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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6627211 No.6627211 [Reply] [Original]

how does /ck/ feel about this?

>> No.6627216


they let quality and customer service suffer too greatly, and their prices are kind of ridiculous

wendys a better

>> No.6627218

the fact that the country is over saturated with them in the first place, it doesnt fucking matter.

>> No.6627220

Good riddance.

>> No.6627221

unaffected. It was inevitable that they'd contract forever. nothing grows boundlessly.

>> No.6627223


>> No.6627224 [DELETED] 


>> No.6627225

They need to appeal to white people more.

>regional foods in addition to the one national menu. McWecks for NY, McCheesesteaks for PA, etc
>guacamole burgers
>guacamole fries
>guacamole everything
>organic menu
>"Starbucks 4 kids" aesthetic

>> No.6627228


holy shit i'm dumb. contract EVENTUALLY

>> No.6627241

Too many lazy uneducated fat nignogs working behind the counter. I get nauseated seeing their fat greasy fingers touching my food.

>> No.6627243

I don't like to go there because it's always full of blacks every time I go.

>> No.6627249

They have good coffee.

They need to drop the Mc [Insert Food Here]

Big Marketing Overhaul

>> No.6627259

I can't imagine a world without McDicks on every street.
We are entering a new era, my brothers.
Then goes every other restaurant famous for not being millennial approved.

>> No.6627261

good. fuck that clown.

>> No.6627266

I liked Burger King and Wendy's more
Although I do miss their fries

>> No.6627287

Wish they'd close down in Norway, that sickly smell of half rancid grease reeks outside.

>> No.6627296

>>"Starbucks 4 kids" aesthetic

They already have this, I used to go there for drinks (as a kid) because they had a half decent smoothie and their coffee is better than starbuck's

>> No.6627307
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at least for Tampa.

i generally only go there now for coffee, but even that they fuck up on a regular basis now.

>[SIZE] coffee with [X] cream NO SUGAR
>get random coffee with no cream + sugar
>sugar no cream
>cream and sugar

>inb4 black coffee drinkers.

>> No.6627320

>Mcworker: How many cream and sugar?
>Me: One cream, one sugar
>Mcworker: Ok, the packets are located behind you

Every fucking time. Why do they even ask.

>> No.6627325

The drive through at my mcdonalds is so fucking stupid. The path that you have to drive down is so thin and theres a big ass yellow pole. The pole is covered in car paint from all the cars its scratched.

Why the fuck do they have to make it so thin.

>> No.6627329
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wendy's is shit m8

>> No.6627332

>>organic menu
If they added this I would actually eat there.

>> No.6627342


I used to work drive-thru at BK.
>Ask "Any cream or sugar in your coffee?"
>Yeah, 3 creams, 2 sugars
>"Alright, your total is X.XX at the second window"
>"And here's your coffee."
>Where are my creams?
>"In the coffee"

This would happen almost everyday.
Cannot win.

>> No.6627348


>> No.6627365

That's part if the reason they are going broke
They've added all this gourmet and free range egg bullshit that has pushed up the prices

People don't want to pay $10 for a medium big mac meal, they want something cheap and nasty like what mcdonalds used to be

For $2 more you can go to a nice burger joint, get good service and a fucking decent burger that isn't slapped together and thrown in a box by some 14yo kids who don't care

Good riddance, they bought this on themselves

>> No.6627371


its honestly cheaper for me to eat at waffle house now instead of any fast food.

but since Wawa came to town, i literally have zero reason to ever eat at any fast food burger place.

>> No.6627380

I'm tired of all this healthy shit.

The salt reduction on the fries was the final straw for me.

>> No.6627421

Yeah but that's at the drive through. I'm talking about in the store. Why ask how many I need when they are just going to tell me to turn around and get it myself?

>> No.6627436

>Too many lazy uneducated fat nignogs working behind the counter.

Agreed. The McDonalds near where I work is lightening fast and the near my home is almost as good, but then the one near work is mostly Whites and the one near home is a franchise owned by an Arab and so is most of the staff.

>> No.6627444


It is stupid as fuck, I hear you. It just reminded me a similar situation that happens.

>> No.6627454


It's only Seattle's best

>> No.6627456

plz no

>> No.6627461


>> No.6627466

The one in my town does so much business there's no way it'll close in the next decade or two. But there's nothing wrong in my mind about their hubris being checked.

>> No.6627547

I only ever get breakfast at McDonalds anyway, and the last time I went in a fucking Egg McMuffin and a hashbrown with coffee cost me over $5

And that officially put me off of even McDonald's breakfast.

>> No.6627572

I don't think it's really mcdonalds as much as their bottom of the barrel employees. They seem to have very strict policies on everything that don't actually get followed because of the incompetence of the average employee. They are probably going to reopen some 100 % automated places

>> No.6627577

this so fucking much
hell last time I went to them during my lunchbreak
it took them 30 minuets to get me my big mac meal
and even then they fucked it up by giving me just a regular hamburger.

only good mcdonald near me are either all the way out in the rural areas
or in the heavily asian areas in my city.
the suburb mcdonalds are even hiring too many nignogs nowaday.

>> No.6627578

I lold

>> No.6627591

I feel good to see them on their asses.

they hire too many incompetent workers
they cost too damn much
and their service is now slower than a traditional sit down restaurant.

I dred the day they actually roll out that "create a burger" nation wide.

>> No.6627595
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>create the worlds largest fast food enterprise over the course of 50 years
>become the standard for affordable, tasty dining nationwide, and then globally
>instill million of great memories of "Going to McDonalds" into a nation's youth and adults alike
>America reaches it's pinnacle, a fat epidemic takes hold of the country
>FDA demands calorie figures on the menu due to America's obesity crisis
>Countless artists, journalists, documentaries start shitting all over your restaurant, making loads of money in the process
>Hippies, Hipsters, Foodies and Occupy Wall-Streeters tell you to change your menu
>menu becomes bloated and overcrowded, focusing on healthy choices
>prices of items become non-competitive, as other fastfood chains create more interesting items
>slowly die because your customer base doesn't know what it wants

>> No.6627597
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I think it's good. McDonalds doesn't taste that good, it's unhealthy, and it doesn't really fill you up.

I hope McD does worst in the near future.

