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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 514x315, 20130118-frozen-patties-post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6649646 No.6649646 [Reply] [Original]

Just found a couple patties in my fridge. I am hunger. I'm new to cooking. Do I need to defrost these in the microwave first or just throw them right on the skillet? Also any tips for me for how to add flavor and make my burgies better?

>> No.6649647

I found them in my freezer* They are fully frozen with some freezer burn.

>> No.6649650
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>I am hunger

>> No.6649655

You cook them from frozen. Do you not have the original packaging or what

>> No.6649657
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>> No.6649662

I dont. I dont know where they came from lol. I found this website which looks to have good tips.


>> No.6649681

You 'found' them in your freezer and you are new to cooking? Are you sure they were in 'your' freezer?

>> No.6649760


>> No.6649764

Ok so it didn't work. I fried them for 6 minutes on one side and it was going pretty well. I flipped them and went into the other room to watch television. A few minutes later i came back in and the burgers had morphed into ball like shapes and were burnt on the outside. I panicked. So i took the spatula and pressed down on one and it popped like a zit sending red juices everywhere all over my stove. I was disgusted so i threw them out. I am now frying up some frozen perogies. Wish me luck.

>> No.6649769

Never had them before.

>> No.6649771



>> No.6649784

So far not so good. The back of the box said to use oil or butter in the pan. I used about 2 tablespoons of butter in the pan and spread it around to lubricate. Then i just left about a tablespoon of butter in the middle of the pan and went into the other room. When i can back the butter had burnt away and turned into what looked like little brown turds. I tried to move the perigees around in the pan but when it touched the butter turd mixture it started to smoke a little bit and the one side of the perigees are a bit burnt. But I'm not giving up.

>> No.6649789

You need to keep a better eye on your shit anon. learn from your first mistake or you're going to repeatedly fuck up the contents of your freezer

>> No.6649793


>> No.6649806


>> No.6649828
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So this is what happens when an idiot tries to cook, i have always wondered how people can fuck up cooking especially already prepared frozen food but OP here gave a me a step by step view.

Thanks OP.

>> No.6649839

OP here. So yeah the smoke detector went off. It actually went off before as well when I was cooking the patties but I forgot to mention it. Anyway the perigees came out decent tier. There was not much consistency between them as some were burnt and some were perfect. I smothered them in sour cream and sucked them down my gullet. Not so hungry anymore. Although now I am craving something sweet.

>> No.6649864
File: 3.28 MB, 1346x4986, ramen sundae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this.

>> No.6649960

Wtf dude, seriously? Wait, you don't live near Pittsburgh or other Pollock congregation area?

Pierogi is great. Like a ravlioli, but not shitty and made by dagos. Also can have prunes or dates in them as well as pork. You can get them in a box, but making them is easy if you have a partner to lessen the time.

Also, for relevancy, OP I always thaw my frozen patties, but if they are McDonalds thin, then I'd say fuck it and just fry them. Frozen always seem to turn out like shit for me unless I use a grill, though. Like they mutate and look shitty.

>> No.6650082

you are too dumb to survive if you cannot figure out how to cook a burger by yourself. do not proceed. do not pass go. do not collect $200.

>> No.6650164
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I mean I kinda don't believe it, but at the same time I do.

I just don't understand how u can fuck up something like cooking a frozen burger

I'm trying to think about what happened in order for OP to get this kind of result

Any guesses? My guess is that he put a frozen patty into a shallow puddle of cold vegetable oil and then afterwards turned on the electric stove to blazing

The burger cooked disproportionately. The middle got soggy and shitty from the oil faster than the outside, soaking the oil up, and by the time the edges of the patty started cooking it was too late: they started curling in

OP am I wrong? I feel like a fucking food detective. Should make a daytime police drama like that, only they'd just investigate food mysteries. I'd watch that

>> No.6650195

> Should make a daytime police drama like that, only they'd just investigate food mysteries. I'd watch that

> leave him be, John, the boy's clearly rattled. listen, kid, just tell us who gave you that flawed recipe and I'll see what I can do for you

>> No.6650197

> i...*sob* got it from the Interwebs, sir. I didn't know, I thought the hacker 4chan was my friend!

>> No.6650214

Coat it in salt and fry it on max heat in a heavy amount of oil

>> No.6650216
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>> No.6650539

top kek m8

>> No.6651054

Why do you walk away from something you're cooking when you don't know what you're doing entirely, OP? That's a reason to stay there and make sure it goes okay, for fuck's sake.

>> No.6651550

Cause I was watching Friday night lights

>> No.6651563
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>> No.6651578
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>> No.6651640

This thread cracked me up

>> No.6651708

What the fuck is this thread.

>> No.6651783

I'm going to try to do sliced apples and brown sugar in the pan....any tips?

>> No.6652551

Put them on high and walk away
watch walk the line

>> No.6652567

Op here, my house is on fire. help.

>> No.6652579

call the cops nigga cuz i don't give a fuuuuuck