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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6699406 No.6699406 [Reply] [Original]

>very low in calories
>has many health benefits

Why don't you eat mushrooms, /ck/?

>> No.6699409

But we do. There are also quite a few people who pick their own here.

>> No.6699411

I only eat plants. i avoid any animal or fungal products for ethical raisins

>> No.6699421
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>ethical raisins

>> No.6699428

>implying vegans can't eat mushrooms
No CNS, no consciousness, no sentence, not a byproduct of animal labor, and completely sustainable. Not to mention delicious and extremely healthy.

You are really doing yourself a disfavor by excluding fungi from your vegan diet.

>> No.6699430

I have two portobello caps.
What should i make?

>> No.6699436

>grill them or roast them whole with butter and herbs
>make a pan sauce with marsala wine, a bit of flour, and butter
>roast some potatoes
Perfect simple meal.

>> No.6699446

I don't like the way most of them taste.

>> No.6699451


>> No.6699456


>> No.6699501

Yeah, mushrooms are hella over priced in my neighborhood. If I go to an ethnic specialty store, I can get mushrooms like 3x cheaper, but all the chain supermarkets near me charge like $4-5 for tiny little boxes of shrooms.

>> No.6699525

I'm kinda lazy to pick them and I really only recognize handful of edible ones that grow around here.
Definitely gonna try and get some chanterelles this fall though, love them.

>> No.6699529

Because it's closer to athlete's foot than food.


>> No.6699549

>has many health benefits
Has no proven health benefits.
Not a source of any significant nutrition.
>very low in calories
calories are a measurement of energy, nothing else

>> No.6699609

Where do you live? Probably a coastal yuppie where anything fresh is delicious.
>tfw can get a pound of wild foraged Nebraska oyster mushrooms at the market for 3$
White button and baby Bella usually run 2-3$/lb. Portabella caps are a bit more.

>> No.6699612

>vitamin d
>no proven health benefits
1.5/10, I replied

>> No.6699618


>vitamin D from a non-animal source
It's shit

Maybe good vitamin K amounts doe

>> No.6699620
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Love the taste of champignon soup & sauce, but the texture of the shrooms themsleves makes me hurl; pic related if I feel the tiniest piece, I hate it because I'd love to just eat them.

>> No.6700015

I imagine getting diarrhea from eating any mushroom to fill up because of low calories.

>> No.6700025


>> No.6700428

I wish they were cheap.. Mushrooms are good though.

>> No.6700434

because every time i do i trip ballz.

>> No.6700566

I love shitaki mushrooms

So soft and flavourful

>> No.6700599

It's grown in poo poo.

>> No.6700663

no, it grows on a wood or a block which made of sawdust and bran.

>> No.6700667

half of my family are weenies

>> No.6700733


Yeah, maybe if you live innawoods.

>> No.6700754
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But I grow my own, anon

>> No.6700765

I get Washington wild foraged oysters, chanterelles and morels... for the price of gas and the value of my time walking around outside.

>> No.6700768

I only eat the genitals of other men, not fungus genitals

>> No.6700798
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If expensive and hard to find mushrooms were as cheap and readily available as cremini I'd probably never eat meat again

>> No.6700833


>living in the urban jungle

if you live in a city you don't deserve mushroom

>> No.6700839
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I eat mushrooms and admire them. I find them more beautiful and attractive than the form of a woman.

>> No.6700852


Hate them... Only food that I wont eat

>> No.6700864


Needs a shitload of butter to taste okay.

>> No.6700867

They taste very similar to red meat. You guys should consider going vegetarian.

>> No.6700899

You don't even kill the mushroom by eating it. The part you eat is just the fruiting body, the mushroom itself lives on and builds new ones.

>> No.6700904

What are the GOAT mushrooms? Someone give me a power ranking

>> No.6700978

Black trumpets are really delicious.

>> No.6700995

I like to use Shimeji mushrooms in my stirfrys.

>> No.6700999

Porcini is my favorite, especially when they're dried because you can let them sit in hot water for a bit and you'll end up with a really tasty broth. I use it in stews mixed with beef broth when I don't feel like buying meat.

>> No.6701015

I love Shiitakes. So damn versatile.

>> No.6701018

Roast them and use them as buns for the ultimate protein burger.

>> No.6701056

Please, my boner can only get so erect...

>> No.6701062


Actually its more like lots of straw and poop mixed together with pee sprayed over it.

>> No.6701070

>ethical raisins
>no sentence

>> No.6701073
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Oh I got a few of these

>> No.6701082

Was unaware the sun was an animal.

>> No.6701086

These posts are stupid. I'm sure lots of us eat mushrooms. I'm an expert mushroom hunter, fag.

