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6641968 No.6641968 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys feel about fake meat like this? I've tried multiple things from Tofurky and they all taste like ass. I'm not a vegetarian but it's fun to try new things.

I just opened a pack of pepperoni and it literally smells like dry dog food.

>> No.6641972

if it was good i would eat it, but it usually isn't. quorn sausages are ok.

>> No.6641995

>How do you guys feel about fake meat like this?

Pointless. I understand if you don't want to eat meat (or can't eat meat), but what's wrong with enjoying non-meat items for what they are, rather than trying to make some kind of silly substitute?

>> it's fun to try new things.

Agreed, but I'm struggling to wrap my brain around why you thought that product might be good. Why not buy a new cut of meat you haven't tried before--or a different kind of veggie, or fruit, etc, etc. Where's the fun in processed bullshit?

>> No.6642002


Idk, I was hoping there might be something redeemable about fake meat, also I like tofu so it wasn't toally a foreign concept.

>> No.6642244

Tried fake pepperoni. You're right in that it smells like dog food. It tastes terrible and reminded me of treats I feed my dogs. Snausages I think? I've also had some of the sliced deli meats from that brand and they're okay but they are somewhat tasteless. I'm not vegetarian but I live with one and I enjoy tofu, so I get curious. The only may substitute products I actually like are Gardein. Their fishless filets are delicious. I've had a few kinds of ground beef substitute and those are usually all the same and make good tacos.

>> No.6642288

No, just no.

Fake meat, fake milk, fake cheese.

Do it right or don't do it at all, closest I'm willing to go to fake meat is musroom or bean patties.

>> No.6642304

I tried soy Mexican style chorizo. It was meant to imitate the cheap kind. It was better and healthier considering the cheap shit is made from lymph nodes.

I also love fried tofu. Doesn't beat fried chicken but it's a good appetizer and chink eateries.

>> No.6642352

I've had their sausage before. I was intrigued by it because the protein to fat ratio was ridiculous. Like 26 grams of protein to 10 grams of fat, unlike regular sausage which is petty much the opposite.
Tasted like shit though, not worth it.

Also I find it highly amusing that vegans and vegetarians will rail against eating meat, but can only stomach their disgusting hippie food when it pretends to be meat.

>> No.6642364


>> No.6642367


>what's wrong with enjoying non-meat items for what they are, rather than trying to make some kind of silly substitute?

i hear this all the time and it's dumb. why not do both?

>> No.6642532

The packaged stuff you get in supermarkets always tastes weird. Go to a Thai restaurant which specialises in soy-based meat flavours, however, and you're likely to be impressed.

>> No.6642543

I think it's pathetic and for stupid morons who want to pretend they're green and shit but want to try to fool themselves into thinking that they're eating meat at the same time. If someone wants to be vegan or whatever, that's up to them, but why pretend to call soy beans or whatever it is other than what it is?

>> No.6642545


>why pretend to call soy beans or whatever it is other than what it is?

because marketing

meateaters are just as guilty of this

these arguments all hinge on the fact that meat substitutes suck. if they didn't suck would you really think the vegans who ate them were hypocrites? it doesn't make sense.

>> No.6642547

Because it is an informative name which indicates what flavor it attempts to emulate. Like how licorice that contains no licorice root extract is still called licorice.

Kind of obvious, really.

>> No.6642552

Yeah I'm not sure that they're railing against meat for it's taste and flavour profile :^)

>> No.6642555

Tofurky makes the worst products. They used to be popular back when they were literally the only option, but I haven't bought anything by Tofurky in years because it tastes like rotting garbage.

Gardien and Lightlife are the best brands for fake meats.

Vegan restaurants near me all use the same soy chicken and it tastes perfect, but no one will tell me where they get it/what its called. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.6642556

It's almost always very disappointing compared to the real thing, I imagine it would seem fantastic if wasn't familiar with the real deal, the only exception being a bag of quorn frozen mini sausages (which are still outclassed by most fresh sausages)

>> No.6642588

I'm gonna go far enough to say that they're hypocrites, but I do think that they're trying to fool themselves by eating pretend meat. If someone wants to have meat flavor, just eat friggin meat in the first place. People who do that come across as pretty stupid since they're dumb enough to fool themselves.

They're not hypocrites, they're just stupid.

>> No.6642599

Take a better picture next time.

>> No.6642850
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Although I'm not a vegetarian, I actually enjoy a lot of fake meat products. I fucking love seitan, veggie burgers and tofu is good if cooked right. I also love Tofurky. The only fake meat that I didn't like was actually a product by the Tofurky company. It was some kind of bacon made from tempeh.

>> No.6642896

yeah, that's a pretty typical response i face, to which i give this explanation:

i'm not eating vegan because animals don't taste good... because of course they do. people taste good, too. meat just tastes good. i do it because of how i feel regarding animal rights.

so, shaping some starch and vegetables into vaguely meat-shaped things and seasoning them to taste meaty isn't bothersome. because it's not an animal. there you go.

>> No.6642899

Retarded. You're making no difference by not eating meat, you know. Just eat it like the rest of us and stop with your feelgood fantasies.

>> No.6643039

mm... naahhh.

>> No.6643054

Tofurky is shit. Fieldroast and Gardein are great meat alternatives.

>> No.6643107

The worst case of substitute meat I've ever had was vegetarian fish fingers

It was fucking garden peas.
Not mashed peased flavoured to make it taste vaguely similar to fish
Just 10 peas in a flavourless breadcrumb rectangle.


>> No.6643118

My BIL went veggie on me back in December. This weekend he forced me to try some tofu sausage. The taste was okay, but the consistency was like a dense hockey puck. At least he agreed that it really wasn't like eating a real sausage.

>> No.6643132

I tried some once, they were these fake chicken nugget like things. They weren't too bad, I probably won't be buying the stuff again though unless I decide to experiment with a bunch of it and find one thing I really like and stick with it.