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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.6684604 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, so it's a common practice to look through people's medicine cabinets whilst visiting someone's home.

What about what's in the ice box? What must a person have for you to respect them? What musn't they have?

For me, if someone has any of the memefoods, it's a no-go.
>Too much bacon

>> No.6684612
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Foster's tbh

>> No.6684614

>only having condiments and alcohol
>stuffing an entire pizza box in
>leftovers still in the pan
>having more than one energy drink
>storing eggs and butter in the fridge
>meat packages not on a plate or something


>> No.6684616


>eggs and butter at room temperature

Straight up third world shit right there.

>> No.6684621
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>> No.6684622

>not putting butter in the fridge
what the fuck? molten butter is bad for you,why would you keep it out of the fridge?i have never in my life seen anone not store butter in the fridge

>> No.6684624


a chrysalis

>> No.6684625
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>molten butter is bad for you

>> No.6684626

> Alright, so it's a common practice to look through people's medicine cabinets whilst visiting someone's home.
People do this?

>> No.6684627

The only reason I would judge someone for having nutella in their fridge is because it's not meant to be refrigerated and only idiots keep it there. I don't judge people for having memefoods, most memefoods pre-date the fads that made them popular. The cringe about memefoods is when people all of a sudden start expressing unreasonable levels of enthusiasm over them. I liked bacon before Epic Meal Time, most people did, but when I bought into the fad I suddenly acted like it was some kind of fucking god send when it was just the same shit I had been getting at Denny's my whole life.

>> No.6684628

yes and they judge you for the weird shit you have in your house

>> No.6684629


Yes you fucknut. Who the hell doesn't?

>> No.6684631

Do they do it in front of the owner? Or they wait for them to go to the bathroom or whatever?

>> No.6684633

in case you get sick/need to quickly find the pepto bismol/aspirin/ibuprofen

i keep all of my important pills out of the medicine cabinet as a result of this

>> No.6684634

Produce expert checking in

Cone shaped cabbage. Also known as something no one ever fucking buys

>> No.6684636


Yeah. You take a piss and look through their medicine cabinets and toiletries. Have you NEVER been a house guest?

>> No.6684644
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> All food it pre-packaged and ready to eat without cooking or preparation of any kind
> Adults having any quantity of colorful, ultra sugary cereal in their house

>> No.6684647

> You take a piss and look through their medicine cabinets and toiletries.
I was thinking more wait for the owner to go to the bathroom, it seems kind of weird for me to keep the actual medicine cabinet in the bathroom, but I guess people do that too.
> Have you NEVER been a house guest?
Not one that looks through a medicine cabinet...

>> No.6684653

>cone shaped cabbage

is that even a thing?

>> No.6684654
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>> No.6684656


> Adults having any quantity of colorful, ultra sugary cereal in their house

Don't go into a colored's house, then. They love sweet cereals.

>> No.6684657

whenever, people do this shit all the time. Have you literally never left the house?

>> No.6684661
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>pear in the fridge

>> No.6684662

> Have you literally never left the house?
It's true that I am kind of a shut in, but I don't see how I would suddenly pick up the habit by going to someone's house.

>> No.6684667

aren't you curious as to the stupid shit your friends do? why are you in a fridge thread? you're curious as to what other people have in their fridges

>> No.6684671


>he doesn't snoop
>he doesn't sneak

What kind of human are you?

>> No.6684674

haven't you yet asked yourself: why the fuck does OP have half a fucking ear of corn in a big ass tupperware container taking up all sorts of space in that fridge. Does he really need two tubs of mayo? what's in the fucking bags and foil? does he use that cabbage as an anal dildo?

>> No.6684689

Yeah, American nigs love sugary stuff. That's probably why black Women have an obesity rate of around 45%.

>> No.6684690

> why are you in a fridge thread?
I have not been on this board for long and wanted to see if this thread is any good

>> No.6684700




>> No.6684703

>i wanted to see if this thread is any good

none of them are

>> No.6684708

I think some are, I wouldn't have stayed on the board if at least one wasn't

>> No.6684987
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Left to right
Yogurt coconut cream pecan parfait, homage greek yogurt, cream cheese, intestines, homemade Italian sausages, crocodile sausages, foie gras... the rest you can see.

>> No.6684995
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Cooking fats and homemade smoked almond butter

>> No.6685008
File: 1.16 MB, 3264x1836, C360_2015-07-16-09-31-12-098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Booze. Three on the left are for drinking, the others for cooking.

Not pictured: crisper.
cos lettuce, roma tomatoes, alfalfa sprouts, portabello mushroom.

Condiments: herb espuma, ketchup, bbq sauce, soy sauce, worsteshire sauce, fish sauce, oyster sauce.


>> No.6685010

>red wine in the fridge


>> No.6685013

>actual cooking

i'm sorry this board is for chipotle and fazolis only

>> No.6685022

I live in a hot climate. It takes me a week to get through a bottle. I don't own a wine fridge.

>> No.6685028


>> No.6685030

bigger fag

don't you have air conditioning or a basement?

>> No.6685064
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>> No.6685076

Air condition is for serious pussies. I don't know how people became such wimps when it comes to ambient temperature, but it is utterly degenerate.

>> No.6685101

Basements are incredibly uncommon in my country.
Running air conditioners 24/7 is really a strange concept here too. Our entire country has this whole "lucky country" concept. It's common to teach your kids to conserve natural resources. Also were used to the heat so we just deal with it.

>> No.6685146

try in the 90s with 50% humidity and you'll get it. I only used my heat a few times in the winter and we had a few weeks in the upper teens. I just like the cold better

>> No.6685192

You've never lived anywhere humid, have you? Your sweat doesn't work. I've been to Tucson in mid July and it's easier to stay cool than in new orleans in October.

>> No.6685206

You are a fucking weirdo, anon.

>> No.6685254

that's a lot of potato salad

>> No.6685270

You're responding to an Australian, m8.
Summer days are 50% humidity at 100-115f

>> No.6685277
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>> No.6685308
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>not liking cold pear

>> No.6685357

Air condition is for people who want to live in comfort. ME. So fuck you and your sweaty balls.

Avg. temp between June - August where I live is like 98f with 80% humidity.

50% is IDEAL for humans. It's not too wet (above 60) and not too dry (below 40). It's perfect. Yes, your temp is high, but high humidity is far worse.

>> No.6685368

>Im poor

>> No.6685387

For some reason, I thought the picture had Arabic on it before I expanded it.

>> No.6685395


Also why does everything in America come in gallon sized containers?

>> No.6685620

>living somewhere with less than 80% humidity in australia
I hope you live in a desert cause otherwise you're scum

>> No.6685640

>50% is IDEAL for humans. It's not too wet (above 60) and not too dry (below 40). It's perfect.
This is such a meaningless statement. The real amount of moisture in the air represented by "50% humidity" varies according to the temperature.

>> No.6685642

look at the size of the olives, dude. it's a small shooped in hand.

>> No.6685663

>a person with bananas and multiple containers of mayonnaise is judging someone else's food tastes.
this is like when the fat/dyel'ers actually show their face on /fit/. these are the people criticizing others. let that sink in for a minute

>> No.6685672

fuck does one cook with kahlua?

>> No.6685676
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if you're gonna buy sugar slop sauce that doesnt really ever go bad somehow, might as well choose the cheapest per unit package

>> No.6685677


>> No.6685681
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oh i was thinking like deglazing something savory derp

>> No.6685697

you need to get out more