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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6684829 No.6684829 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/'s favourite fruit?

>> No.6684831

Potato skins

>> No.6684832


>> No.6684835

1. Watermelon
2. Pomegranate
3. Peach

>> No.6684841

How do you pick a good kiwi?

>> No.6684844

John Barrowman

>> No.6684845

I'm really into plumbs at the moment

>> No.6684846
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Granny smith apples

>> No.6684855

Feel the firmness, if it is soft don't get it.

>> No.6684856
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>> No.6684858

>tfw when eating a tree-ripened fresh summer peach

>> No.6684859


>> No.6684876

1. Raspberry
2. Plum
3. Peach

>> No.6684947

Bananas, but my doctor is telling me to avoid them because I've hyperkalemia.

At least I still got coconut.

>> No.6684957

>tfw working on a farm in the summer, up to my ass in peaches, getting peach fuzz all over my skin and in my eyeballs.

>> No.6685054

Lemons. Not too sweet, so many recipe uses, and great with just the juice mixed in hot water.

>> No.6685057

1) Honeydew Melon
2) Berries
3) Coconut

>> No.6685067



I would avoid them because of the spiders.

https://www facebook com/Break/videos/10153406382142792/?fref=nf

>> No.6685068

Mangos and pineapples tied for favorite.

>> No.6685090


>> No.6685370
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Not in any order.

1. Mango
2. Papaya
3. Cantaloupe
4. Banana
5. Pluot
6. Mamey Sapote (pic related)
7. Persimmon
8. Finger Lime
9. Jackfruit
10. Dates

Also, here are the 5 worst (again, not in any order):

1. Sweet Lime
2. Buddha's Hand
3. Guava
4. Bilimbi
5. Pepino Melon

>> No.6685408


Not only for the flavor, but also for the fact that they proved the existence of god.

>> No.6685467

The most amusing part of that stupid claim was that they clearly had no idea that the modern day banana is a genetic clone created by humans that is both completely infertile and would die off without the intervention of humans.
Run on sentences are fun.

>> No.6685470

Mangoes and apples

>> No.6685480
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the original wild bananas are riddled with seeds
thank you based selective breeding

>> No.6685484

just plain fuji apples are a delight for me. but i love all fruit

>> No.6685487


Watermelon. I like all fruit, except papaya

>> No.6685489

mutha fuckin peaches

>> No.6685491

haha that was like my greatest fear when i worked produce at a supermarket

>> No.6685494

>I like all fruit, except papaya
are you me?

papaya is literally the worst and before some faggot says I've never had a good one, I live in a tropical climate and my neighbors papaya tree produces intensely sweet dark orange fruit and I've only had them when they are perfectly ripe

fuck papaya

>> No.6685496

Bruce Jenner

>> No.6685500

Blueberries and bananas, definitely.

>> No.6685502


>> No.6685512

Most ripe papaya I've had is pretty bland. I do like thai green papaya salad though.

>> No.6685528

*Caitlin Jenner

>> No.6685569

>Come to ck to escape trans-related shitposting
>it's here too

Baby laying motionless on floor in room smeared with poop .jpg

>> No.6685598

Strawberries, prunes and green grapes.

>> No.6685603

Anything I can prepare salty.

>avocados for guacamole
>mango with soy sauce
>strawberry salad
>"Milanese-style" bananas
>pan-fried plantains

>> No.6685977

>cutting the skin off your Chinese gooseberry
Why would anyone do that? The skin is delicious and full of nutrients.

>> No.6685998

Granny Smith apples

>> No.6686009

mine used to be kiwi then I had star fruit for the first time

>> No.6686050

Fuck it I can't decide, but when you get a really good Peach then it's like an orgasm

>> No.6686051

Try mango salad with tomatoes, ginger, cilantro and chili , olive oil and lemon juice

>> No.6686109

Its between peaches and pears

>> No.6686185

...all of them, I think.
I rotate what fruit I buy constantly for variety.
Kiwis, pineapples, peaches, and plums are probably my top choices.

>> No.6686224


>> No.6686228

Mangosteen is the god of all fruits but its hard to come across in bongland

>> No.6686229

If it has a tattooed face or abo features then stay away from it

>> No.6686233

1. Nectarines
2. Dark grapes
3. Cherries

>> No.6686260


>the best

>god tier
white peach

>high tier
plums with red on inside
asian pear

>above average tier
other plums

>average tier
pears, all other varieties
apples, all varieties
melons, all varieties
oranges, all varities

>below average

>low tier
star fruit
kiwano melon
dragonfruit (major disappointment)
weird other fruits that have literally no sweetness or over a million seeds

>only for cooking tier

>> No.6686275
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>> No.6686277

>yellow peaches/ nectarines
>strawberries, raspberry

>red plums (god tier if cooked)
>pineapple (except for sore mouths)

>good apple varieties, ie. no red delicious
>ripe pear
>navel oranges over valencia
>bananas (especially paired with tarter fruit)
>kiwi fruit

Hit or miss

Absolutely disgusting
>papaya/ paw paw
>crab apple
>most tropical shit other than mentioned before

>> No.6686281

why would you cut the skin off?

>> No.6686282

The knife nearest you is begging to be dragged tightly across your throat.

>> No.6686285
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>average tier

>god tier

I hereby declare that you have the shittiest taste out of anybody I have ever seen

>> No.6686291
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>> No.6686293
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>being a shill for pomegranates
>not appreciating a delicious banana

>> No.6686304

Why would you eat the skin

>> No.6686310

> hes never tasted mangosteen but he feels qualified to make a fruit power rankings
Literally kill yourself autist

>> No.6686319

i've had it, but it was frozen when I bought it. isn't it illegal to import fresh magosteens?

