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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 257 KB, 1280x960, little_girl_shia_lebeouf_speech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6652780 No.6652780 [Reply] [Original]

Does it ever annoy the shit out of anyone when you take your girl to a restaurant and she wants to order something for two?

What? No. Why would you do this.

This shit isn't and never will be romantic. It means you're not hungry. Why not just buy something small

Why not skip dinner all together.

>> No.6652790

Why not get the gun from behind the toilet and murder the cop and gangster who tried to kill your father.

>> No.6652793

Why not stop being a hyper-autist and just do something nice with your girl without whining like a fucking spoiled child?

>> No.6652797

This only becomes a problem when the desserts roll around. I like dessert. I don't like sharing.

>> No.6652799


If a girl wants to order for 2 it means she isn't hungry she's pickish and is wondering why you haven't been fucking her on the damn table already

>> No.6652817
File: 221 KB, 441x441, Over-the-Garden-Wall-Special-001-000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go out to dinner
>hey let's order two different things so we can try both
>she eats all my fucking meat and leaves the carbs
>"carbs are just filler!"

>> No.6653199

I mean, I've never experienced this. But there are some things that would be nice for two, like chateubriand steak.

>> No.6653205

That never happened.

>> No.6653210

i could see someone doing this with a long-term girlfriend, sharing food can be a pretty big bonding thing.

the downside is if she's a long-term girlfriend then she's probably comfortable enough to have let herself go a bit and will end up eating all your food

>> No.6653216

From reading your post I have a hard time believing you've ever met a female human.

>> No.6653218


>i could see someone doing this with a long-term girlfriend, sharing food can be a pretty big bonding thing.

Yeah that makes sense...

>the downside is if she's a long-term girlfriend then she's probably comfortable enough to have let herself go a bit and will end up eating all your food

Please go back to your containment board, Frog-Bot-Boy.

>> No.6653222

>implying the concept of a containment board works

>> No.6653228

It's symbolic of sharing a life together. What's mine is yours. That kind of thing.
Even if both want a separate meal then you should at least order a side that can be shared, like rice or garlic/herb bread.
Sharing is caring.
Often you'll need to share a meal before you share a bed. But six years later when the divorce happens everything is hers. I really hate my ex. Sorry, I got off topic. Suzi I fucking hate you.

>> No.6653236

i'm a lesbian. might be different for straight women

>> No.6653272

This is my greatest pet peeve.

Generally, I'm much more reserved than others, so I keep all pda to the barest minimum possible. I don't like holding hands, putting my arm around a girl, or kissing in public.

So when my now exgf tried to take a piece of the chicken breast I ordered at this nice ass restaurant I took her to, the proceed to attempt to feed me with it I got pretty pissed.

It was clear that she thought it was cute, but I made it clear to cut that shit out

Later that night I heard her crying when I was trying to sleep. I took that as a sign for me to sleep out on the couch. As I went and got up, she said "why don't you ask me whats wrong before you try and run away from your problems"

I broke up with her after a few days

>> No.6653277

Hopefully she'll find a non-autist next time.

>> No.6653281

I don't find things like that to be cute. I'm genuinely curious; what do you think a more appropriate response would have been? Mind you I'm very conservative I'm my demeanor

>> No.6653285

suicide is always the appropriate choice

>> No.6653290

Glad to see that you have nothing to contribute to the thread or my question. Thanks anyways i guess

>> No.6653295
File: 249 KB, 1280x960, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the blog rec OP

>> No.6653297

You can eat my meat

>> No.6653301

I don't really see the problem but maybe that's because I come from a Chinese background where the dining style is a sharing style. Also, some restaurants provide meals that are just way too large so one's almost forced to share.

>> No.6653354

When I go to a restaurant with gf we usually prder 2 meals, but share them and usually swap halfway. No feeding and that stupid infantile shit. It's good. We always order things both of us like and I get to try 2 meals.

>> No.6653523

It isn't.

>> No.6653528

>family style
worst style

>> No.6653533

When last I was in a relationship, whenever we'd go to a restaurant, we would usually order an entrée/appetiser/starter each (occasional also a third to share) and a shared main course.
It was both cheaper and more varied to do it this way.
We also did this for takeaways and delivery.

Unless I wanted fish, in which case, we ordered separately. My ex does not like fish.

>> No.6653557

>Me and my gf go out to eat
>She orders something reasonable because she isn't an autist
>I order something reasonable because I'm not an autist
>Some of the food is slightly worse than expected but we still have fun because we're focused on each other and the food is 2nd to the conversation
>We go home and fill out a scathing online survey and laugh because we're both secretly autist but not so far gone that we can't disguise it in public.
>I haven't had sex in 3 months
>Someone help me.

>> No.6653567

She is not your gf if you are not fucking her.

>> No.6653638

Best case scenario, she just wants to eat with you. Eating with someone can be bond forming, in general; eating the same dish can be more intimate.

This, however, can be sucky if she's limiting what you get. Many people and most women seem to have lots of food "things" about them. Had one girl rattle off a list of the food items she would never be around. I could not get away fast enough!

>> No.6653645

I'm not friends with him anymore, but occasionally my friend, his girlfriend and I will go out to eat at restaurants occasionally. They would order just one entree to share. Always. I understand they weren't making much money, but man, it was weird.

>> No.6653649

To be honest I find restaurant portions tend to be for two.
There's always way more food than one person should eat.

