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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 63 KB, 540x360, fresh doges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6687461 No.6687461 [Reply] [Original]

whats the best way to prepare these?

>> No.6687468
File: 425 KB, 1280x960, alcarbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6687472

Man, you could not be more proud of this absolutely mediocre meal. Did you take a one week vacation in California or something?

>> No.6687474

>inb4 chinese food

>> No.6687475


>> No.6687479

Made it by 6 seconds. Well played.

>> No.6687490
File: 41 KB, 480x360, Dog_meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.6687491
File: 110 KB, 876x1024, chili_dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6687493

...It's from the google

>> No.6687500

Google, CA is shit.

>> No.6687505

Worse than Cupertino, I hear.

>> No.6687932

Lots of love and cuddles

>> No.6687949

On a rotating spit rod, over open fire.

>> No.6688864

I don't know whether this thread was supposed to be a joke or not, but I'm going to answer seriously. Those dogs are not the ones you want to be eating. I only eat the larger ones which are more suitable for eating, but from what I hear, those kinds end up tasting bland and awful. Will you be buying them whole or filleted meat? Depending on which one you choose, there will be a mulitude of problems which you need to address. Firstly for whole, you need to de skin the animal, and for fillet you have to be 100% confident that the animal was healthy and is edible. Aside from that, try looking through wikipedia for different methods which sound the best to you. Trust me, once you try it once, you'll never want to go back to plain ol' beef again.

>> No.6688897 [DELETED] 

Haha, nigger, get the fuck outta here

>> No.6688957

Humans are apparently somewhere in between pork and veal in terms of consistency and flavor

>> No.6689608

Get them vaccinated.

>> No.6689673

So I was walking my buddy's dog one day when I got a hankering for Chinese food. Stepping towards the cashier at a Chinese buffet, some old Chinese lady began yelling at me. Pissed, I said "I don't speak moon you cunt" to which she replied in English finally, "No outside food"

>> No.6689685

Sounds like a John Pinette joke

>> No.6690181

Man those are the wrong kind of dogs. You gotta get those real fat, short, stocky dogs like the vietnamese use.
Source: I visited Vietnam

>> No.6690192
File: 86 KB, 574x733, 1432325567479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6690233

sign them up for agility classes
groom well
make sure stay well behaved
love them forever
enter in dog shows

>> No.6690451

already breaded and fried

>> No.6690736


>> No.6690810

I really don't see why people have an issue with eating dogs
>omg no don't eat this ONE particular animal!!
There is no logical reason as to why one shouldn't eat dogs and cats. We could free up TONS of shelter space by instead of killing and then cremating shelter animals we eat them. A shelter could sell the condemned pets and even recover some of the cost for operating the shelter to begin with. There are also plentiful amounts of cats and dogs and their reproduction capabilities are top tier.
>not breeding food dogs and cats
Ridiculousness, I say. It legitimately makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.6690816

we are not barbarians that's why.

>> No.6690818

What? That doesn't even make sense, anon.

>> No.6690822

Santiago's isn't in California.

>> No.6690829

overall the flavor of cats and dogs isn't a commercially sound decision.
The flavor is not as palatable as say beef or chicken and widescale farming of is isn't feasible given the West's farming infrastructure isn't designed for these animals

>> No.6690831

I don't really have a disagreement with eating a dog or a cat. I wouldn't myself but I agree that they should be bred for food.

My problem would be what would happen if the process were industrialized. Probably just as bad if not worse than mass poultry/cow/pig farming - in terms of mistreatment, sanitation, and overall quality.

>> No.6690845

I mean looking at the nutritional information it seems like a nice fatty meat.
According to Wikipedia
per 100 grams
20grams fat
19grams protein
I'm willing to bet that a medrare steak would be rather good

>> No.6691479

Never thought I'd hear that name on /ck/.