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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6677184 No.6677184 [Reply] [Original]

Why is jew york pizza so overrated?

>> No.6677186

because you're a fat chicago faggot.

>> No.6677188


>> No.6677191

LoL, I say! LOL! You took the "new" out of "new york" and replaced it with "jew" so it's "jew york" because of all of the "jews" who live in "new york" oh man how did you come up with that one? jew, new, it's right there in front of our faces, and yet you, the brightest comedic mind our nation has ever seen, were the one to make the connection. the jew york connection. sheer brilliance, i say. surely there has never been a quip so biting, a line so concise, except maybe in the days of groucho marx. you, sir, are truly in a league of your own. when scholars look upon our day and count the great minds of this generation, yours will no doubt top the list. the man who invented jew york. the myth. the legend. i am in awe. i bow to you.

>> No.6677193

Spotted the jew

>> No.6677196

Best style is St. Louis style.

>> No.6677197

Kike detected

>> No.6677201
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>> No.6677202

ok kid

>> No.6677205

In New York we have concentrated our efforts on flavor and ingredients rather than 6 inches of crust to make you fat pieces of shit healthier not fatter. Part of that is using real mozzerella cheese with a partial provolone mixture sometimes which does come with oil and grease when heated until it screams. Sure, we could make a huge ass faggy crust. But does the crust really offer any health benefits? Nope. It does kill diabetics and makes people suffer fat gain. SO we made the crust simple, it's like a plate for the sauce and toppings and nothing more. So go get your 10000 gram carb crust and fuck off to hell where all fat people end up because gluttony is one of the deadly sins. In the mean time while you wait for death and your breathing becomes more and more labored, suck some cock if you haven't already. It's available all over. If you're lucky you can get a kill shot with HIV in it and meet your famous maker even sooner. People don't even make corn cobs the same way in every state. Why does pizza get chosen to be so outspoken about and meme'd. Jesus christ getting an aneurism from this stupid shit.

>> No.6677210


get a load of this faggot and his crust fetish.

>> No.6677215

Yeah i take left over crust into the tub and lube it with conditioner and fuck the shit out of it while it screams out it still loves me and to stop

>> No.6677270


oh man look at this guy, cutting me right to the bone. he called me "kid" as an insult, as if to insinuate that i am, in fact, not an adult, but rather an underdeveloped child flinging his shit at the walls. guffaw, guffaw, guffaw - this is truly a hilarious denigration, one which i never could have thought of on my own. to call another grown man a child - who would ever think of such a thing? but you did! you, my brilliant, worldly, deep-thinking friend, you have invented, with all of your mental might, a deviously stinging attack on my character, arousing much satisfaction from onlookers as they see the anguish wash over my face. i know i have been bested, for you called me "kid"

>> No.6677273

that looks delicious, are you retarded?

>> No.6677279

>Yeah, your thicker pizza tastes better, but our pizza is marginally healthier.
>Concerned about health.


>> No.6677292

your 3 inches of cheese, sauce and toppings is not "marginally" less healthy. seriously do you know how fast calories and fat and carbs add up? I bet your ass at least tree fiddy

>> No.6677391
File: 58 KB, 500x375, -Postcard_of_Totonno_s_Piz-20000000005849974-500x375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New York is the place of origin for pizza in the US. Draw a line down the cost from New Haven to South Jersey, and that's ground zero for Italian-American cooking. NYC is where pizza was first served in America in 1905 from a coal fired oven. There are still 15 places in New York serving that original coal oven style of pizza. If you want to taste what pizza was like before the rest of the country had even heard of it you can do it here.

In addition you can find other styles of pizza here, ranging from wood oven Neapolitian to classic floppy slice joint to 99 cent a slice garbage.

The only folks I can imagine finding NYC pizza overrated are lovers of the kind of redneck pizza Pizza Hut sells. If you need three toppings and a lot of crust most of the pizza in NYC could seem underwhelming.

>> No.6677394

dollar slices are my shit

>> No.6677401

>Midwesterners in charge of good pizza
>Illinois in charge of anything
>Chicagoans so insecure about their pizza they feel the need to shitpost about it on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.6677405

>there are only two styles of pizza

>> No.6677407
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>eat a dick jewyork faggot.

>> No.6677408

NY-IDF please go

>> No.6677409

LoL, I say! LOL! You took the "new" out of "new york" and replaced it with "jew" so it's "jew york" because of all of the "jews" who live in "new york" oh man how did you come up with that one? jew, new, it's right there in front of our faces, and yet you, the brightest comedic mind our nation has ever seen, were the one to make the connection. the jew york connection. sheer brilliance, i say. surely there has never been a quip so biting, a line so concise, except maybe in the days of groucho marx. you, sir, are truly in a league of your own. when scholars look upon our day and count the great minds of this generation, yours will no doubt top the list. the man who invented jew york. the myth. the legend. i am in awe. i bow to you.