>> No.6627692


>> No.6627721

this shit is why they are fucking failing

>small coffee
>hash brown
>bacon egg cheese biscuit

seriously, what the fuck?
i can go to Dennys or IHOP and get a better and bigger meal for that.
I guess you can argue "paying for convenience" but at double what the meal really should cost?
Im better off just going to the local Circle K and getting 2 hot dogs with a drink for $3.20

>> No.6627726
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>and their service is now slower than a traditional sit down restaurant.

>stop at MCD because fast
>drive through line OUT TO THE FUCKING STREET
>go inside
>20 minutes and $9 later
>should have just went to the fucking waffle house next door.

>> No.6627739

I usually hide fast food threads before they develop, but I accidentally ignored this one for too long and read your post

this is the most sad and disgusting post I have seen in a long, long time

I'm sorry I had to imagine your frame of reference for a few moments :(

p.s. I paid $6 for a cup of coffee today

>> No.6627749

Doesn't surprise me. Food's been declining since the 90s ended. It's always cold and gross. It's also very expensive. I can go elsewhere and get more/better food for equal or less money.

>> No.6627767



>organic everything
>grass fed
>hormone free (no one knows what this means, just slap it on everything chicken)
>no transfat
>more buzzwords/buzzphrases
>take out the mcflurry, replace with organic frozen yogurt ("mcfroyo")
>bacon bacon guacamole bacon sirarcha from the reddit crowd

maybe a partnership with whole foods or something

Fuck they should hire me. Seriously.

>> No.6627816

nope. cant have siracha in organic anything

>potassium sorbate, sodium bisulfite and xanthan gum

all those preservatives

now Franks Red hot has none of that.

>> No.6627836

well with McDonalds you basically just eating preservatives anyway.

>> No.6627845

Wendy's still has an actual dollar menu.

>> No.6627852


it's not even their fault; currency inflation has been moving faster than wage inflation for decades now and it's starting to show.

>> No.6627854

"Organic" is a shitty fad that should have died years ago. It's just a placebo.

>> No.6627865


if they hired you they'd go out of business in a month

protip: the type of people who give a fuck about any of that dont eat fast food.

>> No.6627979
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, fuck me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't eat their because basically all other competitors offer better or equivalent food, with better service, more quickly, in a cleaner building, at a better or equivalent price. So they can get fucked.

>> No.6627987


what the fuck is that thumbnail

how does that happen to a 1080 p iomage

>> No.6627989

What they should do is cut down their whole menu down to what it was in the 70s.
Last time I went, I couldn't even read their goddamn animated menu because they kept changing pages every 6 seconds.
Not to mention, every single time I go, I get homeless people asking for change.
The restaurant is shit, and frankly their prices no longer match their quality of service.

>> No.6628004

You say that like its an absolute

If you're referring to Wendys, BK, etc.

>> No.6628017

Yup. At Fuddruckers, a half pounder is less than $6, and I think 8-something with the full meal (drink and glorious potato wedges) and I don't have to tip there either (your move, McDonalds)

>> No.6628025

Now go tell them to set up shop near my location.

>> No.6628031

Have not eaten at a McDonald's in nearly a decade.

The only McDonald's close to hear is like five miles away. Because of this pdd 'oasis effect' the drive thru is always slammed and the wait times are fucking nuts.

It completely destroys the point of fast food. Long drive, long wait times. Sheeeit, I could make a grilled cheese in 1/8th of the time if I was really hungry.

Then there's the fact the food is just lousy tasting. Completely pointless for me to eat there.

>> No.6628034

>Fuddruckers left Cincinnati ten years ago.

I used to walk home from my office sometimes and I would pass Fudd's on the way home. If it was early enough they'd be open.

>> No.6628068

>Big Marketing Overhaul
Came here to say this and I don't think that McDonald's would ever close down it's business for good but they need to rebrand themselves and distance themselves from the stigma that surounds 'fast food'.

>They need to drop the Mc
Definitely this. Not just the food titles but the name of the business. Ronald's Restaurant sound better, more inviting, and a bit cosier. "Ronnies" for short, and maybe keep the McD brand as their kids menu or drive thru menu (which I believe should be different to their restaurant menu).

I think they should probably hide their kitchen too, nobody needs to see what goes on back there, and introduce more gluten free and wheat free items.

>> No.6628071

>getting hungry for McSteamed Hams

>> No.6628095

mcdonalds is so fucking expensive for what you get now

>> No.6628101

>everything in this post
I want the hipsters and foodies to leave

>> No.6628108
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>I am fat and what is this?

>> No.6628109

Are you overweight?

>> No.6628111

Nope. And even if I were, I wouldn't mean jack shit.
Now cut out the pretentiousness or fuck off back to tumblr/reddit/whatever.

>> No.6628135

What's your problem?

>> No.6628138

Their food id disgusting.

>> No.6628141


It's tough goys first day away from /b/. no bully

>> No.6628144

>but they need to rebrand themselves and distance themselves from the stigma that surounds 'fast food'.
They're doing this in Australia, which was also the testing grounds for McCafe.

>> No.6628151

Were you triggered by the mention of 'gluten free'?
Get fucked, cunt. It's a serious issue for a lot of people.

kek. Probably right.

>They're doing this in Australia,
How so?
> which was also the testing grounds for McCafe.
Not just the testing grounds (pun intended??) but the McCafé was actually invented in Melbourne. TMYK..

>> No.6628152

I hate pretentious retard that think they're too good for anything not served as a part of a 5+ course meal.

What a scaremongering dumbass.

>> No.6628154

I don't care.

I eat there maybe once every other month, and even then it's one of their cheap burgers, a small cup of water, and maybe some fries if I want something salty. If McDonalds goes out of business I'll just get a cheap burger from somewhere else.

>> No.6628156

It's only an issue for celiacs, not for you and your fake ass "gluten allergy".

>> No.6628158

>no intelligent argument, so babbles like a fool

>> No.6628159

wow. i hope you're drunk because right now you're too retarded to talk to.
fat cunt.

>It's only an issue for celiacs
confirmed dumb.

>> No.6628164

I realized I like burger kings' everything better
and the only reason I eat at mcdonalds is because they are open later

>> No.6628173

And you didn't disprove me.

