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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6639807 No.6639807 [Reply] [Original]

So I was wondering what is the main difference between today's GMOs and traditional biotech, such as having a hybrid plant. Is there any at all? What's so bad about GMOs? I don't buy organic food at the moment, but I don't really know much about all of it. It seems like it's hard to find a neutral opinion, because opinions are very polarized, and many results that come up seem like personal blogs.

>> No.6639830
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GMO is actually literally identical to selective breeding with even God uses in nature hence natural selection, haven't you even read a science textbook you luddite?

Anyway there is no proof that GMO is dangerous, it's scaremongering bullshit from people who don't understand science. Like wow some so-called "scientist" who doesn't even work for a biotech company said transgenic crops have started to contaminate landrace cultivars and the future of our food supply might be at risk, there's no proof of that and real scientists KNOW that 110% GMO is safe as proven by the fact that it's the same as selective breeding. Like have you ever got food poisoning from Taco Bell? And it even has BT corn in it. It's just a bunch of liberal hippie nonsense, science is a hypothesis, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence and they haven't proven that there's a problem ok?

In conclusion, MUH TOXINS screamed the soccer mom, as she tried not to vaccinate her babies. But organic means it contains carbon and lobster is poor people food.

>> No.6639854


Come on, I'm an easy target. If you're gonna troll me, do it more subtly and I may actually believe you.

>> No.6639920


Okay OP I'll help you out.

You know how we are surrounded by chemicals they no one REEEALLY tests? For example scientists just found out Acetaminophin found in advil or whatever makes it impossible to feel strong emotions either positive or negative. Freaking advil makes people zombies. Well it's the same thing with GMO. Sure you can engineer a tomato to be super red or even purple. But these people don't know every single thing about tomatos and every single thing about every single consumer of tomatoes. So they are doing this shit to sell more produce and you are the guinea pig if you eat it. Except not even that because they don't care. There are no control groups. Only money and deceitful ways of making it.

In the 50's people were putting all kind of shit on their land and environment and bodies to have super shiny hair, green lawns, no sunburns, keep mosquitos away etc and then it turned out that those chemicals gave their sons tits and their daughters extra arms and their babies no eyes etc. Well same thing with food.

Scientist know how to make an apple not rot but they deffo don't know enough to say it why it is or is not 100% absolutely not absolutely a terrible idea. And only a fool would believe that to be acceptable.

>> No.6639925

I wish we could go back to pre-GMO days so these fucking Mexicans couldn't keep posting on this board

>> No.6639926

Also there are GMO corns which are hardier to that pesticide they use which means you can dump tons of the pesticide on it and it won't die but everything else will. I swear on my life that the pesticide enters the veins of the plant like food coloring goes up a celery stalk placed in water.

And there are GMO's that produce their own pesticide so the farmer can save on extra chemical and they growing foodstuff just kills the insect. We don't know how that shit kills humans but I guarantee you it does.

>> No.6639934

I know you're not a biologist but even you should be able to see how GMO foods and drugs are fundamentally different

>> No.6639941

I know you a faggot but I'm still pissed that you think you can talk down and expect your words to be heading in the right direction. I'm up here dumbass.

>> No.6639945

I'm back again. That you do see how they are the same things tells me you know too little to be even in this conversation. If you are OP you need to be more humble because I'm trying to drop wisdom one you but your just eating your own shit.

>> No.6639948

I'll put it more bluntly since you didn't get what I was saying: You're stupid.

>> No.6639977

What are you even doing here? Being a dumbass is what! You ask a question and I give you the rationale and you're just fucing sniffing your own fart telling people how nuh uh they are the same thing. They are the same thing.

Turmeric has a compound which raises testosterone when combined with a compound in natural pepper. Sorghum powder (a food, a flour) inhibits a specific enzyme enabling the increased conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosteron which is 2-3 times more potent on androgen receptors than testosterone itself. Coconut oil is a potent topic antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal because it has lauric acid as a natural constituent. If you eat coconut oil your body converts it into laurelin (also an antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal) and it becomes a boon to your immune system. and that is just the stuff I'm mentioning and the stuff that is codified fact about it. There is more we do not know about the regular food we eat every day. Tell me again how food and drugs are fundamentally different you fucking idiot.

So when it comes to any given GMO, someone asking the question "How exactly do the changes interact with the environment, the plant, my human body, that livestock's body, my pet's body?" will be asking a prudent question and will not get a satisfactory answer because we don't even fucking know all there is to know about a regular non-gmo tomato and dumbfucks messed with that thing and made something different.

