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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6653678 No.6653678[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some examples of cultural appropriation in food and cooking?

>> No.6653682

Why were you on tumblr?

>> No.6653688

White people will be extinct soon, there is no need to rub it in their faces. It's like tormenting cows on the way to the slaughterhouse.

>> No.6653690

kek, good one.

>> No.6653695

It's funny how it's cultural appropriation when it's poor->rich culture, but cultural imperialism when it's rich->poor culture.

>> No.6653700


>> No.6653712

That's because the rich and powerful force their cultural norms on those they conquer.

That's the basis of imperialism.

>> No.6653722

It's cultural imperialism when it's a shit culture imposing their shit food on good cultures through sheer force. See: macdonalds.

It's appropriation when a shit culture ruins good food through sheer moral bankruptcy. See: chipotle.

>> No.6653724

congratulations, you've worked out how power structures work.

>> No.6653743
File: 100 KB, 640x640, pho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out this blog. Pages and pages of butthurt over white people trying to make sacred PoC food.


>> No.6653760

I think great examples of appropriation are the use of ingredients and labels without any technique or understanding behind them

all the menus/dishes/recipes out there with some asortment of asian ingredients and a claim to be inspired by/a take on some specific dish or asian cuisine......which bear no resemblance to the original at all and display no actual understanding of the original

any cook or chef who drops the term asian flair basicly needs a kick in the balls or cunt

adding ginger and soy doesnt make something asian

>> No.6653769

Saying I can't wear a bindi because I'm a black male is cultural disappropriation. It's racist to say that I can't put the color red here or there on my body because I didn't grow up in your clique. Everyone needs to grow up and mind their singular business and mind their own own business..

>> No.6653772
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Mr. Talented is that you? I thought you gave up after being rejected and started punching Asian women in the face instead.

>> No.6653805

I'm Indian and I doubt anyone winds non-Indians wearing a bindi. If you're doing it for the wrong reasons it's wrong but that applies to anything in life. It doesn't make wearing a bindi in and of itself wrong.

A culinary example would be serving your guests tulsi infused water on an Indian themed dinner party. Nothing inherently wrong with it if you're doing it for the flavour and the apparent medicinal properties of tulsi. But if you're serving a beef curry on the same table it can sort of make you look like Madonna wearing a bindi.

>> No.6653817

Sriracha. Basic Vietnamese hot sauce, now white people use it on everything.
Lobster(was once food for poor people/prisoners)

>> No.6653822

It's not vietnamese, it got popular in vietnamese communities in california in the 80s but it's american.

Source: grew up in a vietnamese community in california in the 80s, consistently surprised at people who think it's new, foreign, or interesting enough to meme about.

>> No.6653826

Can I xxx?
As a white American male I can do whatever I goddamn please. Fuck you butthurt muds.

>> No.6653832
File: 45 KB, 800x400, brendan-eich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a fat white bigot
>act like a fat white bigot
>lose your job because you're a fat white biggot
Oops! Looks like you're wrong.

>> No.6653837

>As a white American male I can do whatever I goddamn please. Fuck you butthurt muds.
No one's saying it's illegal for you to do something. Although the language of the image makes it seem like you CAN'T do xxx, it's merely suggesting that it's insensitive to do so.

Just like as a proud white American male you CAN go around every sunday to laugh at vietnam vets who are on the streets or a VA hospital for being stupid enough to fuck up their lives while serving your country. Doesn't make you any less of a prick if you do so.

>> No.6653850

As Black, Hispanic male, I think people who say shit like cultural appropriation are fucking annoying.

"Minorities" living in Western countries rarely direct their critical eyes towards the failures within their own communities. It's so much easier to blame the white man and hope for a hand out.

>> No.6653856

Also, Chipotle is flavorless, overpriced crap.

>> No.6653863

That is not me. He is not me. We aren't even one within God.

>> No.6653871

>It's so much easier to blame the white man and hope for a hand out.
Yeah Indians in the west, despite being the richest ethnic group (richer than jews or whites), are looking for a handout. And Chinese people are clogging up the EBT system.

Not all minorities are leeches that blame the white man for anything. And you don't need to be perfect as a community to point out other people being dicks.

