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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6680616 No.6680616 [Reply] [Original]

Post unusual foods, recipes, or even stuff you came up with. Whether it's gross, delicious, 5 star or budget bin, we want to see it.

Pic related, it's a swedish sandwich cake.

>> No.6680620
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Very handy.

>> No.6680621
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Spaghetti tacos.

>> No.6680625
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>> No.6680644
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Baked beans, mashed potatoes and pork layered in a quick easy to eat way.

>> No.6680648

The fuck is up with those eggs? They look like marble

>> No.6680655


looks like tea eggs.

crack the shell in several places, soak in tea.

>> No.6680689
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>> No.6680699
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They're called 'dragon' or marbled eggs, like >>6680655 said

you can soak them in soy sauce, food colouring, tea etc.

>> No.6680710
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Snails. Fucking délicious too

>> No.6680729
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Bacon bouquet

>> No.6680737

I hate snails. Whenever I eat them I can't help but imagine the snail when it was alive, oozing mucus and being gross

>> No.6680770
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>> No.6680828
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>> No.6680929
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>> No.6680936
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>> No.6680937
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General tsos cheesesteak

>> No.6680938



>> No.6680952

Holy fuck what?! That is literally my two fav things in one. Where can i get this?

>> No.6680959

that last one is japan
>fat = america
>weird as fuck = nippon

>> No.6680976
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>> No.6680980

The squeez bacon is swedish though, look at the flag

>> No.6681016
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fried spaghetti

>> No.6681040
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Haha, I just googled the same article.

>> No.6681069

that could be tasty actually

>> No.6681077
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>> No.6681099
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I'm italian and this looks delicious

Pic is pesce finto (literally "fake fish") which is cold mashed potatoes with tuna, anchovy paste, capers and mayo, with various toppings. Easy and nice in the summer.

>> No.6681124

Damn that's cute, I'm so making this. How do you get the fish shape?

>> No.6681134

Make it yourself you lazy faggot.

>> No.6681135
File: 994 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150629_132924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a special I made for work.

Quinoa and chickpea patties, red pepper aoloi, cucumber, carrots and beets with a tabouli salad.

Sold like hot cakes, but was a bitch to plate.

>> No.6681141
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>> No.6681149

> thinly veiled rare pepe thread

>> No.6681156

>pesce finto looks delizioso

>> No.6681160

That looks great

>> No.6681161

>poor fag detected

>> No.6681167
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>> No.6681168

Nothing wrong with being poor.

>> No.6681169
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>> No.6681211
File: 929 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_20150402_142243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza burger. Bake pizza dough into the shape of a bun and serve with mozz, pizza sauce, and your usual favorite burger toppings. A personal invention of mine.

>> No.6681218

Is Heston Blumenthal as much of a faggot as he seems? "Here's some headphones to wear to dinner, because I'm a pretentious fuckstick."

>> No.6681233


He's a faggot but that dish is still pretty fucking cool. An acquired taste though. He really does have a boring and oafish personality though.

>> No.6681235
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>> No.6681240

It's been 1000 years since pizza was created

Do you really think you're the only person in the world to think of a pizza burger?


>> No.6681525

Did you really use 1lb of pizza dough for a hamburger bun?

>> No.6681560

holy shit
is dat some snake eye lasagna?

>> No.6681637

No, it expands quite a bit in the oven. This one was a little too big but it was still only like 5oz of dough iirc.

>> No.6681639
File: 100 KB, 620x413, california-burrito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is delicious. You don't find it too far outside of San Diego.

>> No.6681848

this is a weird thread and I like it. moar.

>> No.6681858


I lived in the greater Sacramento area for about ten years and you could find those things everywhere.

>> No.6681883

I think you mean too far out of California.

>> No.6681904

Fucking love this shit and the juice.

>> No.6681912

I live in Bumfuck Wyoming. If we have it, everyone does.

>> No.6681933

We don't in KY. Probably a western thing.

>> No.6682026



>> No.6682086

hell yeah man drench those bitches in some butter, garlic and lemon

>> No.6682108

I bet "Hot and sour fish soup flavor" is what her pussy tastes like

>> No.6682459

sorry amerifats

>> No.6682483
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>> No.6682505


>product of USA
>can never find them in the USA

I don't even

>> No.6682743

Underrated post

>> No.6682768

Is this like a rare pepe thread /ck/ version?

if so i like

>> No.6682769 [DELETED] 

Jesus I thought this was a harley quinn baby in the thumbnail

>> No.6682774


>> No.6682778

this is a beautiful picture. I wonder how long it took the artist to create.

>> No.6682799

Bitch you ain't special. That is everywhere.

>> No.6682825

Sorry to ruin your wonderment but about a fraction of a second as it's a program.
A neat program at that.