If you don't get it now, kill yourself.

>> No.6640007

I'm glad you didn't respond you fucking retard.

>> No.6640064

This is truth!

Pre-GMO days? You do understand that we've been genetically modifying food forever, right? How do you think we are able to eat banana's? Ever hear of seedless watermelon? Just because it's done in a field and not a lab makes it no less a GMO.

>> No.6640070

As an extension of that, you can't be sure than even 'natural' food is safe to eat. Does anyone really know how carrots work? Can we say that carrots are actually safe on the long-term? How do we know that the foods we eat now are safe? Have they gotten safer or more dangerous from their closest wild ancestor? We fucking don't know, and that's why we shouldn't put any of this 'food' bullshit into our bodies.

>> No.6640075

I'm a molecular biologist, I don't understand your point, explain please? I'm trying to figure out which side I'd like to join. I'm not the person you were responding to, btw.

>> No.6640080
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>> No.6640087
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>Freaking advil makes people zombies

>> No.6640100

I'll take the wiggler and red worms, do you have cold beer and chaw?

>> No.6640109


>>6639920 here. I've thought, unsarcastically, that same thing. Until I can sever the cords upon which hunger arises I have to keep eating though. So it's best to eat as cleanly and as sanely as possible. GMO's are insane.

Read it or stay a faggot.

>> No.6640110

Advil doesn't have acetaminophen, it has ibuprofen, Tylenol has acetaminophen but I don't take it because I'm an alcoholic.

Your post has been determined to be untrue. I trust nothing that you say.

>> No.6640117

Sure, but all I got is this new-fangled modified chaw. Not sure I'd trust if, if I were you. Reckon it might mess up your innards with all them chemicals and what.

>> No.6640120

Thanks. I knew it wasn't advil but I couldn't think of the other brand people use for pain relief.

>> No.6640121


Yeah, let me renew my subscription to psychological science. Way to not even post a pub that is in a real medical review.

>> No.6640124

>10-20% less likely to report extreme emotions

Nigga, a couple of beers will make twice as much of a difference as what's been reported here.

>> No.6640127

The hell you say, I'm all about chemicals, I'll take two! If the shit gets me groovin' faster, why wouldn't I!

>> No.6640130

>try what looks good
>try what looks good and is cheaper
>decide for yourself what tastes better, and whether it's worth it

There aren't any real studies on long-term effects at this point, so if you feel worse eating gmo's it's just bro-science, placebo affects.

>> No.6640140

>your post has been determined to be untrue. I trust nothing that you say.

Your wrong but I will respect your intrinsic right to guide yourself through life and I will to not trangress upon your self-sovereignty.

Fuck you you lazy cunt. You taken in enough keywords through your eyeballs that if you willed to find it it would be revealed to you. I'm not gonna fucking breastfeed you thoughts. Use you own fucking energy you fucking moron. And stop talking like you know more than you do or you're gonna end up falling into a pit that people with eyes can see clearly.

>what is hyperbole?

Was my tone too formal that you couldn't parse the factual from the uncertain?

>> No.6640141

You're welcome, but if you're going to try to justify your point, take a minute to get the facts right because how do I know that there aren't more errors in your post.

Also, I've micro-injected HGH into Tilapia so they'd grow larger, faster. I took one home and grilled it. I'm both okay with GMO's and literally a cannibal. Anyone else?

>> No.6640150

I am correct, there is no acetaminophen in Advil, you're wrong. (you are, you're), you ignoramus.

>> No.6640157
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people don't understand genetics. however what does bother is that say a company like monsanto can patent a living organism. which just doesnt seem right. they made so really they deserve to own it. but it's alive.

>> No.6640163

You posted a psychological magazine review, I'm not lazy, I just refuse to read a psychological review when clearly a medical review is needed so I can determine biochemical pathways that are causing these symptoms and decide if I agree. I'm glad you posted a pub to back your argument, it's rare and I appreciate it, but you've picked one I don't trust. It's like Science vs. Scientific American...I'll take Science.

>> No.6640175

>You're welcome, but if you're going to try to justify your point, take a minute to get the facts right because how do I know that there aren't more errors in your post.

My post harmonized perfectly with how much I cared about the effect of my words on those who read them. If you are uncertain you will act according to how much you care to become certain. I am certain that I don't give a fuck either way as long as you aren't being a cunt by simultaneously not knowing the truth and wanting to be minded for the things you suppose to be correct.