>> No.6653881


Anyway the only thing worse than being white is being black

>> No.6653890

lol that blog is hilarious. Pocs get so asspained over everything.

>> No.6653904

curry powder
hot dogs
Worcestershire sauce
corned beef and cabbage
wrap sandwiches
Israeli cuisine

>> No.6653919

I've been to India and got that shitty dot on my forehead several times by several people. normal Indians don't care about that shit.

>> No.6653934

If you're a guy you got a tilak(tilaka) not a bindi. The two things are very different. The tilak is purely for religious purposes and is supposed to calm the mind. A bindi is a cultural ornament which has cultural, religious and decorative uses and is only worn by women.

>> No.6653951

Culture doesn't exist in a sterile vacuum - "appropriation" outside of blatant bastardization (see luau) is a pissbaby SJW myth.

>> No.6653957

Welcome to MuhFeelings 101

>> No.6653968

So ItaloAmerican, TexMex and AngloIndian cuisines are shit. Good to know.

>> No.6653973

I've had people offering me bindis to wear before. I guess they've been brainwashed by the imperialists?

>> No.6653977

No, he is saying that cultures are not an actual entity and more a loosely agreed upon idea, therefore anyone who gets upset you're ruining 'culture' is a retard driven by emotions

>> No.6653999

>implying italoamerican, texmex and angloindian "cuisines" aren't >>6653951 "blatant bastardization" of italian, mexican and indian cuisine respectively

>> No.6654006

In certain I didn't reference those groups our say that they were. I was clearly taking about the communities that I'm familiar with.

>> No.6654009

>anyone who gets upset you're ruining 'culture' is a retard driven by emotions
That's one way to put it. Conservative people get touchy about what they see as their cultural symbols, and a certain stripe of liberal thinks anything that causes offense is bad. Put those two things together and you get some silly shit.

When I come across this kind of thing I exercise my privilege to not give a fuck. Doubly so when it applies to the arts and cuisine.

>> No.6654014

I was referring to his original point of cultures not existing in a sterile vacuum, but he seems to have contradicted himself with the second point
Oh well

>> No.6654022
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Nah, when conservatives get butthurt over nothing, it's "good old fashioned horse sense". Whereas when a Jew wants to take a few days off for Yom Kippur, it's social justice warriorism and next thing you know they'll be forcing our babies to become homosexuals.

Do you even murrica?

>> No.6654029

By identifying yourself as a black hispanic and then going on to talk about the failures of the ""minorities"" in the west you acted like a spokesperson for all minorities. Which is all I called you out on. Especially since the OP referenced a minority group that you admit you're not familiar with.

>> No.6654033

Essentially, this. "Culture" is such an organic thing, certain ideas and customs don't exist in sterile pockets, never to move, grow, or expand. Most quintessential cultural ideas and staples came from somewhere else, or evolved from an outside idea. There are billions of fucking people on the planet, all with different ideas about how things are done. That's how knowledge and technology have always spread. Enjoying the food, music, art, etc. of another culture isn't fucking stealing it. Transplanted culture evolving, adapting, and incorporating new ideas from the people around it isn't fucking "appropriation". Unless you're blatantly violating something sacred to another group of people, enjoying and exploring their culture isn't a bad thing. One love, and all that happy horse shit.

>> No.6654041

>when conservatives get butthurt over nothing, it's "good old fashioned horse sense"
Like racism, homophobia, jingoism and the like? Hell, I know plenty of conservative types who won't eat food they see as "foreign" because they're so afraid of the world outside of their little bubbles.

That's fine, but it's just as silly as a SJW working to create a world where everyone is offended by anything.

>> No.6654047

I identified myself so that a reader would understand the groups that I was referring to. I see cancerous attitudes in my own communities and it is my belief that we should be aiming towards self-improvement first.

For instance, if I saw a Hispanic person composing about cultural appropriation in cooking, I would tell them to get their heads out if their assess, because there are much bigger issues to be addressed.

>> No.6654050

nuke everyone involved with that shit

>> No.6654051

Such unbelievable amounts of cancer on tumblr. Insignificant wastes of flesh and blood.

