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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6657604 No.6657604 [Reply] [Original]

Uncle Whoremel is back! Time to make some biscuits and gravy.

>in b4 a zillion assmad britfags don't know that the word "biscuit" means something else over here

>> No.6657606

The only good breakfast diner in town got bought out and replaced by a fucking ihop, i need my biscuit fix

>> No.6657609

My mom buys that brand of milk. Tastes the same as the store brand imo.

>> No.6657615
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We'll need
>a pound of breakfast sausage
>biscuits (i'm using the kind in a tube because I'm lazy and suck at baking)
>all purpose flour
>black pepper
>red pepper
>hot sauce
>garlic powder

>> No.6657619
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we'll begin by cooking the sausage

>> No.6657620
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>biscuits from a tube
god why

>> No.6657623
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after about 10 minutes over gentle heat the sausage is cooked through but that's not even close to what we want.

I don't think it tastes much different from store brand but I like it because it's ultra-pasteurized and lasts twice a long. I live alone and can almost never finish regular milk before it goes bad.

>> No.6657624

He could have least bought frozen ones. At least they'd actually have the crumb of homemade.

>> No.6657625
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I increased the heat just a little and cooked the sausage for another ten minutes or so. The meat crisped up a bit, the fat rendered out, and a bit of fond formed in the bottom of the pan.

that's what we want to see.

>> No.6657632
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I sprinkled over two and a half tablespoons of flour and whisked it over mid-low heat for about 4 minutes

>> No.6657638
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time to pop the biscuits in the over

>> No.6657640
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two cups of cold milk, brought to the boiling point and then reduced to a bare simmer

>> No.6657651
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LOTS of black pepper, a little red pepper, a little hot sauce and a little garlic powder

The sausage has a good amount of salt and the biscuits will have some salt as well. It's likely that your gravy will not need any additional salt. taste immediately before serving to see if you need any.

>> No.6657659
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It was looking a little thicker than I like so I added about a half cup more milk

>> No.6657662
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The gravy pucks look damned good

>> No.6657667
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ready to enjoy!

>> No.6657670

no gun or milk, not interested.

>> No.6657677

milk gravy

>> No.6657681

It's always nice seeing you cooking up something. Been eating /fit/ lately so I could go for some of that

>> No.6657682

>That weak ass water gravy
Come on man, have some self respect. If you're gunna use shit biscuits at least make the gravy good

>> No.6657702
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He used fucking milk in it, you autist

>> No.6657710

looks good man.. missing an over easy egg tho

>> No.6657716

ty catholic spaniard cockhead i am now hunger

>> No.6657723

no problem anon

>> No.6657725

oh god that jesuses, piss off redneck

>> No.6657728

you live alone with 1000 jesus candels,dude PLEASE XPLAIN WTF

>> No.6657731
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He obviously posts on /pol/ and stormfront

>> No.6657732

You guys must be really new.

>> No.6657735

i just came back after a long time to /ck/, I remember there where kitchen disaster greentexts, gourmet discussions, i had the feeling real chefs where here NOT FUCKING HANGOVER REDNECKS, PAGE 1 IS FULL OF CRAP

>> No.6657743

Whoremel, aka candlebro, usually makes stuff better than that. Hes probably had 100+ threads and you caught him on a lazy night.

>> No.6657750

ok got it.
Sorry candlebro, I will keep an eye for you. (Sorry for insulting your mexican kitsch, some jesus luve for u <3 )

>> No.6657774
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my goodness

I left for a few minutes to hit the liquor store before the rain starts and come back to all this mess

>> No.6657804

Aussie friend here, wtf is that? We don't have that shit here, it's completely foreign. Wouldn't it be messy as fuck to eat? Like the gravy would drip everywhere.

>> No.6657821

The gravy adheres to the biscuits, not really messy at all.

My australian friend made the dish based on the following recipes and she said she absolutely loved it.



>> No.6657851

What do the biscuits taste like, just by themselves?

>> No.6657857

>the kind in a tube

>thread hidden

brb need to vomit into the bushes

how could you mane? biscuits are dead easy to make at home, even old black women can do it

>> No.6657863


oh god, you didn't drain the fat? you straight up made grease gravy? you're supposed to drain it, add the flour, then add the milk


do us a favor and don't tell us about your trip to the shitter in about 3 hours

>> No.6657865

even old black women can do it

I'd think old black woman would generally be great cooks.

>inb4 that bitch who marinates those wings in her sink

>> No.6657879

Hey Juanito, I missed your collection of Jesus candles.

>> No.6657883
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>What do the biscuits taste like, just by themselves?

the closest comparison I can come up with is a lighter, flakier, scone with no trace of sugar.

There was approximately two to three tablespoons of fat in the pan. That was exactly amount I needed to make the roux. If I had drained the fat I would have had to replace it with butter or oil in order to build the roux.

>> No.6658167
File: 106 KB, 500x500, I&#039;m not mad, I&#039;m just disappointed..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Uncle, Whoremel, but...
>not putting fennel in your sawmill gravy.
>another one bites the dust.

>> No.6658202
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>putting fennel in your sawmill gravy

>> No.6658214
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>tfw Uncle Whoremel replied to me

Seriously, though, try it with fennel.

>> No.6658245
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Fine, I'll try it next time. But if it sucks there will be hell to pay

>> No.6658305

>try it with fennel.


>wtf are you trying to milhouse you jerk

no, not a thing, don't do it

>> No.6658344

even tho I'm white I kek'd hard.

>> No.6658366

it looks gross

still enjoy your posts whoremel

>> No.6658384
File: 785 KB, 770x532, so tasty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no way to photograph the dish that doesn't look disgusting, but it tastes great.

>> No.6658388

That gravy is way too fucking thin. Disgusting. Enjoy your flour and sausage soup.

>> No.6658435


>biscuits in a tube
>sausage in a tube
>carton of eggs

fucking dropped

>> No.6658441

hey prayer candles guy.

>> No.6658537

Hey there cuddle beast i thought u died

>> No.6658540

yay nigger's back

>> No.6658546

don't fuck around. tubes of biscuit dough from pillsburry make some amazing fucking biscuits

>> No.6658552

>biscuits and gravy
Today I learned Americans don't know what either of these words mean.

>> No.6658553

are you stupid? gravy is just fat.

not a single precious drop of sausage grease must go to waste.

>> No.6658608

fuck you for ruining gravy you fuck