>I am correct, there is no acetaminophin in Advil, you're wrong. (you are, you're), you ignoramus.

I already knew that. That's why I said "Advil or some shit." I wanted you to know approximately what I was talking about. When you read "Advil or some shit" did you think I was talking about pepto bismal? or mosquito repellant? No? Then I got you as close to the truth as I was willing to expend energy to do.

I saw Advil on display at Sam's club today at that free sample kiosk and I checked to see if it had Acetaminophen. I saw it had ibuprofen. I knew before I typed Advil or some shit that it wasn't actually Advil. But I couldn't think of the brand and I wanted to make a post still so I approximated for everyone's benefit.


Fair enough. The source sucks. I don't care but I can empathize with your willingness to review a credible and easy to read source. I just don't have enough fucks to give to find one when the information that acetaminophin blunts emotional responses is still new and research into the pathways involved has not, to my knowledge, been released.

>> No.6640188

How about this, honestly, and to the point, what is your stand in this matter? I'm not giving you shit, I'm just confused what you are trying to say. I get the idea about chemicals, but relate that to GMO's for me.

Are you pro or anti, I don't know which all posts are yours and I came to the thread late.

I think you're trying to say we are using chemicals and we don't know how they may hurt/benefit us later in life, but I'm not sure.

>> No.6640240
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Well, here ya go then.

>> No.6640241

I'm am anti-Gmo. GMO which are pesticide hardy are delivering pesticides to our table when in the past if you doused a food in certain amount of pesticide it wouldn't eaten because that shit would die because it isn't a fucking mutant.

I also am saying that food is complex and we do not know enough about how the food we already have affects our body to be frivolously modifying that shit for color and shelf life and taste. I believe genetically modify foodstuff is careless and foolish. I believe the feeding of GMO's to lifestock is careless and foolish. I believe the personal ingestion of GMOs by humans is at best careless and foolish if one can afford to eat wholly organic. I believe that the personal ingestion of GMOs by humans is sub-optimal if one can afford to eat some organic foods but instead eats no organic foods. I believe that the ingestion of GMOs by humans is at worst tragic if one cannot afford to eat organic because that one is held captive by the changing quality and practice of producing the cheapest foodstuffs. I believe the cheapest food is, if not becoming increasingly toxic, then is being revealed for how truly toxic it was all along.

>> No.6640247
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Not living where weed is legal is suffering. Supreme court pls

>> No.6640270

Supreme court won't take action on weed because there's no legal reason for drugs to come before it

Besides, they've sided with cops on 4th and 5th amendment protections when it comes to drugs in the past, so even if a weed case was granted cert it's unlikely they'd legalize it. Get out there and get a referendum on the ballot or lobby your senator; This one is staying up to the states for a while

>> No.6640282

>lobby a senator
>live in the south

Stahp. You're making me sad.

>> No.6640288
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>living in the south
come to minnesota

>> No.6640302

I can't I've gone native. I can't cope with snow like when I used to live in Ohio. Also the sub 90 summer temps would probably give me Season Affective or something.
>"I like season too much"
>Also I'm completely poverty locked into my current residence

>> No.6640316

I can't actually believe that all of you idiots actually think GMO'S are bad for you. I bet you think aspartame gives you cancer too huh? Take your tin foil hats and fucking leave.

>> No.6640323

Its moreso Monsanto that's the issue

But they take up a huge majority of the GMO market

Of course the retard shills in this thread will just call you an anti-vaccine luddite if you don't conform to their absurd views 100%

>> No.6640340

It's careless and foolish and tragic... why exactly? I get the argument about pesticides - but that's an argument about pesticides really, not against GMO.
What exactly are you afraid may happen? What, exactly, would be dangerous about GMO food that makes them different from traditional selective breeding food?
"oh we just don't know, it hasn't been proven to be safe" isn't an argument. It hasn't been proven that cellphones don't cause cancer, but we do know there's literally no possible way for radio waves to cause DNA damage.

>> No.6640342

What makes Monsanto worse than any other big corporation? I don't live in the US, so I don't know much about them.

>> No.6640344

GMO food is bad because I can make money by saying so without any actual proof. It's amazing.

>> No.6640355

>"oh we just don't know, it hasn't been proven to be safe" isn't an argument.

I'll not tell you.

>> No.6640356

They make it a point to force their products on as many farmers as possible, particularly in poorer countries. They sell them the GMO crops as well as the pesticides/herbicides to spray them with. They also go after smaller farmers with lawsuits when their GMO crap spreads into neighboring fields and cross breeds naturally with non-GMO crops.

