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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6660136 No.6660136 [Reply] [Original]

What's for dinner, /ck/?

>> No.6660140

Grachan Moncur III

>> No.6660163
File: 1.21 MB, 2560x1440, IMG_20150707_172901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spaghetti and garlic bread. But I cheated and used frozen meatballs.

>> No.6660166
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>> No.6660178
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Closer shot of the gerlik bred

>> No.6660188


Ain't never made meatballs, the kinda meatballs I ate growing up were like two and a half times the size of an Italian one and tasted way different

>> No.6660194
File: 97 KB, 490x457, Budweiser_Statue_of_Liberty_bottle_cans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6660200


With the actual tiny dumpling things

Fucking thank you, anon, reminds me of my fucking childhood

>> No.6660202
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>> No.6660203

it's goulash on spaetzle you fucking pleb

>> No.6660224

>sauce & pasta unmixed

Into the trash it goes

>> No.6660226


Actually have some American Budweiser in the cupboard but I was too hungry to wait for it to chill in the fridge

>> No.6660232


Didn't grow up in the westbso the translation from my language would literally be little dumplings, you pillock

Thanks for your food chauvinism, though

>> No.6660245

Maybe you shouldn't post on a Western imageboard, then. If I went on 2chan and called ramen "brothy noodle egg bowl" I would expect to catch some shit for it.

>> No.6660248


Hey at least there's no trans fat

Do you bot have anything to up the ante a bit?

I generally just go with hot sauce and soy sauce

>> No.6660259


you could always just mix it on the plate.....

fucking aspie kids

>> No.6660260

please fucking leave

>> No.6660289
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The thing is that I've spent a good chunk of it in an Anglo country and since I'm yet to see a single place here that serves goulash with spaetzle, the proper name has never cropped up anywhere, so I've gone my whole life blissfully unaware of it, I could've gone with the Polish name as that would've been potentially more recognised than the one in my mother tongue, but I opted against as it would cause confusion as to what the heck I'm on about

No one I know or associate with likes or cares about goulash either so I was not illuminated as to their original name

>> No.6660300

>I'm a pleb who exclusively associates with others plebs

makes sense

>> No.6660332

can you explain why you don't combine the sauce and spaghetti first?

>> No.6660344


what do you think the fucking pasta is just going to marrry with the GD sauce all by it's MF'in self?

>> No.6660345
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>> No.6660364


Or, you know, with people barely out of their teens that were not brought up on continental food but rather on whatever the average Briton eats

We're not well known for being a Mecca of international cuisines, especially not small towns, the average Briton is really just adventurous enough to go with whatever foreign cuisine is already on offer, those generally being Italian, Indian and Chinese.

I'm sure you yourself were either brought up with goulash or have frequented establishments that offer it, it didn't just come out of nowhere for you, much like you consider me and my social group plebs, one might consider you a pleb for not having enjoyed flaki, żurek, or the simple joy of salo on rye bread with good vodka, anon

>> No.6661082
File: 730 KB, 3264x2448, dindinchicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roasted chicken with perogies and caesar salad.

>> No.6661381

It's for me, my mom, and grandma. We all like different amounts of sauce.

>> No.6661412

Looks too much like a buffet meal.

>> No.6661415

the noodles will be coated with sauce it doesn't mean it will be a bunch of sauce.

>> No.6661418

those are NOT spätzle, you fucking pleb

>> No.6661458

This is the way my family has always done spaghetti. But next time I make it, I should try out /ck/'s advice to see if it comes out any different.

>> No.6661485

just ignore them
>why aren't you doing it the way I'm doing it anon?

>> No.6661634

Still, it wouldn't hurt to do something different just once. I want to see how differently it will taste.

>> No.6661656

I had some soups in Poland that were awesome and not even remotely close to anything I had before. Must sucks moving to England, dropping such a culinary tradition.

>> No.6661710

when you mix it all together in the pan the shit dries the fuck out and is nasty. Especially if you didn't make enough sauce or made too much spaghetti or cooked it too long or this or that. Shit ain't perfect every time you make it and it's a stupid idea to think it will be. I go with sauce on top because then even if the pasta is over cooked and mushy you can save the sauce and make more pasta and add it to the top of it. My mom would only eat spaghetti with sauce on the side and she would fork roll the pasta so it barely touches the sauce. She didn't like it but didn't like plain either.

