in complete awe that those plates you posted came from michelin star restaurants. i'd be fucking pissed if that's what i got for sitting at a place like that.

>> No.6711996

It's really just to feel superior.
That's all it is.

>> No.6712002


not OP, but i would compare it to being into jazz music. yeah, a lot of people front like they are into that style of music because it's "cool" and "sophisticated", but then there are people who actually appreciate that musical style for what it is.

same with fine dining.. it's such a fine line between pretense and genius.

>> No.6712004


no i'm not OP. i get mad as fuck at how everyone in every fine dining thread thinks they know food the best, their opinions are the be all end all and that everyone in the industry is a charlatan apart from the staff at the handful of restaurants they've been to and enjoyed or that they've seen on tv. everyone who does like it is pretentious or everyone who doesn't is poor. you're all fucking pathetic cunts who don't care about food and you shouldn't be on this board.

>> No.6712009

Sure, but Jazz music doesn't cost 300% more than other styles.

>> No.6712010

twice a month, if im in the city

im 20, so not too bad i guess

and unlike opie, im not lying

>> No.6712012

for some people. but for me personally as a poorfag, i would like to try it out at least once for the experience.

>> No.6712013



not all of it, no

>> No.6712017

I recognise this style, this guy has posted here before.
He was a retard then too.

>> No.6712018

Your posts are of an extremely high quality and I think that you should consider adopting a tripcode so that we can better appreciate your posts.

>> No.6712021

oh yeah, also


literally just a way for me to impress people/have a nice experience/waste money, and i dont pretend its anything else

>> No.6712022


i just like to taste things i haven't tasted before, anon.. chill the fuck out.

the joint the dish i posted is from is in wine country in washington state.. as a faggot who grew up in cleveland, being able to eat food made from ingredients of that quality was absolutely mindblowing.

i like fine dining because a good chef can create a dish that is the equivalent of a really great piece of music except for your tongue/nose.. it's just something i enjoy.

>> No.6712027

Welcome to 4chan
it doesn't matter though. Most of the people talking trash are either outright amateurs or disingenuous people.
Don't sweat it, it is like going on /o/ and talking about Ferrari and everyone will tell you how Ferrari is shit like they know anything about it.
God forbid a chef or a restaurant attempt to experiment with their style!
Seriously the chef's at these places spend all of their waking hours thinking about how to make better food, it is their entire life. Nothing some halfwit in 4chan can say will take that away from them.

>> No.6712033


>literally just a way for me to impress people/have a nice experience/waste money, and i dont pretend its anything else

can you please explain how this is different from visual art? or music? or literature?

>> No.6712035

>literally just a way for me to impress people/have a nice experience

sounds like art to me.

>> No.6712037


whenever someone says something categorically *isn't* art they never have a good reason for it, just that it doesn't have as much nebulous sophistication or significance as a painting of goat men leering amorously at bathing wives.

>> No.6712049

3 points for me

1) dozens of arbitrary rules that cannot be broken (can't have dessert before main course, light before heavy, certain ingredients dont go together)
2) it cant be a vehicle for expression. have you ever eraten a dish and though: oh man, the guy who prepared this must be super-sad/elated/angry/indignant/whatever?
3) its a craft, where you get points for competent or flawless execution, not creativity in itself

>> No.6712053

Why would you assume I have never tried it, or that I have a negative opinion of it? Neither of those two things are true.

I'd just rather eat at home on a given night. If I'm on vacation then I'd go eat somewhere nice and maybe go clubbing, but even then I don't really like clubs.

>> No.6712062


> dozens of arbitrary rules that cannot be broken


>it cant be a vehicle for expression. have you ever eraten a dish and though: oh man, the guy who prepared this must be super-sad/elated/angry/indignant/whatever?

how does that mean it can't be? we just don't choose it as a medium for that form of expression.

>its a craft, where you get points for competent or flawless execution, not creativity in itself

*ahem* el bulli

actually el bulli is a counter example to p much all these points

>> No.6712066
File: 328 KB, 1000x800, 1367923233652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having a fine dinner every day

lol plebs

>> No.6712072


you'd rather eat at home on any given night? *any* given night? why? surely there are some nights where you think 'i would rather not eat at home'. there has to be at least one.

>> No.6712085

then prepare me a dish in which you express your admiration of the energy of modern post-industrial society

and make it taste good (an arbitrary restriction to art if i ever saw one)

>el bulli

its closed friend. never opening again. using it as an example is like using michelangelo as an example for why sculpture is art: opens up all kinds of room for counter-arguments regarding the modern state of the field in question

>> No.6712090


I'm talking about class and the food. At some point, food just won't taste any better but no, those fancy rest-rons will charge more and more because, I don't know, they use gluten-free meat or something and the ambiance and IT'S JUST SO VERY HIGH-CLASS everybody has a monocle

>> No.6712094


1.) how is that different from any other art form? do you know anything about musical or artistic composition? some things just don't work, but if you're creative enough you can make them work.

2.) so by your definition, art has to invoke emotion in someone.. you've never had a dish that gives you a flashback to another time in your life/with another person/being in another place? smell is the sense most closely tied to memory.. plus you need to eat to live so it's a visceral satisfaction

3.) your third point is straight up retarded. how does composing a dish not directly involve creativity? how does playing a piece of music not involve competence and execution?

nah m8 it's an art form

>> No.6712096

This guy gets it

>> No.6712099


He said "a", not "any". Of course there's probably some exception where he'd prefer to eat out. What he's saying is that in general he'd rather eat at home.

>> No.6712105


right, but it's perfectly ok to spend thousands of dollars on weeaboo figurines and animes..

>stop liking things i don't like!

>> No.6712106

>then prepare me a dish in which you express your admiration of the energy of modern post-industrial society

Pick just about anything out of Modernist Cuisine.

>el bulli
OK, so it's closed. But there are still many many other restaurants and chefs doing things like that.

>> No.6712112


Well, those figurines can be resold or collected and appreciated every day, food is just gone. That being said, HELL NO it's not perfectly okay to spend thousands of dollars on Anime figurines, they are priced like Apple products

>> No.6712113

Can you read you fucking retard? I said a given night, not any.

>> No.6712120


those figurines also can't be eaten.. this is a huge sell point for me when it comes to buying something to enjoy.