>> No.6682826

It took Google a couple seconds tops.
It's some Google program that uses random parts of web images to form whatever your original Image was.

>> No.6683093
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>rarest food

jokes aside I'd love to try frog sashimi

>> No.6683334
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>> No.6683358

Not super original, but i made burgers the other night with figs, goats chese, Vincotto and maple bacon

>> No.6683468

ahh this is a meme

that explains it

>> No.6683849

That is the most exotic egg preparation I've ever seen. How are they made?

>> No.6683851

Damn, I usually don't dig fast food "fusion" food but that actually seems pretty smart.

>> No.6683860
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why can't I get these in america


>> No.6683869

and a April's fool joke

>> No.6683989

It's definitely not in Michigan. Potatoes in a burrito is unheard of there.

>> No.6683994

That shit is super easy to make and doesn't take very long. You should try to make it some time.

>> No.6684537

Arent these yamamomo? They taste interesting

>> No.6684563

You dont get frozen lychees in cuckland?

>> No.6684584

I think theyre low quality yamamomo not lychees


>> No.6684618

I don't understand. I really don't.

>> No.6685331
File: 5 KB, 275x183, 54ry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Zebra Lemons?

>> No.6686515
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Savory crepes filled with pate. Delicious, my family loves them.

>> No.6686523

Salmon and fennel is a classic combo, so I can see this working.

>> No.6686585


>> No.6686825


Warm pate? I don't know how I feel about this anon. I'll have to this to decide.

>> No.6686928

You could heat it up I guess, that's just personal preference. I can't even remember if I use warm, room temperature or cold pate because it doesn't matter that much.

>> No.6686952

I've always wanted to make smorgastarta, but there just hasn't been an occasion for such a whimsical dish, yet, around here. Anyone have a good recipe (by that, I mean good filling combinations and good toppings)?

>> No.6686968

The eggs have to be boiled (well, simmered, really) in a mixture of tea, soy, and spices first,for a long time, then cracked, then soaked for a long time. Otherwise you just get the coloring but no flavor.

>> No.6686987

sounds good, but your tabouli needs work. There's not nearly enough herbs in there. Tabouli should be green as fuck.

>> No.6687066

You should try paté en croute (French, I have no idea if there is an English translation).

>> No.6687107


fffffffffffffffuck no that looks messed up

>> No.6687134

Kill yourself

>> No.6687180


>Warm pate? I don't know how I feel about this anon.

don't be a faggot, smearing paté on fresh baked bread os the best shit ever

>> No.6687211

>mfw there is actually a restaurant near me that serves spaghetti burritos in a totally unironic way


>> No.6687217

>living so far away from of a major city

Where do you live? I know tons of places, even in the burbs, that sell em.

>> No.6687220

The fuck? You'd have to get out in the middle of Wyoming to not find one.

>> No.6687222

It's actually not that bad, and the idea isn't that crazy. Heavy sugar cures of salmon aren't uncommon, and it's a very small step just to take it in a licorice direction. Salmon works really well as a sweet-savory protein.

>> No.6687239

He thinks the California burrito is special because they put fucking fries in it

>> No.6687243

No leverpostej unless you really like it

>> No.6687875
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>fresh baked
>not toasted

>> No.6687976

taco bell has a fucking cheesy potato burrito

>> No.6688030
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This is real.

>> No.6688050

>growing jelly bellies

>> No.6688164

I live in San Diego and I can tell you you can find these anywhere. dont be a faggot

>> No.6688201

fuck that you get to the bottom and all you got left is beans that probably got cold

>> No.6688245


take eggs and boil them normally until just hard boiled, take out and run under cold water for a few minutes. crack the shells of the eggs, but don't peel them or let the shell come off, this creates the pattern that you see. Then put your eggs back into a pan of water with either tea or some other colouring, heat it to a boil, then reduce heat to the lowest simmer, and let them sit for an hour. Afterwards, let the eggs cool in the liquid, don't drain them.

carefully peel the shells off before eating, you should now have pretty tea eggs.

>> No.6688267

This would probably be nice, licorice tastes amazing with anything savory.

>> No.6688271

If you just want the pattern, you could do it your way, but if you want the flavor to permeate your tea eggs, you have to do it that way.

>> No.6688539

Either mayonnaise or something like shrimp salad that's based on mayonnaise. Ham is good too, shrimp of course and maybe some smoked salmon.
You could probably use another lettuce than iceberg if you want but that's the usual way. You could also have something sweet like mimosa salad or mandarins. The other guy said no leverpastej unless you really like it but of course you like it, it's impossible not to.

>> No.6688576

I don't get cake batter. Isn't it just vanilla with crumbs? Why would you want crumbs in a drink?

