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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 512 KB, 946x804, FireShot Screen Capture #021 - 'Stop Everything_ There’s a New Seaweed That Tastes Like Bacon and Is Better for You Than Kale I TIME' - time_com_3960421_seaweed-bacon-dulse-kale-super-food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6691929 No.6691929 [Reply] [Original]

>tastes like bacon
>twice the nutritional value of kale

How hard is this going to surge the industry?

>> No.6691933

It still has the texture of fucking seaweed, you know

>> No.6691934


>> No.6691936

>putting a patent on a breed of living organism
why is this allowed

>> No.6691942

To protect the industry, same thing with piracy. it's intellectual property

>> No.6691950

Because they made it? Its not like they discovered it. They literally designed and created it, like any other product. Crafty Jews stealing their processes to make their product without putting the immense effort into conceptualising, researching and executing the creation of a new organism should be illegal.

>> No.6691952

I know why it's done but why is it allowed? I'm a botanist, this shit baffles me. Owning an entire strand of organism seems a little silly

>> No.6691955

It's a fucking algae, not a design for a toilet that licks your asshole clean and gives you an orgasm. I don't care either way but come on

>> No.6691956

Well if you're the one doing the cross-breeding, you deserve something for hitting the jackpot. They don't do it to just screw around.

>> No.6691959

>caveman creates spear
>another tribe sees it but now has to pay him to also create one

Copyright laws are silly when you think about it but it's to keep people creating stuff

>> No.6691972
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>the jews steal a fucking plant
Every single time.

Oh and
>meme food

>> No.6692000

not a fuckin difficult concept for non spectrum individuals.

>> No.6692026

>When you fry it

very healthy and nutritious

>> No.6692038

you have to massage or steam kale, same thing
frying in a small amount of oil =/= deep frying you fucking nigger

>> No.6692041
File: 95 KB, 550x413, passiflora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were really a fucking botanist you would understand basic intellectual property rights.

>> No.6692059

if they can make bacon seaweed why can't they make pokemon real?

>> No.6692069
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>> No.6692117
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There should be no such thing as intellectual property.
It is a huge mistake that does not really spur innovation anymore , in fact it more often squelches it.

>> No.6692119

cool opinion bro

>> No.6692122

Someone who gets it

>> No.6692136
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>> No.6692137

>im a weasley little shit that likes to plagiarizer and steal credit

fix'd that for you

>> No.6692139

great idea

you should patent it

>> No.6692141

I doubt it tastes like bacon

>> No.6692145

Gotta try it.
if it's healthier than kale I'd still eat it, even if tasted like turkey bacon

>> No.6692147

Big Pork will keep it from ever seeing shelves

There's a berry that makes EVERYTHING you eat afterward taste sweet, and you've most likely never heard of it because of sugar lobbyists.


>> No.6692148

>Owning an entire strand of organism seems a little silly
How exactly?

>> No.6692150
File: 26 KB, 427x640, dulce-seaweed-bacon-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Langdon's original goal was to develop a seaweed that could be used as a "super-food" to feed farmed abalone. The resulting dulce strain grows faster than its wild counterpart, and is said to be very high in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, containing up to 16 percent protein by dry weight. Abalone did well on a diet of it, growing at rates "that exceeded those previously reported in the literature."

The idea of exploring its use as human fodder came about when Chuck Toombs from OSU's College of Business was looking for business projects for his students, since the new dulce strain can be farmed. "Culinary research chef" Jason Ball got involved at that point and after some experimentation, the seaweed's unique bacon-like taste was discovered.

Langdon is currently able to grow 20-30 lb (9-14 kg) of dulce per week in his two tanks, but is planning on upping that amount to 100 lb (45 kg). Toomb's students, meanwhile, are preparing a marketing plan for the seaweed, and examining its commercial feasibility as a large-scale aquaculture crop.

Source: Oregon State University via Inhabitat

>> No.6692152

I've tried that shit. Doesn't really work - it's basically just a novelty.

>> No.6692154

because if someone else wants to look into further development of that strand, they can't. It's not available without paying out the ass for patents.

it depends how broad their patent is but it's like saying you're not allowed to sell objects that are glued together because of the patent on glue

>> No.6692158

that's a fuckton of the stuff in 2 tanks
I want to try it

>> No.6692180

Anyone ever had the grapes that taste like cotton candy? they're the real deal

>> No.6692188

What about the grape apples? Sooooooooooooo goood.

Also bacon? Bacon bacon bacon! ^_^

>> No.6692197

>but it's like saying you're not allowed to sell objects that are glued together because of the patent on glue
It's absolutely not. It's the equivalent of inventing a completely new adhesive and then patenting it. They haven't patented seaweed altogether, they've just patented a specific strain of seaweed that they bred themselves, previously did not exist and would not exist had they not bred it.

