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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6660858 No.6660858[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Peggy Hunt is your stereotypical 48 year old woman from Pennsylvania
>She's gotten fat over the years, but still tries to tries to hide it with Walmart clothes
>She's 185 standing at 5'4
> "I have no self esteem" she mumbled to herself, looking at her fat rolls in the mirror
>Her balding husband Charles enters the room, fixing his tie in the same mirror
>"Something the matter, Peg?"
>"Oh we have that get-together later today, the one with you-know-who."
>"The Fotards?" he replied
>"Yep, the new family who moved here from California."
>Charles snickered at the way she said it
>"I just don't feel like I'm cultured enough to talk to them." She said.
>Charles had left sooner than expected, leaving her to talk to herself once more
>Some time had passed since before, it is now time to go to the outing
>She noticed Charles had some bottle sticking out of his shirt
>"Its this Adobo stuff my friends at work were talking about, says it makes meat taste good."
>"I'm taking heed to what you said before about the culture thing, Peggy."
>She smiled, as it gave her an idea
>I'll bring that bottle of expensive vinegar we got for our anniversary last year! The balsamic!"
>"Ooooooh!" Said Charles, smiling
>"That Jack guy on the YouTube always rants and raves about it! He's a professional chef you know."
>She smiled and put it in her purse
>"I'm coming for you, Rachel Fotard!"
>They had just arrived at the Smith's backyard for the cookout
>"SHNAW SHNAW SHNAAAAAW!" (rich people mouth/nose sound)
>She whipped her head around to see Rachel Fotard standing feet behind her, smiling
>"Shnaw hi Peggy! shnaw."
>She shnawed louder
>"H-hi Rachel, where's Cruston?"
>"Shnaw he's coming, he's just grabbing my shnaw purse from the car shnaw."
>"Hi" said Cruston, almost tripping
>"Hibly dibly doo how ya all doing?"
>Nancy Smith's come to greet them
>"Now come in the back yard and see what Gaston is cooking don't ya knoooow"
>Her thick Wisconsin accent came through

>> No.6660865


Must be Western PA

>> No.6660869

Where were when the meme was born?

>> No.6660872

Swinger chapter when? Involving balsamic

>> No.6660873


>> No.6660874
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>being such an uncultured piece of subhuman garbage that you actually think food is anything but the bottom of the fucking barrel for identifying class divisions

even fucking music / tv / movies works better

i'm not even going to bother going into the real differentiation because the kind of double digit IQ retards here will trip all over themselves to spew epic fedora memes, but check out /lit/ or even /sci/ some time you fucking manchildren

fucking foodNEETs

>> No.6660875


>> No.6660882

>>Charles had left sooner than expected, leaving her to talk to herself once more

I'm fucking dying.

>> No.6660889

You must watch snl...

>> No.6660922

>That jack there on the YouTube, he's a famous chef
>that expensive balsamic vinegar

I laughed heartily

>> No.6660942

What grade will you be entering next, kiddo?

>> No.6660949

This is slightly creepy. I live in pa and work with a woman named Peggy that fits this description perfectly...

Are you a coworker?

>> No.6660952

Western or Eastern PA?

>> No.6660986

Southern? Near the MD line.

>> No.6660989

Are you closer to Pittsburgh or Pennsylvania? This is very important.

>> No.6660996


Pennsylvania? About three hours away from Pittsburgh.

>> No.6661002

shit, Philadelphia.

I've been drinking for the past 14 hours, so the fact that I'm making as few mistakes as I am is impressive.

>> No.6661005


I am about an hour and half away, I think. York county!

Lets be friends.

>> No.6661267

Kid you don't know what flyover is until you get to the Great Plains.

>> No.6661314

Will there be more to this saga? I'm intrigued.

Quality OC. Whoda thought?

>> No.6661630

Pittsburgh here, am I relevant?

>> No.6662026

Not really. I never travel there.

>> No.6662037

You might as well be in Ohio

>> No.6662044

I need not dream of a society without class, for we have already arrived.

The dream has become a reality.

>> No.6662087

sup PA bros. from harrisburg live in philly here

>> No.6662095

i'm from ohio and this is how we feel about people from pennsylvania actually

unless they're from pittsburgh

>> No.6662117

Reminder that anything west of the Hudson and east of the Sierra Nevada is flyover territory.

