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6646772 No.6646772 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make good rice?

>> No.6646792

the sad truth is you are incapable of such a feat
you'll either have to live with inferior rice or find a place to purchase it at an exorbitant price
no one was suppose to tell you but you deserve to hear the truth
sorry mate

>> No.6646865
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mods plz lock & sticky thread. thx.

>> No.6646882

If you're just not able to make the absorption method work for you (some people just can't do it that way, for some reason) use the pasta method. It's pretty much foolproof and the results are between decent to pretty good, which is far better than when things go wrong with the absorption method.

>> No.6646917

>Step one: cook rice
>Step two: wa la

>> No.6646968


Buy a $15 rice cooker

>> No.6646980

>Pour one large bag of rice on the train tracks
>Derail train
>Burn everything in sight


>> No.6646983

Protip 1: rinse your rice under cold water until the water runs clear.
Protip 2: use a ratio of 1.5:1 water to rice.
Protip 3: cook it ten minutes. Not twenty, not fifteen, not a bloody half an hour with a towel on top. Just. Ten. Minutes.
Protip 4: take it off the heat, and let it sit for ten minutes. Don't take the fucking lid off, don't play with it, just let it sit for ten minutes.
Protip 5: after ten minutes, take off the lid and fluff it up with a fork. Any other utensil will fuck it up (except maybe chopsticks).

Enjoy your rice, Anon.

>> No.6646994

submerge well in boiling water in a microwaveable dish

nuke on max for about 10-12 minutes or until water has evaporated

>> No.6647041

Rice responds well to Barry Manilo.

Play it loud and play it proud.

>> No.6647144

Buy a rice cooker if you're going to cook a lot of rice frequently.

>> No.6647159

Add lots of water and boil for normal rice
Add just the right amount of water and stir that shit up and have it absorbed to make sticky rice
Or buy a rice cooker and stop wasting water you prick
Also put it in the fridge to make it cold and absorb the flavors of all your half eaten food for a trip into flavor town

>> No.6647190

I am new to cooking
do i wait for the water to boil before putting the rice in the pan
I have a water heater and i heat the water in it and put it heated/boiled in a pan than i add the rice
i make shitty rice
i can't even cook but i want to learn

>> No.6647202

Yes, but the water kind of needs to stay simmering.

>> No.6647224

get boil in a bag rice
follow instructions
congrats, you made some great rice

>> No.6647242


>> No.6648223
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>> No.6648256

Acquire rice cooker, use cold water, add salt and a small bit of butter. Perfect every time.

>> No.6648263


Why do Americans do this?

>> No.6648273

Learned it from a Spanish lady and have been making my rice like this ever since. Its only a tsp or so of butter per cup of rice.

>> No.6648281


No, I mean, why? What does it do? Is the purpose the texture? The flavor? Does it affect the cooking somehow?

>> No.6648298

>How do I make good rice?

1. Buy a rice cooker
2. Buy decent rice
3. Rinse the rice
4. Use good water

>> No.6648333

Flavor you idiot

>> No.6648352

If you already know how to cook it, then learn how you like it.

For example, I don't like my rice to be popped, but I don't like it to be crispy/undercooked either.

It'll take some experimentation, but you should get it eventually.

>> No.6648356


I soak the rice in water (or you can run water over it) to remove the excess starch. I then use twice the volume of water to rice, and cook it in a saucepan for 10-12 minutes. Once it's soft, or the water has been absorbed, I tip it into a sieve which I then put back on the saucepan for a few more minutes. Then I run a fork through to fluff it up.

>it's the instructions on the Tilda rice packet

>> No.6648474

Rinse good quality well and then pressure cook it.

>> No.6649363


>> No.6649410

Saute it until the whole joint smells a little bit toasty and grainy, then put your liquid in and cook it nice and low until it's absorbed. Fluff it up and then let it sit for a few minutes before you eat it.

>> No.6649487

Whats the amount of salt I should use for 1 cup of rice?

>> No.6649846

1 teaspoon

>> No.6650191


>> No.6650204
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>>6646772 rice cooker with AI -

>> No.6650208

effects texture how?

>> No.6650209

First, remember there are at least 2 ways to cook rice : boiled and steamed. The difference how much water you add. Boiled obviously has more and you strain it afterwards. Steamed is better though.

A third variation you lightly toast the rice in spices before adding the water.

>> No.6650210

the fat makes the rice fluffy and stops it from sticking to the pan

>> No.6650212

I mostly cook jasmine rice because its my fave but I've never rinsed it before hand. Is this something that matters more for some types than others?

>> No.6650221


>> No.6650228

by letting me inseminate you

>> No.6650795
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So many fucking idiots in this thread. I went to sleep hoping someone would answer properly, but all of you failed.

Step 1: Figure out which type of white rice you want to cook. I prefer Jasmin.

Step 2: Figure out your ratio of rice to water. This can vary between varieties of rice, and even between brands of the same variety. The current brand of Jasmin I use works with a 1:1.5 ratio. A brand I used regularly in the past was 1:1.25. For the bags labeled as "long grain rice" without specifying the variety, I go 1:1.875 (1:1 7/8).

Step 3: Being the water to a boil in a pot with the lid on it so your precisely measured water doesn't evaporate.

Step 4: Add rice, stir, and return to a simmer. Reduce heat to low and put the lid back on.

Step 5: Let cook for 15 minutes and turn off the heat. Let stand for another five minutes while the rest of the water gets absorbed.

wa la

>> No.6650868

>Step 3: Being the water to a boil in a pot with the lid on it so your precisely measured water doesn't evaporate.
Correction: Bring water to a boil in seconds with your electric kettle and pour into a measuring jug to measure the required amount of water. Pour correct amount of water into pot with the rice.

Note: This only applies to advanced societies that have electricity available. If not then do the stove thing and pray for a better tomorrow.

>> No.6650875


I tried that way once, and now it's the way I always prepare my rice.

>> No.6651651

>I fail too.
Ayy lmao

Substitute step 3: Put your rice in a microwaveavle container with a vent. Microwave on high for 15 minutes.

>> No.6652488
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>> No.6652560

Buy jasmine rice, add 3 coups of water per 1 coup of rice.

Rinse rice and a few frozen veggies until water runs clean, add salt to taste, put rice on stove at medium heat and let it cook until most of the water has evaporated (no need to use a lid). Remove from stove and wait 10 minutes.

>> No.6652695

In a bowl of rice.
Heat sufficient water in a bowl.
The status of lawyers at the highest pot to a boil, and put it in the oven. 6. Wait

>> No.6652876

>wa la
>>>>wa la

>> No.6652999
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With practice. It depends on the type of rice, quality of water, cookware, and heat source. I wish you luck. Even in rice disasters, there is usually something good to come of it.

>> No.6653070

1) buy rice cooker
2) put as much rice as you need
3) wash rice with water
4) drain water
5) repeat steps 3-4 about 2 or 3 times
6) fill with water again, a trick to know how much w/o measuring is to check with of the length of the tip of your finger, place it on the surface of the rice, then fill it until it is half your finger tip length
7) once you're done, wipe the outside of the pot with a clean towel to prevent the excess water from damaging the rice cooker
8) stick it in the cooker and wait
9) eat