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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6670260 No.6670260 [Reply] [Original]

any other vegans here? Let's talk about food.

>> No.6670291


>> No.6670336

cauliflower and broccoli general

>> No.6670355
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Ooh ooh--slightly steamed or oil-brushed & baked?

>> No.6670480

Anyone got any tips for preparing scrambled tofu? Been finding it very hard to cook it right texture wise. A local chef advised starting with a cold hob / pan which has helped a bit, but it still tastes like shit whenever I cook it.

Current process:
>press for a few minutes to dry out
>mash up with a fork
>season with pepper, salt, loads of mustard and soy sauce
>into cold pan with vegetable oil and then turn heat on

>> No.6670492

are you using extra firm?

>> No.6670494

I would talk about food with you but I've got this thing where I don't talk to food that eats the food that considers shit a vital nutrient.

>> No.6670783
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Hide all vegan threads

>> No.6670804

Eggplants are a blessing. Sliced, salted and broiled it's already delicious and relatively filling.

If I'm not too lazy tonight I'll make flat bread or pitas, a sauce like soy cream and spices, fresh herbs, broiled eggplants and avocados.

>> No.6670827

Man, I've wanted to become a Fruititarian for the longest time. There's just something so pure about the whole idea, but I just can't believe that a person could be healthy with that little protein.

>> No.6670935

Both vegans and fruitarians get plenty of semen so go ahead and knock yourself out

>> No.6670974

shit is a vital nutrient for cows also. Where do you think animals get their b12 from?

>> No.6670983

There is no advantage to going fruititarian other than that it's easy to "prepare" and eat fruit. Just stick with plain veganism. As long as you are getting enough calories, you'll almost certainly be getting enough protein. The main reason so many vegans end up unhealthy is because they don't eat enough. When your food isn't as calorie dense, you need to consume more of it. Also, take b12 and dha supplements.

>> No.6670985

Vegetarian going vegan here--
what's the best non-dairy milk? I had the plain almond Silk and it was alright.

>> No.6670990

Almond oil isn't milk, don't kid yourself.

>> No.6670994

water. stop feeding yourself sugar drinks. Seriously... If you need a dairy replacement for cooking almost any of the non-dairy milks work. Or you can just pick recipes that are meant to be vegan from the beginning (channa masala and aloo gobi come to mind)

>> No.6671008

Vegan lifter here, i'm in the military and I eat a really high calorie diet. As far as protein goes I highly recommend oats. Easy as fuck to make and you can cut up and throw any type of fruit in your kitchen in them. Typical breakfast for me is oats with a cut up banana and some granola mixed in, some wheat toast with peanut butter on it. maybe an apple or two.

A lot of vegans undereat like a motherfucker

>> No.6671011


Add nutritional yeast and tumeric, it will give it give it a nice cheesy taste.

This is also an amazing recipe for tofu scramble.

>> No.6671031

Do you take any supplements such as b12 and dha?

Also, does the military support your vegan diet or do they still force you to eat animal products? Does your diet affect how your peers treat/perceive you?

>> No.6671065

I take a mulitvitamin pill that has b12 included in it but I don't really go out of my way. It IS possible to get too much of a good thing.

Depending on deployments, trips, being out in the field and shit like that, it can be tough to eat vegan sometimes. Vegan foods are typically not very calorie dense (you obviously are going to eat a larger volume of food to get the same amount of calories, which means buying more food or carrying more food on your person if you're going out in the field for days at a time)

There are obviously going to be people with a certain personality type who feel insecure about themselves and feel a need to 'make fun of' or prod me for my choice. I should say that my choice to go vegan is 90% athleticism and health, and maybe 10% animal compassion, although that IS starting to grow on me. There are a lot of dudes that really don't care though and have even asked me about it. I think a lot of vegans have a really bad reputation for trying to flaunt their choice, as well as convert every fucking person they come across. Rather than try to convert people I simply just suggest that you can at the very least cut meat out of one meal a day and feel a lot healthier, this is after all how I got started.

