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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 6 KB, 259x194, garlicpress333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6686135 No.6686135 [Reply] [Original]

Show me a more useless kitchen gadget.
You can't.

>> No.6686144

Name an easier way.

>> No.6686146
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>> No.6686148



Is OP trying to troll? Even my grandma who cooked constantly and only owned like two kitchen gadgets beyond the regular utensils owned one of those things, and used it nearly every time I ever saw her cooking.

>> No.6686150


>> No.6686166

I bet you buy pre-sliced onions as well

>> No.6686171

just use a fucking knife instead of destroying your garlic.

>> No.6686176

Gordon Ramsay uses one

What now faggot

>> No.6686191

>peel garlic
>cut it in thin strips
>turn 90° and chop again
>risk cutting nails/fingers because clove is small
>garlic pieces stuck to knife blade
>use finger to scrape them off
>now they're stuck to finger
>use knife
>endless loop
Yeah a knife is so much better

>> No.6686194

A good garlic press is a godsend when you're cooking in bulk.

>> No.6686199

The egg rack in your refrigerator.
You don't need to refrigerate eggs.

>> No.6686215


Lol wtf mincing garlic is a fucking cunt

Why would I do that when smashing it provides the same exact flavor and the texture difference between smashed and minced garlic is indistinguishable in most dishes

>I want people to have to put more effort into doing simple kitchen tasks because I do and that makes me a top tier chef

just stop

>> No.6686217

>smashing it provides the same exact flavor and the texture difference between smashed and minced garlic is indistinguishable in most dishes

not true btw

>> No.6686402

A garlic press is good if you're either a noob or your hands are famous and you have a team of dish washers like Gordon Ramsay. Crush that shit under your knife. It's quick and easy.

>> No.6686407
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>> No.6686408
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>> No.6686418

A minced garlic releases its flavor differently from a crushed one, and I often hear that crushed is preferable

>> No.6686480

Crushed garlic is good for flavoring meat, where you remove it before serving. When I deal with sauces I want to actually leave my garlic in there, and I don't want big clumps of garlic floating around. So crushing is not an option

>> No.6686502

I would rather crushed to minced but most of the times i dont use minced garlic.

>> No.6686505
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>> No.6686521


Up your knife skills guys.

Mincing garlic is easy, just need to use the right type of knife. You want one of those santoku knives (a curved one if you can't sharpen it).

What you're going to have to do as a beginner is lay the front edge of the knife on the cutting board so it's pretty much resting on it's point.

You'll want the fingers holding the garlic to be in contact with the knife, but above the edge. You can slightly angle the blade away from the fingers for extra safety.

After that it's just like using a paper cutter. Cut the garlic the entire way through, rotate 90 degrees, then go again. If you want it very fine, you can mince the piles even further. This method is very useful for making extremely thin cuts which is good for an even distribution of garlic flavor.

And if the garlic gets sticky, just add a few drops of water.

>> No.6686526

You can make spaghetti for mice with that

>> No.6686529

Crushed garlic literally releases more flavour, plus your fingers dont stink

>> No.6686533

Nah, minced garlic is better dude.

>> No.6686551
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Pic related.
Granulated Knoblauch Master Race

>> No.6686567

hehe nice post
hey im kinda new to this site how do you upvote posts? thanks

>> No.6686580

Just register and buy 4chin platinum account.

>> No.6686582

I have one of these. Sometimes I use it when I'm feeling lazy and want several pieces of garlic going in a dish.

As for other useless kitchen gadgets, I would like to mention a fucking tea ball. I went to a friend's place a couple weeks ago and he's just getting into tea. He asked if I wanted some and put a bit of whatever was meant to be tea into one. After a few minutes he pulled it out and the leaves had swollen to tightly fill the entire cavity. To make matters worse, it hardly even tasted like tea when I did get the drink.

>> No.6686586

I once made a huge batch of curry paste to freeze and ended up using something like 40 cloves of garlic; I'd have gotten fucking carpal tunnel doing that by hand.

>> No.6686643

lol, are you trying to convince people this is easier than using a garlic press?

>just put in a bunch of time practicing
>buy a special knife
>sometimes need to add water
>rotate and do it again
>be careful, you might cut yourself
>don't worry, females love when a guys fingers smell of old garlic
>throw away that tool that does the same job in a fraction of a second

>> No.6686681

Quality things take time.

And I can go through an entire bulb with this method using maybe only an extra 5 mins compared to a garlic crusher.

But, the flavor is unmatched. Mincing the garlic well results in an even garlic taste and releases more of those sulfur compounds which are good for your health.

>> No.6686689

If you don't want to have this gadget but still want crushed garlic there's a simple way of doing it with a knife https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqHtkynh364

I used to do it with mortar and pestle but this is easier.

>> No.6686693

I use these for cracking open nuts, never used them as a garlic press.

>> No.6686717

OK. My bad.

You are right.

>> No.6686719

Gordon Ramsay is a meme cook, and food television is always shilling for bullshit equipment and ingredients.
>risk cutting nails/fingers
How fucking clumsy are you?

>> No.6686733
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>40 cloves of garlic
I want to learn your secrets.

>> No.6686742

>What the fuck is his knife made of? Rubber? Look at it flippin and floppin

>> No.6686752

No secret; I just octupled the recipe, omitted the main ingredient and reduced the gravy to almost a paste. That way It freezes better and whenever I want curry I can just pop some gravy into a pan with water and add meat to simmer once it's reconstituted.

