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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6673494 No.6673494[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>want to get some indian food?
Wow that sounds great! I love ethnic food, wait til you see how much spice I can handle! I'm not a pussy and I'm totally an expert on your culture!
>want to get some vegetarian thalis for lunch?
Uhh, no thanks are you on a diet or something? I need protein, plus I ate a salad yesterday. For every animal you don't eat I'll eat three, lol!

>> No.6673497 [DELETED] 

So how does your nigger logic work then

>> No.6673500

Food = food

>> No.6673509

But vegetarian indian food is the best indian food. The meat dishes are gross but they really know how to do nice meat-free stuff.
(I am not a vegetarian, I don't know if I have had crappy meat curries but I live in a heavily Indian area and this is based on what I've had)

>> No.6673516

Why do I have to get vegetarian thalis? Why can't I get chicken tika marsala?

>> No.6673517
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>> No.6673520

I fucking loved eating in India as a vegetarian. Finally a foreign country where I can order random dishes without fear of getting pig intestines or some shit

>> No.6673546

Colbert's face is just like "well shit."

>> No.6673547


>if it's not well done it be poison
>if my/your/someones mother made it you eat it all
>mayonnaise EVERYWHAR
>deep frying is a food group
>vegetables come out the ground, they dirty
>it makes perfect sense to eat the part of the pig that actually contained pigshit
>white peopl dun spice they food
>oh lawd no that hotsauce make me cry
pretty much like this

>> No.6673573

It's interesting how whenever european people from slave states get defensive, all they can think of is lynching africans, even when africans had nothing to do with the topic

No wonder the south is still the poorest most backwards region. You really aren't willing to move on, still hung up on stuff that happened hundreds of years ago

>> No.6673598
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"Indian food from India is NOTHING like Indian food in Europe/USA etc"

- said in literally every western food show visiting India as if that was a clever or profound fact and hasn't been said countless times before

>> No.6673600
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>I just got back from a semester abroad in Europe, and let me tell you, it truly was the most magical, amazing experience of my entire life. The French countryside was like something out of a storybook, the Roman ruins were magnificent, and the men, well, European men are by far the most romantic in the world.

>> No.6673607

westernised indian food is the best

>> No.6673610

Wow what an astute observation there, Sherlock.

>> No.6673626


So much this. Everywhere different is automatically the best thing because it's different. People never change.

>> No.6673638
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>boycotts Taco Bell and Chipotle because it isn't authentic Mexican food
>has no issue eating Americanized Chinese or Japanese food

>> No.6673642

This looks like that reddit meme that was really popular a few years ago.

>> No.6673667
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>he eats hotdogs with ketchup
>he presses the hamburger patty when grilling
>he doesn't make his own hamburger patties
>he uses eggs as a binder when making meatloaf or hamburger patties
>he orders steak well-done
>he eats steak with steak sauce
>he eats steak with ketchup
>he doesn't eat the crust of his pizza
>he doesn't know how to maintain an iron cast skillet
>he doesn't put his dishes in the dishwasher at least once a month
>he drinks out of a mason jar even though he doesn't have any countryside origins or small town origins
>doesn't know how to crack an egg without breaking the yolk or getting eggshell pieces in the egg
>he can't make an omelet without turning it into scrambled eggs
>he doesn't put his ketchup in the fridge
>he doesn't know how to pickle or preserve fruits/vegetables
>he only likes cheese or pepperoni pizza
>he doesn't like mint ice cream
>he fries pancakes or eggs on high heat
>he keeps pots and baking sheets in the oven
>he attempted to cook a recipe from "Epic Meal Time"
>he has a problem with beans in chili
>he drinks black coffee because he's copying something from a videogame/movie/tv show (Star Trek: Voyager, Twin Peaks, Phoenix Wright, etc)
>he doesn't know how to cut an onion without crying
>he only likes pepperoni or cheese pizza
>he refuses to drink 'girly drinks'
>he drinks water to cool down after eating something spicy instead of sweetened milk
>he drinks soda when he is thirsty instead of water
>he supports tipping , but constantly tips below 20%
>he thinks eating with chopsticks is unecessary in a world of cutlery
>he thinks it's barbaric how people in South Asia and India eat with their hand
>he uses premade stuff when making pancakes, cake, brownies, or cookies

>> No.6673670

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.6673681
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>he has no freezer pops in the bottom container of his doubledoor fridge

>> No.6673696

>he doesn't give a flying fuck what some indian thinks of him, get over it dothead.