>> No.6671078
File: 529 KB, 1964x1186, chana_masala-010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 cans of garbanzo beans (thoroughly drained/rinsed)
2 fresh (not canned!) medium roma tomatoes (diced, minced, or pureed)
1 white onion (minced)
1.5 tbsp whole cumin seeds
2 tsp whole fennel seeds
chopped cilantro

Wet Masala Mixture:
1 tsp powdered turmeric
2 tbsp powdered coriander
3 tsp paprika (experiment with different types)
1 tsp powdered cayenne pepper
2 cloves of garlic
1 glass of water

Oil pan/pot/wok and start cooking the onions. When the onions are almost browning, stir in the whole seeds (cumin and fennel)
When the onions are brown add the tomatoes and wet masala mixture. Stir thoroughly and add more water if needed.
Simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Serve over brown rice. Garnish with cilantro. Best served with roti, vegan naan, or vegan paratha.

For added nutrition try adding potatoes in the early cooking process and/or fresh spinach at the end of the cooking process.

Experiment with spice ratios. Turmeric has a strong earthy flavor. Coriander has a mild earthy flavor. Cumin is the signature flavor that most Westerners associate with the "curry" taste. Fennel has a mildly sweet licorice-like flavor.

Enjoy! This is my own recipe(although not my picture). It is easy to make in large quantities and a good source of calories and protein.

>> No.6671081

I accidentally left out an important step, which is to add the garbanzo beans when you add the wet masala mixture.

>> No.6671103

I only drink water and tea (with no add-ins), don't worry. I was curious is all.

>> No.6671160

clearly it's vital for you to.

>> No.6671165

In my opinion, original sweetened almond milk is the best "milk alternative". However, considering that there is no good reason to be consuming milk in the first place, I don't find myself eager to replace it. I used to use either unsweetened or sweetened almond milk depending on what cereal I was eating, but lately I don't eat cereal anymore.

>> No.6671226


this recipe sounds really gross. I don't understand why you would put mustard or soy sauce in it.

I press my tofu for a minimum of half an hour, but I'll do 2-3 hours if I have time. Use firm or extra firm. Mash up. use a high heat oil like safflower oil and I let my oil heat up before adding the tofu. season with salt, pepper, turmeric, and whatever else you like (I normally add onion and garlic to the oil first) keep stirring while it cooks, and cook the way you like it (I cook mine a little longer than other people)

alternatively, if you are making a breakfast sandwich you can take a slice of tofu, rub a little bit of turmeric on it, salt, pepper and fry in oil like an egg.

>> No.6671261


I've been a vegan for a couple years. Milks are tricky, because basically none of them are neutral and all add some sort of a taste. My favorite all around milk is unsweetened almond milk (which I think is different from the plain milk). I don't use rice milk for anything because it is watery and gross.

Coconut milk is my favorite milk for baking, but thats because I like coconut. My bf hates coconut and can taste it whenever I bake with coconut milk. Almond milk is also great for baking, its thicker than coconut milk and a lot closer to regular milk. Hemp milk and oat milk work for baking too but not much else in my opinion, why even bother buying it if almond milk works for everything?

For cereal I like almond or soy because they are the thickest and closest to milk. Oat milk is okay.

For cooking savory items, I use almond milk or substitute milk for something else. I have a gravy recipe that uses almond milk and you can't even taste it, however I struggled for a long time to make good mashed potatoes because they tasted like whatever milk I used, so now I use veg butter or olive oil and an oversteamed head of cauliflower instead of milk, they taste great.

if anyone has any questions about what milk to use, I'm happy to give suggestions

>> No.6671806

I'm vegan as fuck and only drink soy milk asshole

>> No.6671954

>Where do you think animals get their b12 from?

>> No.6671977

well yeah, veganism is an eating disorder, what were you expecting?

>> No.6671984 [DELETED] 


>> No.6672010

Thanks, I'll bear that in mind. I use mustard and soy sauce as there is a vegan breakfast at a local veggie pub and the chef's scrambled tofu is absolutely delicious. He just uses mustard and soy using the method I described. I guess it mainly boils down to my inexperience with tofu. I have no idea if the tofu I've been buying is firm or not, I'll have to look out for that.

>> No.6672097

Only for the people who do it to lose weight. A large portion of us do it for ethical reasons. I cannot be a speciesist without experiencing a signficant amount of cognitive dissonance. I think it's logically inconsistent to draw a moral line between racism and speciesism. Participating in the wrong side of a literal holocaust just wasn't doing much good for my mental health, so I made the decision to stop participating as much as I can.

I eat very healthy and will most likely live longer than most people who consume animal products. I don't starve myself, I get regular blood tests, and I get regular exercise.