>> No.6712121

1) i said "arbitrary," why does the western dining establishment still follow escoffier? because its objectively better or because its just how it is and everybody follows it? sounds arbitrary to me

2) imposing your own interpretation of a past experience =/= having a meaning of its own. i could take say some kid's crayon drawing and have it take me back to my "innocent days as a kid," doesnt make it art

3) my point was that creativity was a component, but by far the most important part of the good culinary experience is the competence in preparation. would you prefer the most revolutionary dish in the world if it was prepared by some shitty cook or some boring thousands of years old mediterranean dish by daniel boulud?

sorry, but i stand by my opinion that cooking isnt art. im not dismissing it, its an admirable craft and i totally get why people would dedicate their lives to its pursuit, but its not art

sorry man, but i dont feel at all that modernist cuisine communicates any of that in any clear, definable form. theres no message, just excellence in execution (i.e.: a craft)

>> No.6712123

im a poorplebian

never been above 2 star

im ok with it

>> No.6712131


the meaning is that it tastes good.. you experience art with your senses, so why would creating a wild flavor profile not be on the same level as painting something beautiful?

art is just a sensory experience m8.

>be artist
>paint a circle on a canvas
>people stare at it and come up with their own interpretations of the meaning of the piece based on their life experiences etc

same shit

>> No.6712144

>those figurines also can't be eaten

That's debatable. They are however not very nutritious. Just like Michelin-star restaurant food OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.6712152


now you listen here u lil shit

>> No.6712153

>why does the western dining establishment still follow escoffier?

They don't. Not all places, anyway. Sure threre are old-school places in France that serve that old stuff. But then you have places like Tickets which completely break the mold.

>>all that modernist cuisine communicates any of that in any clear, definable form. theres no message

Then you must not be looking very hard at it. Take, for example, their "Astronaut Ramen". I think that's excellent commentary on an "instant-and-throwaway society". Now you may not agree, but is it not the same in the art world? For example, I personally dislike Picasso's work. I don't see any skill or meaning in it. Does that mean that he didn't produce art just because I personally don't "get" it?

>> No.6712155

>be artist
>paint a circle on a canvas
>people stare at it and ask "why did he draw that and put it out in a gallery?"

theres still some sort of message people try to decodify

does anybody ask "why did ferran adria make that dish for me?"

if they do, the answer generally is "because i paid him for it"

also, does anybody ask "why did alex atala use pupunha in that dish, instead of regular palm hearts?" again, the answer is usually very easy to gleam: "because it tastes good", "because its a brazilian ingredient and hes a brazilian chef"

>> No.6712157


>then prepare me a dish in which you express your admiration of the energy of modern post-industrial society

i probably can't, but i can prepare a dish in which i express my love of my mother, or the experience of the first snow in winter or something. it's an expressive medium, that doesn't mean it's fucking turing complete.

>an arbitrary restriction to art if i ever saw one

surprisingly flexible

how does el bulli being closed say anything about the state of the industry? the absence of any currently operating creative kitchens/food labs might but that's not the case.


>why does the western dining establishment still follow escoffier?

it doesn't

> i could take say some kid's crayon drawing and have it take me back to my "innocent days as a kid," doesnt make it art

yes it does, let's not get into these restrictive arguments about what art is, that kid made a piece of art.

>my point was that creativity was a component, but by far the most important part of the good culinary experience is the competence in preparation

so basically a big wet fart of meaninglessness. you can make art with food because there is a component of creativity. that's it.

>> No.6712164


so.. art needs to mean something to be art?

what if i write a song because it sounds cool? how is that any different than making a dish because it tastes good? both things are inherently pointless yet both are enjoyable.

>> No.6712173

but food, unlike painting can be easily dismissed. complex interpretations generally rest on a sort of suspension of disbelief (for the lack of a better term) that the artist just did whatever they did for some stupid reason

food rarely gets that card. if you try to sell your complex interpretation of a certain dish to someone, its easy (and generally what will happen) for them to say "dude, its just food"

no one will say "dude, its just splatters on a canvas" or "dude, it's just crushed bugs, lapiz-lazuli and egg on a wall"

>> No.6712177

>no one will say "dude, its just splatters on a canvas" or "dude, it's just crushed bugs, lapiz-lazuli and egg on a wall"

Nobody will say that about classical art. But modern art, man. FUCK THAT BULLSHIT. Goddamn I hate modern art and performance art and everything similar to it. Goddamn. Fuck.

>> No.6712188

>yes it does, let's not get into these restrictive arguments about what art is, that kid made a piece of art.

then your definition of art is different than mine (and clearly a lot broader)

literally no point in arguing with you

but your song can be interpreted if its any good (even if only by accident)

the realm of interpretation for cuisine is very, very small, mostly because of the fact taht it has one very restrictive component in that it has to taste good

>> No.6712190


paintings are literally just different colored paints slathered onto a piece of canvas.. what's your point?

it's just colored dyes on paper, dude! that doesn't make it art.

>> No.6712192



Is OP a pretentious twat? Maybe. But so are the people summarily dismissing fine dining because they can't afford it/have poor taste. No, the price of food doesn't always dictate quality, but to say that what comes out of a Michelin starred kitchen is no better than diner food is ridiculous.

>> No.6712193

>>but food, unlike painting can be easily dismissed

Like any art that depends on the person. Some people love, say, cubism. Other people think it's silly crap and dismiss the whole lot of it. Same thing with food.

>no one will say "dude, its just splatters on a canvas"

Are you kidding me? People say that all the time about abstract and modern art. And even with the classics you get things like: "Yeah, Van Eyck can paint OK I guess but isn't that just a bunch of religious figures over and over again? meh"

>> No.6712199


music has one restrictive component as well: it must sound good

art has one restrictive component: it must look good

cmon son..

>> No.6712202


music has to sound good. art has to look good.

what are you on about mate

>> No.6712203


Stand in front of a Jackson Pollock for an hour and you will hear exactly that.

>> No.6712206


people will say spurious shit about classical art all the time dude. like, sure they were all actually painting something, but do you really think all of it was worth a shit? that all of it conveyed a meaning or depicted a scene in a creative, truthful way? fuck no dude.

>> No.6712211
File: 677 KB, 1024x768, hieronymus-bosch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it must sound good

tell that to /mu/ or any other avantgarde artist from 1990 to today

>it must good

maybe it doesnt?

does this look good to you?

same for you

jackson pollock is controversial enough by himself without needing any further discussion

>> No.6712213


yes it does look good. are you kidding me?

>> No.6712217


>implying musical taste isn't just as subjective as actual taste

duuuuuuuuude. CMON. the parallels between these things are undeniable; making food is art for your mouth.

