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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6651478 No.6651478 [Reply] [Original]

> that guy that checks every item in his fast food order while at the window

>> No.6651488

Are you not that guy, you gullible moron?

>> No.6651494

at least he wont spend 20 fucking minutes picking a salad

>> No.6651508

all you had to do was pull up like four feet bro cmon

>> No.6651509


You pull into a space, you mongoloid.

>> No.6651518


> a car with like 7 people pulls into the drive-thru

God damn, just go inside

>> No.6651523

but that's the point of the drive thru

>> No.6651537

The best part of that many people in a single car at the drive-thru is that most of them inevitably have some autistic as fuck special requests so it takes twice as long for them to order.

>> No.6651548


>> No.6651573

No it isn't at all

>> No.6651627


Oh, so if there's a mistake I have to go inside or wait in line again? You're literally retarded


Yes it fucking is you piece of shit why don't YOU inside if your such a fucking aspie you clog up the drive through with a single passenger car

>> No.6651637

Woah that's some major projection right there.

>> No.6651654


Autists like you are the reason I get coupons for a free meal almost every time I'm at the drive through

>> No.6651696

Wait, do people actually complain if something in their order is messed up? I can understand if they leave out an entire item or you have allergy concerns, but I've always treated it as a risk you accept when you get fast food.

>> No.6651700

If they leave something out, or give you something cheap when you paid for something twice the price, you have every right to go back and complain.

>> No.6651711

>so if there's a mistake I have to go inside or wait in line again?
Yes.If you sit there to check all of the food and then expect them to correct it while you sit there with other people waiting behind you
>Yes it fucking is you piece of shit why don't YOU inside if your such a fucking aspie you clog up the drive through with a single passenger car
4 single passenger cars will not be as bad as 2 cars with 3 people in them.

>> No.6651720

So what? My orders are never so huge that it takes more than five seconds, and this way if there's a problem I avoid the suspicion that I'm lying.

Sorry that I'm delaying your hourly hit of sugar and lard by a twentieth of a minute, but I have to do what's right.

>> No.6651728

I've been apart of a few group car orders before and I always try to diffuse the situation by getting everyone to pay with cash bc doing separate card orders at the drive thru is an inconvenience for everyone involved.

>> No.6651737

Wait, you guys don't eat your meal in front of the window? Gotta eat it while it's hot.

>> No.6651738

You're a fucking fag

>> No.6651741

>this happened to me once and say it happens all the time

>> No.6651745

I never get bothered by those people. I don't blame them a bit. I should forego my courtesy and start doing the same.

>> No.6651749

yeah there's been way too many times those fuckin kids at the McDonalds forget my fry sauce or a fork/spoon. Also, Taco Bell's around here you're lucky to pull away with everything you ordered.

>> No.6651773

>Using the drive thru
Great job wasting gas and pumping out all that carbon monoxide just so you don't have to get up from your seat and walk into the store, fatties.

>> No.6651860


>got told
>b-better act like it's not a real problem


>things that never happened


What kind of a fucking beta are you?


You too, what kind of a little docile bitch are you? I'm not done at the drive through until my order is correct. I'm not leaving until I get my food. If you're too impatient and expect me to just take a fucking break in the middle of my business YOU park your car and go inside while I'm checking for straws and sauces.

>4 single cars vs 2 car pools

No fucking shit genius. Meanwhile the drive through is clogged with autistic retards too afraid to walk inside and have the clerk talk to them before they're ready, the cars are filling up the drive through with safety bubbles for retarded man children. Not to even mention the environmental concerns of these morons driving all the way to taco bell one after one by themselves.

No, you are literally inferior to the car with three people in it, logically you should have to wait three times as long and you should be thankful that there isn't a man watching the drive through and flagging you down to go inside.


Don't be a fag. It's her job to swipe plastic and if she's so inbred she can't hit $2.89 then she sure as fuck isn't giving you correct change or enough napkins. Whenever I hang out with people like you I always come up short and force him to cohort the difference or "oh I guess we're paying separately then"


>I know, if I use a few meme arrows and call them fat I'll fit right in on 4chan, the meanest site on the net lol

>> No.6651877
File: 630 KB, 1195x1600, 1435864615970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that wage slave fast food employee who thinks he's in a position to judge anyone

>> No.6651922
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x1024, virgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking beta
>docile bitch
>no fucking shit genius
>don't be a fag
>don't be mean

>> No.6651936

Holy shit this thread. Are you Americans really in that much of a rush to get your burgers? Everyone here complaining is obviously a fat fuck

>> No.6651975
File: 44 KB, 960x540, ht_lion_pakiston_kb_150413_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> that car that turns into the fast food drive thru mere seconds before you get there

>> No.6651986

I just try to make it easier for everyone in the car. I've also been to a few places where they start to get pissy if you have more than two transactions per cat because it takes a minute for the machine to process in between having to separate every order for each person as you order all at once and then have to separate.

This holds up the drive thru line and is rude so it's easier to just pay all at once in one go.
if you come up short and are with friends surely you can pay them back later

>> No.6652003


Usually people post like this because min-wage workers like me confirm that we hate people like


and they get all assmad. But yeah, america is packed like a sardine can with morons who actually argue on how to order a sandwich.

>> No.6652035


>uh oh, he's completely and totally destroyed me in every way and form
>with tears stinging my eyes and trembling hands I barely manage to hit submit on a hastily selected reaction pic
>I'd better get some Wendy's to calm down after this
>of course, I always hit the gas as soon as I take the bag without even rolling up the window, I'm such a good courteous drive through user