I don't understand why people would insist on a diet that involves such a huge risk of early death. Heart disease is the number one killer in the US. Cancer and diabetes don't sound fun either. But sure.... I'm the one with the eating disorder. Clearly. Not the people who are literally killing themselves and their children by stuffing their faces with dairy and meat 7 days a week.

>> No.6672209

If this wasn't copypasta it is now

>> No.6672250
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>I cannot be a speciesist without experiencing a signficant amount of cognitive dissonance. I think it's logically inconsistent to draw a moral line between racism and speciesism. Participating in the wrong side of a literal holocaust
You are the type who give vegans a bad name and I try to avoid at all costs.

>> No.6672268

So you're saying it's acceptable to be prejudiced against a group of individuals purely because of their species? Or are you saying that killing 56 billion animals per year does not qualify as "destruction or slaughter on a mass scale"?
What exactly is your argument other than "I disagree with you therefor you are a bad representative for vegans". Care to be more constructive and actually put some thought into your response?

>> No.6672280

NO no. Arguing with a fool is like boxing with a shadow.

>> No.6672299

Okay, so have to resort to ad hominem attacks to get your point across. Have you considered that you are the type of person who gives all consumers of animal products a bad name?

What side do you expect sane rational people to pick when given the following arguments

Vegans: "Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, heart disease, many types of cancers, and possibly even osteoporosis. It's also one of the leading contributors of greenhouse gasses."

Meat eaters: "Vegans are dumb. You should eat meat because lions do it."

Are you sure you don't want to contribute a little more to your side of the argument? If you have any good points supporting your beliefs, I would love to be able to take them into consideration. In particular, if you have a counterargument to my statements regarding speciesism, I would love to hear that. Why is it okay to descriminate against individuals based on species but not race? They are both examples of evolutionary forks. Why does it matter how much genetics we share?

>> No.6672323

i think it's fine having some sort of non-dairy milk but yeah there sure is a lot of sugar in them. i've been going for low fat or unsweetened soy

>> No.6672342

slightly steamed currently. i moved too far away from any veg markets so i've only recently started eating these shits again

>> No.6672350

unsweetened cashew milk is okay. I really wish they would drop the pretense of these products being "milk" though. It's kind of stupid. Cashew water would be a much more fitting name.

>> No.6673081


this is the best eggplant

>> No.6673111


I think it would hurt sales. Almond water doesn't sound like a baking alternative to milk to me. It sounds like a shitty health drink. rice water and oat water sound disgusting.

>> No.6673168 [DELETED] 

>going on meme diets

>> No.6673252 [DELETED] 
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nigger do you know where you are?

>> No.6673279 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 475x824, veganhate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it's the vegetable niggers.

>> No.6673362
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seriously, get pic related if you can. it blows every other dairy-free milk i've tried out of the water. good in hot drinks, cereal, even just as a glass of milk. really tasty. has to be the organic one with the packaging in pic tho.

>> No.6673401

Srs - I've been vegan long enough that I can't remember - is mammal milk neutral in taste?

>> No.6673404

I'm not even vegan but I eat pretty much vegan food, except for whey protein powder. veggie chili, with beans or lentils, is all I eat.

Meat is smelly, and when you eat it, your whole body starts to smell like meat, even your urine. it is so strange.

>> No.6673637

>caring about what other people eat

>> No.6673891


I would say yes, in a sense it is neutral. By that I mean that cow milk is the default milk for most people so when they eat mashed potatoes with milk or cereal with milk it tastes totally normal. However, if that person were to eat the same food made with soy milk instead, it would taste off to that person.

So its not neutral in the sense that it has no taste, more so that people don't notice the taste. Don't know if there is a better way to word it.

>> No.6674135

>your whole body starts to smell like meat

Your whole body is made of meat, anon.

>> No.6674218
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>> No.6674367

The main problem I have with vegans is that you have posts like this
and then they eat stuff like this
where the Soybeans are probably cheaply farmed on burned down rainforests in Brazil and the whole thing contains so many additives and emulsifiers that it's not funny anymore
and they believe it's better just because some faceless corporation slapped a "vegan, organic, gluten-free" label onto it
and all that to just to imitate a natural product they refuse to eat

>> No.6674426

You're assuming that those are both the same people. That is false (water is just fine for me thanks). I consume very little soy. However, since you brought up the ethical concerns of deforestation for food, allow me to point out that most of the crops (including soy) are raised for livestock (which also take up large amounts of land themselves). So meat eaters definitely contribute towards a lot more deforestation per person.

