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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6689199 No.6689199 [Reply] [Original]

i think i food poisoned her
>wat do

>> No.6689203

do i see a half a nipple?

>> No.6689213

explain yourself op

>> No.6689220

Is that borneo?

>> No.6689223

until you run bacterial cultures then there is no reason to assume it's food poisoning

you can get the shits from millions of different sources

>> No.6689227
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i don't know, do you?
must have got raw chicken juice somewhere in dinner, she's got a bucket in front of her for the other hole

>> No.6689264

>Contamination because you don't know how to operate in an aseptic manner.

Why/how is that our problem again?

>> No.6689278

Who is this? Did I miss something?

>> No.6689297

i took all the proper sanitary precautions—boiling water over all surfaces which touched chicken, different utensils for separate dishes, et cetera.

she's just an azn with an inferior immune system

>> No.6689363
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Could be salmonella.

This is usually how it starts. In the more advanced stages a person will start urinating blood. If you don't get on sulfide antibiotics at that point then you gon' die nigga.

>> No.6689382

>must have got raw chicken juice somewhere
>i took all the proper sanitary precautions

you obv didnt, nigga

>> No.6689387

show us more of your topless gf pooping op, it's giving me a semi

>> No.6689404


Can be e-coli too, from vegetables or fruit... Or she is pregnant....

>> No.6689406


srsly, post more. i can fap to this

>> No.6689444
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C-could you vocaroo the noises

>> No.6689465

I like your style.

>> No.6689468

azns have superior immune systems because we eat any shit we see.

>> No.6689473

>get a virus
>instantly blame food for being sick

She obviously deserves whatever it is for being so retarded

>> No.6689525

This, americans almost never get food poisoning.

>> No.6689571

She can read the book of symbols at least.

>> No.6689592

m-muh dick
story? more pics?

>> No.6689602

She probably got the stomach virus a day ago.

Shits highly contagious.

Then blame your chicken.

>> No.6689610

Chicken and oysters are always the scapegoats but they din do nuffin.
Its wroang!!!

>> No.6689616
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the timing's too circumspect for it not to be chicken, plus her burps and farts smell like flesh. think horses, not zebras

true, that's what we suspect. she has no gut flora for some reason, so any new bacteria has an unwelcome introduction

not my gf, my wife

>> No.6689622

This. Despite these trying times, we truly are a warrior nation

>> No.6689625
File: 452 KB, 629x403, 1434344856941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate Escolar labeled as White Tuna yesterday. I'm not having too much fun right now.

>> No.6689632

>my wife
HOw much did you paid for her?

>> No.6689634

Post more pics

>> No.6689637

Pretty sure you need to look that word up anon

>> No.6689664


>> No.6689706


Goats shit all over themselves.

>> No.6689711

good thread

>> No.6689728

>no gut flora
>cooks his wife meat

>> No.6689736
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yeah, you're right—i meant suspicious, as in we're "looking around" for causes

here's one with our child, weirdos

>> No.6689741

hoping this is bait / shitpost

>> No.6689777


Asians eat raw pork and chicken.

>> No.6689808

no more poo poo? :(

>> No.6689809

>tfw no SEAmonkey gf

>> No.6689811

that goofy bitch looks like she has smelly feet

>> No.6689820


think u mean gooky bitch tbh

>> No.6689824

Unplanned pregnancy detected. She looks like she's still in high school. Wear a condom if you're too stupid to get an abortion

>> No.6689841


cute goat

>> No.6689892

lmao r u srs, americans always get fucking sick.

You consume so much antibiotics that you pretty much dont have any bacterial cultures in your intestines and are used to oversanitized pre-packaged food.

If i run into one more fucking american backpacker with food poisoning in SEA or even in fucking europe of all places I will flip my shit

>> No.6689905

post more info or pics m8

>> No.6689948

I meant americans in america.
Yes we get sick when we go to your filthy countries but your slutty women keep us coming back.

>> No.6690145

Buy diapers and pedialite. Give it 48 hours. Go see a doctor if it's not better after that time frame.