Not drunk, just angry. And now you have to shown an actual proof that gluten is an actual issue for people that are not celiacs, which, I have to remind you, are a really small fraction of the population.

>> No.6628183

For starters is spelled Coeliacs, and IBS is a different condition and has many forms. The majority of IBS sufferers have to avoid wheat and wheat free breads are often labeled as Gluten Free breads. A burger bun is bread. Your argument (read: ignorance) is irrelevant.

>> No.6628189


nah, white people of all economic brackets only pretend to hate fast food, but the thing is they can't live without it.

>> No.6628190

>Their garbage is disgusting.

>invalid comment
The fact that I posted factual evidence has already proven your lack of intelligence. The garbage McDonald's sells is mostly unfit for consumption. Could it be that you're just an obese idiot gorging yourself off their garbage, and don't want people to know how bad their garbage is?

>> No.6628194

Just IBS? Not conclusive, there are way too many different causes and reasons for IBS for it to be pinpointed to gluten.
Hell, sometimes coeliac disease is clumped under IBS.

>> No.6628200

I eat McDoanlds because I enjoy it and despite that I'm still healthy. I'm sorry if that "triggers" you, either the eating fast food part, the being healthy part or both combined.

Jamie Oliver fucking sucks, too.

>> No.6628203

>Just IBS?
You asked for one example and I gave you one. Do you own research from there because I'm not going to give you a free education.

>Not conclusive
That's you.

>there are way too many different causes and reasons for IBS for it to be pinpointed to gluten.
I didn't say that gluten causes IBS. In fact IBS has very little to do with gluten except for the example that I gave (wheat free bread are often labeled as gluten free). IBS sufferers can eat most forms of gluten.

>Hell, sometimes coeliac disease is clumped under IBS.
Where? Show me this.

>> No.6628208

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

>> No.6628211

Because misdiagnosis happen and, again, way too many different diseases with different causes but similar symptoms making what is called IBS.

>> No.6628216

Do you even know what you're arguing about any more?

>> No.6628230
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>trigger wut?
I don't care what Jamie does. I have already laid the facts out for everyone to see - McDonald's sells garbage.

As I have already mentioned, you are just a babbling idiot. Instead of proving me wrong, you try to use nonsense to... argue with me? kek

>> No.6628233
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>if i tell him i won then it means that i won

>> No.6628238

Go back to your water and alfalfa meal kiddo, your posts aren't making any sense.

>> No.6628246

>baiting this hard
you seem lonely and desperate for attention so maybe if you worked on being a little less arrogant then maybe you'll have more people who are willing to talk to you in a more friendly tone.

you could also work on being a little less fat.

>> No.6628247
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>fails to make any counterarguments
>pretends to not understand my posts

>> No.6628250

You should lay off the quinoa, all that bird seed is messing up with your brain and making you think you're eating actual food.

>> No.6628260

mcd's shill baiting to keep the thread bumped to front page.

saged and hidden

>> No.6628263

I like their burgers, therefore, I am a shill for them.

>> No.6628271

I wasn't the one you were responding to. He blew you the fuck out just face it.

>> No.6628288

>The Great Depression of America of the XXI century
>Famine is on every corner
This will make a cool movie few decades later

>> No.6628320

>Not drunk, just angry.

As a cyclist I get angry when motorists don't pay attention and put my life in danger because this affects me (and my life) directly. But you seem to be getting angry about things that don't effect you at all.

There must be an underlying issue that's troubling you. Maybe you're not getting enough sex.

Or maybe your self loathing has reached a point where you're afraid that public demand for healthy food may force fast food chains to alter their menu to cater to these demends which in turn forces you to eat healthier (if you insist on eating at these establishments) or find alternative ways to kill yourself. Because that's what you're doing by eating fast food. You're killing yourself. you know it and that's why you do it. Self loathing.

tl,dr; ur a sad cunt.

>> No.6628329
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>tl,dr; ur a sad cunt.
A sad cunt who just got BTFO.

>> No.6628342


>> No.6628352

Except I'm not even fat, and you don't have any fucking right to tell me what to eat, or to mess up what I eat.

>> No.6628356

Additionally, you're acting like a whiny cunt at people enjoying things that you don't enjoy.

>> No.6628357

>i read it and you're right which hurts my feelings
>gonna pretend i didn't read it now. lol! xD
>unless i think of something, then i'll show you

>> No.6628359


Time to step back and take a long hard look at yourself.
Nobody is telling you what you can and can't eat. You're being completely irrational.

>> No.6628364


>t public demand for healthy food may force fast food chains to alter their menu to cater to these demends which in turn forces you to eat healthier

>> No.6628403
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>> No.6628405

>>guacamole burgers
we got those in France once. It's was okish.

>> No.6628408

god that was a good song.

>> No.6628410
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The decline started when they began to use paper and carton boxes instead of the styrofoam ones. I don't care how bad it is for the environment or how many different types of cancer it'll give me, it kept the fucking food warm and felt awesome to touch. So fuck you for getting rid of it, McDick.

>> No.6628414

they literally had to get rid of it though, federal law and all that.

>> No.6628438

>hamburger chef

>> No.6628439

>McDonalds in my town
>shitty wait times, have to wait car park for someone to give you the other half of your meal
>most of the employees there are 14 year old filipinos that just dick around in the kitchen
>they get orders wrong most of the time, even outright forgetting things
>hungry jacks opening in town before the month ends, everyone talking about how micky d's in going to have to try harder or close down
>mfw I realize all the dumbass filipinos teenagers are just gonna start working there
>eventually both mcdonalds and hungry jacks are going to be equally plagued by shitheads that would rather shout out to each other in cave symbols than remember that I ordered a burger and not half a coke

>> No.6628447

>>"Starbucks 4 kids" aesthetic
The implication here is that Starbucks is not for children?

>> No.6628454

>>They're doing this in Australia,
>How so?

It was previously specific to Officer/South Melbourne but it's now been rolled out in almost every store.

>> No.6628508

I prefer BK, Carl's, or Jack to be honest. But anyone who isn't a fatty who eat there more than once a week shouldn't care.