>> No.6674434

Stop. We get it. You are bonkers. Stop posting please.

>> No.6674436

As someone who just finished enjoying a pulled pork sandwich, ur dumb

>> No.6674464

>resorting to name calling rather than formulating a real response
And this is why it's so easy to remain vegan. Meat eaters don't even know how to support their own beliefs.

>> No.6674542

>veganism, for when you just have to more special than vegetarian

>> No.6674674

If by special you mean more logically consistent and friendlier to animals. Dairy cows suffer arguably more greatly than cows raised specifically for beef. Raped repeatedly, having their children abducted, and then slaughtered once their bodies are too worn out at less than 1/3rd their natural lifespan.

>> No.6674709

Nice strawman argument there.

The point I was trying to make you understand was that I feel there is a majority of vegans who desperately look for (potentially inferior) animal product substitutes instead of actually making vegan food. Which I find stupid.

On another tangent, for actually making a difference when it comes to your health and our environment, I think it would probably be better to only reduce your overall animal product intake, and source that intake from local, responsibly acting businesses.
When you completely boycott something, you remove any influence you could have as a customer as well, whereas you can have more of an impact if you support someone on a small market.

>> No.6674742

>Once you've realized that raping and killing is wrong, you shouldn't quit doing it completely. You should only rape and kill in the most humane way possible.
Are you trolling? Seriously. I wan't to know. Eating plants is more enjoyable to me now than eating meat was back when I was an addict. I would never go back. Also, you missed my point that I am not one of those types of people who eats the garbage imitation products. Stop making arrogant generalizations.

>> No.6674758

>I feel that most vegans I know
It's good you can be in touch with your feelings. I feel that you know a lot of retards

Also please look up "straw man", and after you looked it up, explain how you misused that phrase and then write the response you would have written if you had known better.

>> No.6674776

Typical day here:
>water and flax oil/b12 sup, followed with green tea
>overnight oats with soy milk, nut butter, and fruit
>big lunch: 1 cup of beans, 1 cup of lentils or quinoa, big spinach salad with cherry tomatoes and vinaigrette
>afternoon snack: celery with nut butter
>small dinner: leafy vegetables and 1/2 cup of beans

I eat a lot of beans. Mostly beans, fruit, leafy greens, and nut butter comrpise my diet.

>> No.6674853

My argument was never about you.

But please feel free to publicly masturbate your ego more and continue to give vegans a bad fundamentalist sjw image.
It's that self-gratifying mentality that makes the garbage imitation products so successful.

Oh, and here's some more fap material for you:
I find neither keeping nor killing animals morally wrong.
I don't think you do right by them if you humanize them, in order to emphasize with them, so you can feel better about yourself.

>> No.6674907

Why does someone showing a little humanity and ethics make you so mad?

>> No.6674910

>My argument was never about you.
You linked to my post >>6672299
and then proceded to say
>The main problem I have with vegans is that you have posts like this
>and then they eat stuff like this
And you linked to another person's post. I'm simply trying to help you understand that this type of generalization is arrogant and makes you look stupid.

Explain why you are okay with drawing a moral line between speciesism and racism? Why doesn't unnecessary suffering bother you? Would you butcher members of an alien civilization just because they are not human? Please help me understand why it's okay to discriminate against a group of individuals purely because of their species. I find that to be not only arbitrary, but logically inconsistent

>> No.6674926

i bought shoprite brand vanilla almond milk and it tasted like milk that comes after a bowl of sugar cereal(fruity pebbles)

nasty to drink but okay in smoothies

>> No.6674932

The fact that you don't like or agree with dairy means you have no idea how to cook. Please leave this cooking board

>> No.6674943

I gave a delicious dairy free recipe in this very thread >>6671078

I'd be happy to give out any other delicious vegan recipes that I use if you need more evidence that I can cook. I should also mention that I cooked a lot of foods containing meat and dairy during my 25 years as a consumer of animal products.

>> No.6674962

Faggot general?

>> No.6674966

I'm pretty sure homosexual remarks are grounds for banning on every board.

>> No.6674971

I meant to say anti-homosexual or homophobic

>> No.6675057

Thanks, but no thanks. I'll just continue to live like a normal human instead of some fringe cultist.
I know you believe that you are doing some type of good by abstaining from certain foods, but the truth is that no one gives a singular fuck outside of your group. You are basing this on the perceived suffering of animals that are, like yourself, inconsequential.
Riddle me this, I served milk to the homeless last week. If you had to pick, who's suffering would you end; the cow or the homeless man?