>> No.6712218

let me rephrase that

"it has to taste pleasant to the palate"

does the image above look "pleasant" to you? does it look like some place youd like to see? does it look like something youd have hung up over your bed as youre drifiting off to sleep?

>art for your mouth

dont even go there

>> No.6712224


tell me how creating a pleasant flavor profile is any different from creating a pleasant musical melody and i will stop posting right now.

plating is objectively art, because it's arranging shapes and colors in a way that looks good. this is the definition of art.

>> No.6712228


you're equivocating. i am personally impressed and enjoying myself when i look at bosch. if i wasn't enjoying myself i would dislike it as a piece of art. and i have no qualms making that known because i'm not a /mu/ faggot that doesn't understand that you HAVE TO LIKE SOMETHING TO LIKE IT.

>> No.6712231

but art doesnt have to look good, for the last fifty years or so it has been unburdened by that restriction which might allow it to move to further heights

plating is still restricted by dozens of different rules, same as graphical design which itself is a very questionable form of art

also, art music =/= always having pleasant melodies


>> No.6712232


Foods can work the same way as art that is shocking or meaningful. Many foods are unpleasantly bitter, spicy, sour, etc. But that doesn't mean we can't use or appreciate those ingredients.

>> No.6712239

never seen a restaurant that deliberately serves unpleasant food survive more than a couple months

>> No.6712242


hot sauce isn't pleasant but i still like it because it's good.

what now, faggot? and plating is governed by rules in the same way that music is governed by rules.

how far are you going to move these goalposts?

>art music =/= pleasant music

what the fuck is the distinction between art music and pleasant music? it's all music, therefore it's all art. i would love to punch you right in the dick for being such a stubborn asshole

>> No.6712257

>but art doesnt have to look good

Not in a general sense, but it has to be appealing to some subset of people otherwise what's the point? Not everyone likes every kind of art, just as not every likes every type of cuisine.

>>plating is still restricted by dozens of different rules

That's just as silly as saying that all art must be done in the style of the Dutch Masters, etc. There are plenty of restaurants breaking all the rules of plating just as there are countless artists who left behind the ideas of realism. Not every restaurant follows the classic Escoffier presentation.

Here's a video of the dessert course at Alinea. The chef literally paints it directly onto the dining table. That has nothing whatsoever to do with the classic western dessert course & matching place-setting

I can't recall its name but there was a restaurant in Asia featured on one of Anthony Bourdain's programs where the food was served on stainless steel surgical tables while the diners sat in wheelchairs.

..and there are all sorts of other ideas. There's a restaurant in which all the meals are served and eaten in complete darkness so that there are no distractions from the flavors & smells, and so on. Chefs are constantly breaking "the rules" for how a meal should be served or eaten the same way that artists don't always stick to the old conventions.

>> No.6712261

>moving the goalposts

from the begining i said that cooking isnt art because a) arbitrary restrictions (has to taste good, has to look good, has to be served in a certain order, and so on), b) can't be a vehicle for expression (as in, it cant be interpreted in meaningful ways), and c) its a craft because execution matters more than creativity (like say masonry, where you can choose the color and shape of your bricks, but you still have to build a wall that stands)

i have been arguing exactly that for all my posts

music isnt governed by many rules anymore, its freeing itself from constraints of even musicality and as such is art since it allows shit like this (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noise_music)) under its umbrella

you know what? its fucking useless arguing with you, youre not even mature enough to make a counter-argument without the edgy "love to punch you in the dick" routine like some sort of caveman. fuck off

>> No.6712262



the enjoyment of food doesn't correspond to the 'pleasantness' of an image. i like looking at the bosch painting you posted. not because it is a pleasant image but because it is intriguing, picturesque, interesting. 'pleasantness' implies some kind of moral or experiential aspect to what is actually *depicted* in the image, not the artifice of the image itself.

there are many challenging aspects to food. there are foods which are unpalatable without being combined, in fact almost all seasonings have this quality. almost everything can be considered an acquired taste and there are things which taste bracing or initially offensive to everyone. yet we enjoy eating hot food, fermented foods, drinking whisky, etc. there is an art to the dynamics of contrast, reinforcement, tempering and so on that make food palatable. and yes, ultimately a dish has to taste 'good' for anyone to be interested in it but the pursuit of that goal is the artistic aspect of cuisine. it's an easily satisfied criterion that becomes drastically harder to satisfy the more creative you are.

>> No.6712264


>its freeing itself from constraints of even musicality

no it isn't. this is meaningless. musicality is vital to all forms of music.

>> No.6712269

You sound like a leftist, just from how you use English. Are you? Or maybe female?

Not that guy, just curious how accurate my guess is.

>> No.6712285

>I can't recall its name but there was a restaurant in Asia featured on one of Anthony Bourdain's programs where the food was served on stainless steel surgical tables while the diners sat in wheelchairs.

performance art + cuisine

>That's just as silly as saying that all art must be done in the style of the Dutch Masters, etc. There are plenty of restaurants breaking all the rules of plating just as there are countless artists who left behind the ideas of realism. Not every restaurant follows the classic Escoffier presentation.

painting + cuisine

>There's a restaurant in which all the meals are served and eaten in complete darkness so that there are no distractions from the flavors & smells

this maybe

the third one i might reconsider

> there are foods which are unpalatable without being combined

yeah, and they usually are combined so as to not be unpalatable. if theyre not, the chef will be dismissed for being a bad chef

>there is an art to the dynamics of contrast, reinforcement, tempering and so on that make food palatable

demonstrate to me how those dynamics of contrast are any different than say a paintmaker trying to conjure up different colors (a craft)

>ultimately a dish has to taste 'good' for anyone to be interested in it

and my argument is that this is exactly what invalidates cuisine as art: the ultimate restriction

>> No.6712288

>(has to taste good, has to look good, has to be served in a certain order, and so on

But none of that is true, anon. I'm not sure why you keep coming back to it. Asserting that all food has to follow 19th century French etiquette is as silly as saying that all painting has to emulate Leonardo Da Vinci.

>> No.6712298


you're implying that "tasting good" is an objective standard and this same standard can be applied to any art form.

why would somebody listen to a piece of music that sounded bad to them or look at a piece of art they didn't like? food, like all other forms of art, is subjective.

>> No.6712311

>has to taste good

doesnt that hold? i argue that it does , and this alone would invalidate cuisine as art

>has to look good

generally holds in haute cuisine settings

>has to be served in a certain order

again, generally holds in haute cuisine settings. or wouldnt you find it strange if you went to per se and they served your dessert before your first appetizer?

except it generally holds that theres an objective component to good tasting food (not overly anything, generally)

theres probably something sciency on it too, not a nutrionist, and thus cant argue that claim

why is there then a guide showing you the best restaurants in the world that is more or less unquestioned outside of the specifics?