>> No.6654052

You can see the very real and devastating effects of cultural appropriation within the obesity epidemic of black americans. west africans are not supposed to eat traditionally european foods and it destroys their bodies. switching out fresh vegetables and tubers for preserved vegetables and meats has ruined the collective health of our niggers

>> No.6654067


>> No.6654075

Well the problem isn't with white people making a chicken tikka masala with coconut milk because they think New Delhi must be full of coconut trees since it's a tropical country. That's just run of the mill ignorance and while you can correct it if you come across it you can't really begrudge someone for not having complete knowledge of every culture. Who does?

The problem is when people act like they are the arbitrators of the things in that culture that are worth everyone's time. They treat other cultures like a ride at a theme park. When to some people that ride has been their whole life.

It's like when trust-fund kids buy a studio apartment in the gritty part of town to get a taste of poverty of rather, the poor "lifestyle", it makes a mockery of the poor people in that area that have been living that way their entire life.

You're welcome to explore and imbibe all the cultures in the world but with respect towards the people who've practiced that culture for generations not necessarily the culture itself.

>> No.6654082

hahaha wow

fuck off cunt

>> No.6654086

That looks like a lovely wedding

>> No.6654090

Faggot. Get your bullshit sensitivity training off of 4chan.

>> No.6654095
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so does tumblr hate Gordon Ramsay's Great Escape?

>> No.6654097

One time I found a bindi in my tikka chicken mascarpone. I was so fucking mad that I said a few choice words I was not proud of. My meal got comped at least.

>> No.6654101
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Right wingers are an amazing species

>> No.6654117

I'm not telling you what to do, stop getting triggered you babies. I'm just making it easier for people to figure out some pretty basic things.

>> No.6654123

Going to India to learn how to cook Indian food is the exact opposite of appropriation.

>> No.6654125
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>someone expressing an opinion that doesn't consist of grunting and yelling swear words upsets me

>> No.6654137

>someone posting cancer on a board i frequent should be acceptable

Back to tumblr with you! Faggot!

>> No.6654140

If I want to make person of crime food, I damn well will. Unless they leave my country en masse and return to their own savage ways, I'll gladly give up "ethic" food then.

>> No.6654171

foreigners are just as stupid. it's arrogant to believe only conservative (american white) people don't stray outside the familiar.

>> No.6654206
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't there a child somewhere you should be molesting, you right wing retard?

>> No.6654221

I said nothing about "american white" people. I meant conservatives of any stripe tend to fear new and foreign things. White America by no means has a monopoly on that kind of stupid.

>> No.6654245

If a person who is not of Western European descent uses a fork, is it cultural appropriation?

>> No.6654247

This. It's a perfectly fair trade. I'll stop oppressing and culturally appropriating them as soon as they get out of my country. If their culture is so great and valuable eht the fuck won't they stay inside their own country instead of flooding white countries and bitching about it.

>> No.6654253

As soon as shitskins give up modern medicine, technology, infrastructure, and ideas on human rights and government I'll stop making food with curry powder in it.

>> No.6654260

To be fair, trying to get duck fetuses banned is fucking stupid.

>> No.6654264

Fortunately when it comes to food "cultural appropriation" is a pretty meaningless term, so the kind of ugly "deals" you describe are equally meaningless.

>> No.6654269

Doesn't have to be food. I just geared my post towards food due to the topic of the board. If they want me to stop appropriating their culture they must stop appropriating mine.

>> No.6654270
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>> No.6654271

They know that. They are giving an example for why it's a meaningless term. Not actually suggesting that they stop using modern medicine.

>> No.6654273

Underrated post

>> No.6654274

Oh my god who the hell cares?!

>> No.6654276
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You literally get better Indian food in London than India.

>> No.6654277 [DELETED] 

Shitskins apparently

>> No.6654285

If i eat umeboshi onigiri for lunch am i just a weeb or a total piece of shit shitting of honorubu japanese culture?

>> No.6654286

>If they want me to stop appropriating their culture
I can't imagine many folks actually give a shit about this. If anything people tend to worry about their own shitty culture being eroded when it comes into contact with better food, music, art and ideas from other cultures.

>> No.6654321

It's always minorities complaining about whitewashing and their primitive culture being eroded after they move to a county with an established civilized culture. Look at Muslims in Europe. They leave their shitholes and try to turn the country into one of the shitholes they had escaped. On top of that, they then complain about islamophobia when the native population wants none of it. American immigrants seem to be much more ready to assimilate in comparison.