>> No.6686757

I guess you only ever cook small meals for one person

>> No.6686769

i used ot use one of these all the time but my food kept coming out tasting like shit... i realized that a garlic press decimates garlic and the shit that comes out is too fine and too shitty to use.. which is strange because blended garlic doesn't even taste as bad as pressed garlic.. i think it has to do with the crushing and extruding... if you use on of of these your food tastes like shit...

>> No.6686803

Not useless, actually detrimental to your cooking. It's a surefire way to make your garlic taste like shit.

>> No.6686830

seriously? i thought they needed to be refrigerated. wouldnt it reduce the rate at which it spoils?

>> No.6686848

murrican eggs from the grocery store need to be refridgerated if youre not gonna use them in a couple days

>> No.6686855


but chopping up garlic takes barely any fucking time and it tastes marginally better


that doesnt mean anything..


this is pretty embarassing, made me laugh atleast


cushed garlic also makes you smell FAR worse

this should solve it:



>granulated garlic
>German poster


>> No.6686859

everyone hates when faggots post like this and don't read it

>> No.6686862


this is true to some extent

>> No.6686867


are you retarded? I read this through twice on diff occations and I very much know what it says. I don't look down on people using garlic presses, I just don't like the overwhelming flavour (as mentioned in the article) and the fact that it makes your breath smell worse. suck a fucking dick, fool

>> No.6686871

you posted like a faggot. look at what your post looks like and then fucking kill yourself

>> No.6686873

Naw, cooling and heatign from sitting in the door speeds up how fast the egg sack releases from the shell, allowing air to permeate and spoil the egg.

>> No.6686875
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>> No.6686888

The horror....

>> No.6686893

Is it so bad? Should be just Garlic in salt water.

>> No.6686896

have you ever had it? it's bitter like almonds

>> No.6686899

>anything I don't like is a meme

>> No.6686903
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this shit is the bomb
use it all the time
sent all my garlic presses to Russia where they still enjoy stupid useless things

>> No.6686929
File: 10 KB, 300x300, resizedimage300300-Ginger-Garlic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life is so much easier since I started using pic related. I still use fresh garlic too sometimes but I throw the ready minced stuff into everything.

>> No.6686962

That's what a food processor is for, with the added bonus that you can use it to mince things that are not garlic

>> No.6687003


>it looks retarded

you're supposed to read it, not look at it. it's not supposed to be aesthetic, it's just words.

this is pretty pathetic by the way.

>> No.6687011
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>> No.6687016

no its not

stop posting like this

everyone hates you

you dont have to respond to every post at once

why the fuck do you hit enter so much

do you know what a paragraph is

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.6687020
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>> No.6687038

thats for finding lice in your hair

>> No.6687042

Maybe the head-lice in your third world nation grow that large, but normal people need a fine one.

>> No.6687044

how do you know what the scale of that picture is its on a plain white background

>> No.6687050

The holes punched for shelf hooks are standardized.

>> No.6687054

But the point is the garlic press is not useless. It does a difficult job easier and more efficiently.

Sure, we could all buy expensive knifes for different jobs and spend time mastering knife skills, or we could buy simple tools for the jobs we do most frequently.

>garlic press
>potato peeler
>mandolin slicer
>food processor
>cheese grater
>lots of other things

Sure, (special knife)+(skill) could accomplish what these tools do...but many prefer efficiency

>> No.6687057

Use kosher salt. It cuts down on the sticky and gives you texture to cut.

>> No.6687061

But my religion prohibits the use of religiously prepared ingredients.

>> No.6687064

Ya don't know what kosher salt is brah.

>> No.6687070

Just an FYI, a santoku or something (I use a nakiri because I like a squared-off blade) isn't JUST for garlic; any vegetable or light meat prep can be done with it.

>> No.6687078

Did you mean coarse salt? sea salt? flake salt?

>> No.6687089

It's basically coarse salt I think. Used to remove surface blood from kosher meat hence the title.
Doesn't actually have anything to do with kosher food apart from that.
Afaik every other country apart from Israel and America don't call it that but I could be wrong.

>> No.6687259
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>> No.6687427
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salad spinner

>> No.6687448

morons or low quality b8
probably all b8
these threads are all stupid, exactly the same, and we have them all the time.
cancer pls go

>> No.6687458

>these threads are all stupid, exactly the same, and we have them all the time.

That covers about 80% of the threads on this board really.

>> No.6687464

Exactly, and we should be ashamed of ourselves.

>> No.6687470

Really? I hate wet lettuce.

>> No.6687478

fresh eggs straight from the chicken's ass don't because there's a protective film on them called cuticle. but in the US it is washed off. so amerifags do need to keep eggs refrigerated.

>> No.6687556

Garlic presses are not useless because their function is not to mince garlic. To mince garlic obviously use a knife, but a garlic press creates almost a paste, which releases a lot of the garlic's essential oils. This is good for marinades or sauces where you want the garlic to essentially disappear into the sauce.

>> No.6687618

> 2015
> not microplaning your garlic

>> No.6689596

Definitely lower on the list, but I gotta disagree. Washed greens need to be dried without smooshing it all in paper towels. It also works good for getting moisture out of potatoes.

>> No.6689599

You can make a paste with your knife or mortar/pestle.

>> No.6689612

Ma says I'm not allowed to use mortar and pestle

>> No.6689650


>you want one of those santoku knives

Fuck off you filthy weeaboo, nobody needs some wapanese knife to handle garlic, just please go and fucking kill yourself you dirt fucking weeaboo.

>> No.6689732

I remember a chick telling me that I was crazy for slamming cloves of garlic against my knife, she though I was going to cut my hand open.
Then proceeded to use that piece of trash, and throw away two thirds of the leftover clove. Also took 2 minutes to peel each one.