>> No.6688834
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>> No.6688840
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>> No.6688849
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>> No.6688875


We just call it en croute in English too Frenchanon :)

>> No.6688877 [DELETED] 

This looks actually delicious

>> No.6688880
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sorry, I take the picture with a potato

>> No.6688978
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i had a deep dream

>> No.6689080
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How are those edits made?

>> No.6689107

as i said -> google deep dream


>> No.6689174

mosaic jelly? that's a birthday staple around here, it's hardly rare...

>> No.6689241


This is fucking with my trypophobia badly.

>> No.6689479

>swedish sandwich cake
Damn. That is a good idea.

>> No.6689495

Is that the dreaming computer again ?

>> No.6689498

>fat = america
>tentacles = nippon


>> No.6689501

>frog sashimi
Enjoy your liver flukes.

>> No.6689559

the bullfrogs asadachi imports were raised for meat so why the fuck would they have parasites. you are an idiot

>> No.6689569


Fuck off with your special snowflake made up "phobia".

>> No.6690043
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>> No.6690138
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The squeeze bacon is fake

>> No.6690490

Japanese Carbonala. Basicallz Carbonara Spaghetti with green tea powder. Parmesan may be left out.

>> No.6690508
File: 147 KB, 500x723, 1412211008303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sac bro in the house, no but seriously... im leaving this place for portland shortly, sacramento is crap as far as capitols go.

>> No.6690615

>having memephobias

>> No.6690783

There's Pepe cakes. But no PoopooPeepee cakes.

>> No.6690872
File: 11 KB, 259x194, yicu67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an edible blue mushroom.

>> No.6690995

Has noone here actually tasted Smörgås tårta?
What the fuck

>> No.6691005


>> No.6691015

>as far as capitols go

and....how many capitols have you lived in? Because Sacramento is far from the worst, and there's some cool things about just lije any other city. But since you're going to Portland, just be safe in the knowledge that that place is crap too, and you wont find happiness just switching cities.

>> No.6691030

Dude. Not that guy, but Sacramento definitely sucks huge dicks. As a fourteen year old with braces and head gear, I was asked on multiple occasions for a cigarette by homeless people on a five minute walk down the block

>> No.6691088

Dude. Its like that in in any large city. If you think that's scary, for gods sake stay away from the Tenderloin in SF. And 5th - 7th streets in Austin, and practically anywhere in Denver these days, and half of Atlanta or Savanah or D.C. etc etc etc etc. Cities always have a considerable homeless population. Also, I've never been asked for money by the homeless in Sac, except when i give some change to the buskers.

>> No.6691104
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lephet thoke

Fermented, or pickled, tea salad mix from Burma. Comes with a sachet of the tea and a package of nuts. This gets mixed with cabbage and tomato and oil. A bit spicy.

>> No.6691118

Tea leaf salad is one of my most favorite foods ever. There's only one Burmese restaurant close to me that serves it, and it's mighty god tier. I always get one order to eat there, and one to take home for later, and the Burmese lady who owns the place is adorable.
I've never seen the packets of fermented tea leaves in any of the asian stores here, I don't think I can get it, otherwise I'd be making it all the time.

>> No.6691131


It's not the easiest stuff to find. I tracked down a grocer who carries a bunch of Burmese products (in Vancouver).

>I don't think I can get it

Oh well. On the plus side it will remain a real treat.

>> No.6691146


>> No.6691437

Portland is pretty cool, and fairly laid back. The se Belmont/Hawthorn area has lots of cool places

>> No.6691634

please b0ss

>> No.6691653

get me outta sac please

>> No.6692347

What type of bread do they use to maket his?

>> No.6692555


This reminds me of cloud berries..

I don't have a photo, but I tried them in Norway many years ago.. They look like raspberries on steroids, orange in color, and taste a bit like ham.. I live in the US and absolutely no one knows what the hell I'm talking about.

>> No.6692561

they sell them all over the place in NYC chinatowns

>> No.6692612

I live in rural Siberia Russia and we have that

>> No.6692616

just ask for rambutan

>> No.6692621
File: 247 KB, 1334x813, kllfwkdklsfkjldsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty food porn inbound: Traditional Chili w/ Champagne Mustard, Buffalo Sauce and Croutons

>> No.6692778


waxberries, these are dank as fuck

>> No.6692922

And creeeeeeme fraaaaaaaish ?

>> No.6694144
File: 158 KB, 500x333, Blue-cornflowers-Flowerona-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edible blue flowers

>> No.6694427

Jello headcheese?

>> No.6694519

>5th - 7th streets in Austin,
To be fair, Austin is a city retarded enough to have its main homeless shelter 1 block away from its biggest entertainment district. Literally across the street.

>> No.6695627

are you dollar guy?