>> No.6628544

I recently went to McDonald's with a friend, and when her order came up, some other lady just took it and left. I asked "Did that lady walk out with #32?" The cashier said "yeah", I had my friend show the receipt and we got to wait another 10 minutes in glorious McDonalds.

>> No.6628575
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>hamburger chef

>> No.6628769

I'm not crazy about McDonald's, but the Big Mac, the nuggies, and the nuggy sauces are really good. The only problem is that the food is too expensive for what it is. Shit, a Big Mac is almost $5 with tax (It's either $4.29 or $4.59, idk) It's not even that big.

Unrelated, but I remember hearing about the hot mustard sauce on here. It's really damn tasty.

>> No.6628825

Except that is a warped and misinformed interpretation of events and the worst kind of journalism out there.

Fuck whichever site you got that from.

>> No.6628831 [DELETED] 

>he calls them nuggies like tendies
>he doesn't call them nuggers like french fried and chicken nugger

newfag/robot detected

>> No.6628881

all fastfood ceos should be jailed for poisoning the world.

>> No.6628884


Can't you just get one of those little salt sachets and add it on yourself? I mean, it's not rocket signs

>> No.6628944

I thought Seattle's Best was Starbuck's? Seriously, I thought they just made a dummy company for people who hated Starbuck's and everything they were about, and so Starbuck's rebranded a line.

>> No.6628947 [DELETED] 

It's also cheaper.

>> No.6628952

For the longest time it was the /only/ fast food place in my small town at this end of the island I live on, maybe we'll get another kfc or taco bell or SOMETHING different.

>> No.6628977

Think of all the shit that has gone the way of the Dodo. Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Chi-Chis (in America, but not elsewhere apparently), particular breweries, particular clothing brands, etc. I thought people would be more up in arms about Sears. I remember learning about Sears in high school and the importance of catalog shopping in Chicago. I know Sears isn't defunct (yet) but they've had some pretty big scares recently. McDonald's would be just another drop in the bucket with all the other companies that went extinct.

As in more inexpensive to buy or less quality offered? Just wondering.

>> No.6628981 [DELETED] 

It's less expensive, and Starbucks coffee sucks, so it's hard to be lower quality than them.

>> No.6628985

I like McDonald's, but it's been a long, slow death (goodbye). They'll go belly up eventually and exist in some bizarre marginal way in the future, like frozen french fries at the grocery store or something people won't pay much mind to.

I thought they were two different brands owned by the same parent company. I must be confused. Anyway, that's fair enough.

>> No.6628990 [DELETED] 

Seattle's Best started independently, but they were eventually acquired by Starbucks.

>> No.6628994

Where's the source for this

Is it even true

>> No.6629003
File: 28 KB, 784x330, UnAustralian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanx for the info and vid.

>How very unMcDonald's
Wow, that's quite a statement.

>> No.6629044

It costs about $6 in canada, which is about $4.80 US, and our labour costs and food prices are higher.

>> No.6629058
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>le quirky clickbait article written by white people

>> No.6629063

I'm also a skinny rich guy as well!

You do realize the cost of living has a bit of effect on the amount of food one can buy?

>> No.6629096

lol I'm french and I'm seeing americans dumping on mcdonald's the fuck is going on

>> No.6629107

They need to find out what the Asian Mcdonalds do to get their workers to put out so much good productivity
and reproduce that in the american workers

>> No.6629114

Completely indifferent.

I'm not a huge fan of thier frankenfood anymore. I once enjoyed it immensely, have grown up to find it unhealthy and overly sweet.

>> No.6629120

Does this only apply to the American branch or the international restaurants as well?

>> No.6629125

That's pretty good anon.

>> No.6629140

>I don't care how bad it is for the environment or how many different types of cancer it'll give me

I feel sorry for your retarded mind.

>> No.6629145

Since when is that cunt a hamburger chef? Wasn't he just recently in British schools, replacing hamburgers and fries with caviar and tomato soup?

>> No.6629481

It's about time.

>> No.6629499

Did they discontinue the cinnamelts?

Those were fucking wonderful.

>> No.6629540

I like the wraps and I can eat like 60 nugs in one sitting

>> No.6629544

>/ck/ is happy because a restaurant they don't even go to is closing

>> No.6629631
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For 6 bucks, I could go to my local bagel place, and get a sandwich twice the size, which would fill me up more than the McMuffin and hashbrowns, and a coffee the same size.

Same deal with lunch, it's comparable to any other fast food place in food per dollar, but grosser than other fast food joints. Still worse than local deli.

They have literally nothing going for them anymore. Taco Bell has them beat for most food you can get for cheap. Wendy's has them on food quality. Hardee's/Carl's jr has better service. Burger King keeps putting our new items people are into.
The only thing McD's has anymore is that kids like it and their chicken nuggets are better than other places. Unless they can turn that around fast, they deserve their failure.

>> No.6629639

Shit food and sometimes u healthy. Tehy should improve

>> No.6629661

They use high productivity Asian workers. The problem is that all the Asians in the US are either doctors or engineers, not enough left to work fast food

>> No.6629666

Cant wait until the place is gone but you can buy the frozen mcnuggets at the grocery store.

>> No.6629702

I see Colonel. And the othets?

>> No.6629771

I like their chicken nuggets, but I'm probably only occasionally going to say "I kinda miss those nuggets, oh well" if they close down.

>> No.6629810

Sears blew up when they elected an Ayn Rand fundamentalist as a CEO.

Turns out no one REALLY follows Rand to the letter for good reason. D:

>> No.6629823

about time, who cares.

>> No.6629938

How is McDonalds going to be closing their locations when most of them are owned by franchise owners and not the company?

Plus, if you haven't heard, the shape of the McDonalds building is being called proprietary, so anyone who wants to buy the building has to totally refurbish it (inside and out) before opening their own business.

>> No.6629950

Franchise agreement likely says that if there is a decline in market they reserve the right to pull the franchise at $X compensation to the franchisee.

>> No.6630398

>go to McDonald's
>there's like 8 cars in the drive through line
>park and walk inside
>it takes longer to get my food than if I had just waited in the goddamn drive through line
>fries and burger aren't even fresh

Fuck you Hardee's is better.

