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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6637183 No.6637183 [Reply] [Original]

What are you favourite toppings to put on hot dogs /ck/? Gonna make some tomorrow and I want to know some things other then the usual.

>> No.6637189
File: 156 KB, 325x312, 1434066993440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as it's not pickles you should be fine. as pickles are ICKY

>> No.6637202
File: 782 KB, 2304x1296, 20150625_192128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grilled tomatoes and onions...

Pic related. My meal back on the 25th.

>> No.6637203
File: 376 KB, 530x1153, 0360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairly classic I read online about putting a tea spoon of peanuts in with your hot dogs for an extra crunch how do you feel about that anon?

>> No.6637205


>> No.6637233
File: 24 KB, 290x246, viennabeef_graphic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The correct answer is
>pic related

>> No.6637239

It's spelled, favorite. Remember it's not 4chan.org.uk

>> No.6637246


>> No.6637256


>> No.6637263

Is there a hot dog in there somewhere?

>> No.6637270

The British invented the internet so I guess they can do whatever they want.

>> No.6637275
File: 25 KB, 500x327, DONALD-TRUMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6637280


Al Ogre invented the internet, though

>> No.6637281

Cream cheese, grilled onions, jalapeños.

>> No.6637283
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1406p35-cookout-cruncher-dog-topper-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 tablespoons prepared coleslaw
3 reduced-fat kettle-style potato chips, crushed
2 tablespoons baked beans
1 tablespoon thinly sliced green

>> No.6637294

>Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee, OM, KBE, FRS, FREng, FRSA, DFBCS, also known as TimBL, is an English computer scientist, best known as the inventor of the World Wide Web.

>> No.6637311

Cheese. Beans. Onions. Mustard.

>> No.6637319

chili con carne!

>> No.6637328

What kind of beans? how should I cook them?

>> No.6637332

you don't cook them, they're for crunchaliciousness

>> No.6637337

I'm going to try this, it could suck, but at least it isn't ketchup. I don't care if others use ketchup, I just hate the stuff.

>> No.6637343

He had the first website, he did not invent the internet.

>> No.6637347

Joseph Carl Robnett "J. C. R. Lick" Licklider is mostly credited with the "invention" of the internet. He's not English.

>> No.6637351

Red Kidney Beans, just ignore that they're toxic if they aren't cooked. We've evolved beyond such worries.

>> No.6637353

Baked beans

>> No.6637477

spicy mustard
grilled onions
grilled pineapple

>> No.6637481

Pineapple on a dog. I'm intrigued.

>> No.6638079

lettuce, mustard, onion, more mustard

>> No.6638184

This was gonna be my suggestion. I chop them up and fry them with the onions.

>It's spelled, favorite.
If we're correcting people's English here then would you mind explaining that comma you put between "spelled" and "favorite?"

People in glass houses and all that...

>> No.6638270
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am I being fooled here..

>> No.6639022
File: 1.18 MB, 2346x2675, toppings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys I just bought some sriracha mayo to put on my hotdogs how well did I do

>> No.6639082

chopped onion, dijon mustard, curry, ketchup.

>> No.6639097
File: 42 KB, 299x500, 51Tkvp5P-RL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And make sure you put a mountain of cheese on it too :^)

>> No.6639107

Making hot dogs right now. Grilling them in some highs winds, hell yeah. Probably going to fry up some onions to go with these frankfurters. Other than that? Maybe mayo, mustard, and ketchup. I usually just put pepper on my hot dogs though, honestly.

>> No.6639130

>and relish
>and pickled peppers

>> No.6639784

Nice comma splice, you fucking troglodyte.

>> No.6639824

He's only missing the quotes. Who gives a damn

>> No.6640605

>It's spelled, favorite.

Maybe he was just saying that the word is spelled with letters (as are all words) and then fondly referring to that Anon as "favorite."

You know, like: "It's raining, dear."

>> No.6640612

Its my philosophy there is no wrong way to make a hot dog. I like a lot of things.
I've even had them on bagels.

>> No.6640653


why the fuck wouldn't you just make it yourself?

>> No.6641629

because this is in a convenient package so I don't have to. After tasting it tho I totally regret buying it it tastes pretty bad and I'd rather have spent that money on hot sauce or something.

>> No.6642318
File: 1.61 MB, 1952x3264, BBQ KING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ketchup and nothing else

>> No.6642325

Spicy mustard, grilled onions, relish.

>> No.6642376
File: 59 KB, 320x240, 1395546720169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sour cream, finely chopped chives, bacon bits, potato wedges if not served in a baked potato