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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6677551 No.6677551 [Reply] [Original]

>Bubble tea
Is it /fit/ approved or /fat/ approved?

>> No.6677557

You didn't ask /fit/ because you know the answer

>> No.6677560

>Sugar milk with sugar balls inside it
What do you think?

>> No.6677575
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Ok for bulkan.
Add some whole milk cookies.

>> No.6677579

Fitizen here, don't drink it, especially from restaurants. I work at a Thai restaurant that serves them, and we have to practically ass rape them with granulated sugar to give boba its typical taste. I make it at home sometimes, and people are surprised to find that my boba doesn't taste like the boba I make at the restaurant, and for some reason they can't figure out that it's because my version isn't drowning in fucking sugar. Those tapioca balls aren't completely bad for you (esp if you can carry that amount of carbs in whatever diet you have) but they stack up calories faster than people think they do.

TL;DR: Don't order bubble tea ever unless you want to be fat.

>> No.6677582

>Sugar milk
since when?

>> No.6677584

Who gives a shit if some cunt approves it or not? I might have one three times a year, big fucking deal. Has anyone approved of you taking gerbils up your asshole?

>> No.6677585

I do them myself actually.
Tea+non fat milk+arom

>> No.6677590


the traditional old-school recipe was to combine black tea with sweetened condensed milk from a can.

these days most places use a powdered mix which contains a lot of sugar

>> No.6677626

Top lel it's not the fat in bubble tea that makes you a fatty fat, it's the sugar. Use whole milk, for the amount of calories it adds it improves the quality a lot more than the amount of sugar it takes to make the typical sweetness level of boba. I recommend you use honey, it's sweetness seems to come out in tea more than sugar and you can add a stronger taste for fewer calories than if you were to use sugar.
Also take it easy on the tapioca balls, treat them as a garnish and don't overwhelm your whole drink with them.

>> No.6677628

Do people really think adding ~500 excess calories once every few months makes you fat?

>> No.6677634

In modern restaurants it's really typical to just boil the tapioca bubbles in obscenely sugary water (like, similar to the sugar level of Sweet Tea) and then brew tea in it. They just dump bags of white sugar into big pots.

>> No.6677635

surely once in a while is ok. obviously don't drink it everyday. but that can be said about many things.

>> No.6677639


This is /ck/. There is no such thing as moderation here. If you say you like bubble tea that means you're eating three cups of it with every meal.

>> No.6677642

Obviously OP is interested in what a health-conscious person's opinion on this is, he literally asked for that opinion. You seem insecure, and are probably overweight.

>> No.6677650

I could eat sugar cube sandwiches once in a while and I wouldn't get fat, that doesn't mean that sugar cube sandwiches deserve my approval as a part of a healthy diet.

>> No.6677656
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So, let's get it clear
>Non fat milk
What about the aroma powder?

>> No.6677657

>approval as a part of a healthy diet
who is claiming it's part of a healthy diet? your comment implied that drinking any amount of it is detrimental to your health, when clearly drinking it once in a while is going to do little damage, if any. my point is, settle down your fat fear mongering.

>> No.6677659

ITT: post the last thing you ate and have others make wild assumptions about you as a person

>pic related, it was last night's dinner

>> No.6677662

No. He asked and I quote "Is it /fit/ approved or /fat/ approved?" Well if he wanted approval from those boards then he should have asked from those boards in the first place. I answered his question from /ck. How exactly does that make me insecure or overweight?

When was the last time that you took a couple gerbils up your asshole? With all those gerbils up your asshole you're likely the overweight one.

>> No.6677673
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You stupid faggot OP asked if it was /fit/ approved or /fat/ approved. I'm not "fear mongering", whether or not boba is healthy IS THE ENTIRE PREMISE OF THIS FUCKING THREAD YOU SUBLIME MORON.
Some foods are healthy, some foods are not. Boba tea is not healthy. Yes, I know that drinking it once a year wont make you instantly a fat ass. No, this still doesn't change the fact that boba is worse for your body than soda.
Also, you sound fat.

>> No.6677676

It seems to me that you're trying to get approval from /fluffyfaggitpony and should consult them instead of /ck.

>> No.6677686
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>> No.6677703

This is /ck/. Why are you asking that here? Not only that, we don't care what those fucks think.

>> No.6677709
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The premise of this thread and what that post said. Let's break it down so even an autist could understand it.

>guise, i need your approval in whether or not i should drink bubble tea


>once in a while is ok. obviously don't drink it everyday

>just because you drink it once in a while doesnt make it healthy

> i never said it was healthy. simply stated it is ok once in a while.


Try harder.

>you sound fat
lel. I am 5'10 160 lbs.

>> No.6677713

it's not about the boba tea you drink at some weird chinese shop, it's about the boba tea you make yourself.

>> No.6677729

>drink full of sugar and emulsified fat
>guise do you think it's fit approved?? hurr

what do you think yokozuna?

>> No.6677747
File: 11 KB, 293x344, brah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you lose weight drinking boba tea and dietitians hate you

>> No.6677767

Post timestamped photos chubber

>> No.6677778

You might want to go and pump some more iron. Your reading comprehension really sucks. The answer to your question has been given multiple times already in this thread.

>> No.6677787
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>> No.6677788

That anon obviously isn't OP, just a really butthurt skinnyfat grasping at straws to justify drinking syrup with sugary balls of goo in it.

>> No.6677801
File: 116 KB, 500x400, ORIGINAL_KRAZY_STRAW-STRW-0603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He needs a krazy straw.

>> No.6678002

It's not about the boba tea, it's about going to the cafe where the cute Asian grils hang out.

>> No.6678059

What bevrage, beside semen or water, don't make you fat?

>> No.6678075
File: 553 KB, 2560x2489, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i know a fat person who needs something like that to sleep at night without suffocating
>he was eating a butter sandwich recently
>tfw can't help everybody

>> No.6678092

Who the fuck even drinks bubble tea all the time besides teenage white girls?
Gtfo you fagboys, you've got bigger problems than tapioca making you fat.

>> No.6678115

yeah, your mom's pregnancy.

>> No.6678201

Those tapioca balls are fucking disgusting

>> No.6678259

Well, technically, something high in sugar is not 'bad' for your body. It's neutral. It's only bad if you do it constantly. It doesn't do shit to you if you do it occasionally. It's certainly not healthy, but it's not bad for you either.

Also what's 'healthy' and what's not is kind of a specious argument in the first place since 'healthy' isn't really an actual metric.

>> No.6678264


How do you know that sample you rubbed out to gay porn at the spermbank got in her?