>> No.6677422

They are shit, but kind of a brilliant business model. I'm still amazed that in one of the most expensive cities in the US it's still easy to find lunch for two or three bucks without resorting to the value menu of a fast food chain. Whether it's dollar slices, noodles from a pushcart, fried dumplings, a fried fish bun from a Chinese bakery, tacos from a truck or a felafel from Mamoun's (which breaks the bank at a whopping $3.50).

>> No.6677424

I just read a news story about a dollar pizza chain that had to close down because they weren't paying their employees enough.

>> No.6677435


>What is a copypasta?

>> No.6677437

Guy who posted it here, it may be copypasta now, but it's fresh. Wrote it myself.

>> No.6677440

>two styles of pizza
lol. Educate yourself:
Well I sure as fuck wouldn't want anyone I gave a shit about working in one of those places.

>> No.6677443

>sarcasm doesn't exist

>> No.6677446

It's not overrated it's the best and you're the best hollywood faggit. Just admit it, your favorite pizza topping is salty semen.

>> No.6677448

No, at least you said please but the answer is still politely no.

>> No.6677497

I just like thin pizza.

>> No.6677689

Mediocre pizza is the only thing keeping New York's ego in tact, just let them have it.

>> No.6677697

Only deathfats complain about NY pizza.

It just isn't enough to mintain their body weight.

>> No.6677702

dollar pizza isn't overrated.

>> No.6677780

NY city is where 90% of legal immagrants go and they don't travel very far any more. It's a huge cesspool of food from around the world with them living the american dream starting up their own restaurants and sharing their food. You're a fucking dumbass. Get off your ass and away from the internet and actually out into the real world. Yes the real world cost more than a mcdouble from mcdonalds. Get over it.

>> No.6677791

New Yorker detected.

>> No.6677809

HARR HARR HARR no SC actually.

>> No.6677947

>It's a huge cesspool of food from around the world with them living the american dream starting up their own restaurants and sharing their food
I wouldn't call that a cesspool - that's one of the best things about NYC. The best cheap eats here range from all over the world, and tend to be veryfuckinggood. Pizza is a legacy thing from that same story 100 years ago.

>> No.6677950

Because you're a jealous political taking CAIR money from islamics.

>> No.6677981

I grew up in NYC and the shit doesn't tend to be "veryfuckinggood" there are so many places that some are good and with time one sorts out the wheat from the chaff so to speak. Most of them really suck but there are some places here and there.

Even some hole in the wall joints down in Chinatown and they vary with time, they might vary with time but generally get shut down after a year or so for various reasons.

>> No.6677985

not him but fuck off soap, i mean jew

>> No.6677988

Did I touch a nerve you islamic scum?

>> No.6677994

I might have written heart but I know that you islamics have no hearts.

>> No.6677995

I'm not muslim you fucking kike

>> No.6678052
File: 24 KB, 300x325, seitsema.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll agree that eating well on the cheap in NYC does require knowing the lay of the land. Knowing that this Pakistani cabbie joint is much better than that one, which taquerias are great and which are bullshit and where the good places are in Chinatown. Just wandering into places at random is a good way to get ripped off, but you could stumble across something amazing. Robert Sietsema has made a fucking career out of doing pretty much that, and as a result you could eat very well pretty much anywhere in this town for $5 just by following his recommendations. Pic related.

>> No.6678191
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Chicago Fag here

New York Pizza is the best for parties and for casual lunches and shit
Chicago Casserole is a god tier dinner meal that you sit down with, good for small gatherings.

I love both pizzas and anyone who tries to battle over fucking pizza should kill themselves

>> No.6678203

>using spoiler tags on /ck/
Fucking retard.

>> No.6678225

Laughed irl at this comment. NYers don't give a shit about pizza normally. Chicago came up with some garbage knockoff of pizza and Midwesterners have such an inferiority complex they feel obligated to sing praises on high for deep dish pizza.
It's a shitty knockoff of the real thing and the sooner people realize that the faster we can end this stupid "debate"

>> No.6678235

>god tier dinner meal
If eating that much cheese at one sitting is your idea of a great meal.

>> No.6678260

So....what are you? A greasy Wop or dirty Irish? Or the illusive ignorant JewYorker?