>> No.6673703

Her bedroom looks worse than a 6th street restaurant in Manhattan and I bet it smells 10x worse.

>> No.6673709
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>> No.6673715
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>he orders sushi that has saucing on it
>he dips it in a soysauce and wasabi mixture

>> No.6673718
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You forgot a bottle of Jenkem in there.
Come on indian, get with it!

>> No.6673744

>Americanized Chinese
Dumbest thing I heard all day. I bet you also think chop suey was an original Chinese dish overrun by the white man

>> No.6673764


Japanese McDonald's
Indian McDonald's
Canadian Taco Bell

there are foreign versions of American food to suit the palette of other countries.

>> No.6673781
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>> No.6673809


>> No.6673823

I have never had Indian food. There isn't an Indian place anywhere near here.

what to do

>> No.6673826

>india has one and only one culture...

ya done goofed

>> No.6673852

You are an epic troll :)

>> No.6674532

>he thinks it's barbaric how people in South Asia and India eat with their hand
I still think it is tbh

>> No.6674541

is it barbaric to eat with your hand?

>> No.6674785

The world's foremost authority on lynching.
>Over 1/3 of those lynched were white*
>most* were legitimate criminals that were given mob justice out of rage
>white law officers killed and were killed in their defense in some of these instances
>in later years there were many arrested and in turn executed or given life for their crime of acting as judge/jury/executioner
>more blacks have been killed by other blacks EVERY YEAR since the 1980's than all of those lynched in American history

Most people alive today aren't old enough to recall a lynching in the U.S.. (Emit Till in 1964)
But it still happens in Latin America, the Carribean, Africa, the Middle East and SE Asia with a fair amount of frequency.

Just don't make the selling point that it's 'vegetarian', unless you're dealing with someone who you know appreciates it as an ideology/lifestyle.
Otherwise just call it what it is without the needless reference.
The same way most people wouldn't make mention of the carnivorous aspect of eating meat specifically unless that was 'your thing'.

That said, I was deeply considering Indian tonight.

>> No.6674805
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>Rape and plunder half the world in search of spices
>Never use any of them

-White people

>> No.6674810

>I'm so racist I have a collection of "pro white" links any time I feel like I need to engage in an internet race war

Are you the guy who drunkenly adds "I'm not racist but" to /ck/ posts that have nothing to do with race?

>> No.6674818

>he thinks it's barbaric how people in South Asia and India eat with their hand
Sorry, but it is and this is true no matter where you are. It's objectively poor hygiene.

>> No.6674823
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poopoo? peepee? where did you get the idea that we don't use spices fag?

>> No.6674825


Just wash your hands before and after and don't touch food or utensils that other people are using with the hand you are eating with ;)

>> No.6674827

shh, just wait, he's going to come up with scientific studies comparing white and black penis sizes next

>> No.6674831

>he doesn't know how to cut an onion without crying

What? There's a way to do that with only hands and knife?

Funny story about this btw, I had to chop a whole onion every day for a year for my meals. I've developed a resistance to this unless I directly applied it to my eyes.

>> No.6674832

By "European People" do you mean white Americans? Because there is nothing you can really consider a "slave state" in Europe.

>> No.6674836


How do you cut onions in a way that doesn't make you cry? I'm not wearing a fucking snorkel to cut onions.

>> No.6674838

I never got why /pol/ was so preoccupied with black dicks

>> No.6674842

Must be rural as fuck.
Guess you'll have to make it yourself.

>> No.6674846

Get a proper knife.

>> No.6674847

I don't get it, how is that link "pro-white", its an academic study not a propaganda piece from some neo-Nazi web circlejerk.

>> No.6674852


Are you not supposed to use chef's knives or something?

>> No.6674858

You're obviously one of those well-spoken racists who only collects links that look respectable.

It's not about the link, it's about the fact that you had it on hand so conveniently.

>> No.6674859


Chef's knife is fine. It just depends on the sharpness. :)

>> No.6674861

>so I sat at a table with four strangers and we were all supposed to eat with our fingers out of this communal pot

And they wonder why they have disease that hasn't existed in Europe for centuries

>> No.6674862


IDK then, I've used sharp knives and dull ones and each time I still get weepy onion eyes. I don't think there's a way to avoid it. or I'm just a shitty chef.

>> No.6674863
File: 63 KB, 569x252, cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we paid for a semester as undecided majors, and now we're worldly and educated

>> No.6674867


What he's trying to say, but failing to convey because he's a shitposting retard, is that the sharper a knife is the fewer cells are damaged and less vile eye raping juice is released

>> No.6674870


What is wrong with being a racist? How much more evidence do you gooks and niggers need before you accept you are inferior?