>> No.6712312


im actually just drunk as fuck

tell me why you'd make those assumptions tho cause now im curious

>> No.6712316


why are there guides telling you about the best orchestras in the world that are more or less unquestioned outside of specifics?

>> No.6712323

>performance art + cuisine

You're missing the point bro. Those were examples of how the rules you keep mentioning for food simply aren't true. In other words, you are wrong when you assert that food "must taste good" or "must be served in a certain order" or "must be plated a specific way", etc.

>> they usually are combined so as to not be unpalatable. if theyre not, the chef will be dismissed for being a bad chef
Same with painting or music. Visual art can have horrible images in it and music can have dissonant passages, etc, but if the artist doesn't combine them with other aspects of his craft (painting, music, etc) then we dismiss them as a bad painter, composer, or musician.

>>>ultimately a dish has to taste 'good' for anyone to be interested in it
>>and my argument is that this is exactly what invalidates cuisine as art: the ultimate restriction

But in both cases it's subjective. Food doesn't have to taste good to everybody--only to the person who wishes to enjoy it. Likewise art doesn't have to look good to everyone. Whether someone does or does not like, say, Cajun Food is no different than whether or not someone thinks Claude Monet's paintings look good. Food doesn't have to "taste good" to everyone or to some arbitrary standard--who cares so long as you enjoy it. No different with music or other forms of art.

>> No.6712324

because they deal only in orchestras, not music in general?

>> No.6712347


and because your list only deals with restaurants, not food in general..

if your argument is that there are top whatever lists for places to get food then that's not a very good argument since there are lists that rank painters and musicians etc

its all subjective when you get down to it

>> No.6712363

>Food doesn't have to "taste good" to everyone or to some arbitrary standard

alright, thats fair

i might have to change my argument a bit to something like "it conforms to a more or less objective albeit restrictive standard in that it has to taste good"

>Visual art can have horrible images in it and music can have dissonant passages, etc, but if the artist doesn't combine them with other aspects of his craft (painting, music, etc) then we dismiss them as a bad painter, composer, or musician.

but you can have visual art or music that is deliberately 100% dissonant/unpleasant, which isnt the case with food

but in the end, this all comes down to opinion: i think cooking isnt art, you do

but these restaurants are more or less recognized as the pinnacle of their craft, theyre supposedly the best of the best

theres no such list for music, or visual art, and any ranking of art based on "which is best" is a ludicrous proposition that anyone would dismiss immediately

>> No.6712365

>doesnt that hold? i argue that it does , and this alone would invalidate cuisine as art

It cannot hold true because "tastes good" is subjective, and therefore a single standard of what "tastes good" simply doesn't exist.

And even if such a standard did exist I could see how you might argue that it's restrictive (which I would agree with) but it certainly doesn't invalidate anything.

Generally is meaningless. After all, most music "generally" follows the same rules. Either there are inviolable rules or there are not. And the existance of the examples posted earlier indicate that there are not.

>> or wouldnt you find it strange if you went to per se and they served your dessert before your first appetizer?

Sure. And if I was looking in an art gallery I'd expect that most of the portraits are hung right-side-up. If I was listening to a symphony I would expect the orchestra to be positioned in a specific way. But not all art is classic portraits. Not all music is written for a traditional Orchestra. And not all restaurants serve food the same way.

If I want to listen to a classic symphony then I'll go there. If I want to listen to metal instead then I'll pick a different venue. Food is no different. If I am in the mood for a classic old-school French meal I might go to Tour d'Argent. If I wanted something modern and fun I could go to Tickets instead. Just as you might choose what sort of paintings to view or music to listen to, you can choose the sort of food which you enjoy--the different styles of which follow different rules, the same way that different musical or painting styles follow different rules.

>> No.6712369

im going to make dinner, interesting discussion

>> No.6712376

>but you can have visual art or music that is deliberately 100% dissonant/unpleasant, which isnt the case with food

Sure you can. There's crazy-hot hot sauces that are so hot as to be inedible. There are restaurants based around the idea of serving dishes so massive that it is impossible to eat all of it and you leave the table feeling near death.

>>but in the end, this all comes down to opinion: i think cooking isnt art, you do
No, it's more than that. You seem to think that food has to follow rules that it doesn't have to follow. You are applying standards inconsistently between the two.

>> No.6712380


it's not ludicrous to rate artists or musicians in terms of technical skill if that's the standard you're holding certain kitchens to.

yngwie malmsteen comes to mind if we're going in this direction.. he's very skilled, extremely consistent, and he follows a formulaic method of songwriting.

does this mean his compositions are not art?

>> No.6712391

>but these restaurants are more or less recognized as the pinnacle of their craft, theyre supposedly the best of the best

And the same is true with other forms of art like music, painting, sculpture, etc. The art world is filled with reviews. There are awards given for music, film, and live performance. There is constant discussion over which artist's paintings are the highest priced. Magazines discussing music are constantly rating the "best music videos" or "top 100 guitarists" and so on.The same thing exists for both food as well as other forms of art...because they're all forms of art.

>>a ludicrous proposition that anyone would dismiss immediately
And the same is true for food.
Michelin guidebook says that such-and-suchplace serves good French food? That's entirely subjective because what if I don't like French food? It's no different than if a local museum has a "masters of impressionism" exhibit: what if I don't like or appreciate impressionist painting?

>> No.6712396


Not the guy you're replying to, but I think it's important to separate technical skill from whether or not a given person enjoys the work or not.

A musician, painter, or chef may well be highly technically skilled as rated by his or her peers. But that's entirely moot if you don't like the style of music, painting, or cooking which they do.

>> No.6712398


we've got him now, bud.. he's trapped like a rat.

fuck bros i am so drunk. should i get kebab from the local kebab merchant? kebab is the purest form of art

>> No.6712399

Just give me a burger or something

>> No.6712405


right.. which puts cooking in the art category.

he equated cooking to a mason building a wall and being able to use different colors of bricks, but the end result must be a wall. well, you can objectively judge a wall on whether or not it's a good wall. there's no "well, in my opinion wall A is better than wall B."

there are objective standards

>> No.6712409

You know shit. Shit up

>> No.6712411

>le high five bro :)

>> No.6712412

You are 100% wrong. Also arrogant and a bad learner

>> No.6712414

art = fart

>> No.6712417

Uhhhh I would say very very often. Like maybe 100 times a year.

