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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6659524 No.6659524 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think co/ck/s ?

>> No.6659529

you can say that about any hobby or interest humans have

>> No.6659530

>implying humans are on earth to just exist
>implying that everyone who likes to eat is obese

Epicurus is rolling in his grave in platonic heaven. I am mostly vegetarian but splurge once in a while and eat something extravagant. I still enjoy my day to day food, and I live a healthy lifestyle.

This person is boring and is projecting.

>> No.6659534


Fun things are fun.

>> No.6659543

>Zenn Exile
why would i read any farther?

>> No.6659547

>literally "stop liking what I don't like"

My response would be "fuck off, retard".

>> No.6659551

False dichotomy. Most traditional cuisines strike a balance between food being a pleasure and providing the fuel people need to make it through the day, while letting the region and the season dictate the specifics of what one eats.

This kind of breaks down in the modern world, where one can pretty much choose what to eat based on whims. That is unlikely to lead to a healthy pattern of eating. But even so one need not choose between eating for pleasure and sustenance. It is possible to do both.

>> No.6659564
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If food where meant for JUST energy the brain wouldn't of developed taste buds advanced enough to differ between flavors other than good and bad.

You could argue its a holdover from evolution or its the subconscious brain rewarding the conscious brain for generally eating. But it has been shown that good mood makes the body function better, so it was probably by design why we like foods for more than just energy.

>> No.6659572

>You should not mentally masturbate every time you eat.

Okay, I'll be sure to physically masturbate then.

>> No.6659578

>But it has been shown that good mood makes the body function better, so it was probably by design why we like foods for more than just energy.
This is true. But we live in a time when artificial flavors can fool that system, tricking the brain into thinking a relatively valueless food is wholesome. Couple that with the ease at which we can get sugar and fat (both things our ancestors had to work pretty hard to get) and you understand why some might choose to lean towards a more ascetic view of eating. Our ancestors did not have the option of eating fried chicken and ice cream every day. We do.

>> No.6659629

>brain wouldn't of
why must itself up every of a park anus stick some quote statue unquote to prove that a hero equals any jerk who was afraid to dare to answer “no”? quote citizens unquote might otherwise forget(to err is human;to forgive
divine)that if the quote state unquote says “kill” killing is an act of christian love. “Nothing” in 1944 AD “can stand against the argument of military necessity”(generalissimo e) and echo answers “there is no appeal from reason”(freud)—you pays your money and you doesn’t take your choice. Ain’t freedom grand

>> No.6659677

It cracks me up how some people behave as though obesity is the worst problem a society could have. Obesity is a good problem to have.

Also, anyone who would choose struggling with back-breaking labor for a meager level of nutrients until you die at 40 over sitting in front of the entertainment box and getting fat off triple fried cheesecake is a fucking idiot.

I realize that it's not this black and white, and that you can eat fattening foods in moderation, but lets not pretend that what our ancestors did was better *in any way* than the worst glutton imaginable.

We don't live this way because we "lost our way" or some shit. We live this way because it's awesome and better.

>> No.6659680


>> No.6659688

>If food where meant for JUST energy the brain wouldn't of developed taste buds advanced enough to differ between flavors other than good and bad.

Specific taste buds are useful from an evolutionary standpoint, for example overwhelmingly bitter and acidic tastes usually accompany more or less poisonous substances.

> it was probably by design why we like foods for more than just energy.

the design is that the things that your body needs to survive (salts, fats, sugars, protein) taste good and are enjoyable because if they didn't, we wouldn't eat the substances and would perish, and thus not pass on our faulty genes.

a simpler animal doesn't logically deduct what it eats, it eats the thing that brings it pleasure, and these things are generally the ones that are high in energy.

pleasure and energy from a food standpoint are generally intertwined.

>> No.6659697

I lift and see food as energy, but once a week will make myself a nice meal because I still love to eat good food. I just like gains more and am busy most of the week. Cooking a nice meal is pretty damn relaxing, like making a nice cup of coffee.

>> No.6659698

>We live this way because it's awesome and better.

spoken like a true fatty. fedora tip to you.

>> No.6659707

You are correct. Given the option many of our ancestors would probably trade lives with us in a heartbeat. But that doesn't mean we actually eat better than they did. Most of us eat industrially produced garbage. Our great grandparents would be appalled at the mushy tastelessness of our chicken, beef and pork. But it's cheap, so we consume more of it than they ever did. Same goes for most of the cheese and bread we eat. To say nothing of sugar.

We have outrageous abundance, but most of it is crap.

>> No.6659711

>being state-educated
I say, lad. Bad show.

>> No.6659717

>being autistic

>> No.6659744

Top kek tbh
In my opinion there's two kinds of foods, those you eat to sate your hunger and those you eat to actually enjoy the taste.
Obviously those categories overlap, but only using food as an energy source is fucking retarded.
Might aswell just get hooked up to an IV and stop eating all together.

>> No.6659749

The dead swans lay in the stagnant pool.
They lay. They rotted. They turned
Around occasionally.
Bits of flesh dropped off them from
Time to time.
And sank into the pool's mire.
They also smelt a great deal.

>> No.6659762

Autism 2.0

>> No.6659765

>wouldn't of

>> No.6659771

Oh frettled gruntbuggly,
thy micturations are to me
as plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee.