>> No.6675074

Yes, my main problem is that as a gross generalization vegans are preachy and self-righteous and then they try to translate the things they preach against instead of doing their own thing properly.
You haven't contributed to better my opinion in that regard.

Humans (and possible Aliens mot likely as well) are capable of certain levels of awareness that other animals are incapable of.
Racism (which is stupid because all humans are equal on some fundamental level), human rights, etc, are mostly social constructs that are only developed and work within a society that exists due to that awareness. It's mostly a thing of self-preservation.

Now the relevant question is if there is suffering when you keep animals properly.
Most animals don't have human awareness, so their needs can probably be fulfilled more easily.
So you can likely produce dairy, eggs, etc without suffering.
It's then arguable if it's okay to end another entity to eat it, and I think it is unless it has a certain capacity to feel and think;
In the end the question is where you should place your cutoff line for that capacity.

>> No.6675146

>Humans (and possible Aliens mot likely as well) are capable of certain levels of awareness that other animals are incapable of.
This argument bothers me on a couple levels. For starters, it is an assumption that has not yet been proven. Animals may very well be capable of certain levels of awareness that humans are incapable of. So what? It has nothing to do with whether an animal can suffer. Another counterpoint is the fact that humans who possess severe mental disabilities are still given basic rights. It is still unethical to cause them undue suffering. So clearly using that as the basis for drawing a moral line is logically inconsistent.

>It's then arguable if it's okay to end another entity to eat it, and I think it is unless it has a certain capacity to feel and think;
Okay, so babies and people with mental disabilities are fair game now.

Also, how about all the additional harm you cause to the environment? Are you aware that animal agriculture is one of the most destructive forms of business in terms of overall ecological health? Why is it okay to cause so much destruction for something as inconsequential as a palate preference?

>> No.6675189

There are more cows suffering than homeless humans. Also, homeless people would survive without you feeding them milk. I've been homeless myself and government assistance provides enough ebt for homeless to survive.

>> No.6675198

>I know you believe that you are doing some type of good by abstaining from certain foods, but the truth is that no one gives a singular fuck outside of your group
You seem to be lacking understanding of a fundamental concept of business called supply and demand. If they produce more product than they can sell they lose profit. If they produce less product than they can sell they lose profit. They try their absolute hardest to produce exactly the amount they can sell. This is true for every tier of the animal agriculture business from farm to supermarket. I used to work in a supermarket. They have computers which automatically adjust order sizes based on how much product sold vs how much was thrown out. This part is pretty basic and even meat eaters shouldn't have any argument. If you still disagree just read about supply and demand. They teach this shit in middle school.

>> No.6675200

>everywhere is America and every government hands out food stamps
Show me something vegan that can provide the same amount of fats and proteins that is in dairy for the price

>> No.6675221

>a small minority group is going to cause a flux in the dairy industry
I love how that is always the endgame for you vegans, that is why you are a cult. In order for your ideals to be effective everyone must join you.

>> No.6675224

Why are you looking for an equivalent to a product that is known to cause many severe ailments such as cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis? Make some fucking channa masala. Add more oil than usual if you really need extra fat that badly. It costs $1 per can of garbanzo beans (less if you by dried beans in bulk) and the spices required are dirt cheap considering the actual amounts needed. Serve over brown rice to help balance the amino acid ratio.
See >>6671078

>> No.6675227

>I love how that is always the endgame for you vegans, that is why you are a cult. In order for your ideals to be effective everyone must join you.
I imagine you would have felt the same about people advocating against black slavery in the US 200 years ago. I love how even within a single thread you meat eaters will make the same dumb arguments over and over.

>> No.6675231

>known to cause
stopped reading there and discarded opinion

>> No.6675240

>what is a false equivalence
No, you just compared dairy cows to enslaved human beings. Please stop

>> No.6675247

Explain to me how it is fundamentally different. They are both cases of oppression against a group of individuals justified by evolutionary differences. If you are going to try to claim they are not comparable, you better be able to back up that claim and explain why.

>> No.6675254
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>Hey a vegan thread-
>-can never happen because apparently /ck/ is defensive as fuck about their meat
Jesus Christ, I give literally no shits if you eat meat or not, and I could not care less about your inferiority complex

>> No.6675256

Welp, you are clearly mentally ill. Have fun shouting into the wind.