>> No.6674876

Throw the onion in the freezer for ten to fifteen minutes beforehand.

>> No.6674895

Lets start here.
>any time I feel like
>nothing to do with race?
>>6673573 made the mistake of bringing up race and racism.
This anon got free education courtesy of the Tuskee Institute with a little commentary based on the facts.
>internet race war
I don't know the race of that anon, or yours. Nor do you know mine.
I didn't insult anyone based on their race.
I didn't condemn any race or the actions thereof, but fortunately for you I'm not seeking to eject you from my country (grandfather was 100% Blackfoot).
But the concept of what happened is regularly misrepresented.
I didn't condone lynching or those who perpetrated it and in fact applaud those who fought against it.
>I'm so racist I have a collection
I actually look into the things people say.
Especially when they're acting like an asshole.
Kind of like you, right now.
Don't bring my First American, Irish and Russian heritage into this, it hardly makes your point.
I'm not the one bringing it up and I'm not sure how that's relevant.
But if this is a strange ploy to get pics of my dick, just say you want to see my dick. I'm sure I can find a ruler to hold it up against around here somewhere.

>> No.6674897

I don't know, chicken jalfreezi (pakistani) and butter chicken is great stuff.
They do great roasted meat, but for sure their vegetarian foods are among the best.

>> No.6674913

i'd like to see this done as a spoken word performance or something

>> No.6674924
File: 169 KB, 310x240, screen_shot_2015-06-18_at_2.10.58_pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but guys as you can see from my 40 line rant about the Tuskeegee Institute, I'm totally not racist!
This was about Indian food until your kind came along and started ranting about blacks
This is why 4chan needs a containment board

>> No.6674929

Hey, that's the wrong anon.
That was my link with corresponding diatribe.
Also, nice lack of argument.
>lynching stats
>3rd link (because it has a nice layout, but almost all of them will tell you the same basic things, I know, I read them)
Even a drunk can manage it, so can you.
I don't support being blatantly racist.
But being informed and understanding the reality is essential.
Also, you're not me.
Don't let someone believe you are anyone other than who you are, it's a misrepresentation and therefor dishonest.

>> No.6674950

>this was about
My original post was relevant do the nonsense coming out of another anon who needed an education.
The response you're responding to was for someone who decided to illicit further discourse by challenging my character and motivations.
This response is for the same as above.
>40 line rant about the Tuskeegee (your misspelling, not mine) Institute
Only a couple of lines were in relation to the Tuskegee Institute.
The rest were to explain to those challenging my character that they are misguided mouth breathers that cannot attack the facts or source so instead attack the one relaying such.
It makes you pathetic.
You can stop now unless you would like me to explain something else in this world you fail to grasp. Maybe a detailed description of how to chew with your mouth closed or tie a shoe lace?

>> No.6674955

No, you called it the Tuskee (sic) institute
For someone so hung up on spelling this is amusing

Anyway say "cuck" now, you know you want to

>> No.6674980

... damn.
I'm burned.
Don't do that.
I want to punch someone's face every time I see that word.

>> No.6675018

Damn, you got cucked bro!

>> No.6675038

I hate you.

>> No.6675044

When is it my turn, cuckold-kun? ^-^

>> No.6675048

>doesn't enjoy facial expressions
you're autistic, aren't you?

>> No.6675063

>a nice clean room with toys and lights
are you fucking retarded.

>> No.6675064

>he doesn't like mint ice cream

this shit is overrated to hell and back. It's good, but it's not great.

>inb4 a million posts defending mint as the best ice cream flavor

>> No.6675082

4chan IS a containment board

>> No.6675108

You are a bad person.

>> No.6675170

>Just don't make the selling point that it's 'vegetarian', unless you're dealing with someone who you know appreciates it as an ideology/lifestyle.
>Otherwise just call it what it is without the needless reference.
I'm not OP, but I just want to say that I love to do this to people. People are so fucking stupid it cracks me up. For example:

Me - "Want some vegan Oreos?"
Him - "No. That sounds disgusting"
Me - "You realize Oreos are vegan by default, right?"
Him - "Oh, in that case I'll take some"

For someone who eats meat, it's fucking retarded to omit something from your diet simply because it's vegan. We vegans went out of our way to make plant based food taste as delicious as possible. Since most meat eaters still eat a lot of plant based foods, it would be dumb to exclude products just because they have a label that says vegan. However, I still don't recommend Oreos because they are garbage.