>> No.6690157

not fat enough to be her

>> No.6690169

Silver Lake hipster detected

>> No.6690171


>> No.6690177

That actually really is a coat goat

>> No.6690186

>not my gf, my wife
Well go tell your wife that you posted half of her tit on 4chan and we want the other 1 1/2.

>> No.6690195

Can we see inside the toilet, too? Pre-flush, of course.

>> No.6690197

just look at that dirty fingernail "food" poisoned

>> No.6690198

>be me
>laxative junkie
if its just diarrhea she'll be fine

>> No.6690207

Nah, that's just a portion of the areola.

>> No.6690295

why is the bathroom so disgusting

>> No.6690301

This has never happened to you

>> No.6690315

How is it disgusting? I only see a bit of peeled paint. There isn't even mould in the grout. My bathroom is so much worse.

>> No.6690397

I've already masturbated to this image twice. Yes, I'm pathetic and lonely, but boy do I get some fun times every now and again.

>> No.6690413
File: 2.55 MB, 3872x2176, DSC00598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was hoping to hear other anon's stories besides "a can of condensed milk in the ceiling" and "blue monday ramen sundae"

нeт, мoй дpyг, я живy в oaклaндe
would if this weren't a worksafe board
about to graduate berkeley w/ a degree in neurobio and she's summa cum laude. we're quite alright

>> No.6690430

>would if this weren't a worksafe board
Then post on /b/ and link.

>> No.6690447

I bet his penis is bigger than yours

>> No.6690448
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>> No.6690449

that sounds painful. best of luck, brother

>> No.6690462
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>> No.6690463

what a cool guy

>> No.6690480


Fuck, did I miss it?

>> No.6690552

are you radioactive symbol guy?

>> No.6690581
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Not a chance, I ran that clown off years ago.
>hur durr I never drop my trip durr durr

>> No.6690891

no, but if i had any powers, i'd summon ORG's crazy ass back and banish all his cheap imitators

>> No.6690958

so did she die ?

>> No.6690960


>> No.6690965

>dubs check'd
And saving the picture for future reference

>> No.6690979
File: 927 KB, 2688x1520, IMG_20150702_220631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come home from work
>gf's mom was in our apt when I left
>no where to be found
>smells like fucking shit inside
>go into kitchen
>pic related
>what the fuck

later that week she was back again and ruined her own large pan for soup. you know how non stick has that black surface shit? she had the stove on and dried out the water she was boiling. middle of the pan went from black to silver

why the fuck would you go to the store and leave water boiling. twice, in one fucking week
fucking dumb cunt

>> No.6690992

top kek

>> No.6690999

Is that a Swatch?

>> No.6691003

Does she eat pills instead of food

>> No.6691004

>F U /CK/

Did you poison your wife for that pun?

>> No.6691007
File: 959 KB, 1520x2688, IMG_20150615_231350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she made a soup a little before this. was essentially spinach, whole seasoning leaves, lemon slices (wtf), and chicken. GF and I didn't even ask her to make it, she just does retarded shit.

then she leaves it out on the stove for like 4 hours and rather than throw it away she puts it in our fridge in the pan (when we have tons of storage shit)

>> No.6691017

trendy as fuck

>> No.6691022

>2/10 would not bang

>> No.6691162

Three times now.

Technically, >>6690413 was involved this time, but good enough.

>> No.6691187
File: 35 KB, 400x600, river jumping to the max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imma do it too.

>> No.6691194

still mad I drove that man child jar drinking faggot away years ago?

>> No.6691500

Before jumping to pregnancy much more likely would be the period shits

>> No.6692096

But that's the standard label. Don't be that jerk who gets the stuff banned because you have no self control.

>> No.6692111
File: 3.91 MB, 3648x2736, P1000189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love me some good salmon

>> No.6692337

There should atleast be a warning or a limit. I didn't know that White Tuna was Escolar. And I believe most people wouldn't know that it was Escolar. I only ate 6 pieces of sushi/sashimi.

>> No.6692445

Wikipedia says it's 'fraudulently sold as ... "white tuna"'. I think that suggests that even though it might be common, it's not 'standard'.

>> No.6692766


>> No.6692777


This tbh, sounds like she's got the ol dementia