>> No.6686372

Ive never heard that before, why would it be?
I bought fresh ones from tescos

>> No.6686414
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I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet. Cherimoya are delicious.

>> No.6686424
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There is no better fruit than the apple. Most fruit tends to be too sweet, yet the apple is the perfect blind of freshness, crispness, a dash of sweetness and tartness. Not only that, but it has the best culture surrounding it and is the most aesthetically pleasing; not to mention, it makes for the greatest drinks. The apple is fruit in its mightiest form.

>> No.6686497

Meme fruit that is too tricky to eat to be worth it
if they made a seedless variety they would be good

>> No.6686503

What is so tricky about eating a cherimoya? You wait until it softens...And, if you can't pick the rather large seeds out while eating it, then you will more than likely win a Darwin award in your lifetime.

>> No.6687120

Not only are there giant seeds there is also a film of cellulose around it too, for the pitiful amount of flesh there is it isnt worth it

>> No.6687135

>master ruseman
You tell a good kiwi by smell of course. And it should be just about getting a bit soft, sort of like an avocado.

>> No.6687138

1. mango
2. ripe guava
3. rose apple
4..... practically any fruit. I like fruit. A lot.

>> No.6687140

Plums, peaches, blackberries

>> No.6687142

Because it's good for you, anon. And it has the closest possible texture to your all-time favorite food, the gay fag unshaven testicles.

>> No.6687144
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Your doctor seems to be unaware that dietary potassium (i.e. from whole foods such as bananas) are perfectly safe and even beneficial to ingest, as you would need to consume so many bananas in such a short period if time to actually begin to experience negative side effects, even with your condition.
What you should stay away from is supplemental potassium, including foods fortified with potassium.

>> No.6687145

>low tier
>million seeds
>has raspberries and blackberries and pomegranate all at average or better

>> No.6687149

This right here.
I would always freak out the customers when I worked in produce by eating them whole when they asked how they tasted at the time. I find it's more satisfying with the skin on.

>> No.6687158

A million times this. I always get the looks and questions after i just bite into the unpeeled kiwi. And it also tastes good. Granted, it's different from a peeled one, but the taste is more complex and I prefer the vitamines intact.

>> No.6687172

1) Watermelon
2) Oranges
3) Lychee

>> No.6687192

No fave pear,lemon,peach,plum ,nectarines.

>> No.6687198


There is nothing like cutting an orange in half then just going at it like a lion tearing through a zebra.

>> No.6687231

Right now, watermelon.

>select all the hamburgers

>> No.6687237


>> No.6687268
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Kiwi is meat, not fruit.

>> No.6687270

Oh lawdy!

>> No.6687284

Banana (especially if they are sickenly sweet ripe, black skin, translucent parts in the fruit itself)
Honeydew Melon

>> No.6687294

>not eating it with the feathers on

>> No.6687311

I guess the fleshiness of a fruit is a subjective thing

>> No.6687358

probably because plums are fanfuckintastic

>> No.6687383

>meme fruit
this is what we've been reduced to

>> No.6687397


blood orange
thai mangoes

king: quince
queen: mangosteen

black currant
elder (made into syrup)


just out of curiosity what do you not like about durian? not my favorite but they're still pretty great

>> No.6687410

Pears....maybe figs.

>> No.6687572

>mamey sapote

Motherfuck what a boss fruit. Every other one i get has an already germinated seed so now i have 2 trees.

Favorite fruit is definitely that or lychee or prickly pear.

>> No.6687588

kiwis (i cant eat too many or it feels like my lips and tongue are catching on fire)

>> No.6687589

>dragonfruit (major dissapointment)

Right here. Why are they even a thing people eat? They suck. The taste is like nothing. Nothing good about them, and the worst part is i keep buying different kinds from different places and they all suck mad dick.

Now prickly pear is a cactus fruit i can get behind.

>> No.6687736

Because the grand majority of dragon fruit is imported from thousands of miles away, which means they need to pick them that much earlier, so they never ripen properly, as well as the ride over here fucks with them even more.
Same for most imported produce, such as durian, they are genuinely delicious local, but all that frozen and/or packaged shit is passable at best.

>> No.6688013


Why does everyone hate papaya so much?

>> No.6688018

Fuck yeah nigga, love that shit

>> No.6688025

Oh no, my trypophobia

>> No.6688032

fucking mushy and tastes like gasoline

>> No.6688040

Honey melon

Watermelon is fucking trash in comparison.

>> No.6688061

frozen durian is nice, when my dad manages to get his hands on some durians we get a bunch and then freeze the fruit inside

its delicious half frozen, its like an amazing creamy durian ice cream

the best quality fruits tend to go to local buyers though since they know whats good and are willing to pay the premium for them fresh

>> No.6688312


I want my body to be buried with a bunch of peach pits so as to provide nourishment for and essentially become a peach tree that bears amazing fruit for others to enjoy. There's just something magical about tree ripe peaches.

>> No.6688316

I like pretty much all fruits except for casaba melons. Those taste like someone pissed in a bowl of mixed cantaloupe and watermelon.

>> No.6688357

Really? What does urine taste like?

>> No.6688362

Only one way to truly find out...

>> No.6688364
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>peeling your kiwi

>> No.6688372

Always peel the Kiwi, K-Pax.

>> No.6688390
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These are in season right now and they're so fucking good. Fucking hell I love these.

>> No.6688399

yellow mangos

>> No.6688407
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This, but strawberry comes close second.

>> No.6688581


I fucking hate strawberries and mangos

>> No.6688591

this, dragonfruit is amazing in asian countries

>> No.6688596

red papaya is p good