>> No.6675262

Right, so you are unable to back up your claim then. I thought as much. Next time you're wondering why vegans won't leave you alone and respect your decision to eat meat, I want you to understand that it's probably due to your inability to even explain how you are able to justify it to yourself.

>> No.6675275
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>> No.6675284

It's only fair that the meat eaters come and shitpost in vegan threads when the vegans always feel compelled to shitpost in the meat threads.

>> No.6675286

I love how meat eaters always come into vegan threads and shit up a storm, but then they are shocked when a vegan expresses their opinion in one of their threads.

You'd think if they really didn't think it was unethical and they were so secure with their beliefs, they wouldn't even waste their time in these threads. Instead their exhibited behavior screams of insecurity.

>> No.6675290

You're not doing animals a favor if you emotionally humanize them and treat them as equals, because then you're just projecting instead of actually caring for their needs.
The question/argument is not if it's okay to cause them undue suffering, but what constitutes suffering for them and what causes them suffering.
And a lot of animal species can certainly be kept without causing them such suffering.

Both babies and mentally challenged people do have the same capacity/potential to think and feel as other humans; they just don't necessarily use all of it (yet).
Meanwhile, a trout or whatever will never be able to reach the same level.

To give you a pointed example:
Why do you think it's okay to eat plants? They're alive, too. Better go full fruitarian.

As for environmental destruction, going vegan is not the only solution to that.
You can simply try to reduce the load on the environment to sustainable levels, which is the idea behind organic agriculture.

>> No.6675301

Cite it then, show me the peer reviewed studies.
>hey it is shown that eating is the number one cause of obesity and obesity is the number one cause of heart failure. In the US the leading cause of death is heart failure, therefore the number one cause of death is eating. Better hope on that no food diet right away anon.

>> No.6675306

Ban on medicine being given to vegans when?

If you go vegan you should go all the way, even if it literally kills you

>> No.6675308

Just stop anon, it was funny for a moment but you are dragging it out now.

>> No.6675315

>muh meat makes me healthy, I should get the medicuns

>> No.6675320

The main points here were that instead of having minimal impact on a large industry, you could have a large and more meaningful impact on a small industry instead, and that its easier to change a system from the inside by positive reinforcement than by working against it from the outside.

But I guess that went past your fundamentalist brain.

>> No.6675324

Medicine is tested on animal and a lot contains animal products, vegans should not be allowed to take it

>> No.6675326

>You're not doing animals a favor if you emotionally humanize them and treat them as equals
There's a difference between humanizing an animal and acknowledging that it can suffer. If you are going to claim that the ability to suffer is specifically a human trait, then I think you're just a little bit too arrogant to have this conversation.

>Both babies and mentally challenged people do have the same capacity/potential to think and feel as other humans
Some do. Some don't. Some mentally handicapped people are basically drooling vegetables. There are pigs which can perform higher on cognitive tests than some humans who are afforded much more legal protection.

>Why do you think it's okay to eat plants?
Because there is no evidence that they can suffer. They have no way to process their external stimuli in a way that could be described as emotional discomfort. Is this really your idea of a good argument? Based on my current understanding of neuroscience, I would have to say that I consider the basic requirements for suffering to be a neural network and a pleasure/reward system. Basically a brain or something that performs very similar functions to a brain.

>As for environmental destruction, going vegan is not the only solution to that.
Growing animals uses more land and other resources for the amount of nutrition you get out of it. That's just a fact.

>> No.6675338

"EW how can Chinese eat DOG! a domestic animal! we better stop them!!!!!"

>> No.6675341

I hope you get cancer.

>> No.6675347

I like it when I post in a meat thread and all the carnists jump down my throat and say 'BACK TO THE VEGGAN THREAD' because I mentioned I put a vegetable in my chicken salad

I wonder how many of these 'vegans' were me, getting pilloried by you batshit crazy carnists for having a balanced diet

>> No.6675351

The amount of vegan recipes and shit in this thread is not appointing.

>> No.6675359

The main problem is that the mega corporations have used the media to brainwash society into thinking that vegetables are disgusting and meat and cows milk are delicious. Most people don't understand that palate preferences are completely modifiable and that a lot of their favorite foods would seem completely unappetizing if they simply migrated to a healthier diet.
Some of us have more willpower than others...