>> No.6701092

Mind over matter, son. The texture isnt what disgusts you, it's mushrooms that disgust you. Texture is just the only thing you can perceive of it besides the taste, so this is where you assume the disgust lies. You find them gross because you find them gross, simple as that.

>> No.6701096

>Black trumpets

Yo, I like eating these things, but are they even digestible? I swear to god I poop out whole trumpets after I eat them. I know they're thin and all, but the amount that they remain intact makes me wonder how well I'm able to extract nutrients from them.

>> No.6701146

Because it's almost impossible to find shittake that is NOT from China. I'm not eating any food from there.

>> No.6701154

You don't eat mushrooms for ethical reasons?

Interesting morels...

>> No.6701213

>reading up on edible and inedible mushrooms
>read article about Destroying Angel
>heart pounds a little

Considering so many mushrooms can look alike, I will likely never eat wild ones.

>> No.6701344

I dunno man. Mushrooms fascinate me, they always did. So many shapes & colors, some kill you, some heal you, some will fuck your brain in the ass and make you their bitch...
Also, I once ate a kind of mushroom in soup that was meaty, no problem there. And the chewy fat on the edge of porkchops for instance, or a piece of tendon has a similar texture, and has the same effect on me.

>> No.6701348
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>> No.6701359

I like red meat but I don't like mushrooms.

>> No.6701369
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>the sun has obviously been a phoenix a long time before men walked earth

>> No.6701404

too few calorie per dolla

>> No.6701408

I remember liking mushrooms as a kid, then I started disliking them as a teen

after I got my own apartment, I started experimenting why that is.
Now that I roast them far longer than my mum ever did and put some different herbs on them I love them again, so I guess the rubbery texture was what put me off.

>> No.6701410
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>> No.6702354

Well, you know better than I do. I'm curious though what the texture is. You related it to pork chop fat, so do you mean when the mushroom gets kind of slimy? When I think texture (as distinct from mouthfeel), mushrooms are mostly kind of stringy.

>> No.6702416

That sounds awful

>> No.6702595

Really? I don't think it sounds that bad.

>> No.6702663

The texture that sets me off is kindof rubbery. Like the little piece of tendon you sometimes have at the end of a chicken filet.

>> No.6702709

The difference is you can easily bite through mushroom.

>> No.6702721

I do eat mushrooms

>> No.6702731
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>> No.6702760

morels, chanterelles, black trumpet, lions mane, maitake.....
i fucking drool for good mushrooms

>> No.6702801

Yes, but the feel is the same, when you don't bite on it. It's hard to explain, I don't even know when it started. I've had this 'problem' for as long as I can remember. Maybe I choked on something similar as a kid or something.

>> No.6702830

Why are you not biting your food?

>> No.6702885

I am. But when I -feel- that mushroom (or tendon) texture on my tongue, or even from biting down on it, sometimes before the movement is complete or right after my brain goes in full EJECT mode.
I've managed to pick out 2 by 2 mm pieces from a mouthfull of whatever it was that had shredded mushrooms in it.
I really try, most cheeses had the same effect, but I'm trying some here and there and find I now actually enjoy certain types. But mushrooms, nope.

>> No.6702890
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>> No.6702896
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>> No.6702975



i love them but kek

>> No.6703000

So the package of shiitake mushrooms I buy for two dollars is very expensive for you?

>> No.6703004
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Good shit anon

>> No.6703456

Technically you're the animal that produces the Vitamin D, the sun just activates you to do so.

>> No.6703461

What socialist shithole do you live in?

>> No.6703501
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oh i eat the shrooms baby

>> No.6704185

Because, I'm a fun guy.

>> No.6704191
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Hey /ck/ are ganoderma mushrooms a lie?
Everybody says they are like those miracle foods and shit.

>> No.6704192

creepy looking fuckerrs innit

>> No.6704267



Not really

>low cal

Only some of them, and they all belong in high cal dishes

>health benefits

None above what an actual first world diet already provides



>> No.6704301

>mom used to make us breakfast with a shitload of mushrooms when I was a kid
>always wonder why they never have the stems and just assume they sell them stemless
>mom asks me to help her in kitchen one day
>I watch in horror as she removes the stem and layer of skin on the mushrooms and threw it all away

Who the fuck does that? For what purpose? It's almost as bad as the time I found her cutting the fat off the bacon and overlooking it so it was crisp as fuck.

>> No.6704316


>everywhere in the world is exactly the same as my local Wal*Mart!

Ask me how I know you're both American AND eating shitty low grade mushrooms

>> No.6704338

I eat mushrooms, but they aren't cheap.

>> No.6704366

because they're not cheap

>> No.6704379

You're not cheap!

