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6645450 No.6645450 [Reply] [Original]

Are convection ovens any good?
I don't have an oven and I heard that this model in particular is superb.

>> No.6645454

yeah, i used one back when my oven was busted for a while. it worked just as fine from what i could tell.

>> No.6645457

I don't have that one. I have a cheapish one from Macy's. And I love it. I could only imagine the one you posted is god tier

>> No.6645473

I own one almost exactly like this. I literally won't re-heat pizza or cook pizza rolls without it. It's an amazing device. Fuck, I've even used the mini-pan that it comes with; put it fresh pizza dough I made and made home-made pizza out of the damn thing. Tasted amazing. Get one.

>> No.6645497

naw. pretty pointless. especially as a toaster oven.

>> No.6645518

That's a toaster oven with convection meaning it has a little fan. I am not sure how much it helps. I have one but a different model. It still won't replace a real oven.

>> No.6645519

I have the same one, it works as intended.

>> No.6645524

As a space heater?

>> No.6645537

Make sure you have a good one. My wife got a discount no-name model once (for $5) and thing was absolute shit. Burned everything or would just randomly shut off. Also stopped working after a few uses.

>> No.6647593


I have that one, assuming it's the large one.

Really handy, I prefer it to my conventional oven just for speed and convenience.

I'm also, sadly, the resident of a serventless apartment with just one built-in oven, so having a second oven is really helpful sometimes.

>> No.6647841

Is it worth having one of these if you're low carb?

>> No.6647859


Why would low carb have anything whatsoever to do with the usefulness of an oven?

>> No.6647866

It is a toaster. It is mostly used for toast and perhaps reheating convenience foods that are high in carbs.

>> No.6647887


I have the $30 toaster oven that pops up when you search on Amazon. It's the B&D.

Use it almost every day to reheat food.

>> No.6647928

That oven you have right there I can make pita pizzas gourmet.

>> No.6648036

Probably because you reduce the utility of an oven to half, if not more, if you don't eat carbs

>> No.6648102

Because now a days ovens are mostly used for baking amirite...

>> No.6648122

I guess you don't know how little food out there is low carb

>> No.6648135

Real ovens are mostly used for cooking meat.

>> No.6648141

>It is a toaster.

No, it's just a small oven. You can do the same thing in it that you'd do in a large oven: baking, roasting, broiler, etc.

I have owned a toaster oven for about three years now. I have never once used it for toast.

On the other hand, I have used it to roast meat and vegetables, reheat leftovers, dehydrate fruit, etc.

The main things I use it for are either reheating foods that would get soggy if reheated in the microwave, or for cooking part of a roast dinner when I need my main oven at a different temperature. For example, while the turkey is roasting in my big oven at 350F I've got the veggies going in the toaster oven at 450.

>> No.6648146
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Perhaps if you're talking about pre-prepared food, TV dinners or some kind of box mix. That's doing it wrong.

Pic related is all low carb. What else do you need other than some seafood and legumes?

>> No.6648162

I wouldn't suggest using a toaster oven as an oven. You'll only get bad results. They aren't even good for making toast.

>> No.6648189


My experience has been the opposite, especially with the convection-type toaster ovens. Even cheap toaster ovens have worked great for me, even for baking bread, pizza, etc. What are these "bad results" you speak of?

>> No.6648217

>a little fan changes everything

>> No.6648242


How about you explain what problems you had with your toaster oven rather than greentexting?