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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6634360 No.6634360 [Reply] [Original]

Get on my level scrubs.
Nothing like a good carbonara

>> No.6634365

that's not carbonara

>> No.6634366

Man I'm bad at taking photos

>> No.6634370

>no carbon

>> No.6634372

What do you consider carbonara
Everything in that picture and the phone that took it is made up of carbon

>> No.6634378

Beaten eggs
Cured pork

>> No.6634383

chopped leek is also vital in my opinion
I also put mushrooms in

>> No.6634387

needs more cream, thicker sauce.
Parsley to garnish.
Looks good anyway.

>> No.6634389

no fuck you faggot
also fuck you faggot 2

>> No.6634390

>no nara

>> No.6634394

What's your fucking problem, turd ?

>> No.6634395


>> No.6634396

spaghetti mafia plz go

>> No.6634401

sounds like a good sauce, not carbonara though which was the whole point.

>> No.6634415


>> No.6634417

My recipe for perfect carbonara.
I like to fry the pancetta over a low heat with some garlic and olive. Add the cream and bring to a simmer. Pour over pasta and maybe add some chopped olives.
It's good.

>> No.6634421

forgot to add, I like diced shallots with the pancetta.

>> No.6634425

A real Carbonara needs

- pork cubes
- egg yolk
- a very small sip of cream
- shaved parmesan
- salt
- white pepper

Nothing else.
OP is doing good work.

>> No.6634426

If cured pork means guanciale then you're right.
also, it's not just cheese it's pecorino, but I was out of it and used parmesan
sounds good, not a carbonara though
putting cream in a carbonara is savage-like. no parsley
it's just not how you make it, at least the real recipe
it would be carbonara if it wasnt for

>> No.6634428

no cream
white pepper? how fucking cucked are you?

>> No.6634460

you're wrong m8

OP here, here's how carbonara is made in the most ignorant and old neighborhood of Rome, and the real recipe of course
>beat the eggs, they should be a total of = # of ppl - 1.
Some people say all yolks some say whole. yolk makes it more orange and sapid, whole is more stuff.
>fry some guanciale, gotta time it with the pasta, I'll tell you why
>you can add salt and pepper and pecorino now to the eggs or when you mix em with the pasta later
>pasta's done, pour it in the pan with the guanciale
now this is important
>you dont pour the egg in the pan, but the pasta+guanciale in the the bowl your eggs were beaten in, because if you put em in the pan the egg will get too much heat and SHRINK, become too dry. The remaining heat from the guanciale should be enough to partially cook the egg
>the eggs should have a creamy aspect, not to dry, that's what people always fuck up
>add some pecorino/pepper at your own taste
>fucking cream
>garlic, onion, any other vegetable
>dont cook it for more than 6-7 people, that way the eggs will always get dry
Btw the one in the picture was the perfect texture, just missed some pecorino because I only had parmesan

>> No.6634479

it just looks like spaghetti dumped on a plate with little bits mixed in

am i missing something

>> No.6634486

I didnt take a great photo. I didnt do yolk-only so it's pretty transparent. I hadnt added the parmesan yet

>> No.6634497

why no vegetable if you liek vegetable?

>> No.6634501
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>> No.6634504

That's what side salads are meant for.

>> No.6634587


>> No.6634669

u so jelly brah

>> No.6634777

this is a cooking board, get off here if you dont want to talk about cooking. you must eat only fastfood and takeaway anyway

>> No.6634785

w2c cow placemats?

>> No.6634805

pretty low sperg content for /ck/ tbh

>> No.6634806

>beat the eggs, they should be a total of = # of ppl - 1.
so if im eating alone then 0 eggs?

>> No.6634841
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did I fucking stammer boy?

>> No.6634849
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>> No.6634855

I pour the egg into pan and it's never dry, sperg

>> No.6634858

so its pasta with fucking ham cubes? the fuck

>> No.6635002
File: 47 KB, 996x207, carbonara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder that carbonara is literally the most retarded dish to be elitist about. It's literally eggs and bacon: pasta edition, for fucks sake.

I have to wonder if in 50 years time there's going to be a similar kind of cargo cult mentality about the orthodox method of preparing a bowl of cornflakes, with half the people exclaiming that the ancient Teutonic tribes that invented corn flakes in 400 AD would always pour milk first and cornflakes second, and the other half insisting that pouring the cornflakes first is more sensible so as not to use more milk than necessary, and somewhere in there a fringe group of hipsters is eating their cornflakes with steamed milk because it's more European that way.

>> No.6635057

that poster must have been a really repressed person/really good pasta
I was kidding man, for fuck sake, of course it's 1 egg, this is a cooking board, lighten up

>> No.6635063

also, regarding your theory, correlation =/= causation. central italy has a tradition of pasta with eggs and cheese of some sort.

>> No.6635518

>plain pasta and bacon

Yeah, I'd rather not get on your level if you think that even looks remotely good.

>> No.6635619

sorry mate, you're retarded.

>> No.6635625

Dont really know, my mother got em at the market. theyre pretty random, no brand in particular. every mat is different, one is a cow, one is a rooster and mine is a nice brown horse

>> No.6635666

Correct, but to clarify further:

the cheese must be pecorino romano
the meat must be guanciale (which is cured pork jowl)

The guanciale is really the thing that takes it to the next level, because it definitely does not taste like bacon/pancetta/proscuitto or what people normally try to substitute for guanciale.

>> No.6635676

Carbonara is like an omelette: it's actually pretty difficult to make correctly (and very easy to fuck up).

While the dish itself is nothing special in terms of ingredients, a person who can correctly prepare the dish identifies himself as a good cook.

>> No.6635751
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Just cook for 2 and eat it later.
>implying you won't have seconds anyway

>> No.6635769

You can't reheat carbonara without making a dry sticky mess.

>> No.6635770
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>re-heating pasta

>> No.6635777

>Nothing like a good carbonara
You're right, that looks nothing like a good carbonara

>> No.6635789
File: 98 KB, 400x417, hole doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then just have seconds you faggots

>> No.6635795

Is that mayonnaise and spam?

>> No.6637385
File: 427 KB, 200x198, 1430391779237.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it's night/day difference, it's so fricking good
>re-heating any kind of pasta
I have enough the first time *tip*

>> No.6637395

>carbonara troll thread #377623

Oh /ck/

>> No.6637450

>I dont know what I'm talking about and whoever disagrees is trolling

>> No.6639742

Carbonara is great but I like to use pan fried american bacon extra crispy and broken up/added as garnish