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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 195 KB, 600x399, Coffee-beans-shutterstock_6938044911112111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6711311 No.6711311 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get /coffee/ in here?
How do you like your coffee, /ck/? Much do you drink that shit? Any tips?

>6 cups a day would be ideal
>use french press
>black, darker roasts are god tier.
>room temp for extra points.

>> No.6711313

6 cup mokapot

Drink it all


>> No.6711318
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Instant, with milk and artificial sweetener.


>> No.6711543

>2 cups/day
>Usually light-roasted, single-origin
>8-cup Chemex

Finally got a high-quality grinder and holy hell, it really does make a big difference. Definitely a worthwhile investment if you're buying high-quality beans.

>> No.6711555
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1 cup a day is all I need. Hazelnut coffee is my favorite.

>> No.6711564

Only one cup a day for me. I normally drink medium roast, single origin. I grind my own beans, nothing fancy though, just a manual burr grinder.

If I am making it for myself I just use my aeropress, I have a chemex for when I am making coffee for multiple people.

What grinder are you using?

>> No.6711566
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I drink 2-5 cups a day, preferably of pic related or Community Coffee (I'm a poor grad student). Just milk (not cream, I'm not a faggot), no sugar.

I have a french press, which I originally bought because my kitchen is too small for a coffee maker. Turned out to make better tasting coffee.

>> No.6711583

Capresso Infinity. I used to have a Hario Skerton until I didn't maintain it properly and wore out the burrs super quickly. But the Infinity is an awesome grinder, and probbaly the most affordable burr that's worth your money. What sort of manual do you use?

>> No.6711609

What do you need to do to maintain one of those grinders?

>> No.6711612

The Hario Skerton, I mean

>> No.6711614
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>> No.6711655

I could never get any type of crema in a 6 cup moka

I went back to my 3 cup one and juts make fresh batches throughout the day

>> No.6711674
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>> No.6711678
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da best

gotta make sure it's a slow brewing keurig tho. theres some models that shoot the water through at mach 5 and it makes the weakest coffee in the world.

>> No.6711681

I am actually using a Hario Skerton myself. In all honesty I am probably not maintaining it very well. I want to eventually upgrade. The Capresso Infinity is pretty reasonably priced it seems, I have heard good things about it.

>> No.6711682


>free coffee at work
>the powder smells fantastic in their pouches
>coffee is probably the worst thing in the world, tastes like bitter metal and has a film on top that looks like an oil puddle
>pour 3-6 mugs down my face every work day

And that's my fucking interesting coffee story

>> No.6711683

Thank you for posting that.
I use a 2 cup at home and always get a brilliant coffee out of it but I bought my dad and his partner a 6 cup and when I showed them how to use it I couldn't make what I make at home, even after three attempts. Though I did notice that it worked better with a fairly heavy tamp (probably around 7 or 8 kg) but I just could get a decent crema out of it. I'm glad to learn that it wasn't my fault.

>> No.6711684
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>> No.6711685
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I take my coffee as I take my men,
black and bitter!

>> No.6711718



More like Lowresdefault RIGHT?

>> No.6711730
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enjoy your ban faggot

>> No.6711855

2-3 cups a day
french press or moka pot
medium roast, fuck your burnt shit aphthalene roast