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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6631366 No.6631366 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of my breakfast, /ck/ ?

>> No.6631381

Same as it was yesterday, cunt.

>> No.6631382

Overcooked bacon
Tomatos have not been drained
No black pudding


>> No.6631385

I reject black pudding for cultural reasons.

>> No.6631418


Why would you eat just straight canned tomatoes? Just grill up a few slices of fresh tomato and some mushrooms perhaps.

4/10 pleb-tier would eat during great depression

>> No.6631422

w]== It needs moar sugar and sprinkles on top, for a fag.

>> No.6631424

are you a fagit unicorn and do you fart rainbows?

>> No.6631428

>I told you yesterday to cook the eggs and not burn them
well done.
also, canned tomatoes taste great. the juice from the can is also very good. better than yesterday. But since your pic isn't clear I can't tell if there are any translucent whites.

>> No.6631465

Paki detected

>> No.6631520

Yeah sure, because that's beef bacon and not-pork & beef sausages.

>> No.6631526

I don't eat it due to racist beliefs. White pudding is ok.

>> No.6631529
File: 1.25 MB, 2304x1296, 20150628_065120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine

Smoke salmon with pan seared green squash and black rice.

Remember kids, don't eat breakfast. Eat lunch in the morning.

>> No.6631530


It's alright. I hope those are organic ingredients. Also meat is bad, mmkay?

>> No.6631532
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>> No.6631705

>no hash browns
Absolutely mediocre

>> No.6631765

why didn't you drain the crushed tomatoes?
it looks like a menstruating woman squatted and gushed all over your plate.

>> No.6631791

I had

Small pan-fried in garlic-butter sirloin, two over-easy eggs, sauteed onions, two slices of buttered wheat toast, and a BIG MOUNTAIN DEW

>> No.6631798

Looks like propane and prolapse.

>> No.6631805
File: 38 KB, 578x712, ShitTierTastes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you use good ingredients, but don't combine them in any way, or do anything to them besides essentially heating them up until consumable?
What a fucking waste.

>> No.6631985
File: 488 KB, 1080x1440, IMG_2175E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had caramelized banana crepe with rum and cherry reduction, and 2 glasses of OJ. It was good, but dirtied too many dishes.

>> No.6631987

I was no board until stewed tomatoes. Like, really? Stewed tomatoes?

>> No.6631991

Diabeetus: brekkie edition

>> No.6632017

nah, I'm more worried about the cholesterol. there's a good amount of butter used there. Only added teaspoon of sugar in the reduction and a dash in the crepe

>> No.6632039

It's not porridge. So its definitely a fat fuck breakfast and I hope you die.

>> No.6632049

this. ditch the tomatos and I'd be very happy with that dish.

>> No.6632054

>no mushrooms
>no black pudding
>no hash brown
>too much tomatoes
>no bubble and squeak
>not served with a hot cup of coffee

>> No.6632120
File: 1.63 MB, 598x9498, DiabeetusWeMeetAgain_mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caramalized bananas
>rum n cherry reduction
>TWO fucking glasses of pure sugary OJ
>No diabeetus
You realize most fruit juice is WORSE than soda, right?

>> No.6632288
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>nah, I'm more worried about the cholesterol

>> No.6633942


yeah this breakfast is a one off thing, I just wanted to consume the bruising bananas and cherries left in the fridge.

I just read about the sugar content in juices, I never realized they're that much even on those non-concentrate juices. I appreciate the heads up.

but what if you squeeze your own OJ, surely the sugar content wont be as bad? I was able to fill 2 of glasses from 4 oranges. I love oranges though, I can just eat 3 oranges for lunch in the summer or is this a dangerous path to beetus too? general check-up says I'm all good

>> No.6633979


Fuck you and your congealed blood pudding bongland.

>> No.6634271

Sorry captcha ate my reply from my phone, I'm >>6631991

I was saying how much sugar was in the other ingredients but other anons pointed up as well.

Fruit juice is fruit juice, if you compare with 100% orange juice with no shit added, your home squeezed juice is going to have as much sugar.

My next piece of advice was to consume more proteins and/or fibers alongside such a carb/sugar filled meal in order to curb the insulin spike that may lead to diabetes in the future if you become resistant to it.

A couple extra eggs, or a shake with protein and fruits would be good.

>tl;dr you should worry a lot more about hi sugar than hi cholesterol, as dietary cholesterol doesn't lead to artery clotting as much as refined sugars do.

>> No.6634277

You don't get diabetes from consuming lots of sugar. You get diabetes by being a fat fuck whose organism can't sustain itself.

>> No.6634346

What is that red sludge?

>> No.6634350

They're "tomatoes"

>> No.6634355


thanks for the advice, it's quite informative.

I've been reading more into sugar in fruits since the lot of you pointed it out. This whole time I've been paying too little attention on sugar content in fruits, quite shitty to be honest, and somewhat lucky since by blood sugar level is a-ok. Now I need to decide to either cut down the portion on many fruits I love or burn more calories/sugar.

>> No.6634436

I don't know what your quotation marks are for as they are tomatoes, or was that just you being a pretentious fuckhead?

>> No.6634440

>I've never eaten it but...EWW! Sounds icky!

You fucking women.

>> No.6634449

>Like, really?
What are you, some sort of American?

>> No.6634453

So what are you, a muslim or an 8 year old girl? Blood sausages are extremely common globally and only pussies think it's "icky".

>> No.6634462

I was wondering if I should eat these special cookies i bought. Now I'm gonna sugar barf from that image.

>> No.6634485


>> No.6634621
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looks full and english.

>> No.6634802

No problem.

I'm not an example because I don't eat much fruits but you don't need to cut down, you can just be more selective about the fruits you eat.
Oranges are good and good for you, but really high in sugar...Instead of having 2 or 3 oranges daily, you can juice only half an orange, and blend it with half an apple, half a banana and a few berries for instance, as to get a good balance of vitamins and minerals and a fix of fruits withour going overboard. You can also blend a fistful of oats or some almonds or even spinach in there to add fibers and healthy fats... The world is yours, anon!