>> No.6661716

> spaetzle

>> No.6661837


I'm actually from Latvia but the region I'm from had lots of Polish history and ethnic Poles, so my parents sent my brothers and I there, figured an extra language couldn't hurt, the east of the country is full of different Slavic people and cuisines so it was pretty good grtting to experience a multitude of food

Parents became friends with the Polish teachers, a couple of sisters, at the school and so myself and my older brother used to go to Poland every summer and with our whole family for the winter to go skiing, it was absolutely ace

UK's not that bad tbh, actually in Scotland and here in the Lowlands there's a whole lot of Polish immigrants so I can really find just about any sort of Polish speciality that my heart desires, so it's not all bad

>> No.6661841

Got some chicken thighs defrosting which I'll throw in the oven, and probably serve with some spiced up rice.

>> No.6661915

Turkeu curry noodle stir

>> No.6662003
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using the last of some grilled vegetables (cherry tomatoes, haricot vertes, peppers, squash and red onions) to make a pasta with some spicy sausage, lemon and rosemary

>> No.6662120

Why are you calling spaghetti noodles you dumb prick

>> No.6662160

Your dad's cock.
Imma grip and sip.

>> No.6662162

All pastas are noodles. Not all noodles are pastas.

>> No.6662208

Tortellini and orzo are noodles?

>> No.6662234

Yes, just cut differently.

>> No.6662247

How do you come up with this shit?

>> No.6662253

I make it up as I go.

>> No.6662409

>being this much of a pleb

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.6662581
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Go ahead, laddie

>> No.6662618
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Just came back from a quick meal.
It was pretty tasty.

>> No.6662682


This looks phenomenal! Would eat.

>> No.6662686

what are those? quiches?

>> No.6662691

Looks like a fat girl's pointy elbow

>> No.6662718

Yes ! It is quiche.

No, not fat.

>> No.6662759
File: 1.82 MB, 1039x955, speggynmerbles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sort of dinner. lazy hangover food. chicken thighs and eggs with very vinegary bbq sauce

>> No.6662764
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Dinner salad for dinner.

>> No.6662861

20/10 would eat, puke up, and eat again.

>> No.6662867

At least he didn't say dindin on the hoof.

>> No.6662880

>nasty pile of cat vomit on top
>no visible vinaigrette or dressing
>not doing anything to the veggies, just setting them there


>> No.6662896

What would you suggest doing to the veg then?

>> No.6663335

Don't have a pic but a 2lbs pork loin, slow cooked. Used salt, pepper and chili sauce for glaze. Potatoes, carrots and broccoli were cooked with it in simple stock for 4 and a half hours. It was actually super delicious.

>> No.6663346

Make a simple vinaigrette, chop the veg into squares, toss them in the vinaigrette and top the salad with that. And then eat the cat vomit on the side.

>> No.6663473

tuna is best salad topper fuck you.

>> No.6663546
File: 1.29 MB, 2636x1996, dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken thighs and rice.

>> No.6663563

nice; i'd eat that for dinner for sure. what went into the thighs seasoning wise?

>> No.6663573
File: 116 KB, 960x720, dinnertoday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak and salad. Yum!

>> No.6663593

Corn soup/chowder. It was the first thing I ever cooked on my own back when I was a kid and is still one of my favourite things to cook as an adult when I have no idea what I want to have for dinner. It's quick, easy and filling.

>> No.6663597

Just ground cumin, salt, a little bit of dried cilantro, and some lemon juice at the end.

>> No.6663607

you can cuss here on 4chan buddy ;)

>> No.6663611
File: 61 KB, 1024x576, stirfry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stir fried some pork with green pepper, onion, cilantro, and some lime juice. I already ate half of it before I took the pic.

>> No.6663640
File: 1.62 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copycat Chick fil a chicken sammich and homemade sweet potato fries. It was delicious.

>> No.6663680


>> No.6663701



serious take a look at your life and find out where the fuck you went wrong

>> No.6663757

Pickles taste good on basically all sandwiches

>> No.6663762

Started antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds today that pretty much killed my appetite completely. Sliced up a cabbage, a few carrots, and some jicama, steamed/sauteed it together in a pan with salt, rice wine vinegar, and a little oil, just to have something to eat. It was surprisingly good but I couldn't eat much.

>> No.6663777

A little out of place on fried chicken.

>> No.6663782
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>dipping fries in ketchup
>wheat bun with too much sugar and sodium
>sweet potato fries

>> No.6663804

>he's never been to glorious chick fil a

>> No.6663808

That's right. I've only seen their billboards on the highways back in the 90's.

>> No.6663815


Female? Where'd you get that?