>> No.6654328

Why are there religious people on 4chan.
I have never ever understood this.

>> No.6654335

Basically anything in the new world.

>> No.6654338

Yeah, you don't even need propaganda, their very existence is enough to make people hate them when they pull that bullshit.

>> No.6654344

I never see white people flipping out over sriracha.
Only blacks and hispanic people I see using it. And of course some asians.

Source: I work in a bottom tier airport company so I work with lots of minorities and they all love sriracha.

>> No.6654350

I don't remember if people were drafted for that war or not but I know we didn't win it..

>Did the United States win or lose the Vietnam War? We are taught that it was a resounding loss for America, one that proves that intervening in the affairs of other nations is usually misguided. The truth is that our military won the war, but our politicians lost it.

oh. That makes it even more awful haha. Like, oh you won but your boys made you lose.

>> No.6654351

You still don't understand. But you never did either.

>> No.6654352

It's strange because American Muslims have been fairly decent in my experience. It could be that american Muslims come from the better countries (Rich Arab countries, Iran, Eastern Mediterranean/Levantine countries) while Europe gets a lot of the dregs (Pakistanis, refugees, and Africans)

>> No.6654354

Nice one, you self-hating, white guilt, liberal subhuman shitstain. You should muster up any small amount of personal courage your political "philosophy" allows you to have and hang yourself promptly. You won't be missed.

>> No.6654368
File: 59 KB, 634x420, 1412687924347_wps_8_7th_HEAVEN_Stephen_Collin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, wrong on all counts, that must be a familiar feeling for you. Maybe just molest some children instead of trying to play detective. Stick to what you know.

>> No.6654371

conservative doesn't always mean the same thing in different countries politics.

>> No.6654392

Oh so you're a shitskin yourself. You shouldn't be talking in the first place

>> No.6654396

Immigrants tend to hang on to their culture for the first couple generations. Then their great grandchildren assimilate. This is pretty obvious in the US. There used to be tons of German communities, newspapers, restaurants and the like. Irish used to be seen by the general public as being on par with blacks just after slavery was abolished. My own grandfather gave my aunt shit for marrying an Italian.

Even though recent immigrants have to suffer prejudice because they're different what they bring with them enriches the cultures where they land. Especially the food culture. America's food roots were so shallow that it only took a few Italians here and a few Chinese there to really improve things. In much of Europe the food culture is more established, so the immigrant contribution may have a less dramatic effect.

>> No.6654411

I wasn't talking about politics, but of world view - a strong traditionalist who romanticizes the past and fears the changes the future will bring. That's a conservative.

>> No.6654434

You sure are obsessed with child rape, did daddy love you a bit too much as a child, poor thing.

>> No.6654436

Don't forget anon, that brown person is appropriating the English language, the filthy racist.

>> No.6654445

I saw a white man at KFC the other day.
He was the cashier but I still got mad at him.
Am I tumblring right?

>> No.6654447
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Nope, I grew up in a progressive household so it wasn't a concern. Just trying to show my empathy for your culture, can't you appreciate that?

>> No.6654468

Yes. This is how the majority of filth over there operate.

>> No.6654471

Suffering is never a waste, anon

>> No.6654474

Finally, a smart individual in a troll thread.

>> No.6654512
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>> No.6654520

But different languages.
Checkmate, atheists.

>> No.6654525

>not being fluent in Esperanto
Ĉu vi eĉ levi?

>> No.6654535

I grew up religious, the idea of going on 4chan when you actually believe in god is unfathomable. This place is filled with sin.

>> No.6654555

>that one post bitching about the idea behind a mexican place being filled with mexicans eating = authentic

But, in my eyes, that makes sense. Maybe not exactly for the same reason but the way I see it, if you're (let's use their example) Mexican and grown up on Mexican food, and you and a bunch of other Mexican-americans frequently visit a particular Mexican food place that has a lot of the same things you make from home, a white person will think "Well, if someone who can make this at home feels this place makes good enough food for them, the restaurant must be legit."