I have no problem with GMOs. I have a have problem with corporations that try to monopolize and control entire industries.

>> No.6640362

It's illegal to save seeds from whatever you grow to grow more next year. You are contractually obligated by monsanto to buy more of their seed each year.

If their seed pollinates a nearby crop that crop is now legally monsanto pantented crop and thus illegal and that farm will be sued into bankruptcy or have it crop destroyed or something.

>> No.6640373

Workers literally have to go around the fields putting bags over every ear of corn in order to make sure that seeds don't spread. It's the shittiest thing ever. I'm all for GMOs as a tool to be used, but Monsanto is the definition of an evil corporation.

>> No.6640383
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>> No.6640859
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How do they get away with this? It's like letting beekeepers keep all the flowers their bees pollinate.

>> No.6640881
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>someone believes everything they saw in Food Inc.
Why don't you show us one confirmed case of biotech companies aggressively going after small organic growers that isn't from some shill website.

>> No.6640885

It's the same with normal non GMO-hybrid corn. If it's patented you need special permits to distribute seed.

This whole cross pollination suing small farmers argument simply isn't true. Please look into and try to find a legitimate case.

>> No.6640969

There are some issues with GMOs, obviously the hippies that claim it will ruin the environment and give you cancer are retarded, but the topic is more complex than that.

There are issues with patenting genes and the level of control companies like Monsanto can exert over farmers. Modifying plants often just makes them more resistant to pesticides, which can have external environmental impacts. Also, there can be secondary effects to food from a change in DNA, such as a change in appearance, taste, nutrients etc that might not be desirable to consumers. Finally, social issues such as farmers with GMO crops losing "organic" certification, which although just a marketing phrase, can impact sales and the value of their crops.

No one is going to stop companies performing research into, and selling, GMOs, but clearly some areas of law need to be straightened out.

>> No.6641004

Even if that's true (I'm not saying it is, or that it isn't - I'm not a farmer and I don't know), it doesn't really sound worse than what any other big corporation does. Like look at Dole.

>> No.6641006

Modifying plants doesn't make them more resistant to pesticides - it's just that they have been modified for that specific purpose.
Those changes you describe can just as easily happen with conventional selective breeding methods.

>> No.6641009

That's what I meant, and doing so encourages farmers to use more pesticides, which can have negative external effects.

>> No.6641012

GMOs aren't inherently bad, but the technology can be abused.

The key difference between GMOs and selective breeding is that with selective brreding the plant and its effects on consumers is visible for a long period of time, while with GMOs, yo have what is essentially an entirely new organism based on a pre-existing one that might behave differently. The monitoring period that GMO companies are trying to skip is necessary for consumer safety to ensure no unexpected effects occur.

>> No.6641014

Offhand traditional is doing splicing and such but GMO is effecting things on a genetic level.

>> No.6641032

Another way to say that is that traditional wont effect the offspring of what's spliced but GMO since it's at the genetic level will.

>> No.6641046

It's not inherently bad, but folk don't really know what could happen when that spreads around. These people are splicing in pig genes and stuff into plants and they don't know what's going to happen. On an economic note the companies breed these things to be sterile to force people to buy more of them. That way a person can't grab some seeds and make a crop, the farmer is forced to buy those sterile seeds from the company that genetically engineered them and that to me is a bit wrong. If I was a farmer I'd tell those companies to fuck off if they were trying to sell me sterile shit.

>> No.6641053

I'm not taking lessons in genetics from a retard who can't comprehend the English language.

>> No.6641055

Actually affect is emotional, such as some bitch broke up with you and you were affected but the effect was that you cried.

>> No.6641060

How is the poorest question.

>> No.6641062

Effect is cause and action. I put a cat in a blender and the resultant effect was that I got cat pudding, it affected me so much that I cried afterwards.

>> No.6641067


>In conclusion, MUH TOXINS screamed the soccer mom, as she tried not to vaccinate her babies. But organic means it contains carbon and lobster is poor people food.

Essentially this.

>> No.6641069

So? Are fucking retarded you fucking faggot? Kill yourself.

> obviously the hippies that claim it will ruin the environment and give you cancer are retarded, but the topic is more complex than that.

Kill yourself retard. Then ghost away because you're too fucking retarded to be here using your mouth for words. Shut the fuck, listen, contemplate, and understand. Only then are you allowed to speak.

>> No.6641079

The truth is a three edged sword, it always was and always will be.