I'm a professional food critic in a big city with a butt load of nice restaurants.

>> No.6712418
File: 26 KB, 294x294, Here_we_go_again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go again. You haven't learned from the last thread have you OP?

>> No.6712421

If you are in Cali try Osteria Mozeria, or marche modern. Both are excellent. Not michiline but pretty good

>> No.6712431

It tastes better you dumb shit. That is why you fucking eat it. It tastes fucking good. For FUCKS SAKE.

>> No.6712433

theres something else about him that separates his work from mere craft

>Sure you can. There's crazy-hot hot sauces that are so hot as to be inedible. There are restaurants based around the idea of serving dishes so massive that it is impossible to eat all of it and you leave the table feeling near death.

and you think these places put out some sort of art? its a gimmick, no message, no depth

>You are applying standards inconsistently between the two.

i need to refine my standards, but one of them still holds: good food has to taste good, and that good taste follows an objective standard and as such, invalidates food as art

so winning this argument is literally this important to you? then i concede defeat you win, happy now? (smh)

the levels of subjectivity in visual art and music are much higher than in cuisine, what ive been arguing all along

>"well, in my opinion wall A is better than wall B."

yeah, you can say that a wall looks better than the other one, or feels sturdier

and like a mason has to lay up walls that hold up their own weight, a cook has to churn out dishes that taste good

theres very little point to continuing the argument, most every post is trying to strawman me

>> No.6712434

A real kintama, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.6712438

yeah, i guess he learned that if he lays his bait 33 different people will bite

>> No.6712446

i would expensive food with you and not give a fuck. You sound chill.

I would even go half on a stupid 300-500 dollar bottle of wine with you b/c fuck it you have a good attitude.

See 4chan this is how you eat food. You eat it because it is FUN and tastes good and you want to learn.

Learn some stories you fucks enjoy some things. Spend too much. You can't take it with you.

And a 50 dollar truffle and short rib pot pie will make you want to suck the chefs dick.

>> No.6712449
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>revolutions internally

>> No.6712453


>yeah, and they usually are combined so as to not be unpalatable.

the point is that 'palatability' and 'tasting good' diverge at some point. we have to learn to find a huge amount of things palatable in the first place, but after that there is a combinatoric complexity to making it taste good as part of a *dish* when you consider that every ingredient can be served in a hundred different ways. i could take a clam and poach it, deep fry it, ferment it and blend it into an oil, process it in a thousand ways and serve it to a diner in a way that makes them think, even if they don't even find it palatable. and that's just on its own. if you want to express yourself with food, you can do it. and you can express confronting, difficult emotions with it. you just can't make people retch.

>and my argument is that this is exactly what invalidates cuisine as art

but why does it? there's no actual limitation there, you can *make* disgusting food, why does the fact that we seek joy in it make it artless? all media are restricted in some significant way individually. but to say you can't make art with them because of this implies that it's a barrier to *expression*. i don't think it is.

>> No.6712456


>>and you think these places put out some sort of art? its a gimmick, no message, no depth

Depends on what you're asking me. Do I enjoy it? Nope. My personal opinion is that it's a silly gimmick with no worthwhile message. But I feel the same about Picasso's paintings and music that is 100% dissonant. My personal opinion doesn't invalidate something as art.

>>and that good taste follows an objective standard
But that is not true. There are countless different styles of food--there is no "objective standard". Different people have radically different tastes when it comes to food. Some people love spicy food, other people think it's awful. Some people love French, others prefer Russian instead, etc. A universal standard for "good taste" doesn't exist. It's entirely subjective just as appreciating music or painting is.

>>the levels of subjectivity in visual art and music are much higher than in cuisine, what ive been arguing all along
While I agree with your opinion here, it's irrelevant to our discussion. Levels of subjectivity are irrelevant. Either there is subjectivity involved or there is not. Once you have even the tinest bit of subjectivity then it's an art.

Perhaps you meant to argue that other forms of art offer more expression than cooking, rather than trying to say that cooking is not an art?

>> No.6712467


what separates his work from mere craft? he literally follows the same exact formula for every song

as far as the wall goes, are we talking form or function? the way a wall looks has no bearing on how well the wall functions as a wall (aside from the wall looking completely fucked up)

there's no objective standard as far as what is a good tasting bite of food. it's subjective as fuck.


thanks m8, hmu if you're in seattle and wanna get sushi sometime. i hate the people here, but god dammit if we don't have the best produce in the country. those blackberries, the fried green tomato, the two varieties of raw tomato, the corriander aioli, the two sauteed cherry tomatoes.. it was all over the map as far as mouth feel, hot/cold, acid/sweetness, fuuuug

>> No.6712545

Just get some hagen daz next time

>> No.6712566

oh my god, this thread is the absolute worst.

>I could make this at home!
No you fucking couldn't
>Mine is just as good!
No it fucking isn't
>So small what a waste of money
your ramen omelette baconator bullshit is a waste of money
>le quality is subjective meme
kill yourself literally

>> No.6712573

Well done OP.

You've caught everyone in your trap again.

>> No.6712588


See, what we know as classic art or old art or whatever is what was left after all the shit had been forgotten. Even if it doesn't have a meaning, and why the fuck would a painting need a meaning, it's still pleasing to look at. Look at Mona Lisa. It's a portrait, nothing else, but even at its very basic level it's easy to see what it represents and the dude was a good painter so you can look at it and say "Yep, that's a female human being".
But modern art. Modern fucking modern art Jesus Christ I hate it so fucking much.

>> No.6712589


I cook it.

>> No.6712591

>but god dammit if we don't have the best produce in the country

Food critic from above here again.

Yes you fucking do. The entire continent of Europe should be licking our beanbag to get the kind of porcinis and morels you guys produce. And the oysters, goddam those oysters.

Hell, the lobsters you guys pull are better than east coast too. I saw a tail there so thick I could have fit the shell on my arm elbow deep.

>> No.6712599

Literally the squirt of sauce at the very front is out of place

>> No.6712616


Hey, friend. I was really excited for this thread, but I quit just a few posts in. It is sad, really, but /ck/ isn't made for fine dining. People on here would much rather discuss the McGriddle for the 100th time. Posts like >>6711825 and >>6711839 are "the reason why we can't have nice things". Really appreciate the effort, just a shame that people on here try their best to be unbearable.

>> No.6712632
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>> No.6712633


>"I'm just oh so sophisticated, I scoff at those plebeians. I exclusively eat upper-class meals. What they are and what makes them special? Well, gee, I don't know, they're the most expensive so they must be the best!"