>> No.6630428

>go to mcdonald near my workplace since I forgot to pack a lunch
>takes them almost 30 minutes to bring me my food
>only 4 customers in the store and only 3 cars in the drive through

I could've drove back home quickly made myself a shitty sandwich
and drove back in time with time to spare

>> No.6630432
File: 58 KB, 236x218, 1308089169313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better quality food is a shitty that should have died years ago. It's just a placebo

People who argue against organic should use their fucking brain. Sure its pretentious, but what's the downside? You're getting food with higher quality standards. Now that everyone's doing it, its not even expensive. It's like arguing against global warming. Even if there's a lot of fear mongering, we're getting a cleaner earth.

>> No.6630458

Over the last few years, I only ever ate at McDonald's because they were open 24 hours, I put in a lot of late nights, and cooking late wasn't really possible because I had someone sleeping on the couch in my living room, which is open to the kitchen. Then they decided not to be 24 hours anymore and I stopped.

Also sometimes when I woke up really early I would grab breakfast from them. But a tiny-ass McMuffin with a hash brown and a coffee ended up costing twice as much as a 2-egg, 2-meat, homefries and toast meal at the diner next door, so I said fuck it and just started calling in a breakfast take-out order there. Walking in instead of driving up to a window is worth the money I save. Also the wait staff there is actually friendly and if you're a regular they actually ask about your family and stuff. You know, they behave like human fucking beings.

Fuck McDonald's. Why would I want shittier food, lousy service, at a higher price?

>> No.6630459

>You're getting food with higher quality standards.
No, you're not. The "organic" label is there to make you believe that you are. It's a bullshit marketing term. I'll bet you believe that the food is better when they put "fresh" on the menu as well.

>> No.6630480

Not quite, IIRC.

IINM, SBest started as its own thing. Popeyes (of Popeyes motherfuckin' chicken) bought the company and started to franchise them. In the early 2000s, Sbucks acquired SBest from Popeyes in a very Bill-Gatesian sort of buyout.
I think Sbucks owns Gloria Jeans, too and a few other coffee chains.

>> No.6630520

McD will not die out completely, but a large contraction is very likely. Fast food is a real estate business. In real estate, there's winner and loser locations.

>> No.6630541

Dunno if American McDonald's have lower quality standards (kind of seems like it, everytime I see a McDo burger picture on the internet is looks far less appetizing than the ones I get), but I kind of dig it up here in Canada. I do love a big mac once in a while. I guess I must be a god damn pleb with shit taste buds

>> No.6630551

>take out the mc flurry
I'll fucking kill you.

>> No.6630557

Dave's juicy single w/cheese is the best international burger in existence.

>> No.6630606

>McD food is gross, do you know what they use for meat?
I've literally had my tongue in an asshole

>> No.6630618


>instead americans choose to go out for $20/plate sushi orders
>they are all maki rolls covered in mayonnaise and 'special sauces'
>no one told people they are fat because they don't exercise
>people blame mcdonalds, eat elsewhere
>no one loses any weight

sounds about right

>> No.6630644

You sound like someone who really enjoys Dave's juicy single in your mouth.

Do you swallow the cheese?

>> No.6630656

About 90% of us have been and have/had consistantly bad experiences no need to give them the oppotunity for more.

>> No.6630658

Dunno how it is in the US, but in Canada it's easily the best of the major fast food players. They overhauled their food a few years ago and it beats the hell out of the alternatives

>> No.6630713
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>shouting in cave symbols
>half a coke

>> No.6630782

>Stopped selling spicy McChickens in my area
>Stopped selling hot mustard in my area
they might as well just go away completely

>> No.6630799

For the past 10 years I can't remember a single McDonald's ad that wasn't geared to black people. Shit like that plays with your head after a while.

>> No.6630832

At least in radio ads, half the TV ads have hipsters and people breakdancing

>> No.6630874

I do enjoy the cheese from a Dave's juicy single w/cheese in my mouth.

I swallow the cheese, along with the rest of the burger.

>> No.6630882

>higher quality standards
But that's wrong. There's literally zero benefit, and if you believe otherwise then you've been had.

>> No.6631200

I don't taste a difference between my peppers that are hydroponically grown or organically.
Maybe if I had the money I could send them to a lab to test the nutritiousness breakdown between the 2.

>> No.6631258

Good riddance. Burger King is better anyway.

>> No.6631307

The chicken delis taste like eating a paper flavored sandwich

>> No.6631310


>> No.6631760

Takes forever now, terrible ooga booga or ching chong staff. Can't believe this people think they are worth $15 an hour

>> No.6631779

How bad was the styrofoam packaging anyway? Taking them away won't help landfills from not filling up.

>> No.6631788


This is pretty accurate. I remember the burgers being 'juicy' like you were actually biting into a burger.
Nowadays the burgers can be taken apart and reassembled - dry as fuck.
The styro really did help, the card just absorbs grease and hold no heat.

Strofoam is pretty bad, I'm sure it's the same material as plastic grocery bags. So you're looking at a 100 year breakdown time on a landfill.

>> No.6631806

>So you're looking at a 100 year breakdown time on a landfill.

More like 5,000 but it really doesn't matter if it's paper or plastic because it all gets used once and goes into a landfill where it's buried forever

>> No.6631828

He says this while eating at mcdicks.

Spoilers: you are the fat, greasy, lazy beast to be eating there in the first place

Also, protip: men store the majority of their fat on their stomachs. A hard, round stomach means the fat's on your organs instead of on top of your abdominal muscle. Most people don't know that this fat is the most dangerous kind of fat. Instead, they pretend it's a beer belly or baby fat. Don't fall for the delusion.

>> No.6631829

Can't they use biodegradable styrofoam?

>> No.6631834


You know I actually prefer Burger King burgers by about 100% to McDonalds, McDonalds patties are just so bland in comparison. However I will always argue McDs has better chicken products than BK, theres is crispy unlike BKs which always seems to be watery and soggy.

But on the subject of McDonalds, it has a special place in my heart due to childhood nostalgia, I don't care what anybody says, every once in a while I still treat myself to a Happy Meal and enjoy myself.

>> No.6631854

I don't eat fast food burgers

They don't offer decent chicken tenders/sandwich.

Only thing good at mcdonalds are fries (when hot), and coffee. Wendy's is better, BK is sometimes better, Sonic is better, and Chick fil a is better.

