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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 78 KB, 610x484, tbell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6632524 No.6632524 [Reply] [Original]

Oh man, now I know why you guys praise Taco Bell so much.

I just had pic related and it was a shitload of food for like 1.50 USD.

I probably just ate the remains of a Chinese baby girl but it was pretty edible for the price.

>> No.6632606

I've heard quite the opposite actually, that theres very little filling in one of those stuft nachos.

>> No.6632622

My local taco bell filled it pretty good.

It wasn't quite as thick as the image which was a given but it was pretty damn good for a buck fifty.

>> No.6632675 [DELETED] 

shill harder faggot

>> No.6632728

Would a paid shill say
>I probably just ate the remains of a Chinese baby girl but it was pretty edible for the price.

>> No.6632732

It pretty much has as much stuff in it as a regular burrito would. It's not not rolled up like one.

>> No.6632741

To conceal their identity, yes. That's what I would do, anyways.

>> No.6632744

Companies don't shit talk their own food.

>> No.6632802 [DELETED] 

You don't work for Taco Bell. You work for an independent marketing agency contracted by Taco Bell, and they allow you to say whatever you want about the food as long as you say it tastes good and was worth the money.

>> No.6632820

Yeah you're right on the money I've been discovered oh no.

Good job detective.

But no really it tasted okay.

>> No.6632834

Depends on where you go. Before I moved, the local Taco Bell skimped on fillings, but the one close to me now overfills everything.

These things are pretty good but sometimes you get the dumbass that puts meat in one corner, cheese and sour cream in another corner, and dry chips in the third corner.

>> No.6632837 [DELETED] 

You still sound like a nar...I mean a marketer to me.

You know, you legally have to tell us if you're a shill.

Are you a shill?

>> No.6632840

No, I'm not a shill.

Taco bell's food is garbage and not worth the money you pay for it.

I'd rather lick Obama's sweaty balls for 10 bucks.

You happy?

>> No.6632851

It was good, but functionally retarded. It fell apart two bites in. Better as a griller of some kind.

>> No.6632854 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 312x342, OP IS A FAGGOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off Pepsi-co viral marketer. no one likes your fucking trash food or your fucking obvious viral marketing threads. stop ruining /ck/ with your incessant shilling. FUCK OFF VIRAL MARKETERS

>> No.6632860

>announcing sage
Enjoy your b&.

>> No.6632868
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey Goyims, er I mean fellow Anons
>Have you tried eating the latest meme-food at Taco Bell Inc's (tm) fine establishments lately?
>They are so hip and rad are they not?
>Only $1.50

>> No.6632874
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>> No.6632876

Goyim is singular, goys is plural anon.

I'm not a marketer.

I just like Taco Bell.

>> No.6632882 [DELETED] 

>announcing reports
Enjoy you b&

>> No.6632886
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>> No.6632890

Why would I eat shit when I could just eat Taco Bell?

But no really it's pretty affordable for how decent the size and the taste is.

>> No.6632892
File: 103 KB, 311x300, 1370712636098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a marketer.
>I just like Taco Bell.

>> No.6632899
File: 56 KB, 547x523, absolutely_delicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not eat at Mcdonalds instead, OP? :^)

>> No.6632903 [DELETED] 

>okay I insulted the company
>now I have to get back to shilling the brand

fuck you

>> No.6632907

>announcing b&s
enjoy your life faggot

>> No.6632911 [DELETED] 

>announcing homophobia
enjoy your privilege shitlord

>> No.6632912

Remember when Micky Ds didn't charge gourmet prices for their fast food, haha?

Taco Bell still has such cheap prices, even with food arguably better than ol Mick's.

>> No.6632913
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>> No.6632927

MSG and sawdust yum yum

>> No.6632929

Hey I mean if it tastes good and it's less than 2 bucks.

>> No.6632933 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is with you? Are you behind on your monthly quota, and now you're trying to make up for it at the end?

>> No.6632941
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>shilling this hard

>> No.6632943

Haha, I don't know what you're talking about anon. I'm not a marketer, haha.

I just like Taco Bell it tastes good and it's afforable, haha.

>> No.6632945
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>> No.6632949

Hell yeah good deal, also I hope they start selling diablo sauce in stores, that shit is tasty

>> No.6632950

As a perfect being I'm incapable of telling a untruth anon.

>> No.6632954
File: 2.00 MB, 359x346, 1397025006847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is eating taco bell what makes you a retard?

>> No.6632955

Haha yeah, our sauce is pretty good.