>> No.6678261

The greasy slop you faggot fucking yankee bastards serve is IN NO FUCKING WAY any healthier than any other pizza, you stupid, pretentious hipster fucking FAGGOT
God fucking damn I hate new yorkers so fucking god damn much

>> No.6678274

Enjoy your Pizza Hut.

>> No.6678275

Considering there are over twice as many calories in a slice of Chicago style "pizza", vs NYC pizza, it's no wonder you're so upset.

Maybe you have high blood pressure, fatty.

>> No.6678281
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I am not the biggest fan of cheese but a perfectly cooked pizza is really amazing. When you take a ball of sweet dough then push it into a bowl and fill it with a shitload of fucking cheese and then cover that in sauce so the cheese cant brown and then are left with a dough bowl filled with congealed cheese disk covered in sauce ocean.... i can no longer enjoy that.. in fact its so far removed from the original ingredients and style of cooking it honestly cant be called a pizza. real pizza... good savory dough
small amount of salted san marzano tomatoes crushed by hand.. small dollops of buffalo mozzarella. drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and into he oven for a few minutes tops... it comes out and you throw a few basil leaves on top.. Really one of those rare combinations that just works every time and is almost universally loved.

Chicago style casserole is made in a deep pie dish and is shaped into a bowl and filled to the brim with substandard ingredients which are all bastardizations of pizza ingredients. cheap processed cheese
sweet dough
sweet over spiced sauce
tons of meat
it is then baked for a very long time to allow the ingredients to "cook"

Honestly i dont see how you can call it pizza its like calling baked potato's french fries... it makes no sense..

>> No.6678283

>I fucking hate ny pizza its so greasy!!!!

I doubt your stupid ass has ever left whatever shiity flyover state your trailer is parked in.

Maybe your area just makes shitty knock off NY pizza.

>> No.6678287

I've been to NYC and ate your slop and it's every bit as awful as anything Pizza Hut could dream up, but you pretentious fucks have your heads so far up your ass about anything NYC that you'll lap up runny literal human shit if someone said "dis from new york so it gud". I hope another Muslim extremist (or government official, this isn't about whether 9/11 was a conspiracy or not so I don't want to trigger any conspiracy guys) flies an even bigger plane into an even more important building, and I hope he's got a stolen nuclear warhead on board, so the whole fucking city gets wiped out.
At the very least, stay in your fucking state. Stop coming to mine. Stop building houses in mine, and then complaining how nothing is like NY. Stay in NY, and keep your shitty opinions about food, music, literature, film, etc. in NY and off any website where anyone from a different part of the world can see your shitty fucking faggot opinions.

>> No.6678291

I love how you greasy wop fucks act like every where that isn't NY is a shit hole, and yet one fucking third of my states economy is built entirely around you disgusting subhuman scumbags fleeing your cesspool state, only to try and make mine into the same kind of cesspool. I bet your pathetic, retarded ass can't even intimate the state I'm talking about, either, you fucking goober.

>> No.6678294

Upset about the confederate flag eh?


>> No.6678296 [DELETED] 

Objective pizza ranking:
Mountain > Neapolitan > Chicago > Normal > Jew Jework > Britcuckistan > Mexican > Commiefornia

>> No.6678300


I don't care what shithole you live in.
You're obviously too embarrassed to admit it anyway.

>> No.6678313

First, CSA lost almost two hundred years ago, the war's over, why anyone would fight so hard to keep flying the flag of a failed nation-state is beyond me.
Second, that has nothing to do with the fact that NY is one of the worst states in the union, and definitely houses the shittiest people in the world.
It's Florida, you stupid fuck, I'm talking about the constant yankee invasion of Florida, I'm talking about the ceaseless attempts to turn Florida into NY, I'm talking about you fucks all coming down here, and complaining the whole time you build your houses and live here. Your pizza is shit, your city is shit, Broadway is shit, everything that is NY and especially NYC is fucking shit and that's why you swarm en masse to FL every year, and that's why half of you stay here every year.

>> No.6678314 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 640x480, 309778021_ae5a3bd60c_z[1].jpg_zz=1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All your pizza are easily cucked by this deep freeze piece of brilliant food engineering.

>> No.6678328

>I've been to NYC and ate your slop
That's because you didn't know any better than to eat at Sbarro.

>> No.6678330

This times a thousand.
New Yorkers are the most abrasive, obnoxious, and mostly ignorant assholes I've ever had the displeasure to be around. I've met a few smart and savvy NYC dwellers, but they are few and far between.
The only other city I hate as much is LA, which is full of stupid, vain, vapid morons, who dont know how to drive worth a shit, and too much ghetto.