>> No.6631873

I have EVERY right to tell you what to eat

>> No.6631918

except their core demographic is white trash and poor black people. Why would they want to alienate the customers they already have? Seriously, if the trash that shows up in McDonalds came into Chipotle, I wouldn't go there either.

>> No.6631928

Basically. The McDonald's near my apartment has a sign saying "now hiring 15 year-olds." I cam pay $2 and go to Five Guys when I want actual food.

>> No.6631938

>the path you have to drive down
I think I've found your problem.....

>> No.6631944

>>slowly die because your customer base doesn't know what it wants
It's not their fault, though. McDonald's knew they were making sacrifices by adding random crap to the menu.
For what it's worth, McDonalds isn't healthy.

>> No.6631945
File: 102 KB, 250x250, 1429143675592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT people think McDonalds downsizing means McDonalds is actually going out of business

You guys are so autistic sometimes.

>> No.6631946

That's a shit business. Not of their shit-tier employees would be able to make any of the items on the new menu.

>> No.6631960

>you don't have any fucking right to tell me what to eat, or to mess up what I eat.
sounds like you're a whiny bitch. Here's the thing: you can eat whatever the fuck you want, and you'll end up with diabetes at age 30, and that won't be my fault.

>> No.6631967

If they can't improve the quality, they could at least improve the speed.

If you could get McDonalds food in 1 minute, everyone would go there. McDonalds would and should promote it as hard as they can.

>> No.6631982

I stopped eating at McD's years ago. I got sick and tired of paying out the ass for shit-tier food. I do like their fries on occasion, but honestly, I don't miss it enough to drive out there and get it.

>> No.6631995

>paying out the ass
>1 dollar double cheeseburgers
>could buy five double cheeseburgers for five dollars

You could literally feed multiple people with just a few bucks, how poor are you?

>> No.6632007

>this picture is what liberals really believe

>> No.6632022

>conservatives are fat, uneducated, poor, and stupid
You're not wrong, but why are you people so proud of it?

>> No.6632024

Automation is the key to that.

>> No.6632037

>people who disagree with me are conservatives :^)

This is what liberals literally say erry time

>> No.6632074

they need to pick a direction and keep with it already

>> No.6632078

I always went out of my way to go to the McDonalds that was staffed by mostly Asians than the one that hired black people.

Black people don't give a shit about service and they're slow as hell

>> No.6632100
File: 49 KB, 321x240, 8952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish evryone would quit making micky d or Mac donalds their whipping boy. same people that get a doible cheeseburger and fries for 2.50 bitch and moan they bend over backwards to accommodate local sensitivities 9 bucks + an hour and if you think you are gonna wonder in off the street and get a job you have a sharp learning curve coming uheadand if wanting to open one better have 5 -7 million bucks. they are ok. wouldn't eat a "big Mac" (like swallowing a cannon bal) but other things avalible. I like mc muffin for breakfast. Ive heard they serve. beer in some Euro nations somethat would not work out in the U.S.Some dip wad wold bump anther and wanna be tough ones inyor face. working a drive thu ought to merit 15 an hour. I could not do it.

>> No.6632106

>using liberal as an insult
>not being liberal
>falling for the /pol/ conservative meme

>> No.6632174

>doible cheeseburger and fries for 2.50

In what fucking universe shit's like $5.99.

>> No.6632190

>"Starbucks 4 kids" aesthetic
But Starbucks is already for kids

>> No.6632196


That was a chore to read.

>> No.6632204
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Their food is good enough for what it is, but I stopped going there are frequently way back when they got rid of their delicious dark meat nuggets.

Also too many blacks in the stores. If I'm gonna go sit down and eat a shitty little burger and some fries, I want to do it without a bunch of people screaming 10 feet from my ear.

>> No.6632212


can you learn to fucking type


>> No.6632235

>being a true liberal is being a racist. hate speech loving, bigot nowadays
>people call themselves liberals but they are actually leftist authoritarians
>falling for the left's newspeak in 2015

>> No.6632240

>falling for the false dichotomy

>> No.6632248


McDonald's been out of touch for awhile trying to push their angus beef crap and premium wraps/sandwiches/salads. They killed themselves when they made the big mac close to $4 (3.75) bucks in metro cities like LA. The big mac was one of the most popular of all time and they tried to milk it rather than promote it properly. It was their flag ship burger and they try to overprice it? Eff off. Especially since its pretty much just mac sauce and an extra bun compared to getting a mcdouble with mac sauce. Too much nickle and diming for every little thing too.

I loved the McMuffins for breakfast too but they only had them on sale for 2 for 3$ once in a while and even then they couldn't substitute the coffee for orange juice without extra charges.

Too many alternatives like Carls Jr, Jack In The Box and Wendys. Along with In N out, five guys. I haven't bought from mcdonalds in YEARS. Last time was only when I had a craving for their fries. Bought two large fries in their drive thru and it came to almost 6 bucks. They charged me 2.69 or something for large fries, national avg is like 2.19?

Also I think it's the start that they close down stores, lay off employees...then in a few months open up with kiosks that take orders. You knew this was going to happen thanks to obama care.

>> No.6632251

You realize this shit costs tons of money and that's why they don't do it, yeah? Decent guacamole alone is expensive as fuck. You can't preserve it, it has to be fresh. That's why it costs a dollar fiddy for a tiny cup at Chipotle.

>> No.6632265

What's false about it?

>> No.6632283 [DELETED] 

SJWs are not liberals, no matter how much they call themselves that. I could go around saying how I'm a chicken all I want, but that label does not make it so. True liberals are for freedom, as in free speech, free love, freedom to own guns, freedom to be who you are without legal persecution, freedom to run a small business without undue government interference or impossible to surmount opposition from large multi-national corporations, freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water, freedom to get fucked up, and freedom to be wrong.

>> No.6632325
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>> No.6632351

>Series of contradictory listicle-style political opinions utilizing "freedom"

Ha! Meme'd em!

>> No.6632373

>I like a thing, therefore I like their recent ads
Back to funnyjunk with the likes of you.

>> No.6632375 [DELETED] 

Literally nothing in there is contradictory. We live in a world with other people, and the purpose of government is to maximize individual freedom while preserving to rights of others to engage in their own freedoms.