Groop I implore thee,
my foonting turlingdromes.
And hooptiously drangle me
with crinkly bindlewurdles,
or I will rend thee
in the gobberwarts
with my blurglecruncheon,

see if I don´t!

Careful; you'll be called autistic if you know and point out that "wouldn't of" makes no sense. :-(

>> No.6659777
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spoken like a true bad cook.

>> No.6659784

Major autism

>> No.6659785

>wouldn't of

>> No.6659787

Do you know what autism is?

>> No.6659792

this nigga should be dropped in the jungle and forced to go hunt fucking gazelles, and then come tell me that food shouldn't be an enjoyment.

>> No.6659802

if food doesn't taste good it's probably not good for you. plain dry bread and water doesn't taste good for a meal, for good reason.

and no, fast food doesn't taste good.

this just seems like

>i can't cook tasty food but i'm not fat and unhealthy, s-shut up!

>> No.6659840

This is stupid. People need to stop treating Anime like a pornography and embrace Anime as a sources of ENTERTAINMENT. You should not literally masturbate every time you watch. Orgasming is not the purpose of Anime. If you associate Anime with orgasming you end up with morbidly obnoxious weeaboo people everywhere

Repeat after me, shut-ins:


>> No.6659847

>why must itself up every of a park anus stick some quote statue unquote to prove that a hero equals any jerk who was afraid to dare to answer “no”?
Is that even English.

Listen guys, you're welcome to post from your phone but at least glance over what you typed before hitting the post button.

>> No.6659848

This is stupid. People need to stop treating niggers like humans and embrace niggers as a source of CRIME. You should not support dem programs every time you pay taxes. Progress is not the purpose of Niggers. If you associate Niggers with progress you end up with morbidly high crime rates everywhere.

Repeat after me crackers:


>> No.6659854

This is stupid. People need to stop treating memes like a joke and embrace memes as a source of INVESTMENT. You should not hysterically laugh every time you post. Jokes are not the purpose of memes. If you associate memes with jokes, you end up with dankness and reddit people everywhere.

Repeat after me 4chaners:


>> No.6659855

>doesn't recognise one of the most famous works by one of the most famous writers of the 20th century
State schooling. Such a pity.

>> No.6659877

This is stupid. People need to stop treating cuckoldry like a fetish and embrace cuckoldry as a source of being beta. You should not ignore the Black Bull every time he cums in your wife. Dominance is not the purpose of cuckoldry. If you associate cuckoldry with dominance you end up with Louis C.K. people everywhere.

Repeat after me alpha males:


>> No.6659920

>playing chess is for ENERGY

>> No.6659939
File: 152 KB, 461x343, 1427515721182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food is one of the finer pleasures in life. You'll have wasted your life if you just eat shit like this all the time.

>> No.6659985

Well its better than barely having enough food to survive, as was often a problem in the past.

Its still a problem, at as far as problems go, you could have much worse.

>> No.6659997

Expand autism

>> No.6660162

>the mushy tastelessness of our chicken, beef and pork.
I try my hardest to not eat fast food but every now and then I'll get some mcnuggets and I can totally eat them without sauce and do often. They aren't tasteless.

But I also smoke weed regularly which has opened my taste buds quite a bit. I can taste things more now. And because of that I'm less picky and stuff like kale tastes amazing to me when before it was like a chore to eat it.

But fast food isn't tasteless and comes off as savory.

>> No.6660170

This is stupid. People need to stop treating food like a fuel and embrace food as a source of PLEASURE. You should not sit emotionless every time you eat. Refuelling is not the purpose of food. If you associate food with fuel you end up with morbidly irritating Soylent evangelists everywhere

Repeat after me, Trekkies:


>> No.6660185

Most people on this site don't know what autism is and have probably never come into contact with one.

One of my coworkers has aspergers, has no idea what 4chan is.
my friends brother is fully autistic and has to live in a home because he's incapable of social interaction.

Autistic is just the new retard.

>> No.6660190

Nah, you can be autistic without being a retard.

>> No.6660196
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>> No.6660198

>anus stick

In what? Naked Lunch?

>> No.6660205



>> No.6660213

Yeah, I was referring to how 4chan uses the term autistic to call others retards.

I'm fully aware of what autism is, you'd know that too if you actually read the post instead of jumping to reply.

>> No.6660216

Worse than the guy from OP are people who use big words without knowing what they mean. Like you. You are the worst.

Stick is a verb there, not a noun.
>stick some quote statue unquote just to prove etc etc etc

>> No.6660217

Maybe you should learn to read a little bit better, too, autismo. See, like right now, you're being a total tismic, but you're not being a tard. Do you see the difference?

>> No.6660222

ee cummings blows

>> No.6660238

You could literally say that about practically fucking anything:

>You shouldn't be using the radio to listen to music, it should be for emergency alerts only!

>You shouldn't use your phone to take photos, yo should use it for emergencies only!

>You shouldn't use lube to jerk off, that's only to help the baby to come out at birth!

>> No.6660258

Knowing how to cook literally is the cause of our huge brain. It is no shock that we evolved to engage food as almos sexual.

>> No.6660322
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>quoted an awful poem from a famous work of fiction
>hurr durr, must be autistic

Your ignorance wafts visibly off of you, like stink lines in a comic strip. Finish middle school before ever posting here again.

>> No.6660731

>ee cummings
>famous or relevant

>> No.6660757
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