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File: 220 KB, 1010x495, Tea-vs-Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6662036 No.6662036 [Reply] [Original]

So /ck/,
I'm looking for some new tea to fill up my stocks. What's your favorite?

Also ask a tea and coffeenerd / Barista anything!

>> No.6662042
File: 9 KB, 188x292, mnzx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jasmine Silver Needle White Tea
infused seven times so the jasmine flavour is really strong and still the tea is smooth and that's why this is my favourite jasmine tea. ( perfect for everyday )

Roasted Jin Xuan ( Roasted Golden Daylily )
Oolong tea, low caffeine, perfectly not sweet and not earthy, smooth with a bit of popcorn taste and coconut.

Longjing tea ( Dragon Well tea )
Green tea, very popular and known in china, Chinese Emperors tea, have great history, hand flattened and toasted, grassy taste with more powerful sweet nutty taste. I don't drink it everyday because It is simply to sweet but it is still one of my favourites.

Ri Yue Tan Black Tea
Grown in Taiwan. Most of this tea is sold in place because of high competition with other tea countries.
taste of eucalyptus, menthol and cinnamon with lilac flower. Sweet yet really good. Perfect for something smooth and sweet. I really like the taste of it, It is sweet yet smooth and makes me relax.

Have you tried bubble tea? It is tea with tapioca pearls. Really fucking good. I use coconut milk with the tea and It is just perfect cold tea for hot day.

>> No.6662043

How do you feel about Starbucks coffee and their methods. I just quit working there to get a way better job in an actually cafe, pretty excited. Also I love just a homemade chai, ginger tea ( just a 1:1 ratio of honey and ginger) .

>> No.6662045

fucking love making homemade bubble tea, such a relaxing process. Also soaking the pearls in ginger makes them soooo good.

>> No.6662072

Well, must say starbucks differs a lot per country. I've had some pretty shitty coffees in NL but in UK it was pretty decent.
I don't enjoy the beans so much, the roast is too dark for my liking.
Also the sizes are ridiculous, I don't feel like you can enjoy a coffee thoroughly when it's that mega size. Also I despise drinking from cardboard cups, coffee should be a special moment to enjoy.

So in short I think it's as much a coffeebar as McDonalds is a restaurant. You can eat there but it's not meant for really enjoying.

On your tea, I should really try and make the Inidian spice tea myself! That's a good tip, maybe I'll enjoy it more lol!

>> No.6662093


You make your own bubble tea? Awesome! I should really try to make that someday.

Isn't mixing white tea with jasmin a bit of a waste of the silver needle?

Low caffein in oolong is bullshit btw. Did a bit of a study on it, but no one really understands what brings out caffein in tea and why some contain more than others. However I don't think that the oxidation process would add in caffein as some suggest.
With roasted do you mean smoked or really pan roasted to stop oxidization?

Longjing sounds interesting. I have another Dragonwell tea, Xi Hu Lung Chi right now, which is delicious. You should try Mao Feng tea if you get the chance, also really nice!

Ri Yue sounds nice as well! Thanks for tip.

>> No.6662119

>coffee should be a special moment to enjoy

cringe tbh

>> No.6662122

>Roasted Jin Xuan (

Might have to correct myself. I think the roasting process might influence the amount of caffein the same way it does in coffee.
(the darker/longer the roast the less caffein it contains, because some of it evaporates in the process)

>> No.6662130


If you don't enjoy drinks or food than you might be in the wrong board man.

>> No.6662133

some people enjoy the little things, like just chilling after work enjoying some coffee!

>> No.6662137

i cringed at your phrasing, not at the idea of enjoying coffee.

>> No.6662140

thanks for the response! I feel the same way honestly. Also here is more about the ginger tea!
Here is help with bubble tea
and the chai!

>> No.6662152

Thanks for the tip, sometimes I soak them in caramel It works fine too.

I tried different Jasmine teas but this one appeared the best for me.

It seems that the Oolong and white tea have least caffeine and I think Pu'erh have most but I don't really know.

Roasted over charcoal.

