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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6689763 No.6689763[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is no one willing to fight back against the constant vegan shitposting threads?
Are we just going to let /ck/ become yet another platform for P3TA propaganda ?
I am pretty sure there is only the one vegan mod, surely he can be defeated right?
Is there no way to go over his head?
I cannot believe how much the culture here has changed in just a few short years ;_;

>> No.6689787

Seems to me that you are the one who is shitposting. All I see is that they're in a containment thread

>> No.6689789

Don't be surprised dude, there's a handful of people with very severe mental illnesses that play the roles of a dozen different people on different boards because they have chosen some slower boards on 4chan as their personal playground and probably are so lifeless an empty irl that they have chosen to make this their defining identity. You can't do anything about that except ignore it. 4chan turned into a pop site years ago. Even good boards like /an/ are taken over by trolls and people with an agenda who samefag as different people just to make it seem like their opinion has some consensus.

And it's ridiculous shit, like blaming cats of 9/11 or you're a murderer if wash the shit off your lettuce before you eat it. As far as I can tell, lots of people are lost causes. We can't save everyone, but there are people with sense and reason and they'll see through it an still connect with each other, and that's what matters. Who cares about the pond slime, it's just inconvenience.

>> No.6689790

You can fight it by just ignoring and hiding the threads you don't like.

>> No.6689792

The vegan shitposting has been going on for years. It's very clearly 2 or three samefags posting and replying to each other over and over again to get a rise out of people. Ignore and hide. The mods won't do anything and there's no reason to engage them. They've had ever argument thrown at them and it doesn't phase them. They're shitposters. Move on.

>> No.6689815

nice food discussion

>> No.6689821

this is a board about creativity.

whether you agree with vegan morals or not, its just a type of cuisine. Its like saying ban all the seafood threads because you think seafood is shitty.

vegan threads = side dish threads. Just fucking calm down.

>> No.6689830

If they were about food, I wont fight it. The threads are more like a flame war just waiting until someone flips their shit. The day someone gets banned for that shit, its going to throw the board into full vegan vs meat shitposting without food whatsoever.

>> No.6689832

You are objectively and observably incorrect, but thanks for shitposting, anyway. I'm looking at a vegan thread right now that has nothing to do with making food. It's just about vegans being vegans and how they feel superior because of it.

>> No.6689834

You dont take veganism seriously enough guys.
This is a virus that is spreading like wildfire among the young people. whether we like it or not , many young people congregate here and if we leave the dirty syringes of veganism laying around someone is going to get sick.

>> No.6689837


The reason they are a flame war is because people come in and talk shit. Just let them be a containment thread, don't provoke them. Of course you'll hear a dumbass argument.

>> No.6689840

Then why are you looking at it

>> No.6689842


>i'm looking at a vegan thread right now

okay, theres your problem. Show me examples of vegans going into other threads and shitting them up. Show me where vegans go into steak thread and talk about their superiority. It doesn't happen anywhere near as much as meat eaters purposely going into vegan containment threads and talking shit.

how are their superiority threads any worse than the threads about how good people are at seasoning cast iron pans?

>> No.6689845

The problem is that we can't really fight it. We an isolate ourselves, but that doesn't mean the rest of the board doesn't goes apeshit
I don't provoke them. In fact, I'm pretty sure those vegan samefags fight themselves to prove them right. No one can do anything if they do, and any step on either direction just makes it worse

>> No.6689848
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>complaining about vegans is somehow better than actual vegan threads

>> No.6689849

You start off with a bold faced lie, and when it's called out, you completely ignore the truth, and change the subject. I could ask you the same thing. It's not just one thread, it's all over lately. It's like someone has hair up their ass about this and has a mission to spread this vegan propaganda. I didn't even make this thread, but I've noticed this happening for a while.

>> No.6689853


>> No.6689871

Remember Gandhi guys...

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

Anyway, anger is a necessary stage of the healing process, so keep going OP.

>> No.6689872

Have no fear anon, the vegan mod will be along shortly to ban OP and delete this thread.

>> No.6689878

There are huge chunks of internet devoted to teaching vegans how to come to boards like ours and make their case.


>> No.6689882

How did you find that ?

>> No.6689888

Well shit. Ovbiously they may have defences, but that only means escalating the conflict.

>> No.6689898

There's a lot of shit like this out there dudes. Most of it is retarded SJW style rubbish.


>> No.6689911

>retarded SJW
Surprise surprise. These people seriously are horrible.

>> No.6689913

/v/ pls go

>> No.6689954

Wow, thirty seconds on the front page filled me with rage.
This is what they want /ck/ to look like.