>> No.6675398


Oh the government is brainwashing US! This makes so much sense now!
You should call me so we can talk about this more, call me at 1- (888) - 357 - 7924
Just tell the person who answers the phone "the government is brainwashing people to convince them to eat meat and drink milk" so they know you want to talk to me. Can't wait to hear from you!

>> No.6675411

I never said anything about the government. The meat/dairy corporations do have some level of influence when it comes to legislature, but that's not nearly as effective as their influence on mainstream media.

>> No.6675449

>The question/argument is not if it's okay to cause them undue suffering, but what constitutes suffering for them and what causes them suffering.
To repeat, as I have said before, there is no question that animals can suffer. They definitely can.
However, there is a question of what exactly will cause them to suffer.
As animals are mostly significantly less complex than humans on a neurological level, it's also less hard to provide them with an environment where they can live without suffering as their demands are lower.

Killing them quickly and painlessly also doesn't cause them to suffer, so you're reduced to the question if it's okay to kill a living being for your own profit, which is then up to personal ethics.

>> No.6676666

Cultivated fruits are not nutritious enough.

>> No.6676856

Goes really good with grass fed beef

>> No.6676866

full of estrogen enjoy been a fem

>> No.6676935

The thing about processed soya milk is that it contains either a lot of preservatives or a lot of additives, making it worse than low-fat milk. Don't bother looking because as long as soya milk is found in a carton, it's garbage. Low-fat milk is already very bad, by the way.

I drink organic rice milk. Some people don't like it but I do. Tastes great and refreshing when chilled below 4°C.

>> No.6677084

Vegan here, there are DOZENS of us

People get the impression that vegans eat just tofu and iceberg lettuce, but there's just so much vegan food out there. Especially these days.

>> No.6677093

Also, this whole thread, hahaha.

>vegan with logical, well-thought arguments
>responses pretty much boil down to "b-b-b-but muh meat, is delicious!!!"

>> No.6677278

The estrogen analog in soy has 2% the efficacy of actual estrogen, and it blocks receptors from receiving estrogen. There's a bit of actual estrogen in beef. Soy milk/tofu is a penance since the okara becomes cheap animal feed. It's better to have whole foods like tempeh and edamame.

>> No.6677300
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Made a vegan Swedish smörgåstårta the other day from scratch. vegan mayo, vegan skagenröra, vegan paté and all that. Was quite a lot to do but it was juust delicious.

>> No.6677309


holy shit what

what is this trying to replicate?

>> No.6677324
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I made this last night and was pleasantly surprised. It sat in my pantry for about a year because I've been turned off by other boxed vegan mac n cheeses.

I used different noodles because I don't like gluten free noodles, and I used almond milk instead of water. Came out really great. I have tried the earth balance boxed mac and cheeses but I don't like it, its too sharp for me, tastes off. This one tastes really similar to krafts.

Had some vegan hot dogs about to go bad, chopped those up and threw them in and ate like toddlers. Pretty tasty.

>> No.6677346


>> No.6677356
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ITT: vegfags and vegqueens do battle

>> No.6677360

Jesus what a faggot. Water not hippy dippy enough for you?

>> No.6677362
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>> No.6677370


Its a fucking sandwich cake or something

>> No.6677373
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I hope that being on this board helps you learn simple cooking concepts.

Milk is used to make food creamier, which is a desired texture for cheese.

do you mix water, butter, and sauce packet together when you make krafts

>> No.6677384



>> No.6677412

Is that an essay you wrote for your Art History degree by any chance?

>> No.6679084

OP here. This is my 2nd post in this thread.

Discussion and fighting is cool too, I guess. I'm from from /ck/ so I didn't know that people here gave this much of a fuck about what other people eat or don't eat.

>> No.6679100

*not from /ck/

>> No.6679118

When I was looking for milk replacements, rice milk became my favorite. It's subtle. Not as fatty as milk (bad) but not bad. But I don't drink it anymore. At the end of the day it is just sweetened starch water. No need to gussy it up by calling it something else like RICE MILK.

>> No.6679388

not everything is black and white, idiot. There are different shades of grey in every lifestyle.

>> No.6679449

How about you explain to an 80-year-old American black lady waiting for the bus that her grandmother getting raped and beaten by massuh is on the same level as milking a dairy cow. Go ahead. I'll wait. :-)

>> No.6680244

tried to get back on the oat train , need a new way to do them. totally sick of eating it with black strap molasses

>> No.6680317

I recommend hemp milk. Its neutral in taste and does some good stuff for the body.