Thanks, I will try It next time I will be in the tea shop.

You should also check out tea with Gaba. It has some pretty advantages.

>> No.6662168


sorry for offending you and not writing in the exact phrasing you prefer master

>> No.6662175


>> No.6662184


I can imagine that the Jasmine tastes like heaven if you prepare it like this!

I know that it's what everybody thinks about white and oolong tea, but it just doesn't make sense to me. I've never seen science to confirm this either.

>> No.6662198

They can find out the % of caffeine in gram of tea after brewing it. It is simple to do it.
Trust the chemistry student.

>> No.6662220


Yeah, but I've never actually seen a study comparing for example a white, green and black darjeeling from the same plantation.

>> No.6662235

It is all the same plant, different region can change the tea but not so extremely so caffeine level is still similar.
When they proceed it affect the tea and chemicals inside it.

>> No.6662462

Longjing is dragon well tea. Long = dragon, jing = well. I think when you say 'xi hu lung chi', it's the same as 'xihu longjing'. I'm not sure if I've accurately gauged your meaning, though, so if you already know what I've explained, sorry.

I'm not sure about that poster's jasmine silver needle, but jasmine silver needle is not usually a jasmine tea mixed with a silver needle tea but rather a silver needle that has been infused with jasmine or/and is combined with dried jasmine flowers.

>> No.6662464

Yes similar, but not the same.
Also extraction influences a great deal of the caffeine level. If you brew a green tea which is grinded very small than you will detect more caffeine if you brew it for 2 minutes than if you brew a green tea with full leaf, simply because less caffeine is released from the leaves.

According to this reasoning caffeine content shouldn't differ in arabica coffees either, but it does differ significantly. Also similarly tea shouldn't differ in flavour according to this reasoning whether you grow it in different soils since the plant is the same.

The only thing I know for sure is that there are about 60 plants worldwide producing caffeine and that the plant apparantly uses it as a pesticide. Also generally accepted that this is one of the reasons that Robusta coffee is more bug resistant than Arabica coffee, since it makes twice the caffeine.

>> No.6662473

Thanks for the explanation, my Chinese wasn't good enough to detect this.

I don't think the poster meant mixing silver needle with jasmine. I just think he meant dried on jasmine flowers 7 times.

>> No.6663125

I doesn't change it extremely. It changes taste and bla bla bla but It is still similar amount. ( in the range )

>> No.6663129

I wrote that It was infused 7 times.

>> No.6663172

Jin jun mei is the best I've had

>> No.6663180

I like the random ones I get from Chinese restaurants, they're cool with giving me a few especially when I ask for no sauce and stuff. A few teas is pretty cool.

>> No.6663199

I infused your mum 88 times for good luck!

>> No.6663310


Just the thread I was looking for. I have a Keurig machine at home. I also got a reusable K-cup, so I can buy bags of coffee and put the grinds in the cup.

But whenever I make it this way, the coffee always comes out super bland. Even when I make it disperse the smallest amount, there's still not much flavor. What am I doing wrong? Is the Keurig just shitty at making good coffee?

>> No.6664282

I wish Starbucks would brew stuff other than Pike for their medium roast. Pike is shit and nearly all of the other medium blends are better, so it blows that the only one that gets switched around is dark. You can ask them to do pour overs of other roasts at no added cost though, so that's cool.

>> No.6664316

buddha's hand. my favorite oolong now. i could drink it in any weather or season. lapsang souchong for winter, jasmine for spring, green snail (can't think of the ching chong name) and sencha for summer. but tie kuan yin and buddhas hand are great any time of the year.

>> No.6664357

I bit the bait.

>> No.6664367

It really is shitty. No matter how much you put in those reusable cups, it'll still come out weak/bland and disgusting. I am pretty sure they do that intentionally to guilt people into buying the K-Cups.

I actually thought it was a defect in my machine, called up Keurig, they sent me a new one without me having to give them my old one, but as a result I now have two worthless appliances taking up space in my apartment. No one wants to buy them either because they want the 2.0.

>> No.6664809

I prefer to teabag yours.