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File: 679 KB, 1600x1200, beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6699879 No.6699879 [Reply] [Original]

>hear about good beer store not too far from apartment
>go on my way home to check it out
>pick out some german and belgian beer (pic related plus a three pack of chimay)
>go to pay, i'm 23
>ask if guy needs my ID
>>nah man, i've never seen a minor buy a belgian

What's your favorite beer, /ck/? Mine is Chimay

>> No.6699885

>>nah man, i've never seen a minor buy a belgian
I tip my trilby to you, good sir! You see, I only drink Belgian ales as well. In particular, the sours from the Flanders region are quite nice. It truly takes a mature palate like you and I good gentlesirs surely have to appreciate such a fine brew.

>> No.6699889

>What's your favorite beer, /ck/? Mine is Chimay
Steel reserve

>> No.6699901

>drinking belgian ales

Unless you're English and used a time machine to get back to the early 90's this is just sad. Do you still listen to hair metal and wear spandex as well?

>> No.6699916

I love Duvel

Oskar Blues G'Knight was spectacular too

I had Breakfast Stout from Founder's and it was superb as well, but the other bottles in the pack then had his overwhelming astringent bitterness or metallic flavor, I might've kept a couple of them too warm and another too cold, but it was really disappointing after how amazing the first bottle was

Haven't had too much of the finer stuff, but I'm definitely on the hunt

>> No.6699922

*astringent and acidic bitterness

>> No.6699929

you're the one trying this hard.

>> No.6699931

i love weihenstephaner vitus.

they sell that same bottle in singles at the local ABC for 2.99 and at 7% it gets the job done. Taste great as well.

My favorites are Oskar Blues Ten Fiddy and Sixpoint Resin

>> No.6699964
File: 3.39 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20150720_201439158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reading your post I decided to drink that one first. Damn this is good beer

>> No.6699986

I've taken a liking to Duvel. It's so delicious.

My usual go-to is Rothaus Tannenzäpfle, but it's more of a matter of local pride.

I also have developed a nostalgic craving for Turbinenbräu, particularly their "Rodler" winter brew, but it's fucking impossible to find here.

>> No.6699988


>> No.6700028


I haven't tried the weihenstephaner vitus but so far I think my favorite is a dunkel weizenbock by Erdinger. What a nice beer that one was. Almost like a nutty brown ale yet with even more lovely malt flavors.

>> No.6700298

The first three look pretty tasty, but Rauchbier is just nasty. Do you want to drink beer that was used for bongwater? What kind of positive outcome are you hoping for?

>> No.6700304

I have no idea, I just bought some stuff that looked good. I hadn't seen the two weihenstephaners before and just picked up the others to try something new

is it not any good?

>> No.6700310

Well, personally I think it's shit, but I guess I'd also say it's something everyone should try once.

Don't be afraid to buy a beer just because of what some guy on the internet thinks.

>> No.6700322
File: 1.55 MB, 2304x2304, IMG_20150627_162708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orval is my #1

>> No.6700345

ugh I really hate orval. I've tried three times and can't get into it. Why is it your favorite?

>> No.6700395

I really like the funky yeasty flavors and that it's is always slightly different every time. It really is one that should be held onto for a year or 2 before drinking. I have a few in my collection that are pushing 3 and 4 yrs now. But unlike many brews that strive for a consistent flavor profile it is a beer that is only as good as the harvests were for that batch of ingredients. But I also like gruit beers too. Maybe it's more that I'm tired of shitty overly hopped ipas. I'll drink most any beer atleast once but I always like to treat myself to an orval. A pub not too far from me has cases and they don't sell anything under 1.5 yrs old. But they know I like the older stuff so I typically get 3 to 4 yr old if they have it

>> No.6700409

fair enough, I wasn't too experienced when I tried them. Maybe I'll pick some up and store them in the basement for a few years. is that fine or should I refrigerate them?

>> No.6700436

>>ask if guy needs my ID
What? Why? If he doesn't ask you for it, why would you bring it up? You're just slowing things down for no reason.

>> No.6700440
File: 50 KB, 619x415, jacobins-beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the price this is one of my favorites.