>> No.6632523

Where do you live that just got Wawa? Congratulations btw

>> No.6632556

>Cardboard and paper gets used once and then goes into landfill

What sort of neanderthal are you?

>> No.6632565

>English voice over
>Not available in the UK


>> No.6632567
File: 116 KB, 366x378, inception.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biodegradable styrofoam

>> No.6632573

There are starch-based biodegradable "plastic" containers and utensils which is probably what he meant.

>> No.6632574

I guess people who aren't affected by genocide shouldn't care about genocide.

>> No.6632671 [DELETED] 

Wawa was an exclusively Philly-area thing for a long time. It's only recently that they've begun expanding outside of the Northeast/Maryland.

>> No.6632707

I know. I grew up in philly and know every wawa along I-95 down to the last one in VA at exit 116B.

I was excited to hear central FL got theirs. So where are you located that Wawa has blessed you with their presence?

>> No.6632857

>doesn't really fill you up
Eat 12 McDoubles and get back to me

>> No.6632875

>It's a serious issue for a lot of people.
No it's not. That fad is so overblown it's silly

>> No.6633412


The age of fast food needs to come to an end.

>> No.6633482

You're a fucking blight on the streets.
Kill yourself and take cyclists who bike on the street with you.

>> No.6633508

God forbid you have to pay attention on the road and maybe not drive 5km/h over the speed limit 100% of the time.

>> No.6633511
File: 179 KB, 640x480, mccafe-hong-kong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It saddens me to see that McD's is in decline in America. I've lived in parts of N. America and Asia, and I have to say that McD's has grown complacent on its own turf to the point that its Asian franchises are outdoing it in every aspect of fast food. Ironically I believe that McD's will have to learn from it's franchisees if they want to compete.

Western fast food chains are viewed as an affordable luxury, even in first world cities like Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong etc. Since people there are willing to pay a premium for fast food, McD's in Asia has successfully put up and maintained a facade of being a higher end eatery. Sounds like an oxymoron, but just compare the difference in the menus and presentation of food between the Hong Kong McCafe and the Canadian one. In order to keep up appearances and customer satisfaction, they also hire competent personnel, not bottom of the barrel idiots, that are actually well paid (by Asian standards).

They also have a rotating menu that taps into the latest food "trends" as >>6627225 ironically suggested. This includes a Teriyaki "Shogun" burger, as well as various wraps that could be considered tacos. "Starbucks 4 kids" is covered under the Mc Cafe concept, and I'd go as far as to say that in places like Hong Kong, McD's is actually trying to cut in on a slice of Starbuck's action with their aggressive expansion of McCafe concept stores.

Here are the links to the Mc Cafe menus for HK and Canada if you'd like to compare:

And for the rest of you who tl;dr this post, McD's offers 24 hours free delivery in most Asian cities.

Pic related, it's a McD's in Hong Kong.

>> No.6633581

nothing speaks white that starbucks.

faggot white people and their kakhis, socks and sandles and their iphones.

>> No.6633614

that seriously looks like a starbucks with the mcdonald's mccafe logo shopped in. whats going on here folks?

i think mcdonalds should maintain a classic menu with all the good and affordable shit that we grew up eating and know the taste of.

everytime i go, there is a new burger that comes out to almost $10 for a combo. did you forget you have competition mcdonalds?

>> No.6633619


Stopped eating there when the Dollar menu no longer became the dollar menu.

I'd rather get a double double at In N' Out now.

>> No.6633626

I thought everyone considered McDonald's as low-tier fast food, but people only ate there because it was cheaper than the rest.

Now that the prices are inflated, but the value menus are still the same for all of the other competitors, where does that leave you? Fucking nowhere, that's what.

>> No.6633634

don't be such a raciest

>> No.6633645

shame, because they used to be good in the US and became shit over the last few years.

>> No.6633729
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oh god pls no

>> No.6633739


There's already Taco Bell for when you want to shit your pants, how would McDick's do it any better?

>> No.6633747


>> No.6633752

The real problem is that their attempts at rebranding have focused on advertising and cosmetics rather than their actual food. Now you can get the same shitty cheeseburger they've always had at a place that looks like a poor man's Starbucks after watching their ads featuring hipsters on TV.

>> No.6633765

>Even though it's closing locations, McDonald's easily remains the country's biggest hamburger chain. It still has more than twice as many restaurants as No. 2 Burger King, according to the industry tracker Technomic.

>Among all fast-food chains, Subway has the most locations in the country with about 27,000 stores, though they do far less business than the typical McDonald's.

>> No.6633783
File: 78 KB, 557x719, 1431828533442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be poor fag in a high income area
>There are more Whole Foods than McDonalds

I am so sick of living here. Being poor feels like a sin.

>> No.6633786


> if mcdonald's close its doors i might starve to death
that's pretty sad, tbh.

>> No.6633797

My suggestions for McDonalds:

1. Keep a wide variety of cheap shit options

2. Change the cheap McChicken. People don't get it because they are babies and can't handle spicy foods.

3. Continue with the 1/3 pounder sirloin burgers, but provide them with actual fresh toppings and get rid of the fucking swiss cheese on the bacon burger, and have actual fresh cooked real bacon on them.

4. Make a damn good pulled pork sammich. People would kill for that.

5. Offer local specialties to appeal to the area in which the McDonalds is in. BBQ items that are decent in the KC area, pizzas in other areas, pork tenderloin sammiches in the midwest, hot dogs, cheese curds, tacos, etc.

6. Stop trying to brew coffee in store. Ship in cold brew instead, and use that as a base for all the coffee items.

7. Switch back to beef tallow for frying shit in. Fuck the vegans.

8. That being said, offer a damn good healthy, "muh organic muh non-gmo" vegetarian sandwich, maybe even multiple varieties

9. Stop ripping off your employees via paying them shit/not paying them at all.

>> No.6633798


There's like 3 fucking mcdonalds within walking distance of my house, they should be closing god damn stores at this point, jesus christ.

>> No.6633834

the real problem is simply americans have a lousy palette and don't want good quality food. they want cheap garbage. mcdonald's in other nations are great.