>> No.6662118

And this is how the rest of the country feels about people from Ohio.

>> No.6662126
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>> No.6662128


This is how the rest of the world feels about America.

>> No.6662132

pic related is how America feels about the rest of the world

>> No.6662145

The rest of the world is eating a banana?


>> No.6662196

Is Michigan a fly over state? We're in the eastern time zone, have more registered boats than any other state, and we have a snobbish agricultural and craft beer legacy.

>> No.6662216

You're still a autism bux exploiting NEET, no matter where you live.

>> No.6662217

no, the picture I posted

>> No.6662231

Still flyover.

>> No.6662244

Michigan produced the best IPA in the world, according to over 12 thousand pretentious and contrarian judges. The people who love to hate all agreed we Michiganders make the best beer.

>> No.6662272

The best IPA is still a shitty fucking IPA. Pilsners, Belgian Ales, Hefeweizen, Porters, and Stouts all taste better than IPAs.

>> No.6662275

I dislike IPAs. I make fun of people who drink them. But the 1st place winner tasted pretty fucking good.

>> No.6662582

luckily for Peg and Charles, marinating meat in a bunch of adobo + balsamic vinegar is not actually going to taste bad.

>> No.6662585

Pittsburgh is in West PA

>> No.6662587

>the best IPA is still a shitty fucking IPA

If you're twelve I suppose

>> No.6662609

>he thinks he knows more about this stuff than bourdieu
We get it, you saw all Kurosawa and Fellini films, you're high class now :^)

>> No.6662787

You would be wrong. That would include Chicago, major cities in PA, DC, Texas, etc.

>> No.6662797

Chicago and Detroit get a pass.

>> No.6662815

Detroit has been returned to the wilderness. It is flyover.

>> No.6662836

True. Detroit once a city of prosperity is now a land of uncultured flyovers and armed to the teeth sambos.

>> No.6662860

It was like Paris but of the Great Lakes region.

>> No.6663114


All flyover, Jethro.

>> No.6663130


This is accurate.

>> No.6663269

>our nation's capital is flyover

>> No.6663749

I do no understand the "flyover" meme.
I am a German Citizen, over 9 years I have actually lived in 18 USA States; average of 6 months to a State, and visited other for a total travel of seeing 38 US States.
Other than some regional varieties, all the US States are all too similar to really have this meme.

Philadelphia PA, Columbus OH, Denver CO, Sacramento CA... other than how people talk and the local plant life, could all be the exact same city; given how people live, work and eat.

So, as a German looking in, the US has little to no distinctiveness from 1 State to another.

>> No.6663761

Flyover is a reference to the interior of the nation, i.e. the bead basket of America, since most of the population and activity is on the coasts. If you have only visited major cities then you don't know flyover.

>> No.6663768


America is a flyover nation so this is accurate.

>> No.6663771

>only super power

>> No.6663775

More like central PA. But why would a Californian even move there lol

>> No.6663789

OP's premise is like farmer-tier, something that most people in le ebin meme "flyover states" know nothing about. Balsamic vinegar etc. is not exotic. There's a quality olive oil and vinegar store downtown in my small town of about 30,000.

Memeposting and bait surrounding this shit is meh at best. I enjoy living in areas that aren't populated by tons of fucktards so there's that.

>> No.6663794
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Yeehaw you tell em Cletus, gitrdone

>> No.6663818

> There's a quality olive oil and vinegar store downtown in my small town of about 30,000.

Non-flyover here. I visit flyover land a few times a year for work. I've seen those kinds of stores. I don't want to ruin anything for you, but: how do you know what "quality olive oil" actually is?

>> No.6663819

UP is not flyover, everything else is shit. I'm not even a midwesterner, but Marquette is gods gift to earth as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.6663824

I didn't know you were from Sicily, Anono.

>> No.6663836

Because I've spent my money on the revered stuff. Really good, but the markup-to-increase-in-pleasure-experienced ratio was not astounding.

I love me some olives, and would like to go to California again at some point to sample their selection, in regular and oil format, but as of now, I'm poor.