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File: 21 KB, 360x315, lambleg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6663606 No.6663606 [Reply] [Original]

Got some lamb leg steaks, about 1/3 to 1/4 inch thick. I read that it's good to marinade in olive oil, garlic and rosemary; anyone got any suggestions/other suggestions?

>Probably a little more than half the thickness of pic related
>Haven't made lamb before apart from stew which was delicious.

Also, good vegetable to pair with em'? Trying the paleo diet; no legumes.

>> No.6663616

No grains either.

>> No.6663617

Ehhhh, a nice salad with lemon, olive oil and poppy seed wouldn't be a bad side. Maybe grilled asparagus?

>> No.6663621

Salad sounds bomb, never tried poppy dressing but I'll try anything once. Grilled asparagus sounds pretty good with it.

>> No.6663639

Bamp for tomorrow's lunch

>> No.6663670
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>> No.6663683

I'd just have the whole leg, debone it myself and made some tajine with couscous and ratatouille.

>> No.6663805

Couscous is a grain so I can't eat that, never tried ratatouille but I'm definitely down to make some.

First time grilling/searing lamb so I wanted something easy.


Had it a few months ago and it was fucking delicious, going to make my own soon enough.

>> No.6663877


>> No.6663935
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>no legumes
>No grains either.
This is now a retard bashing thread.

>> No.6665016


>> No.6665051


frying some potatoes in duck/goose fat would be a great side

get some garlic and herbs in them too

>> No.6665080

That's a wonderful marinade.
That shit is aromatic as fuck, and should be used sparingly.

>> No.6665111


lamb curry

something spicy

served with rice

>> No.6665125

marinade in yoghurt, garlic, onions, harissa, preserved lemon and ras el hanout overnight

char the fuck out of it serve with tzatziki and agrodolce or fish fragrant aubergines

>> No.6665162

Forgot no potatoes, but I'll try that out soon (can eat 3 regular meals a week)

Damn skippy it is, cousin has a plant and said I could grab some whenever I want; gonna try and grind it was a pestle beforehand a little.

Never been good with curry, neighbor is so I might ask for a recipe or just watch how she makes it.

Sounds good, though a bit too out there for a first time.

>> No.6665187


give her the lamb as present

fuck her

she make u curry

>> No.6665192

She's not too bad looking but she's an aquantice's mom; she's seen us pull a lot of stupid shit so I doubt I'd have a chance.

>> No.6665205


whats' wrong with potatoes

most paleos I know are fine with tubers

>> No.6665239

yogurt and zaatar

>> No.6665256

Read it was one of the no-no vegetables since the amount of carbs/starch in there; plus it wouldn't hurt to cut carbs since I'm a bigger guy.

>> No.6665259


>plus it wouldn't hurt to cut carbs since I'm a bigger guy.


just eat less fatty

>> No.6665401

I eat once a day faggot, vodka's been my issue.

>> No.6665403


then cut the vodka not the carbs and eat less once a day.