>tfw trying a new korean place today for lunch and I'm the only white person in there
Asians, asians everywhere. Considering I live in a mostly-white area (that surprisingly has a large amount of asian restaurants, two other korean places being nearby this one) the fact that the place was packed with asians led me to think the place must be good.

It was. Would go again.

>> No.6654586

Jesus consorted with sinners in order to deliver them from their inferior way of living.

>> No.6654599

Are you seriously comparing 4chan frquenters to Jesus, the son of God?

>> No.6654606

I think he's comparing the act of consorting with sinners in an effort to deliver them from their inferior way of living to consorting with sinners in an effort to deliver them from their inferior way of living

>> No.6654608

Wow you're retarded

>> No.6654611


>> No.6654620


>> No.6654621

Either way, he actually believes the people of 4chan aren't just all sinners themselves.

>> No.6654627

But what if I don't give a fuck and I'll do whatever I want?

>> No.6654641


You say that it is bad to "act like they are the arbitrators of the things in that culture that are worth everyone's time" but then, you're perfectly happy to arbitrate what behavior is or is not respectful and appropriate. You're happy to assume you know what will or won't offend the people in question who's culture is being adopted/experienced.

It seems to me that for anyone other than a member of the culture in question, making claims about what is or is not respectful and appropriate on this topic is simply sticking your nose where it does not belong, and trying to speak oh the behalf of a group to which you do not belong. If I were going to use more sanctimonious progressive terminology I'd accuse you of removing the agency and silencing the voices of minority cultures, but I don't genuinely think you're being that malicious.

I do think, though, that for example, if some white person with no native ancestry decides to wear a hat made of feathers for superficial reasons, it's up to native americans to decide weather that is disrespectful or not. You, anon, don't deserve to make that judgment.

>> No.6654648

Don't care :+)

>> No.6654661

culture-shaming is violence as well.

checkm9, sanjay

>> No.6654668

Esperanto is cultural imperialism against non-Europeans as it is based on European languages rather than completely constructed.

>tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh’a’?

>> No.6654670

You're a fucking idiot, mate.

>> No.6654671

all entropy is violence, therefor existence is violence by definition.
this cannot be refuted and is absolute.

>> No.6654673

I know you are but what am I?

>> No.6654674

Literally all cooking.

Every single culinary tradition has elements that have been learned/borrowed from someone else. With perhaps some very few exceptions of extremely remote tribes, but even then I doubt their traditions have never been influenced by someone else since primitive times.

>> No.6654679

>waaah cultural imperialism!! :'(

I don't give a single fuck. Not one. No one will ever convince me to care about something as petty and inconsequential as the fairytale bad guy they call 'cultural imperialism.' You are everything wrong about Western culture today.

>> No.6654686

Technically, in Western Christianity we have the doctrine of Original Sin, which essentially maintains that every conceived human being after Adam is a sinner. The Eastern churches reject this notion in its Augustinian formulation, but still accept something functionally similar (i.e. everyone, with very few exceptions, is a sinner).

>> No.6654689
File: 1.31 MB, 250x141, smooth jaguar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I culturally appropriated your mom

>> No.6654695

Just how much paint fume did you have to breathe in as a child to take a post written in fucking Klingon seriously?

>> No.6654696

I'm not white. I was speaking on the basis of my own experiences as an expatriate in the US and the experiences of a few friends who are in the same boat. I don't take offence on anyone's behalf and very rarely on my own behalf. But since we were discussing why people think cultural appropriation is bad I was trying to shed some light on that through my own understanding of it.

I don't claim that my understanding is perfect but at the same time I don't think my comment is in any way poking my nose where it doesn't belong. I'd even go as far as saying that I would actually like some facets of my culture to be approproated en masse so I have better access to them. Might be a bit selfish but there you go.

>> No.6654702

You do realize that English is the official "business language" around the globe right? When a Chinese businessman needs to speak with a Korean businessman or an Indian businessman, they communicate in English

Do I feel bad that this is because white people are fucking awesome and we've spent all of history stomping ass and conquering everyone?

I surely don't.

>> No.6654704

You felt shame but it wasn't induced by the message. If someone shows you a video of what happens in a slaughterhouse you may feel shame, but not necessarily because of your interlocutor. Then again, the duality I'm showing here is violence, so I might as well shut the fuck up.