>> No.6678346

You admit you live in Florida, yet expect anyone to take your opinion about food the least bit seriously? MAYBE if we were talking Cuban food, but even then, you're from a state where the best restaurant you have is located in a fucking theme park.You're little more than the nursing home where we send our old people to go die.

>> No.6678358

Not that guy, but seriously, you should stop. No wonder Florida is such a hellhole, it's filled with elderly New Yorkers and all their ignorant complaining and shitty taste in food. I'd be angry about it too if you fucks invaded my state.

>> No.6678382

Why can't I find a youtube review or an actual picture of cooked said pizza. The box makes it seem like there is no sauce on it.

>> No.6678384

No only do we buy lots of their orange juice, but we send them our old people, who pump money into the local economy without taking jobs away from anyone. You'd think they would be thankful. But no. They just want to bitch about pizza, which is something they know nothing about.

>> No.6678391

I found a 1 or less second shot of it. But damn, no real good details.


>> No.6678410

Literally autism: the poster

>> No.6678431

Everyone in the US buys lots of their orange juice, they don't need you. Not to mention they only pump money into retirement villages, and are too cheap to have a significant effect on local economies. They don't invest in anything because they are living on pensions and savings, and they add nothing, because they ate too set in their ways and only like what they are used to. So you have no case there. The only jobs they help are in the medical field

>> No.6678448

>a-atleast it's better than pizza hut!!

Probably the nicest thing you could say about jew york pizza.

>> No.6678451

You're probably descended from jews.

>> No.6678452

>jew york

LoL, I say! LOL! You took the "new" out of "new york" and replaced it with "jew" so it's "jew york" because of all of the "jews" who live in "new york" oh man how did you come up with that one? jew, new, it's right there in front of our faces, and yet you, the brightest comedic mind our nation has ever seen, were the one to make the connection. the jew york connection. sheer brilliance, i say. surely there has never been a quip so biting, a line so concise, except maybe in the days of groucho marx. you, sir, are truly in a league of your own. when scholars look upon our day and count the great minds of this generation, yours will no doubt top the list. the man who invented jew york. the myth. the legend. i am in awe. i bow to you.

>> No.6678453

So did Hitler but he atoned for it.

>> No.6678456

So was* Hitler

>> No.6678460

>Not to mention they only pump money into retirement villages, and are too cheap to have a significant effect on local economies.
Nonsense. They have to eat. And they go out to eat. So there's that.
>The only jobs they help are in the medical field
Healthcare is 10% of the state's economy, making it the third largest sector behind tourism and real estate. Since most of them buy their own places (at least initially) they're helping real estate. And if their kids and grandkids visit them tourism is being fed as well.

>> No.6678464

New york itself is overrated

>> No.6678468

Doesn't everyone outside of New York already hate New York? Serious question.

>> No.6678470

so are the baha men you flyover faggot.

>> No.6678473

You either hate it or want to move to it.

>> No.6678521

It's the same in every country. The French talk trash about Paris, and the English will shit on London.

The biggest city in a nation ends up by default being the biggest cultural center. Those who do not identify with the culture there will generally say negative things about it. Partially because they hear about it all the fucking time, and feel compelled to point out there is more to the culture of their country than wjat happens to be going on in its biggest cultural center.

And they have a point. Living in the cultural center of any country is not for everyone. It's bound to be more crowded, expensive and faster paced than any other place in that country.

>> No.6678542

>if their kids and grandkids visit
If it's like typical jews, that's once every five years.
At any rate, you're grasping at straws.

>> No.6678552

I didn't know Steve Martin browsed ck. My, you DO learn something new every day.

>> No.6678570

>you're grasping at straws.
Perhaps. But at least I don't live in Florida.

>> No.6678571

Fucking Florida faggots, butting in for no reason.

>B...but muh oranges!!!!!!!!
Literally, only fat fuck Midwesterns care about your shitty orange juice.
It's so fucking disgusting.

>> No.6678574

Are you saying I write like Steve Martin? Because if you are, thank you, that's a massive compliment. He's one of my favorite comedians.

>> No.6678580

Flat, flappy, greasy flyswatter pizza. Give me something with substance.

>> No.6678582
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>> No.6678635

Yeah, too much greasy ny pizza will do that to you.

>> No.6678642

>One slice of chicago slop will do that to you.

fixed, no need to thank me.

>> No.6678721

You can't fool me, I've seen Roxanne (and every other Steve Martin movie ever).

>> No.6678738
File: 45 KB, 409x409, 1417997878759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you Americans fighting over pizzas?

None of you knows how a proper pizza is made. Please stop use the term pizza you make us look bad

>> No.6678739

I was born a poor black child.