>> No.6632956 [DELETED] 

>everyone calls you on your shilling
>better call up your other shill friend to help out


>> No.6632962 [DELETED] 

Don't you mean THEIR sauce?

>> No.6632964

No I mean our sauce remember I'm a marketer and I work with Taco Bell haha.

>> No.6632970 [DELETED] 

But you just said that you aren't a marketer.

>> No.6632973

I'm not a shill, I don't usually eat fast food I sometimes like junk and that chicken nacho is some tasty MSG laden junk. I don't pretend that it's wholesome it's just entertaining food.

>> No.6632974

Well obviously I'm not, but I was going along with the joke haha.

Taco bell REALLY is good food for a decent price.

>> No.6632977
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>> No.6632982

I say it because it triggers you anon.

Notice how I only started saying it after you started shill shitposting, haha.

Taco Bell is good fast food.

>> No.6632983 [DELETED] 

Only a shill or a cross-posting shitter would think this board needs another fucking Taco Bell thread

>> No.6632991

Do you retards actually think companies pay people to post on... 4chan? Maybe on /g/ I could see that but... seems unlikely. Also very doubtful that a marketer would be allowed to say anything negative.

>> No.6632998
File: 180 KB, 1918x1079, faw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me m8.

Taco Bell really is tasty though, haha.

>> No.6633001 [DELETED] 

If they never said anything negative, people would definitely know they were a shill.

However, notice that, for as much negative shit as he says, he makes sure to let us to know that his actual opinion on Taco Bell is that it's tasty and a good deal.

>> No.6633016

Well I mean, it's pretty affordable for how decent it tastes, haha.

>> No.6633045
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>> No.6633058
File: 3.62 MB, 360x270, 1422121628662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheesy Gordita Crunch
Double Decker Taco Supreme
Chicken Burrito
and twelve packets of Fire


>> No.6633060 [DELETED] 

Sorry, we're out of cheese.

>> No.6633066
File: 425 KB, 1280x960, alcarbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey. Guess I'll go to another one.

>> No.6633068 [DELETED] 

Denver bro?

>> No.6633071

Bro Bro

>> No.6633081 [DELETED] 

Are you the same guy from the Cheba Hut thread?

>> No.6633086

Haven't been here in months

>> No.6633088
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>> No.6633095 [DELETED] 

You wanna hang out, smoke some weed, masturbate, get some burritos, maybe throw rocks at homeless people?

>> No.6633098

I can do that with myself. Thanks for the offer, though

>> No.6633102

>being this anglo

kill yourself, whitey

>> No.6633108 [DELETED] 

Well, I guess we don't have to throw rocks at homeless people.

>> No.6633746

Meanwhile, at OP's house, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6a-lQCm6f_s

>> No.6634165

Honestly, yes. Everyone knows it's a le funny joke, but it still makes them look less questionable by being deprecating.

The real telltale is that they're saying it's a lot of food when all other reports say otherwise.

>> No.6634187

Boy do I sure love to eat at Taco Bell™!
Today I went to Taco Bell™ and got myself one of the famous 'Stuffed Nachos'™ for only $1.50.
Truly there is no restaurant on earth that is either cheaper, or more affordable, than good old American Taco Bell™.
Have a nice day!

>> No.6634196

Does anybody else here really like the Pepsi you get at Taco Bell?
I mean, Taco Bell is trillio as heck, and Pepsi is also hecka cool, but for some reason the Pepsi they serve at Taco Bell just sets my brain ablaze.
Anybody here know what I'm talking about?

>> No.6634283

I like these things with extra sour cream, but damn it they are not filling at all, and sometimes a third of it doesn't have any filling. If you want it to be filling. You have to buy at least two or three.

>> No.6634284
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1357398580848s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I probably just ate the remains of a Chinese baby girl

>> No.6634657

They'd be fired for that you goober.

Marketing talk rule #1 is you can't say anything negative about your products ever. Ever. If you do, you're out, and will be replaced by some other worthless chucklefuck who's willing to shitpost more positive words.

>> No.6634674

Man Taco Bell is hella dank with these affordable treats. It's only 1.50 for an entire Grilled Stuft Nacho! Me and my meme friends bought a bunch of them and some Baja Blast and had a taco party!

Taco bell is for me and you!

>> No.6634691

Epic deals for the win, fellow Anonymous!

>> No.6634710

Meshugga shaboogey shabbat! That wasn't the plan! This MY advertising thread.

>> No.6634714

> being this dense
Keep living in your magical dreamworld, anon.