>> No.6704384

But anon, the stems are fibrous and nasty.

I always destem my shrooms.

>> No.6704769

I have three packages of button mushrooms in my fridge
1.79$ each

>> No.6704818

yeah I think it sounds pretty good

>> No.6704826
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Because fresh ones are, for some reason, expensive in my country/city, and I can only easily buy canned ones.

>> No.6704839

What third world place do you live in to not have mushrooms?

>> No.6704843

This. If I could buy them all the time, I would probably lower my intake of meat. I mean, I don't even eat meat that much already, but I'd take mushrooms with my stir fry vegetables than chicken any day.

>> No.6704846

the stems cook properly just as well as the rest of the mushroom

>> No.6704847

Yeah you definitely only hate the texture/how it feels when you eat it.

>> No.6704858
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We have "fresh" shrooms like shiitake and button, etc. I think most of them are from China and Japan. Yes, I live in a third world place, and mushrooms are never really that popular here, I think.

I am cursed with a life of canned mushrooms forever. I'm gonna splurge someday and get fresh ones though.

>> No.6704866

But what country though? It just seems odd such a staple and common food is not that popular

>> No.6704886

I fucking love mushrooms. Easy to cook, cheap, delicious, goes great with lots of foods. Aw yeah. My mother-in-law came by once while I was sauteeing some mushrooms to go with dinner and she was so impressed when she had one, like I really did something amazing. It was cute.

>> No.6704902
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I am embarrassed already that I can't easily afford/obtain fresh shrooms. I don't think I want to shame myself more by revealing the third world hole I'm living in.

>> No.6705105

I'm going to guess... Venezuela? Philippines? North Korea? Or sub-saharan Africa? Mushrooms grow in temperate climates which is like almost every country in the world and most of the rest can afford to import them from Japan/China/US at decently low price

>> No.6705174

tell me about it they are one of my favorite foods

>> No.6706756
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top lol at the people itt saying canned is bad

i bet you think track pants arent cool as shit, too

>> No.6706835

some canned mushrooms can be good. dried mushrooms can be good too.

>> No.6706871

Ah, but I do. In fact, despite being an avid carnivore, I find that mushroom gravies taste better than meat gravies.

>> No.6706888

more like

>> No.6706903

I don't enjoy the taste/texture.

>> No.6706942

Mushrooms are pretty much my favorite food ever. I've yet to find a way I dislike them. Pissbabies who cry "ewwww, fungies" are the fuckin' worst.

>> No.6707909

>that pic

o i am laffin

>> No.6707965

>Automatically assumes the poster is American
>Automatically assumes the poster shops at Walmart
>Automatically assumes that low prices are due to cheap quality rather than superior American resources

Ask me how I know you're both European AND poor.

>> No.6709305

I saw the California Raisins once. Good times.

Seems these days the only dried up old fruit people want to hear is Elton John.


>> No.6709329

guys, let me know what you think of this:

My idea for a restaurant would be a kind of pub in the Pacific Northwest that had a good rotating selection of craft beers (and some staples), and the food was basically just preparations of seasonal mushrooms.

Poutine with Morel gravy, shitake and soba noodles, chantrelle soup, porcini ragout, grilled oysters and grilled oyster mushrooms in a butter sauce, beef medallions in duxelle, etc etc etc.

Inside would be comfy as fuck, old man by the sea kind of stuff.

The kind of bar that has a pot of coffee going at all hours, and no red bull. Friendly staff, remember your name. Classic 70s-80s-90s tunes. No faggits allowed (just kidding, it will probably be full of faggots).

>> No.6709361

Yea I'd go there.

I'd go there really regularly if the food was a little more lowbrow.

>> No.6709428

>low calories

>> No.6709772

The name is Scary-Terry, bitch

>> No.6709800

Bruh I would go to that restaurant every day

>> No.6711414


Anyone been visiting Scandinavia?
The forests are full of free mushrooms. Best I ever had.

>> No.6711418
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>> No.6711419

all third countries I ever went to had shitload of mushrooms and everbody knew how to pick them

>> No.6711424
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forgot picture

>> No.6711428
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>> No.6711436
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Bonus picture.
Spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and porcini.

>> No.6711453

Because all of the ones i've tried taste like shit, and i've tried six sorts made in different ways.
Also, if it only takes the flavor of what you're putting it in, why even put it in?
If it only has a "umami" flavor, then why can i eat other umami shit but dispise mushrooms?


>> No.6711496

is a very nice day for Ingles :))))

>> No.6711715

>implying it isn't

It's a great side dish because you can add more meat or carbs to your meal

>> No.6711747

but i do, they're one of my favorite foods