>> No.6641103

>The key difference between GMOs and selective breeding is that with selective brreding the plant and its effects on consumers is visible for a long period of time, while with GMOs, yo have what is essentially an entirely new organism based on a pre-existing one that might behave differently. The monitoring period that GMO companies are trying to skip is necessary for consumer safety to ensure no unexpected effects occur.
>The monitoring period that GMO companies are trying to skip is necessary for consumer safety to ensure no unexpected effects occur.

Fucking this. This is the whole and complete reason to avoid GMOs. The wise understand the implications of that.

>> No.6641109

>Well I'm not taking anything from someone who doesn't communicate in the most spoken language on earth, Chinese

Said someone who is also a fucking retard. Like you. Ding ding ding. What was that sound? Oh yeah its the elevator because you're not on our level. Goodbye retard.

>> No.6641114

I wonder if you realize that letting things effect your mind unpeaceably makes you a weak cunt and unworthy of nirvana or paradise.

>> No.6641268

Did you have a bad day?

>> No.6641286

You seem upset?

>> No.6641500

Actually, the biggest difference is GMO can introduce any sort of change we want to engineer, including the introduction of genes that would otherwise practically never have an avenue to get into a plant (barring extreme improbability and probably thousands of years of evolution, or more).

Selective breeding enhances naturally-occurring genes and produces a better end-product. GMO just sticks whatever genes in whatever organisms it likes and hopes it all works out, in terms of health impact.

>> No.6641511 [DELETED] 
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I'm not an indian sack of shit so your idea of nirvana or paradise is meaningless to me.

Here, have some indian food in pic related.

>> No.6641829

>This is the whole and complete reason to avoid GMOs.
I don't avoid GMOs because of that. I just strongly disagree how they are used to make small lokal farmers dependent on patented seeds.
Also the whole roundup ready stuff seems pretty bad for bio diversity if they can just go wild with that roundup herbicide.

>> No.6641844

>I just strongly disagree how they are used to make small lokal farmers dependent on patented seeds.

You know that those farmers CHOOSE to buy GMO seeds because they produce higher yeilds and require less pesticide, right? Nobody is forcing farmers to buy them. They buy them willingly because GMO seeds are more economical than the alternative.

>>Also the whole roundup ready stuff seems pretty bad for bio diversity if they can just go wild with that roundup herbicide.

The thing is that the roundup is being used in place of other herbicides, most of which are more toxic. Glyphosate--the active chemical in "Roundup"--is less toxic to humans than table salt is.

>> No.6641973

>Nobody is forcing farmers to buy them
Well, forcing as in causing so much problems most farmers just give up: If the farm besides you uses roundup ready their herbicides will kill your plants.
If they find a single stray GMO plant on your field they will sue you.

And the Herbicides are deadly for PLANTS, I prefer my wheat fields with poppies, cornflowers and so on. We need to keep the wild bees and bumblebees alive and healthy to pollinate or other food plants.
But you're right, regular non-GMO is just as bad in that area.

>> No.6641990


>>Well, forcing as in causing so much problems most farmers just give up:

No, you're just quoting some sensationalist news stories. The reality is that most farmers want GMOs because they simply work better. Talk to a few instead of reading sensationaist headlines. I suggest getting in contact with your local Ag extension office and going from there.

>I prefer my wheat fields with poppies, cornflowers and so on

I agree with you in a matter of principle. But we're not talking about a storybook fantasyland idea of a farm. In the real world farmers would disagree. They don't want those other plants in the wheat field as it screws with their yields, introduces foreign material to the harvest, and so on.

>> No.6642155

I really don't know what study you can quote anymore because they're saying exactly what the people who paid for them want them to say.
Hippys study says GMO are pure evil, Monsantos study says nothing can go wrong, it's the best thing ever.

But the part with the farmers seems plausible (I don't refer to that bullshit suicide story). What if they just don't have the money to buy the GMO plants, but they keep getting tricked into buying contaminated seeds or their plants mix with the GMO ones? There's also those resistant weeds that keep popping up and make it extra hard for farmers without GMOs.
Patents on genes in living beings who spread those genes around are somewhat insane anyway.

The lokal farmers where I live wouldn't have a problem with that because there are rules for gabs that should prevent GMOs flying over that easily. Besides that, they have way more money and most likely some sort of insurance if a thing like that would happen.
Also the only one I know don't want GMOs because they don't want to buy new seeds every year. I will talk to a few others why they don't use it.
As far as I can tell around here it's mostly the big farms who use them.