>> No.6634738

My neckbeard roommate is paid to shill for Ubisoft and Blizzard, is paid solely on commision. On boards like this the going rate is 2 cents per post, and an additional cent for every reply. On youtube, comments are the same but videos are 0.5 cents per view. On reddit, it's 1 cent for every 100 upvotes.

And it has to be uncompromisingly positive, there is no allowance for making any concessions to criticism, and has to all be logged and sent to their shill department, which is actually an outsourced company based in India, mostly with literate, but poor people telecommuting. They're actually pretty anal about what you're allowed and not allowed to say, since the whole point is to astroturf a specific message

Dude makes like 5 bucks a day, it's ridiculous how bad a deal it is.

I can promise you Taco Bell, and every other major fast food player besides McDonalds and BK doesn't have this. And if they did, they wouldn't waste their time on a shithole like /ck/

You're the dense one :>)

>> No.6634762


Fellow Taco Bell enthusiasts! What might your opinions be upon the new delicious Mtn. Dew Sangria Blast!

It's just divine!

>> No.6634784

I hate people who act like they are above fast food. Everyone acknowledges that its unhealthy, but don't act like you have some kind of trained taste buds that make you hate all fast food somehow. We all know you like the stuff but are trying to be 'fancy' or keep on a diet. No idea why people here have such superiority complexes.

>> No.6634789

The local taco bells in my town are staffed by Mexicans and they will fill your burrito up to bursting if they can tell you're Mexican when you drive up.

I'm not being a racist or baiting. It's legit. Me and a Mexican friend tested this once when he and I went to the drive thru in different vehicles. His burritos where about 25% bigger and mine had a lot more of the tortilla ends folded in.

thanks white privilege.

>> No.6634790

To be fair, there are definitely plenty of fast food items that I hate. Basically everything from Mcdonalds, besides fresh fries, and a few of their higher end (lol) burgers.

Harveys is utter shit, I've never had anything from taco bell I liked, their cheese grosses me out.

So I can understand people not liking it, it's just the retards who can't understand why people WOULD like them are the real shitters.

try calling the person taking your order ese and speak in a mexican drawl

>> No.6634797

How do you feel about Arbys?

>> No.6634814
File: 27 KB, 200x305, 50618_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you type like a cock sniffing faggot.


Go set your ass ablaze with some trillio dickmeat you hellamassive queer

>> No.6634820

>missing the joke this hard

>> No.6634844

haven't been in years, and I can't recall their sandwiches, but the chicken and fries were pretty good. Can't go wrong with spicy curly fries

>> No.6634851
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>> No.6634900
File: 428 KB, 500x322, dr_strangelove.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i got a burrito that was filled in horizontal layers

How do you fuck up that badly

>> No.6634940

I don't get the joke. What am I missing?

>> No.6634979

He's pretending to be a shill using shitty slang to connect with today's trendy young consumers.

It's a joke autismo

>> No.6634994

He's talking like a PepsiCo (tm) shill would

>> No.6637207

The taco bell I went to was shit hardly had anything in it, looked like a quesadilla with very little cheese Could have been it was super late thoughts?

>> No.6638334

>thinking multinational fast food companies shill on /ck/

It's lunchtime in america right now, dummies. Of course there's going to be fast food posting.

>> No.6638343

>not realising 4Chan is owned by Google

>> No.6638403
File: 22 KB, 396x400, butthatswrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking they don't
4chan is no longer the sekret klub it was a decade ago. It's a high-traffic website that doest't sell ad space to large buyers. Of course they shill here.

>> No.6638424

>4chan is no longer the sekret klub it was a decade ago.

No, but it's not anywhere near large enough to be worth viraling on. 4chan users don't need to be specifically targeted because they browse on other sites that are advertised on.

The only people that shill are smaller/indie companies and borderlands

>> No.6638538

I always used to think the idea was ludicrous as well but it does kinda explain the multiple taco bell threads we get here on the daily now.

>> No.6638551

Well that Joey guy was spamming his channel here like a fucker. I guess the big corps doing the same are a little more subtle and clever.

>> No.6638565

Nobody shills on /ck/. It's one of the slowest boards. Take off the tinfoil fedora.

>> No.6638571

Yeah, I tried one and it was pretty empty. might just be that taco bell was shit though, they were really slow.

>> No.6638576

Don't lie, you'd lick 'em for free

>> No.6638580

>implying that was joey making those threads
The guy barely knows how to use a computer. You think he uses 4chan?

>> No.6638582

Is...is this a thing in the US right now? I need one

>> No.6639764

You can pick one up at your local Taco Bell Drive Thru! Compliment your meal with a
Mountain Dew Baja Blast and Nacho Cheese Doritos bag!