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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 640x360, inverted_aeropress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6633312 No.6633312 [Reply] [Original]

How does /ck/ like their coffee? I like mine from a local shop who uses a vintage Jabez Burns roaster put into an Aeropress (inverted style).

>> No.6633315

Siphon only pls

>> No.6633319


I like it cold with ice, sugar, and condensed milk. I like it medium roasted, ground fine, shoved through a machine at 9-15 bars into a shot glass lined with brown sugar. I like it dark roasted, black, out of a french press. I like it with cream and sugar out of a 16 cup set-and-forget machine. I like it covered in chocolate and shoved into my mouth like popcorn.

I just like coffee.

>> No.6633321

wut about tea?

>> No.6633322

Inverted aeropress just like the klingon woman in the OP

>> No.6633327

Anon... I... I think I love you...

>> No.6633328
File: 123 KB, 646x431, south-indian-filter-kaapi-served-in-a-dabrah-309_anurag-priya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filter coffee please

>> No.6633331

She's clearly half Bajoran/half human. Not at all Klingon whatsoever.

>> No.6633332

>How do you like your coffee?
I don't.

>> No.6633337

For the most part I like tea too. I'm actually waiting for some oolong to steep right now.

>> No.6633343

is it frothed, or does it have chicory?

>> No.6633344

At home I use a french press and drink it black. I don't really know what I like best as far as type of bean. For the longest time I only bought french roast, but I've been trying lighter roasts now. It seems they have a lot more complexity. In deep roasts you mainly get the flavor of the roasting process while losing the characteristic of the bean.

>> No.6633352


Black, like my men.

>> No.6633354


Siphon doesn't make better coffee. It's just harder to make it as good as other methods, with no real benefits.

>> No.6633358
File: 80 KB, 750x495, the last emperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously it is The Last Emperor outtakes.

>> No.6633363

Very true. I know plenty of people who only liked dark roast, and they ended up drinking w/ milk and sugar consistently. I invited a few over to a cupping, they brought coffees they liked (mostly dark to very dark) and I had some that I liked. They all ended up liking the coffees which were dropped around first crack, and found the dark roasts to be gross. Felt good to say "told ya so", I'm a cunt, I know.

>> No.6633366


I've been going between french press and aeropress, drinking it black from both. I'm doing a tour of coffee-producing countries (Tanzania currently). I have little self-control and like to drink it 'till I get fucked up off of it.

>> No.6633374

> I have little self-control and like to drink it 'till I get fucked up off of it.

Heard that. Working with a local roaster at a farmers market, end up feeling sick every day after from constant quality control (need to learn to spit). Too hard not to.

>> No.6633394
File: 14 KB, 320x240, kehleyr004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6633407

See? Nothing like a Klingon. K'Ehleyr and the woman in OP have no physical features in common. Definitely half Bajoran/half human.

>> No.6633429
File: 21 KB, 257x434, klingon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats nutty, show me a bajoran that looks anything like the OP.

>> No.6633453
File: 617 KB, 646x418, coffee stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you bitch niggas working with?

>> No.6633469

I bought some counter culture coffee the other day, haven't had any yet. Is it meme tier or did I dun good?

>> No.6633474
File: 118 KB, 660x800, i-always-wanted-to-be-a-klingon-warrior-98011-660x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6633479
File: 6 KB, 240x158, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6633490

Im very discerning with my food, I like big flavors but can appreciate more subtle taste although underseasoning is extremely annoying to me.

When it comes to coffee and beer, I can taste the difference but its never actually good to me although I have no problem drinking them.

Beer I drink when its the only thing available, or its one of those all you can drink events and its very obvious the bar tender is watering down the cocktails. Coffee I only started drinking because energy drinks are just too expensive. I drink it black (its easier to chug that way), out of a can resealable can, and since taste doesn't matter to me if I don't finish it I can just leave it on my desk for next time if I forget to buy a new can.

>> No.6633491

No picture because my phone died, but:

>BES920XL (and pergtamp)
>OE Lido 2
>Kalita Wave
>bonavita temp control gooseneck kettle
>monarch methods 320ml copper handleless pouring kettle
>nel drip
>bon mac 1 hole dripper
>.3mm sieve

>> No.6633537

In the morning i dont give a shit how its made as long as it works. In the evening i use a french press and some good beans.

>> No.6633552

She pretty.

