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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6700682 No.6700682 [Reply] [Original]

>putingt ham and cheese inside of a chicken
>implying this is a good thing
why do mongoloids eat this garbage?

>> No.6700705

I use chicken tights, and some pretty dry jamon, and some gorgonzola or whatever I have at hand. Sometimes wrap it in bacon or something fatty. Never really beaded. It's good anon you should stop eating things from the frozen aisle at walmart

>> No.6700708

even the fucking taste and texture difference between the chicken and the ham is awful.

literally this recipe was devised by retards.

>> No.6700711

Breaded* :/

>> No.6700726

Why are you so mad anon?

>> No.6700729

Cause I am eating it at the moment. And I know I wouldn't be eating it right now if some fucking culinary jackass didn't frankenstein this flavor vampire in the first place.

i'm gonna fuckin vomit from this shit

>> No.6700739

calm down, anon
this behavior cause hemorrhoid

>> No.6700743

speaking of - ive had a hemorroid for like a month, any tips?

>> No.6700746

learn to enjoy the sweet marriage of pork, cow and chicken

>> No.6700747

Don't wipe so rough

>> No.6700752

I get black out drunk every night and the next morning I have to take at least 3 shits. Sometimes it hurts so bad I want to never have been born. You think this could be a problem?

>> No.6700756

Avoid cordon bleu and you'll not have any real disasters.

>> No.6700782


You sound like you came straight from /fit/, but have no clue about nutrition, let alone taste.

>> No.6700873

Are you me?

>> No.6700898
File: 97 KB, 500x733, Georg_von_Rosen_-_Oden_som_vandringsman,_1886_(Odin,_the_Wanderer)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone tells me he keeps having diarrhea
>tell him to stop drinking for a bit and see what happens
>"i tried that and it didn't work
>few months later
>"i stopped drinking and i don't have diarrhea now"

>> No.6701115

>food with fire
>implying gud
ooga booga booga boogga

>> No.6701362

AFAIK no Mongoloid's diet had ham and cheese stuffed inside chicken at any point in their history.

>> No.6701365

Stop buying shit from the frozen section and actually make it yourself.

>> No.6701367

Never seen this in any Mongolian cuisine.

>> No.6701379
File: 251 KB, 945x960, pancake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701380

Bongoloids (Britbong)

>> No.6701389

What temp would you need to have your oil to cook a piece that thick without blackening the outside?

>> No.6701396

>chicken tights

>> No.6701400

An oven

>> No.6701787

gordon bleu is breddy gud man

>> No.6701835


Agreed. I love that shit. OP is once again a fag.

>> No.6701984
File: 134 KB, 287x344, 1389672034916.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this thread from a few months back. Even the first few replies from "OP" are pasta.

>> No.6702084

Cordon Bleu is usually veal, not chicken.

>> No.6702086

Why did you buy it - it looks like hot trash

>> No.6702119

correct answer.

>> No.6702332
File: 53 KB, 400x505, Eat-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pray that this is b8

>> No.6702338

Talk to a doctor. I hear the ointment doesn't do anything.

>> No.6703399

eh, this stuff is nothing special.

>> No.6704677

I'd eat that.