>> No.6663821



Copy cat CHICK FIL A you dolt

>> No.6663875

My dinner that im making.
Cost at supermarket is $17.09

6 large chicken wings
Mashed potatoes w/ butter
Pillsbury crossaints
Bag of mini kitkats
A cup of those juiced peaches

Fuck it seems like i spent so much for so little. Oh well... Hope it tastes good

>> No.6663880

Are you literally autistic?

>> No.6663884
File: 707 KB, 2700x1994, chic-fil-achicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chick fil a puts pickles on their chicken sandwiches.

it tasted great, calm down

>> No.6663889

>being this unobservant

I know who I can't depend on in an emergency

>> No.6663891

Could be a tranny.

>> No.6663915

no picture yet but just ordered some cheese steaks

>> No.6663927

Turkey and wisconsin cheddar sandwich with Mr. Kensington's mayo on Ezekiel bread.

I started going on a no white flour, no white/brown sugar, no red meat diet last week and so far I've stuck to it. Ezekiel bread is actually pretty tasty.

Water as the beverage

>> No.6663936

>Pretentious Dr. Oz Viewer: The Post

>> No.6663946
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Delicious guacamole and thick tortilla chips.

>> No.6663955
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prosciutto, smoked string cheese, california & philly roll, triscuits, & chex mix. vanilla jello pudding for dessert. im a grown up 7 year old.

>> No.6663964

Were you high at the grocery store

>> No.6663971

kek you know it

>> No.6663980


>> No.6664127
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Starting to make some Mac

>> No.6664169
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Sauce is done.

>> No.6664176

make your own thread and people will care more

>> No.6664567

It is amazing that people listen to that hack.

>> No.6664830
File: 2.78 MB, 4864x2736, IMG_20150709_205849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rice, Lettuce + Kimchi

I am poverty. Lettuce was mixed with soy sauce, garlic and sesame oil. Tasted nice

>> No.6664895

A guy would say, chicken sandwich. A girl would say, copy cat chick fil a chicken sandwich.

>> No.6664896

Do you eat fermented shit too?

>> No.6664997
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>> No.6665299

I like how you're trying to look cool with all the food in seperate bowls and chopsticks, but it just looks messy and unappealing hehe
what a fag

>> No.6665305

is it supposed to look like a chicken?

>> No.6665320

>not noticing the painted nail

>> No.6665335

Looking at this gives me a headache

>> No.6665440

im chinese so i prefer to eat with chopsticks, also i dont want that soysauce at the bottom to salt up my rice. The kimchi you see is in the store bought container you dumb shit

>> No.6665442
File: 247 KB, 462x459, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinese chicken or pork shoes what's going on

>> No.6665445

haha what i saw until i enlarged the pic

>> No.6665470

>im chinese

no your not

>> No.6665475


>> No.6665498


Chop up your tomato and cucumber. Make a simple ass marinade for your salad from which you can do the following:
some olive oil, knife point of mayonnaise and a few drops of garlic oil. If you dont have garlic oil then prepare the dish in a bowl but rub the inside of a garlic piece you cut in half over the bowl insides so that if you toss it with the olive oil it will mix up. Do whatever you want with your tuna. The salad just looks bland

>> No.6665562
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Ya'll can be jelly.

>> No.6665568

nice when do they bring out the entree

>> No.6665626
File: 68 KB, 720x960, authenticpho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been experimenting with authentic thai cuisine. Tonight I've made pho with fresh lemongrass and seafood.

>> No.6665634

What the fuck.

>> No.6665676
File: 2.79 MB, 3264x2448, 20150707_190723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made me & the gf some chicken breast stuffed with spinach, feta, and sun-dried tomatoes and dusted with parmesan. Homemade caesar dressing on lettuce on the side, with a fucking horrifying drink concoction. It was like orange juice, club soda, and blue caracao.

>> No.6665688

>authentic thai
>elbow macaroni

>> No.6665689

Shit, I'd eat it and embrace shitting green for the next three months

Are you and your girlfriend single?

>> No.6665693

Thai people eat elbow macaroni all the time, what's with the greentext?

>> No.6665700
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first time making egg noodles. shoulda made them thinner but i felt like the dough would tear if i rolled it any thinner

>> No.6665714
File: 529 KB, 1280x960, VinegarGarlic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some chicken thighs simmering in a vindaloo for the next half hour & am serving with quinoa because yolo. Gonna be so refreshing

>> No.6665718

Amerifag, here. Not dinner time yet, but I was thinking of doing carbonara or ricotta dumplings.

>> No.6665751
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This is pizza I have for dinner please enjoy my friend.