>> No.6712637

It's true :(

>> No.6712651

Oh cool. Which city? Do you have photos or something of the food?

>> No.6712680
File: 1.18 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some incoming

Blue crab with Oscetra caviar, salmon roe, and minced apple

>> No.6712691


people on 4chan are pretty cynical and jealous, don't let it get to you. if that really is true that's very nice and i'm happy for you my man. how'd you get into the business if i may ask? i'm more going into the direction of music/film critic, but still food is my biggest passion.


i love cheap food, i love fatty food, i love comfort food. nice buttload of assumptions, why don't you stick them up your sore ass my man?

>> No.6712707


that looks fucking amazing tbh. definitely jealous rn. don't even like caviar that much.

>> No.6712715


That looks amazing anon.
I always though that gold leaves are..too much, in any dish.
Are those camomile flowers?

>> No.6712722
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I started by submitting articles to websites that might give me a chance or that needed content, and I would get sent out to events to cover them or represent us, then meet people that also needed writers, and I would just build a reputation for being entertaining and knowledgable. Get a good body of work and move up!

asparagus custard with a lettuce pouch of smoked Eel and hamachi, broccoli/Parmesan ice cream, caviar

>> No.6712732

a fennel flower actually! I forgot to mention that.

Its a good dish, oddly enough it was the amuse bouche! at Le Cirque, one of my favorite restaurants.

>> No.6712787


thanks for the tip man, much appreciated. dish looks absolutely insane.

>> No.6714215

"my parents are rich and I am bratty".
Ok anon.

>> No.6715684

>wasting your parents money every goddamn week on this
I'm not going to mock people who like fine dining, to each their own, however this is just awful. How can you even appreciate it if you've done it so frequently?

This just seems like an excuse to show off your wealth.

>> No.6717176

>rich people are literally eating gold
They made patrick bateman look sane

>> No.6717191

Couple of times a year. I could have it more, but I don't really like it. Family goes to a local one to celebrate.

>> No.6717285
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>What could be better?
food that wasnt made for the autistic?
if im going to pay 200$ for a meal ill at least get some kobe beef.
im not paying 100 dollars gratuity for some faggot to ensure the sauce drops on my plate arent juxtaposed in the proper manner that is congruent with current plating styles.


>> No.6717299

Care to share a link? I enjoy reading well written food reviews, and one written by a fellow co/ck/ sounds interesting.

I somehow have a table for 2 at Alinea in September, so /ck/ gets to see me blog about that too.

>> No.6717310
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>putting food directly on the table
for his next trick is he going to put it on the floor so you can eat like the fucking dog you are?

>> No.6717499


>borage flowers

I have borage in my garden. Grows like a weed. If you put the flowers in vinegar, they turn pink. Makes me wonder why this herb isn't more popular.

>> No.6717517


just fyi

you sound a lot more autistic than people just paying to go to a nice restaurant

>> No.6717528
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>you sound a lot more autistic than people just paying to go to a nice restaurant
>assessing marginal utility is autistic

>> No.6717533


lol proving my point

>> No.6717587
File: 229 KB, 1000x646, La Degustation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been to this place twice now (it's on the same road as my office, went once with a colleague, the second time with a client). I prefer both the nearby Sushi restaurant, and the 24 hour takeaway burrito place...

>> No.6717627

>getting this excited over cooked beef
Literally the most boring meat ever. Cager plus carnist equals terrible human being.

About once every 2 months. Last "nice" meal was cosme. I was a little worried about it after reading some reviews but it was great.

I put "nice" in quotes because I've had some pretty great meals that weren't too expensive in the interim. You don't have to spend a lot to eat well, this is just for fun.

>> No.6717634
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>Literally the most boring meat ever. Cager plus carnist equals terrible human being.

>> No.6717637

... ... ... my chef's exact words on explaining something he was adding to the menu: "People are paying good money for this: probably five times what it's actually worth, so get some height on it!"

Maybe 30s of extra plating turned a $20 plate into a $100 plate... and now I'm disillusioned of the whole fucking shebang. I cook at home and throw parties - I usually throw $10 on top of my costs-per and can come out with $200-$300 to chill with friends on a Saturday.

>> No.6717663
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>Maybe 30s of extra plating turned a $20 plate into a $100 plate...
this, i cant willingly pay someone who doesnt have actual talent that much money.
plating doesnt require a phd, your time isnt worth 100 bucks an hour.
if other fools want to pay you that then enjoy taking their money.

>> No.6717667

occasionally for work dinners, but I'd never go otherwise and never pay for it either

>> No.6717668

>so get some height on it!"
Was this in the 1990s or were you just working in some cringey place that thinks it still is?

>> No.6717672


in the vast majority of fine dining places the margins are actually pretty low. there are no '$100 plates'. maybe if you're in some revolving eyesore in fucking vegas those are a thing. or you're getting a sharing rib of beef or a particularly grandiose thing like a lobster mousse with caviar and champagne sauce or something. but that's because the actual food cost is high.

>> No.6717674
File: 52 KB, 225x374, NY-AX369_PIZZA_G_20110422173639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the actual food cost is high.
im sure it is

>> No.6717679


...that's a pizza.

and the funny thing is that at the better pizza places, the pizzas actually don't cost anywhere near as much as at shitty places.

>> No.6717680

When you're trying to buy the best possible/freshest ingredients they can be
Don't equate a two dollar slice of pizza to hundred dollar tasting menu

>> No.6717683
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>and the funny thing is that at the better pizza places, the pizzas actually don't cost anywhere near as much as at shitty places.
thats the point

just did, see above

>> No.6717689


Not him. How is this true? Buying decent cheese seems to be more expensive than that shitty shredded crap. The flour is also more expensive. The sauce should cost more as well, I think? At least for a homecook, decent sauce costs more to buy or make than premade dollar cans.

>> No.6717690


how is that the point? it's nowhere near the same thing. i was talking about dishes in which the actual FOOD COSTS are high. can you not read? fucking hell.

>> No.6717692

It was kind of cringey... but, it wasn't just sheer height - making use of 30/60 or 72 degree angles when possible, working on all three axes. That whole bag of overpriced tricks.

On my last day, I worked with the pastry chef to come up with a dessert, involving rasperry, creme de cassis, coconut, and pentagrams. He just happened to have a stellated dodecahedron mould (I had to look up the shape), and basically painted purple, red, and white Van Goghs on everyone's plates, starting with a pentagram of cassis reduction, and finishing with frozen rasberry coulis "stars" with a translucent shell of coconut sugar, and gold points.