>> No.6633560
File: 83 KB, 436x600, coffee-yuban-stash-can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink this shit, it ain't half bad

>> No.6633566

No, it is.

>> No.6633592

The froth is from transferring the coffee from one cup to another.

Chicory is optional.

>> No.6633594

Then it is half good. Check and mate.

>> No.6633635

dark and bitter.

>> No.6633641

2 cups.amlight milk or cream and one sweetn low yeah save your breath and fingers. pushing 60 and need no shit from starbubck WANABE "BARISTAS" who expect a 2 buck tip for pourinf a cup and walking ten stepps. kind of like cruise lines. wait, what? just paid 4000 bucks for a closet and a soda is5 a beer 9 never again

>> No.6633689

Sounds like you're making it wrong.

>> No.6633704

meant to say the same way I like my women. the joke is ruined. oh well...

>> No.6634439

Black and preferably fair trade.

>> No.6634489

hot. I'll drink most any coffee but i usually make mine in an aeropress or pour over

>> No.6634568

Brewed via a V60, black.

>> No.6635798

stuck in a grinder and blended with boiling hot water for a refreshing pick me up?

>> No.6635919

Does anyone else find themselves EXTREMELY unpicky about coffee?

Like I bought a whole bean grinder/fancy setup which I used religiously for about a month before going back to microwave for convenience. Hell, sometimes when I'm on vacation or it's a weekend or something and I'm on a long drive, I'll straight up stop and go into a hotel to get the free coffee to sip on on the way; and that shit is terrible.

Like I think I can *tell* good from bad coffee, I'm not a connoisseur or anything and probably can't tell "good" from "great"; but frankly, cream and sugar are standard enough to the point that you can drown shitty coffee in it (although I can say that I use significantly less creamer(well in the case of good coffee; actual milk)/sugar with good coffee)

>> No.6636048

What are those capsule coffee machines like?

>> No.6636112

we got one at work, I probably drink more coffee there than anywhere else

upside; it's "freshly made" which makes it better than most other coffee mechanisms which make it all at once and then just let it sit

downside; somewhat dependent on the "cups" you get; some flavors are good, some are not, I'm not going to recommend you my personal favorite because our tastes in coffee might be very different. And basically; it's not very good coffee or anything, but it sure beats the usual "here's the giant plastic square thing filled with coffee from this morning" or other common office coffee machines.

>> No.6636115

In a plastic cup.

>> No.6636135

So shit the inventor wishes he never invented them (actually). They are very expensive. They do not brew with a proper, stable temperature. They do not hit proper extraction yields. The coffee used is of low quality, and over roasted. The coffee is ground and sits in the pods for a very long time. The pods create a lot of waste.

Terrible from every angle.

>> No.6636154

lol, I used to be a faggot who liked aeropress and chemex coffee back in like 2011. Used to like craft beer too. Over it.

Now I just drink whatever from the super america or another gas station or my old drip machine.

>not being post-flavor
>paying a premium for decadent, meaningless qualities like "aroma"
>caring about boring shit like aero press technique

lmao, bet you use a current generation smart phone too

>> No.6636169

>not brewing sticks and dirt
how bourgeois

>> No.6636181

When I'm at home I can't make espresso, so I make tea exclusively. When I'm out I can't find a good cup of tea, so I drink lattes exclusively.

>> No.6636190

> no real benefits
aside from looking cool as hell

>> No.6636252

In a cup.

>> No.6636264

all entertainment is decadent, including the internet

>> No.6636359

was she from deep space 9?

>> No.6636399


iPhone4, but I don't understand what that has to do...

You know, forget it. I started making coffee at work because they made Maxwell House out of water that had a "Warning: contains cancer causing chemical" sign on it. I use my Aeropress because it's easier to clean than a french press, although sometimes I just throw grounds and hot water in a cup and pour the liquid into another cup.

But I guess that pencil shavings and cancer-water would make good coffee, too...

>> No.6636421

With no hair and preferably less than a year old.

>> No.6636478

Either a coarse medium roast in my french press or dark roasted and cold brewed gallons at a time if I'm making it at home. Nothing I've ever made comes close to a good espresso with maybe a little mint syrup if it's after dinner but fuck if I'm paying for one of those machines.

>> No.6636579

With chicory, out of a French press. Black and hot or very strong with sweetened condensed milk, on ice. The Vietnamese have it.