>> No.6678749
File: 40 KB, 188x252, 1435256284749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Regardless of how or where it started, pizza as we know it today is an American invention.

Arguing the contrary is just pissing in the wind tbh

>> No.6678757


Fuck you Italy, if you can't even make the effort to fully cover the pie with cheese, you forfeit your right to criticize.

>Look at me I'm so arty and cultured and I like taking bites that contain only crust and tomato sauce.

pizza margherita sucks shit

>> No.6678758

Yeah, that's why almost all places claim " original Italian pizza "

Stop lying to prove your point. Pizza is Italian and you are bad at it. Like pasta. What in god's name is chicken Alfredo you disgusting fatties.

>> No.6678761

All I need is this thermos.

>> No.6678774


That's funny, all the places I know claim to be American, usually Chicago or New york


>> No.6678789

That's a European type electrical plug. Nice try fagmo

>> No.6678820

This. I have never once seen any company actually advertise Italian pizza. It's always
>genuine New York style pizza!
>authentic Chicago deep dish!

>> No.6678826

and this paddle game

>> No.6678861
File: 71 KB, 400x522, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too many people in us have been poor for too long.. Shitty food is now acceptable in society.

go to grocery store in united states
> aisles of soft factory made white bread in plastic bags
> processed cheese product
>pre made macaroni salad and hungry man frozen meals

euro supermarket in civilized country
> fresh vegetables usually locally grown
>fresh meat
>high quality cured meats
>high quality oil and flours
>French and Italian flours far superior to fucking cake or bread flour in us
>high quality cheeses
>cultured butter instead of fucking grade a fancy trash

Americans have such poor taste marketing a superior product wouldn't even work here. Real pizza is really only found in a few places in New York and New Jersey where there are many high income educated people that can afford to and enjoy eating Neapolitan style pizza.

>> No.6678866
File: 2.88 MB, 860x646, bait.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6678869


Yeah except "Chicago pizza" is really popular in Japan as well, see the previous post.

The thing is there are two types of pizza

There is the fast relatively inexpensive take out pizza that is famous

And there is the more higbrow sit down restaurant italian style pizza, which is still popular, just not as popular.

>> No.6678878

How is that bait?

>> No.6678889

>a "european" making an inflammatory post directed at americans(or vice-versa) on /ck/ isn't bait

get outta town

>> No.6678905
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>fine euro ingredients

>> No.6678912
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They are very fond of horse meat

>> No.6678969

you've never been to a US supermarket.

I guarantee my local supermarket in Texas has a greater selection than 99% of those in europe. And I'd fucking know since I've been throughout europe too.

>> No.6678972

ok kid

>> No.6678990
File: 2.44 MB, 2816x2112, variety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh the variety

>> No.6678991

not my supermarket, goy.

>> No.6678996

I have too go to three different grocery stores to find most of what I eat in the US. Our grocery stores are abysmal; disgusting food for disgusting people. All of it is this over processed garbage that these fat fucks shovel down their gullet. I hate this place so much

>> No.6679036

ah, new york pizza, just like my school cafeteria used to serve

>> No.6679113

What variety? That looks like a rural Tescos.

>> No.6679154

There is no such thing as overrated food. If a food item is popular amongst masses of people in a place where options are a plenty and food is not just for survival - then its safe to claim that the food item is popular simply because its considered good. And if its good, it deserves its rating.

Also, this fairly probable: >>6677186

But to that I'll add, I'm sure the Chicago casserole tastes great too. I've never had it. I've also never had NY pizza either. I would like to try both.

>> No.6679723
File: 337 KB, 1020x400, detroit pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicago has house music and Deep Dish
New York has garage music and NY Pizza
Detroit has techno and Detroit style pizza

>> No.6679768

I have a feelin dr Oetker is super popular in Europe. Even the ones we get here in Canada are actually made in Germany and shipped here, which I find to be so amusing. These are the best frozen pizzas money can buy. They blow all the North American brands away and are on a whole nother level. the dough recipie is what sets Dr. Oetker apart. great stuff.

>> No.6679772

if it's not cheap with too much dough, it's a fairly balanced food with dairy, vegetables, and grains

>> No.6679796

They're pretty middling by British standards. You can go a lot worse but you can also do better.

>> No.6679799

>house, techno, deep dish

jesus christ im disgusted

>> No.6679921
File: 451 KB, 977x395, pizza pie-977x395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to cooking, how do I make a great pizza at home.
The dough is the scariest part and I have no idea how to approach it.

>> No.6679922

i love pizza

i really dont care anymore, i just love pizza

the variety is the best part, and it's almost never shit. if it's shit, i let it go cold and reheat in oven for crispy edges and suddenly it's good.