>> No.6680484
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>mfw I had to cut that shit out because I was tons of olive oil or too much salt drying it out

>> No.6680496
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Yo /vgg/ I'm thinking about going vegan, I've started phasing out meat for lentils, tofu and quorn, but where am I going to get my source of calcium from?

Also what are some good cuisines to look into, I'm British/German and our best dishes are based on meat, eggs and spuds, so I'm a bit fucked.

>> No.6680664

Asia and Africa.

>> No.6680777
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25 Vegan Sources for Calcium

1. Kale (1 cup contains 180 mg)
2. Collard Greens (1 cup contains over 350 mg)
3. Blackstrap Molasses (2 tablespoons contains 400 mg)
4. Tempeh (1 cup contains 215 mg)
5. Turnip Greens (1 cup contains 250 mg)
6. Fortified non-dairy milk (1 cup contains 200-300 mg)
7. Hemp milk (1 cup contains 460 mg)
8. Fortified orange juice (1 cup contains 300 mg)
9. Tahini (2 tablespoons contains 130 mg)
10. Almond butter (2 tablespoons contains 85 mg)
11. Great northern beans (1 cup contains 120 mg)
12. Soybeans (1 cup contains 175 mg)
13. Broccoli (1 cup contains 95 mg)
14. Raw fennel (1 medium bulb contains 115 mg)
15. Blackberries (1 cup contains 40 mg)
16. Black Currants (1 cup contains 62 mg)
17. Oranges (1 orange contains between 50 and 60 mg)
18. Dried apricots (1/2 cup contains 35 mg)
19. Figs (1/2 cup contains 120 mg)
20. Dates (1/2 cup contains 35 mg)
21. Artichoke (1 medium artichoke contains 55 mg)
22. Roasted sesame seeds (1 oz. contains 35 mg)
23. Adzuki beans (1 cup contains 65 mg)
24. Navy beans (1 cup contains 125 mg)
25. Amaranth (1 cup contains 275 mg)

>> No.6680911

Ok guys, I'm curious.

What's your favorite imaginative, tasty and properly vegan dish that does neither desperately tries to copy cadaver-using cuisine nor contains nasty processed shit?

>> No.6680916
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Thanks anon.

>> No.6680984
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My 2 favorites are Oh She Glows!'s holiday lentil loaf. I make it for either christmas or thanksgiving every year. I guess you could argue its trying to be a meatloaf, but it has nuts and carrots and raisins and shit, so i'd say its its own thing.

my other favorite is a recipe I've posted in vegan threads a few times. Its tempeh and cashews with hoisin sauce over rice or rice noodles served on a "lettuce boat" or whatever you want to call it.

>> No.6681824


>When you completely boycott something, you remove any influence you could have as a customer as well, whereas you can have more of an impact if you support someone on a small market.

The problem is that small market doesn't actually solve any problems. Local, free range, organic grass fed meat isn't better for the enviroment, it's hardly more ethical, and it's not significantly healthier. These products only exist for people to continue eating what they want to eat while pretending the issue has been solved.

>> No.6681834

The issue is overpopulation, industry and consumerism. It's not going away until many people die at once.

Let's kill ourselves.

>> No.6681839


Or we could just eat some plants

>> No.6681867
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Traditional Italian, Mexican, Asian, Indian, and African cuisines have a lot of plant-centered recipes. Mostly beans, grains, and vegetables

>> No.6682929

Anybody still lurking?

Red Lentil Daal is a great meal, ate it a lot when I first started out eating vegan: http://whyveg.com/recipes/make_this.php?recipe=53

>> No.6684186
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Not vegan but I think you guys are cool. I would recommend you check out my tamarind kitchen for daal recipes and heres a recipe from my mum
Arvi (taro) and tomato curry
Ingredients: arvi (pic related), onion, tomatoes, garlic, ginger, lemon, salt, chilli, corriander powder, turmeric.

add sliced onion to a pot on medium/ low with oil and quickly stir fry until golden brown. Add garlic and ginger and cook until the raw smell is gone. Add sliced tomatoes, corriander powder, chilli and turmeric, give it a stir and leave the pot until the oil separates from rhe tomatoes this means that when you push the tomatoes to one side, there will be a little bit of oil coming out. This is a sign of a good curry from any tradition btw, be it paki, indian, thai etc. Add sliced and peeled taro and a bit of water + salt. When the taro is cooked, put in the juice of one whole lemon. Serce hot with corriander and naan.