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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6650018 No.6650018 [Reply] [Original]

OK /ck/ help me figure something out. I'm your average 23 year old that looks like he's in college and super fuckin skinny how ever, I have about 5 bucks coming soon.

Help me pick out some things at the store that we could make awesome.

Here's something's we could make with, I love garlic foods. Be cheap but not "cheap" in taste. What can you do /ck/?

>> No.6650021

read the sticky

>> No.6650025

Just go to McDonalds or Subway like you were probably planning to do anyway.

>> No.6650038

I want something that wont make me hungry in an hour

>> No.6650049

Rice and beans with garlic.

>> No.6650059

I dunno why, but I feel like im being mocked

>> No.6650586

A couple of double cheeseburgers will cost less than five bucks and keep you full for 10-12 hours.

>> No.6650623

Buy the cheapest ground beef you can (3-4 bucks?). Buy the biggest amount of pasta that you can for a buck. Then buy the biggest can of tomato sauce that you can for a buck.

Should be enough for about 5-6 servings. If you have any money left you can add a can of diced tomatoes. To flavor things up, steal hot sauce packets from Taco Bell or steal Soy Sauce packages from the mall food court chinese place. In college this was my surefire way to always have food around if we missed the cafeteria. I usually did it with soy sauce and black pepper.

Let me be clear - it's not good in any way, but it's tolerable and at least it puts something in your stomach that your body can run off of.

>> No.6650632

Go to Asian butcher.
Get a pound of pork mince. It's $1.09/lb for the lean stuff in my area and 89¢/lb for the fatty. Get fatty.

Go to Aldi. Get a sack of flour. It's $1.29 right now. Don't know if this is nationwide or local, though.

Get some UHT milk from the dollar store.

Go to Home Depot or other store selling live, potted herbs. Take a leaf or two of sage.

Go wherever the cheapest eggs are sold in your area. Get as many as you can for as little as you can.

I'm assuming you have pepper, salt and baking powder (or baking soda and something acidic, like lemon or vinegar).

Crumble cook the pork on low-heat to render out its fat and evaporate its water.
Remove fat and crumbled pork, straining and separating the two, reserving both.
Put 1tbsp of fat back in the pan and set aside; use some of the remaining fat, an egg, the flour, some salt and some baking powder to make eggy drop-biscuits.
Cook the 1tbsp of fat with 1tbsp of flour until a smooth paste is achieved, then re-add the cooked pork and toss in some chopped sage.
Whisk in a cup of milk to dissolve the flour paste then cook until reduced to desired thickness; S&P to taste.
Pan fry an egg sunny-side-up in whatever fat is left from the pork.
Split the biscuit, top with the egg and spoon over some "sausage gravy."


You now have ¾ lb left of pork, several eggs, 3 cups of milk and 4⅔lbs of flour. Figure out other stuff to do with these things plus additional ingredients.
This meal costs you about $4.50-$5.00 to get the stuff for it but only uses about 85¢ worth of ingredients.

>> No.6650643
File: 627 KB, 1123x488, Carnist_Science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just the influence of carnist culture. The meat industry has brainwashed 300 million Americans that rice and beans are a joke food, a punishment reserved for the very poor who had the gall to be poor and not afford CAFO-extruded antibiotic pink hormone slime, the thrice-daily consumption of which is a sign we've Made It®

The sooner people can root out and eliminate this kind of diseased thinking, the healthier we will be as a nation

>> No.6650650