>> No.6665752

BBQ seasoned chicken wings

>> No.6665788
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Bro tuna truly is best salad top
Dinner here.

>> No.6665794

Looks like a preschooler threw up on your plate.

>> No.6665819
File: 63 KB, 960x575, salad time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a salad thread.

>> No.6665843
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Get on my level

>> No.6665907

looks like my ass

>> No.6666014

How? The acidity helps cut through the oil left in the crust, and pickles have a good set of flavors to compliment the chicken.

>> No.6666080
File: 2.00 MB, 3264x2448, 20150709_051647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw you plan on cooking something decent but spend all night fixing motorcycle and drink too many beers and just throw a bunch of frozen shit in the deep fryer.

Yes that's ranch

>> No.6666596

>too drunk to cook
>not too drunk to use a deep fryer

i don't understand

>> No.6667021
File: 38 KB, 299x259, 1360035367812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the fucking fingernails you dumb fuck

>> No.6667026


>> No.6667033

I had three spinach and cheese crepes,three pints of beer and some amphetamine.

>> No.6667041
File: 2.97 MB, 4128x2322, 20150709_202814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken taquitos, red beans and rice, and waldorf salad.

>> No.6667051

too much bread

>> No.6667057

Is that white bread that is cut into triangles?

>> No.6667076

Everybody has like a dozen things they can do perfectly even when they're piss drunk (eg texting)

>> No.6667084
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>> No.6667213
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Have had the shits the last two days so found some fibre enriched vermicelli and added some shit to it. Turned out pretty tasty.
Don't know what to call it, it's got butter, chicken broth, garlic, green onion, tomatoes, parmesan, salt and pepper.

>> No.6667367
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pretty much this >>6667076, I wasn't shitfaced but I was getting tired and unmotivated so just plugged in the ol fry daddy, let it heat up and toss some frozen shit in, pretty idiot proof if you make sure not to walk off and forget about it.

>> No.6667490

Those fries look awful. They look like they were cooked a few days ago and microwaved.

>> No.6667531


Hope you're okay. Everything will be alright.

>> No.6667550

chicken fried rice with yellow squash and onion.

>> No.6667562



>> No.6667625
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my dinner was a bottle of wine and a bag of chips

>> No.6667648

Black coffee with crushed adderall in it.

>> No.6667659

Cooking up a burger and onion rings atm. You should try this burger it's GOAT, make it all the time, can use any kind of meat you want.

I use fresh everything but use powdered if you want to

black pepper
very small amount of habenero juice
very small amount of salt

4 to 5 mins each side, serve dat up on an onion bun w/ white onion and cherry tomatoe slices.

side of onion rings, fug off good stuff.

>> No.6667664

> Don't know what to call it
pasta con pollo, verdure e parmiggiano

>> No.6667668

pants down pasta

>> No.6667677
File: 2.10 MB, 1078x732, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based snack.

>> No.6667723


> well done

I can taste the dryness from here

>> No.6667732
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Mac cheese bacon burger

>> No.6667742
File: 2.09 MB, 4128x3096, IMG_20150709_161212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pork neck and some eggs.

>> No.6667815

Last night, I had rice plate/rice and curry with two leftover things and one not leftover thing.
Leftover things:
• last bit of bitter gourd/frogmelon egg curry
• stir-fried broccoli leaf with garlic and chilies

Not leftover things:
• garlic and garlic-chive fried rice (though made from leftover rice)
• lentil "cutlets" which are basically just cooked lentils mashed together with aromatics, herbs and spices and mixed with just enough chickpea flour to make a batter, then formed into burger-patty-like size and shallow-fried in oil.

Not sure what I'll have for dinner today. For lunch, I'm going to have more leftovers: bitter gourd/frogmelon stir-fried with prawns/shrimp and cold cabbage curry (which is basically a salad with a dressing made from sesame oil, amchur and various spices). Definitely with rice.

For dinner, though, I'm drawing blank. After lunch, I'll have no fridged leftovers remaining, but I have several to choose from in the freezer.

>> No.6667874

cease this meme

>> No.6667897
File: 136 KB, 960x1280, steak and pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pork steak, pasta, and a salad.

>> No.6667909
File: 331 KB, 820x616, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pouched eggs, beans, bacon and some toast

>> No.6668023

>frozen meatballs
Now I feel ill

>> No.6668051

>eating a meal like that on your bed

you disgust me

>> No.6668058
File: 149 KB, 301x281, 1397989059577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i don't come to this board for feels