>> No.6653656

Also they would feed each other.

what the fuck guys you guys are both 25

>> No.6654667

The only way restaurant portions seem too large is if you filled up on bread, soup, salad, and appetizer before the entree.

>> No.6654728


Or better yet: become an athletic big guy so that you can comfortably eat with her + whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.6654735

>Many people and most women seem to have lots of food "things" about them. Had one girl rattle off a list of the food items she would never be around. I could not get away fast enough!

qu'est-ce que c'est
run run run run far far far awayyyy

You did the right thing, anon.

>> No.6654814

>implying she doesn't want it all for herself
fucking autist not everything is about you

>> No.6654828

I came here for the Godfather'S reference. I love you.

>> No.6654862

Jesus Christ, your perception of social cues is messed up. Crying doesn't mean "go sleep on the couch." It means "I need comfort." You sleep on the couch when she's pissed off.

>> No.6654876 [DELETED] 

>You sleep on the couch when she's pissed off.

>> No.6654941

You wanted a traditional relationship. She wanted a new age one. It wouldn't have worked out. You should have told her "You are my problem. That's what is wrong."

>> No.6654953

Well by that logic you've also let your figure go as well you fucking faggot

>> No.6654992

Not if she is the bulldyke

>> No.6655511
File: 659 KB, 556x728, sucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she says she's not hungry and just orders a small soup
>she picks over your meal
>you duck into McDonalds afterwards because half your meal had been vacuumed into the black hole sitting opposite
>she calls you greedy
Women. Not even once.

>> No.6655528
File: 358 KB, 1489x2365, not_wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sleeps on the couch when she's pissed.

I am never wrong.

>> No.6655546

American women are fat for a reason

>> No.6655583

You were wrong to pick that disgusting pic.

>> No.6655806
File: 68 KB, 960x945, 1434555193982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on first date
>she cant decide what to get
>"anon, why don't you choose for me?"
>"okay, only if you choose for me too though"
>I get her fish and chips
>she gets me a shitty turkey sandwich
>pretend to like it

>> No.6655808

Where was this date? The local takeaway?

>> No.6655814

just a bar with slightly above average bar food

>> No.6655817

Turkey clubs are pretty good.

>> No.6655821

It wasn't like sandwich meat turkey, it was like just pieces of turkey, but they were dry as fuck and the bread was nearly stale. I was having to chase each bite with like half a pint.

>> No.6655827

Real turkey is probably better than deli turkey if done right.

>> No.6655828

Should have used more mayo

>> No.6655935

>go to an asian restaurant
>she gets sushi and I get some General Tso's chicken
>both get full pretty quickly
>neither of us finish our food
>I eat the rest of her sushi before we go and box the chicken
>reheat the chicken that night because hungry
>she eats most of it when I'm not looking

>> No.6655960

A relationship doesn't equal guaranteed sex. Most women eventually stop putting out.

>> No.6655965

In america they are huge, anon.

>> No.6655969

You're both fucking retarded and know nothing about gay women.

>> No.6655972

Sushi and general tso's in the same place??

>> No.6656156

as expected from /ck/. fully autistic.

>> No.6656686

>You know nothing about my make believe identity.

>> No.6656690

A sexual relationship only exists as long as there is sex. If sex ceases then it is merely a friendship.

>> No.6656700

Is sharing food a relationship thing? Sometimes when I take my dad out to a restaurant we'll scoop off a bit of our food onto each other's plate and tell each other to try it.

I thought it was just a father/son bonding thing...

>> No.6656713

Autism: The Post

First of all public affection is perfectly normal. Holding hands and sharing food is not frowned upon and will not ever be.

>Later that night I heard her crying when I was trying to sleep. I took that as a sign for me to sleep out on the couch

You're fucking retarded. When a girl is crying you're supposed to comfort her. Lay next to her and hug her. You don't ignore that shit. You might as well never date again because I feel sorry for whoever is your next target

>> No.6656732

Coddling a grown adult is not how a healthy relationship should function.

>> No.6657679

Instead of heading straight home after dinner, go out for a few drinks next time. Then walk for awhile under some streetlamps before telling her that you're needed back on your home planet but that meeting her was one of the greatest things to ever happen to you.


>> No.6657683

where does this meme come from

>> No.6658177

>First date
>Take her to a place that lets you fill one plate with whatever you choose for $15
>Most of what she puts on her plate is rice
I hate wasting money like this. If you said you wanted rice we could have just gotten you rice for less than a third of the price, bitch.

>> No.6658187

>First date

How fat are you?

>> No.6658196

It's not all you can eat. You only get one plate.

I'm not fat at all.

>> No.6658219

If my girl and I go to a place where we know the portion sizes are going to be ridiculous we will often get an app and split a main. Because even though we're reasonably active people we aren't athletes, and don't need to consume a day's worth of calories in one meal.

Has never been a problem.

>> No.6658439

>calling an appetizer an 'app'
cringiest thing i've heard all day

>> No.6658647
File: 24 KB, 954x539, 1414172696695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not ordering zerts at the end of the meal

>> No.6658806

It is the Applebees effect.

>> No.6658891
File: 23 KB, 459x302, gt+Include+Octavia+gt+No+Big+Macintosh+gt+Mfw+_5af6d0599f4fbb15ce1ca701bd5c16b9..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fatass detected

>> No.6658922

>not going to Chipotle and getting some bean blankets

>> No.6659133

>I took that as a sign for me to sleep out on the couch