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6658428 No.6658428 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best boxed mac and cheese?

>> No.6658440
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Mac and cheese from her box

>> No.6658443
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when bae is hungry, whip this out.

leave those struggle noodles for yourself and kids, fam.

>> No.6658450

cancer color orange aka creamy edibles

>> No.6658453

Annie's. Crucify me if you must but it actually tastes like cheese.

>> No.6658455

Pirate Booty Anchors and Cheese w/ aged white cheddar flavor.
Prove me wrong you fags.

>> No.6658458

So KD? Are you a Canadianfag?

>> No.6658460
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it's not so much a matter of best as it is a matter of least shitty. i like pic related.

>> No.6658519

I didn't know boxed pasta even existed, for what purpose?

>> No.6658594
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President's Choice.

>> No.6658716

I like the kraft 3 cheese one. if you use half and half instead of milk it tastes ok.

>> No.6658725

Have you lived under a rock since the early 1900s?

>> No.6658752

Kraft Dinner.

>> No.6660600


GOAT. No contest

>> No.6661321

boxed mac and cheese is on the same level as frozen pizza to me
if you're hungry enough to eat it,they're all good enough,otherwise just make your own

>> No.6661329

>dry pasta doesn't spoil unless it's infested with bugs
>cheese doesn't spoil for months if stored properly
boil pasta, add roux-thickened milk or heavy/sour cream if lazy, add grated cheese and small amount of mustard, optionally bake at 350F for 30 minutes

box mac and cheese tastes bad and it doesn't really save enough time to be worth it

>> No.6661342


>> No.6661350

It doesn't save that much time, but it saves a whole shit ton of work.

>> No.6661496

I don't think we have this in Canada. Looks good though.

>> No.6661506

it has to be any kind of cartoon shapes because they have a god-tier texture and the holes hold pockets of precious cheese

>> No.6661554


If you're getting a pre-packaged box of mac 'n cheese, you better damn well make sure it's Spongebob shaped.

>> No.6661562

>implying those dont suck ass
the cheese sauce is different and the noodles are too thick. bunch of pleb retards impressed by childish shapes

>> No.6661738
File: 11 KB, 97x201, kraftmario..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat nostalgia when thinking about Super Mario shaped Kraft Dinner

Also, holy fuck, number captcha

>> No.6661768
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>> No.6661780

Mai niggaru, the other flavours are great too.

>> No.6661784

CRAZY BUGS made with vanilla almond milk

>> No.6661791

grating a block of cheese vs opening a packet. can't be more than like 1 or 2 minutes. you can even buy grated cheese. or a jar of real cheese sauce of some kind.

>> No.6661799

Was about to post the white cheddar one from this brand. Shells or spirals always. Texture is just as important as flavor.

Didn't know they made this. I'll have to try it.

>> No.6663940

now I have to go to superstore tomorrow, this is the correct answer.

>> No.6664208

Sharp Cheddar KD

>> No.6664555
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>> No.6664561

ew. why wouldnt you just put something in your mac instead of bullshit fake flavoring shit

>> No.6664596


I haven't tried this, but the chipotle Krraft mac n cheese is god-tier.

>> No.6664636

Annie's white cheedar is really the only option.

I'll add some extra white cheese to the mix like parm, swiss or provolone, and a little extra salt to taste: it's really good

>> No.6666028

Annie's stuff is way better, especially the deluxe one. Even my SO who detests natural food brands and enjoys "cancer fattening delicious foods" prefers Annie's Mac and cheese.

>> No.6666065

Wait are you people serious? Annie's Mac n Cheese(especially the white chedder and shells) is by far the worst boxed mac available. Even Wal Mart brand is better.

>> No.6666108
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>> No.6666870

go to a zeahrs food market

>> No.6666874

Why even buy boxed mac? If you're going that low you might as well just buy microwave mac, save the effort of boiling.

>> No.6667025

never heard of zeahrs.

>> No.6667058

lol poorfag.

>> No.6667059

Fuck no and fuck you.

>> No.6667065

>Even Wal Mart brand is better.
nigger detected

>> No.6667067

I like Kraft Mac & Cheese because I ate it a lot as a child.