Good thing it was a Tuesday, and these desserts came in a set meal, or he'd have been so fucked. I've never seen him put so much work into plating anything.

>> No.6717695
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>When you're trying to buy the best possible/freshest ingredients they can be
yeah im sure charging 20-50 dollars extra on a bottle of wine you didnt manufacture is rough.

cheese is extremely cheap when bought in bulk

>> No.6717698


yes the food cost is higher but the actual price you pay for the pizza is lower than somewhere like dominos, which sell like 20 quid pizzas and just bombard you with retarded deals. that's my point. smaller businesses can't gouge you like bigger ones can.

>> No.6717702


that sounds like a really


shitty restaurant

>> No.6717705

I exaggerated. The thing maybe cost $10, including all labour involved. It went out at $52 or something like that... hovering around fifty.

This was maybe a $20 plate, and to be honest it was pretty garish.

>> No.6717708
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it means the more expensive the food, the higher the margins, by showing a base case it trivializes his argument by distance.
bad at math are we?

>> No.6717709

the desert was my final "fuck you" to the patrons who would spend hard earned money on this shit.

The flavours were always there, but these people were getting gouged on plating... if they got to keep the plates, glasses, and silverware when they were done, I'd understand the cost... if they were washed first and gift-wrapped.

... it really wasn't great. I drove by it a few days ago, and they were all redesigned... hopefully with new management, and a new chef.

>> No.6717728


you're just being confusing.

>it means the more expensive the food, the higher the margins,

clearly not necessarily true, as i was saying.

>by showing a base case it trivializes his argument by distance.

whose argument? because you posted it in response to me talking about a high food cost situation with low margins and said 'i'm sure it is', implying sarcastically that you didn't believe the food cost was actually high. is that not what you were trying to say?

>> No.6717736

ITT: my opinion is VERY important and everyone had best listen very, very carefully indeed

>> No.6717738
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>clearly not necessarily true, as i was saying.
clearly true as i said you can charge double for a bottle of wine you didnt even manufacture.

i cant see that being done at the olive garden.

>> No.6717740

Think most of the pictures are a single course of a meal with at least 4 courses, so not meant to be filling when there's more to come

>> No.6717750

People who "appreciate" fine dining are just as bad as liberal arts fags

>> No.6717753

Plebeian detected.

>> No.6717756


well wine is where the margins *do* get really exorbitant and olive garden doesn't have expensive wines full stop.

so if you were trying to say that fine dining restaurants have high margins, why the fuck did you compare it to pizza places, which as we've discussed have incredibly high margins despite being associated with lower quality? it's a completely unfavourable comparison from your perspective. lobster, caviar and champagne all cost a lot of money and that is why you can pay 70 quid for them at le gavroche. they aren't charging you an extra 50 quid for plating.

>> No.6717760

Art major detected

>> No.6717763

There are several cases of the Veblen Effect in full... effect in the restaurant industry. When it comes to certain goods (wines, spirits), that effect can be compounded along the supply chain.

Yes, places need to make profit, people need to be paid for their services, but do you really think that the manager or chef sat down at one of these high-end places and tacked on 5% overhead for operational costs on top of everyone's meager wage and actual food cost? Hell no. These guys are probably getting paid better than your average dick in your average greasy spoon, but the higher ups are taking a serious cut of profit, because people are willing to spend an extra 100% of what a meal might actually cost in order to look good doing it, and will justify the price in order to feel good about it as well, as long as the restaurant is willing to put in the artifices to make it seem worth it. Luxury is serious business and serious psychology.

>> No.6717771

which is another trick - most people will be full within half an hour of beginning a meal, but with expensive food, most people will eat everything, whether the portion size is small, moderate, or ridiculous. Keep the portions small, and increase your overhead.

>> No.6717773
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>being associated with lower quality
says who? i can find almost any non franchise pizzeria to have quality that exceeds the price most of the time. and no their margins are quite low compared to having someone pour me a drink for 50 dollars gratuity.
its why they go under so often, because they cant make up charges to tax rich morons.

>> No.6717774
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Why the scare quotes? What would be the difference if I appreciated (as opposed to "appreciating") fine dining?

>> No.6717778


what higher ups? the head chef/manager can expect to make like maybe 40k at a respectable private restaurant. that's a really fucking good salary for a chef. fine dining is generally either a passion project or it can even be a loss leader in hotels - it doesn't make mad bank in most contexts.

>> No.6717783

not with pepperoni and standard tomato sauce...

strike the basics from the menu, and build some hype, and the parma ham with smoked gruyere, anjou pears, and truffle oil is suddenly worth twice the price... mind you, the cost of doing up an interior to match the menu would be a good fifty thou, just for a veneer of class.

>> No.6717784

>I just learned what veblen goods are and I was waiting for this thread: the post

>> No.6717789


i think you're thoroughly confused if you're trying to say pizza places like dominos don't take high margins on their pizzas. those are the places that are spending fuckall on their toppings, for instance.

if you want to shift the argument to being about wine, ok, i can concede that gouging happens in fancy restaurants in that context.

>> No.6717791

Because when people say appreciate it usually amounts to, "Wow look at the intricate complexities of this wonder that is more than humans can bare"
It's lame for both (modern especially) art and fine dining.

>> No.6717793

>you're trying to say pizza places like dominos
>any non franchise
get betterer at reading

>> No.6717794

> "Wow look at the intricate complexities of this wonder that is more than humans can bare"
How old are you?

>> No.6717800


>> No.6717803

No wonder

>> No.6717805

The more expensive the food, the higher the wages, starting with a minimal jump at the bottom rungs, and working it's way up on a bit of a curve, until the owner takes his cut, which usually jumps way off the curve.

If your fantastic head chef can make $10,000/yr more, in a more enjoyable working environment with better hours, how long do you really think you'll keep him for? The prestige of your fine establishment might make up half of that, but you'll have to shell out the other half to keep his interest.

>> No.6717807


right but i'm saying that if you want to talk about high margins, low cost ingredients, pizza is one of the most demonstrative examples of the worst offenders being as far from fine dining as you can possibly get. you have a very confused argument.

>> No.6717812

I eat a lot of good food, but this plate is shit I tell you. This is just ceasar salad with cheese, burrata maybe then some arugula raddish parmesan etc. fuck the sauce, any chef or joe can make one.