>> No.6689961

Yeah,dude this is some straight up propahanda shit right here. Notice how it's all emotionally charged bullshit, some of which has no bearing on reality? Yeah, that's designed to target the youngest people and influence them before they can think properly, so they become mouthpieces without even having to be logically convinced of a fallacy. A lot of people fall hook line and sinker to the emotional hooks, like the cow drinking milk and the "smiling" pigs or whatever. It's legit, straight up propaganda.

>> No.6689972

How to make sure you're not the influenced one ?

>> No.6689978

Calling other people SJWs when you're the people being triggered.

>OMG I can't believe they said that! How can someone have different values to me?

You're literally seeking out one thread on 4chan and a few sites made with a $100 budget to get upset about.

People like patting each other on the back. That's what you're doing here and they're doing there.

>> No.6689981

You harden your heart, and think of how tasty meat is.

>> No.6689993

By using logic and reasoning. Part of becoming an adult is understanding how EASY it is to emotionally manipulate people, and learning to defend against just that, and the best defense is clean reasoning skills and sound logic based on a reality as objective as possible.

For example, you can get a child worked up over ANYTHING, because they haven't learned to defend themselves against that kind of manipulation yet. You can convince them that it's even THEIR choices and THEIR decisions. A lot of people are isolated or surrounded by people who protect them and they are vulnerable as well. You have to be truly based in truth to stand a chance.

Having an opinion is not enough, it's having one soundly rooted in a reality with reasoning that you understand and can explain to yourself and those around you with clarity. You have to challenge yourself until you've identified and eliminated your internalized fallacies and aligned with higher truth as best as you can. It's a constant struggle for truth, and some people aren't mentally lucid enough or have the mental acuity for it, but it's become necessary in today's world if you don't want to be someone else's pawn.

>> No.6690007

>a few sites made with a $100 budget

Oh anon how naive can you be?
P3TA is a multi billion dollar Juggernaut. Do you have any idea how much money gets funneled into to and out of these types of sites?
Look at all the celebrity ads . Do you really think all this comes from a penniless grass roots marginalization?
Get real there is a huge war going on and we are losing it.

>> No.6690119

How the hell could I have misspelled organization so badly that it got corrected to marginalization ?

>> No.6690152

Agreed. But in the end, I could challenge myself forever. A study could be financed by a lobby, or soon to be obsolete, a youtuber or any preacher could be blinded the will of having influence, or just plain wrong. What decides who I am going to believe seems to be something fragile, so I just gave up. The only thing I retain is that animals from the food industry suffer a lot, and this is enough to make me stop eating meat, dairies and everything that cause suffering. In the end, it's more of a heart problematic than a brain one.

>> No.6690252

>more of a heart problematic than a brain one
This is because you have no visceral experience with life and death. Had you grown up on a farm, you would understand that death must happen for the cycle to continue.
Urban existence has made you too soft. It has made an entire generation too soft with misplaced empathy.
Now many are full of anger at the supposed injustice and will lash out. This is not how things should be.

>> No.6690390

Actually, when I started reading articles I was like "well vegetarism is cool" but nothing more. Few months later my father died, which I guess can be referenced as a visceral experience with death and I was like "oh shit animal suffering is real", and I slowly stopped eating meat.

>> No.6690495

But you equated your fathers death with animal death.
I am talking about the death that occurs to sustain a family on a farm. It is jarring at first but then feels natural and actually enriches your life.
Farmers and ranchers are wonderful people anon , not torturers and ghouls.
They are living a correct existence and know their place in the cycle of life.

>> No.6690638

I know, I see how much my uncle loves his sheeps. At this point it's more of a question of rights about life and death and I wouldn't debate about that. But I'm sure we can agree on how horrible the living conditions of animals from the food industry are.

>> No.6690671

You have watched too many P3TA vids. The whole country thinks this right now. This is a HUGE win for them.
For years we also believed that the gavage was evil and torturous for the duck. This was P3TAs first real victory. Now of course we know it was all bullshit be we didnt for years.

>> No.6690846

It's also the importing of fresh produce that has spoiled people. No one knows what's in season and that in order for you to get those perfectly ripe grapes in the dead of winter they had to be shipped thousands of miles. One look at a climate map will tell you why vegetarian cultures are in the minority.

>> No.6691226

I acknowledge that veganism is winning.
It breaks my heart that no one is willing to fight it.
There is no such thing as a carnist activist.

>> No.6691349

why should we care that veganism is "winning the war" - they're vocal sure but they're a small minority

some people don't eat animal products - big deal

>> No.6691364

They are a small minority today.
At the current rate of growth they will be the majority in 20 years.
Do you really think they wont outlaw meat?
At minimum they will shame anyone eating a burger.
Your kids will see you the same way you look at your racist grandfather.
This is a culture war and meat eaters are losing it.