Stop pretending to be a botanist just because you collect photos from /an/

>> No.6692198

fuck off cunt

>> No.6692199

>they've created
fuck off with your jewish cancer industry

>> No.6692201

been eating this shit since i was born...

>> No.6692209

Does it even matter?
It won't be in the market for years

>> No.6692211

>Anyone ever had the grapes that taste like cotton candy? they're the real deal
where to cop?

>> No.6692214
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Sawwy ._.

>> No.6692216

they were at kroger for a while but i haven't seen them since

>> No.6692226


>> No.6692227
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>> No.6692285


>> No.6692294

>pour years of your life into creating some new masterpiece never before seen
>gooks sell it for a tenth of your costs the next day since they have no investment to recoup
IP laws as they stand are retarded, but Intellectual property does serve a purpose.
We just need to short the patents to 5-10 years MAXIMIMUM, with a 1.5-2.5 year standard.

>> No.6692338

But you see how the laws are capricious right?
Especially copywright laws.
Now that music is easily shared those laws need to change. You can just decide that vast numbers of people are criminals for file sharing. If its that easily shared it should not be copyrightable . Its too large a burden on the government to enforce these laws. Would it be the end of rich rock stars?
Boo Hoo.

>> No.6692346

>it's to keep people creating stuff
No, it's to enable people who did create stuff to get lazy knowing their competitors can't do shit now.

>> No.6692352

There's a link right here >>6691934 mr autism, and without having to travel through memeland.

>> No.6692353

I linked a specific comment saying it's bullshit marketing m8, not linking to reddit so people can click the link to the article on time

anyone who believes this after reading the word "superfood" deserves to be bamboozled

>> No.6692381

>still thinking that GMOs are bad for you

>> No.6692389
File: 207 KB, 300x602, fishing-report-escondida-catfish-07_07_2015-NMDGF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not so much the GMOs themselves but more Monsanto acting all corporationy thats the problem.

>> No.6692393

>I know why it's done but why is it allowed? I'm a botanist, this shit baffles me. Owning an entire strand of organism seems a little silly

While the repercussions of patenting parts of the human genome raise a lot of "public good" issues (especially when the same thing would inevitably be discovered by other people within a couple years), agricultural patents for newly created strands seems quite beneficial to me, aside from the way accidental field pollination issues are handled.

Consider the honeycrisp apple, which heralded a new direction of large-cell apples, giving it that juice-exploding crunch. The U of Minnesota has a large agricultural research farm, and patented it like 30 or 40 years ago. They made some bank, and 20 years later it went off patent, so now anyone can grow honeycrisps. They've moved on to new apples ("Sweetango" etc.), and while some of the ancillary issues raise questions (e.g. exclusive marketing rights from research at a publicy-funded university, or giving them unpronounceable generic names with trademarked marketing names so post-patent people only know the trademark), the extensive research program resulting in the new apple breeds seems of great benefit to the public. I'd hold up the honeycrisp and botanical creations as the poster child of what's *good* about patents. 20 year limits is an awesome idea; if only copyrights still expired.

>> No.6692395

I think a new flavor of seaweed would just taste like a flavor of seaweed that we've never had before. My balls probably taste like seaweed

Hey, isn't there a story on how all banana flavored candy is from a very specific type/breed of banana, and that's why it doesn't really taste like banana?

>> No.6692398


Fuck off Monsanto

>> No.6692403

Not him, but Nah, lots of people care.

Youre just a shut in weeaboo.

>> No.6692426

>Would it be the end of rich rock stars?
it was the end of rich rock stars in y2k
welcome to the 21st century, where rock is dead and Rap and Pop are thriving.

>> No.6692436

>Hey, isn't there a story on how all banana flavored candy is from a very specific type/breed of banana, and that's why it doesn't really taste like banana?

Yeah, the bananapocalypse wiped out the gros michel banana by the 60s, so now all we have is the reportedly vastly inferior cavendish banana. Which is itself poised for banapocalypse 2. In 2060 kids will be eating flavorless yellow dildofruits wondering what grampa anon is going on about.

>> No.6692472

>and is said to be very high in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, containing up to 16 percent protein by dry we

Where do the minerals come from in the first place? Unless you spend a lot of energy into making a product like that it's not going to be as jam packed full of goodies.

>> No.6692677

maybe they'll have it at a ralph's around here or something

>> No.6692688

I'm not botanist anon but good job projecting.
It's really not different.
Patents prevent innovation in the long term and hinder human life quality in the short, especially when it comes to medicine and food as well as biotechnological standpoints

>> No.6692780


You grow it in a tank, so I'd imagine the minerals are in/added to the water.