>> No.6654707

>knowing that it's klingon
>being a subhuman 'trekkie'

>> No.6654709

>this thread ACTUALLY getting replies
Holy shit, just report, hide and move on.

>> No.6654714
File: 32 KB, 394x394, spagghetti-tan alt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think you are?

>> No.6654721


>> No.6654739

English is cultural imperialism.
>Srake tuteo tsun pivlltxe nìNa’vi?

>> No.6654746

That's a lie. In my country it is clearly observable many European immigrants either themselves or their children assimilated quickly and efficiently. The same can not be said for muslims here, and that is because their religion is also a way of life which in some areas conflicts with our way of life.

I never heard of a chinese man or an indian complaining about public christmas celebrations being offensive somehow.

>> No.6654754

My post was not contingent upon you being white, but on you trying to make judgments for groups you don't belong to. If you don't do that, and don't take offense on behalf of others, great, maybe the non-specific way you wrote made me think you were making broad statements. I get annoyed when I see people talk like that since it seems like a symptom of the general progressive authoritarian attitude of thinking they have the right to tell everyone what to do or not, speak for everyone, declare what is or is not moral, and act like a big fascist know-it-all.

>> No.6654783

Tfw they don't have anon on :/

>> No.6654802

Sounds like you have a problem with Muslims. Shame. The cuisine of many Muslim cultures is pretty fucking badadss.

>> No.6654841

only stupid fags worry about this shit
cook what you like and everybody else can go screw

>> No.6655001
File: 29 KB, 915x592, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While tumblr is full of edgy kids ranting about white people because their friends think it's cool this post is true. It's not specifically upper middle class white people but upper class people in general.

>> No.6655048

Iranian and Lebanese food is good. That's it though.

>> No.6655051

I like their cuisine too, but their culture is all kinds of fucked up. though a lot of that is just a result of Western imperialism and gulf state oil money (especially the latter)

>> No.6655055

Oh my god thank you! You're the first sensible person I've indirectly connected with in an almost unbearably long time. This world is so bleak.

>> No.6655135

>Iranian and Lebanese food is good.
Persian and Levantine are two of the world's top cuisines in my book. They're not slacking in Pakistan, either.
>their culture is all kinds of fucked up.
As a native of Clapistan I don't see Muslim culture as any more fucked up than my own. Or that of many places in Europe for that matter.

Objectively it's hard for me to see one culture as better than another. It's just a matter of pluses and minuses all around.

>> No.6655161

and its all upper class white kids on tumblr

>> No.6655423

>that bike analogy

If you have the OPTION to pollute the environment with a car, but you choose a bike instead, you are making a moral choice.

Being too poor to afford a car may have the same consequence, but it doesn't make you a moral person.

>> No.6655457

Some good examples of cultural appropriation in cooking are Japanese people making hot dogs and Chinese people coveting cheese. People should learn to keep their cultures static and totally devoid of foreign influence. Anything else is racism.

>> No.6655476
File: 54 KB, 831x575, fuck off tumblr faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6655483

Is Reddit still down? This is a Reddit thread, right?

>> No.6655493


...people other than Indians wear bindis? Is this nigga sandy or what?

>> No.6655555

But the best thing about food and food culture is that the best part of each cultures food can be adapted and used to make other food better.

It's boring to make the same old food all the time, so why not try having fun by eating a 'korean taco' with beef marinated in soy sauce?

>> No.6655560

pents speak truth

>> No.6655582

I'm talking about modern day stuff and was trying to point out the hypocrisy of being a "true christian" while going on pornography based websites like 4chan.

I'm sorry, but if you come here you're not a real christian, you're just posing as one.

>> No.6655584

I know this ain't /b/ but that's an epic get, anon. epic numbers and epic truths.

>> No.6655585

oh i forgot that was going on, explains all the shitposting across all my boards

>> No.6655589


You can be christian and go on 4chan, if you had ever gone to bible school or church you would understand that.

Literally who gives a fuck?

>> No.6655599

Um, I used to go to bible school all the time. I grew up as a christian and went to church quite a bit. Never missed a meeting.

You can not go on sites with obscene material and actually be a christian. This is what most people do with religion - they say they're some part of a religion and then don't follow the rules at all. It's called hypocrisy.