>> No.6717814
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>Wow look at the intricate complexities of this wonder that is more than humans can bare
theres nothing wrong with complexity but 99% of chefs are failures and get paid to match that.

chemistry majors/molecular gastronomy i can understand, the chemistry of cooking is quite a bit more dynamic than culinary school which is basically bro science for the kitchen.

as far as economies of scale go franchises exist purely because they can have higher margins than mom and pop shops.
higher tier restaurants are not on the same page as franchises because 9/10 they arent franchised and thus follow the same pricing/scale as mom and pop shops, so your argument is invalid.

>> No.6717815


>The more expensive the food, the higher the wages

that simply isn't true. i made less money working at entry level in a one star than i could've made at burger king. the same often goes for managerial positions. it's a sad truth of the industry. fine dining restaurants have to deal with the expectation that they're going to use expensive ingredients while also maintaining competitive prices.

the money simply isn't there for the owner to take a cut that 'jumps way off the curve'.

>> No.6717820

when-you-take-a-bite-and-forget-to-take-a-pic pic.

>> No.6717825

this steak is not properly seared, what a waste of meat.

>> No.6717827


>higher tier restaurants are not on the same page as franchises because 9/10 they arent franchised and thus follow the same pricing/scale as mom and pop shops, so your argument is invalid.

and this is also why your pizza argument is invalid. because the places that really gouge those margins are either franchised or aiming to become franchised, not small private establishments with a focus on quality. paying more than 7 quid for a margharita is pretty rare. and anyway, somewhere that sells nothing but flatbread is hardly comparable to a fine dining restaurant. in what way do you think the comparison pertains to margins in fine dining?

>> No.6717833


you can't even read the fucking image name why do you expect anyone to credit your opinion

>> No.6717834

>nothing but flatbread
i have never seen a pizza place that only served pizza

>> No.6717836

>. in what way do you think the comparison pertains to margins in fine dining?
economy of scale when buying ingredients

>> No.6717839


well they exist, but the meaning wasn't completely literal.

>> No.6717842


what do you mean by this?

>> No.6717847

this one looks better compared to OP's, just improve on your macro shots.

>> No.6717849
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I see more bread than salad. Unless it was a bread salad, then bravo.

>Not a drop out of place, how could life be any better.

>> No.6717854

>what do you mean by this?
they dont have the advantage of being a franchise that benefits from bulk ordering. what the fuck do you think is supposed to dictate the price of food?

>> No.6717868

is that falukorv?

>> No.6717878


the point is that they don't make very much money ultimately. they make a great deal off drinks and there are varying margins on different sorts of dish according to how frequently they are ordered - vegetarian dishes are often the most gouged despite being the cheapest option, for instance. but yeah, if it's not part of a hotel or featured on TV or something, any given fine dining place is usually on the brink of collapse.

>> No.6717890
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>there are varying margins on different sorts of dish according to how frequently they are ordered
wow thanks for the update! ill keep that in mind the next time i order a loss leader at a 5-9!

>> No.6717901

>fine dining places are usually on the brink of collapse
Oh boo hoo.

>> No.6717902


there are loss leading dishes dude, i love how skeptical you are with no evidential basis.

>> No.6717906

>there are loss leading dishes dude,
you mean the shit thats about to go bad that just went on special? wow you must be an accountant because you know absolutely fuck all about numbers.

>> No.6717918


>you mean the shit thats about to go bad that just went on special

lol you've watched too much hell's kitchen dude.

>> No.6717925
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>> No.6717927

>Putting your watch right next to a plate of buttery food.

>> No.6717973

rolex..... :(

>> No.6718817
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>> No.6718843
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>> No.6719256
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>talking about high class dining on a board full of foodNEETs

>> No.6719270

cooking is a science and 100% easily quantified

>> No.6721484

Can anyone confirm if we can pull off a Michellin star by placing a boiled potato with ketchup decorated on the side and charge it $200? Pretty sure I can, if I serve it right in the middle of Times Square. Please respond.

>> No.6721498

Planning on visiting a Michellin star restaurant this weekend. Can I wear my Bodybuilding themed tank top and board shorts to it or do I need to wear a high end suit?

>> No.6721502


depends on the restaurant, look at their website or call them. if you do need a suit it probably doesn't need to be 'high end'

>> No.6721503

Never. I've never had a steak either,

>> No.6721514
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>> No.6721542

Most michellin star restaurants won't allow you in with a tank top if you don't have a muscular body. What's your bench and deadlift like?

>> No.6721568
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>Can I wear my Bodybuilding themed tank top and board shorts to it or do I need to wear a high end suit?
>What's your bench and deadlift like?
hes not kidding, if you go in and lie about your bench squat deadlift they will take a picture of you and put it on the wall of shame. you will also be blacklisted from pretty much every fine dining establishment on the eastern seaboard.

i had a buddy who embellished his deadlift by one plate, they sent him to Guantanamo.

>> No.6721629

This is true, even Martin Greenfield MTM is fine if it's an American joint for example, no need for bespoke. Just don't wear a British style suit in an Italian joint or they will laugh you out the door. Italian style is probably safest all purpose suiting except if you go to a Japanese place in which case obviously only a kimomo will do.

>> No.6721683

Every other month but I live in Houston so our fine dining are $60 steak houses on every corner and a few French places sprinkled here and there.

>> No.6721693

3/4 times a year I guess.

>> No.6721720

I'm sure you have other places. Houston is a massive city

and btw "fine dining" french places are passe by now. nobody wants to go to a restaurant with 5 different drinking glasses and a napkin with a dozen different folds in it

>> No.6721739

We have a 1 Star Michelin restaurant in my sleepy UK town.
I'll typically go there once a month. If I'm in London I'll eat at Whites or if with a lady go to Sketch.

>> No.6721745
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How many times a week do you eat meals in your families 3 level 1930s sandstone block mansion?

Enjoy your apartment and resturant in a high rise, Hong Kuck.

>> No.6721761

>Pure jealousy in this post.
is this you, Syn?

>> No.6721781
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>jelous of someone that takes photos of food and posts them on the internet

Mr Wong, you are mistaken, i am the guy in the background snickering at you for acting like a cat caught in the headlights, because you are experiencing a laid out plate.

>> No.6721793
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There are but it's insanely pretentious and they want to buck the norm(successful meat and potato steakhouses) that they come up with shit(maybe literal) like pic

>> No.6721952

>Eat at 1-star
>pepper bisque is whatever
>Steak is good, but not best ever

>> No.6722026

1: those rules make sense gaylord
2: Tiny Tim could be singing Living In The Sunlight and you'd never know if he put a gun in his mouth before every show
3: shut up