>> No.6700519

because essentially everywhere else I go I get carded. I instinctively pull it out with my debit card when buying alcohol

>> No.6700545

Maybe because you're actively offering it?

>> No.6700569

I gotta say, if I worked in a liquor store and somebody asked if I needed to see their ID, I would automatically say "yes, Mr. Inspector, I absolutely need to check that." Even if he looked 80.

>> No.6700727

I quite like it. It's not something I drink often. But it can be fun, esp in the winter with a fire going.

>> No.6700748
File: 57 KB, 247x236, 1275763911926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>ask if guy needs my ID
>>>nah man, i've never seen a minor buy a belgian

>buy beer at the store
>show me your ID sir
>I am 27, turning 28 this year
>sign behind the cashier says that they won't ask for your ID if you are over 23
>legal drinking age is 18+
>ID card has a chip that clashes with all other cards I have in my wallet that I use more often so I keep it in my bag
>forgot to bring bag
>didn't get my beer even with an insurance card and transportation card with pics and birth dates

At least they thought I was 10 years younger than I looked..... I just wanted my beers..

>> No.6700791
File: 1.70 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking the fantome tonight, haven't had chocolat so I hope it will be good
I love me some Belgian beers, and I love Jester King - ambree is probably the best beer I've had I date

>> No.6700818

wow a belgian xD so adventurous

>> No.6700848

Was it Hollingshead's?

>> No.6700975

U from Austin bbygrl?

I love Jester King but can't stand the pretentious brewers. I get it, the "funky but good" beer thing is difficult to do and you do it well, but fuck, don't act like I should be honored to drink your beer for 10 bucks a glass

Austin Beerworks is pretty swell too

>> No.6701057

lol, im in aust...ralia
fwiw, i paid $37 for that bottle of autumnal dichotomous, and it was worth every penny - jester king stuff here is super rare, but so is cantillon and a lot other belgian breweries i'm interested in trying

>> No.6701142

I love some local weizenbock and hefenweizen.

>> No.6701159

I lived in Bamberg for 4 glorious years.
Sweet Baby Jesus they had the best fucking beers there. I wasn't even a fan of Schlenkerla, but seeing that goddamned label brings back the feels.

>> No.6701222

That`s some pretty sweet beers u got there OP. Dont belive what they are saying. Rauchbier is pretty good but i woul consider it a beer for the winter. Lovelt with some grilled sausages or other hearty meal. And the rauchbier u have is one of the finest. Abt 12 really is amazing and everything wighenstepahner touches is Gold. Irecommend being on the lookout for anything from Schneider Weisse their whole tap [insert number] series is amazing.

>> No.6701241

Am I the only one who thinks alcohol in general simply does not go with food?

Every time I've tried pairing beer or wine with a recommended dish, it just doesn't mix well

>> No.6701243


You're on the wrong website fucker

Get out with your fedora shit

>> No.6701323

That glass looks truly awful, tourists are the worst

>> No.6701340
File: 1.38 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20150623_163113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701415

my mom bought it for me, she technically is german but was raised in the states. It was the only .5l glass I had, but I like so fuck you.

>> No.6701419

I'll hang onto the Rauchbier for a few months then, til it starts to get cold outside.

some of the grocery stores here will card anyone you're with (except kids) if you buy beer. My fiancee never seems to carry her wallet, and even though she's 22, she could pass for 18, so I always have to (politely) ask her to wait at the door while I buy the groceries. She really hates that though...

No, a place called Kenny Road Market in Columbus.

>> No.6702231

I used to be into Belgians and wheat beers but for some reason I've gone off them. Been just drinking passable lager for the last while. Spaten is my current go-to.

>> No.6702259

Chimay is definitely one of my favourites, Westmalle, La Trappe and Affligem are pretty good for me too, just depends on what I can get nearby

>> No.6702506


What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.6703868

Do you guys pour the yeast sediment into your beer while it's still full or do you leave it in the bottle?

>> No.6704320
File: 55 KB, 800x1017, tennents-scotch-ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only good-tasting strong ale I can find.
Maybe a bit expensive, but it tastes good

>> No.6704349


that shit is nasty

tastes like rotten bananas