I give a fuck because I'm tired of this shitty trolling behavior of people claiming to be christians when they aren't. They're just straight up lying to get their way.
There's no way to go on a site that has board featuring women taking three dicks in her vagina and two in her mouth and still be a christian. Just doesn't work that way.

>> No.6655601



>> No.6655605


Except that's literally wrong.

You have no proof of your claims.

And besides, this is /ck/ not /philosophy and religion/ so really you're the one trolling here.

>> No.6655615

>>6655555 or >>6655599
which get is better and why?

>> No.6655616


Obviously quints because it's actually a post about food.

>> No.6655623

>Don't use this or that because muh heritage muh feeling

Bitch better stop using electricity or a water heater because I feel it violates my heritages and my feelings

>> No.6655722

>muh diversity
>muh cultural appropriation

its one or the other faggot knock it off

>> No.6655727

Literally the only requirement for being a Christian is a belief that Jesus Christ is the savior and died for your sins.

>> No.6655753

I feel like this is bait.

>> No.6655771

Do people really think food can be culturally appropriated? Like yeah ok if WASPs start taking credit for Indian food...that's shitty but...are we gonna start telling people they can only enjoy food from their culture? Da fuck?

>> No.6655778

No, they don't. OP was just making fun.

>> No.6655781

I get worried, man. Some of my friends are morphing into stupid SJWs and it's so depressing.

>> No.6655804

>violence is baaaad


>> No.6655816

>Street vendors were never a thing in yurop and America
>People only ever ride bikes to feel superior to other people
>People who hate to see things go to waste are all desperately poor or hipsters

I have $20 that says this person's father earns six figures.

>> No.6655824

>What are some examples of cultural appropriation in food and cooking?

The use of Gas and Electric stoves by non-whites.
The use of Microwaves by non-whites.
The use of pasteurized products by non-whites.
The use of refrigeration by non-whites.
The use of plastic utensils and tools by non-whites.

Among countless thousands of others.
Like measure and weight standards.

>> No.6655843

Refrigeration ain't nothing new or exclusive to whites. You talmbout electric fridges?

>> No.6655856

Who the fuck cares?

>> No.6655867

>only one person can invent something
you do realize that people in different countries can invent different things, right?
Like, if one person doesn't invent something, that doesn't stop that thing from being invented
The difference between that and food is that certain things grow in certain areas, non-asians didn't invent pho, but they did invent other spicy dishes
>plastic utensils
>pasteurized products
all examples of things that people don't technically need, are sometimes not used, and would have been invented by anyone who actually needed those things

>> No.6655872

Fuck off back to reddit

>> No.6655898

This is such a dumb rule white people have. A Chinese place with a lot of Chinese people in it does not mean its good, it means that it is authentic.

Authentic doesn't mean good although in America they often align because white people can't handle flavor in their food. I've been to China many times and live in Asia and while the food there is good when ever I come home I always get a turkey sandwich (no one else in the world eats turkey) and American Chinese food.

>> No.6655913

THIS. I went to a Chinese place that had 0 non-Chinese people there other than me and it was absolutely pig disgusting

>> No.6655918

Not enough sugar and battered pork for you, anon?

>> No.6655937

lol at the white people they interview that bitch about the restaurant owners actions

>> No.6655942

Whenever I see someone bitching about a dish not being "right" because limes aren't native to this country or they don't have coconut milk there or whatever it reminds me of the Irish Stew Guy and his autistic obsession with mutton.

>> No.6656021

But when richer people start doing something, it's entirely likely that the standards will go up.

Also, more generally, as people become wealthier and as technology improves, you often find they will go back and forth on what choices they make. The reason for this is usually that a new tech allows for a cheaper way to do X, which leaves you with money left over with which to do Y. But then when you become richer still, you might decide that it's time to go back to X and do it the older way, which was more expensive but better quality, that you no longer need to sacrifice quality in order to make the savings that doing so allowed you to make.

Which I think explains a lot of old-style nostalgia and back-to-the-whatever movements and cultural shifts.

>> No.6656042

Serious but possibly bait example?
Anyone other than Chinese or Jewish people eating Chinese food on Christmas.