>> No.6633843

A McChicken is only lettuce, mayo and chicken on bread. Is that too spicy? We are told the white cheese is cheddar but i don't know what you have in your area. The closest thing to a pulled pork sandwich is the ribwich and whats this about ripping employees off?

>> No.6633952

the cheapest chicken sammich has a spicy breading on it, and mcdonalds is notorious for not paying employees on time/at all/cutting hours worked off their paystub.

>> No.6633965

Good Riddance indeed

>> No.6633967
File: 39 KB, 720x480, mfw unimpressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6. Stop trying to brew coffee in store. Ship in cold brew instead, and use that as a base for all the coffee items.

>> No.6634015

>closing about 700 around the world
>14,300 stores in America alone
>barely a drop in the bucket

>> No.6634043

That's a regional variation. Hot and spicys are mchickens elsewhere, without spicy coating

>> No.6634074

Meanwhile Chipotle just slapping beans meat and lettuce in a bowls and printing money.

>> No.6634082

I guess. I've never seen a Chipotle.

>> No.6634112

Its like a less good Qdoba with more white people

>> No.6634120

I have no experience with Qdoba either.

>> No.6634146

Lol I've worked at mcds and currently at Wendy's. Wendy's is a fuckload worse

>> No.6634154
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>$20 all you can eat sushi


>> No.6634156

Of course. Wendy's burgers today taste like shit. When Dave was around they were great.

>> No.6634173
File: 70 KB, 720x536, 1373642895691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is the people that eat at mcdonalds, not the food or the cost of it. The store itself is a million times more dangerous to your health than the food is...


>> No.6634179

I went to McDonald's for the first time in a year to satisfy chocolate shake craving. They charged me $5.

All I could think about was that Pulp Fiction scene when Mia Wallace ordered a fibe dollar shake and Vincent Vega was beside himself hearing the price.

Also, McDonald's is only closing 900 restaurants worldwide. That's nothing.

>> No.6634181

>As a cyclist

No one cares you wanker. Not about your shitty opinions. Not about your fucking pushbike. Fuck off.

>> No.6634186

> fat people are jolly

Myth busted!

>> No.6634758

No kidding. McD's is way too expensive.

For about $1.35 you can make your own muffin / egg / sausage / cheese breakfast sandwich that tastes better (depending on how well you can cook, of course).

>> No.6634818


>muh pink slime

if you repeat a lie often enough people will eventually believe it

>> No.6634848


You do know that more popular brand-name "organic" foods have more dangerous pesticides, right?

>> No.6634853


>> No.6634857

such as ?

>> No.6634877

They have shit quality meat (chicken excluded maybe, who can fuck up chicken?) and no vegetarian options except that expensive ass salad. good bye mdonalds.

>> No.6634936

McDoubles stopped being a dollar years ago.

That's why I stopped going.

>> No.6635016

It once wasn't a lie.

>> No.6635061
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pretending glutens bad for you to be trendy and sound interesting

>> No.6635066

It costs a bit more, but if I want a fast food burger I want something that's at least half-decent.

>> No.6635067

>closing close to 5% of a company the size of Mcdonalds
You realise how much money that is wasted right?

>> No.6635076

The only reason this is making the news is not the number of closures but they are closing more than they are opening which is the first time in decades they have showed signs of shrinkage.

>> No.6635079

Cutting the fat will streamline the business. It is a waste to keep underperformers open.

>> No.6635083

I agree.

But the fact that 5% of such a large corporation is closing is still big money.
Hardly a drop in the bucket.

>> No.6635147

western NY here, we have both a spicy and normal mcshitken

>> No.6635207

I don't think it is significant until a fifth are dropped or at least you start hitting double digit percentage points. Remember that 700 is worldwide. 14,300 is the number of stores in America alone. The percentage is actually much lower worldwide or domestically.

>> No.6635249
File: 97 KB, 640x480, fellatio fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back from McDonalds where I got a Filet-O-Fish and as has been the case _every time_ I've ever gotten one in all of my years, the fish patty was wildly off-center and due to the melted cheese gluing it in place, I couldn't move it without tearing up the bun.

Has anyone EVER gotten a Filet-O-Fish that wasn't crooked?!

At this point, I honestly believe it is official company policy to put the fish patty on off-center....

>> No.6635261
File: 25 KB, 579x329, hope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank fuck, maybe they'll start shutting down business in other countries
>tfw fast food joints will never be outlawed

>> No.6635293

>I can taste the off center even after recentering

>> No.6635314

>just because some people abuse it and become giant massive disgusting looking landwhales, it means we should outlaw it completely.

People like you disgust me.

>> No.6635321

Who cares?

I actually went to one a couple of weeks ago at 4am when I was drunk and a bit high. It smelled bad and was full of poor and trashy people (including myself).

And my food was too expensive.

Good riddance.

>> No.6635343

Why can't you be more like the big mac man, lardwhale? Eats McD's everyday and is still fit.

>> No.6635400


lol no. Not obese but definitely not "fit".

>> No.6635405

Fit compared to /fit/

>> No.6635916

The only thing I like at McDonalds is their mcmuffin. Their burgers which is their main food are bland, all the flavor comes from the toppings as their meat has no flavor. Their fries are good, but always have 9x more salt than what they should.

>> No.6635920

100x this

>> No.6635944

Meh, you gotta get down with some sausage burritos and some hot picante

>> No.6635952
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McDonalds should offer their international menu in Europe/USA

I'll dump what I have

>> No.6635958

I hate popular things: THE POST

>> No.6635959
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>> No.6635960

They need to go back to basics. They are a burger place. They need to focus on that.

>> No.6635962
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>> No.6635963
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>> No.6635964

Like two pieces of french toast with a fried chicken fillet sandwiched between them drizzled with real maple syrup.

>> No.6635967
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>> No.6635969
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>> No.6635972
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>> No.6635976
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>> No.6635978
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>> No.6635981

This is awful.

>> No.6635982
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>> No.6635985
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>> No.6635987

Why does that bun have blackheads?

>> No.6635989
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>> No.6635994

A turtle bun?

>> No.6635996
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>> No.6636001
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>> No.6636003

Go to kfc if you want potato wedges instead of french fries.

>> No.6636005
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>> No.6636006
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>> No.6636007

I'd rather not get my seafood from fastfood. Most likely imitation anyway.

>> No.6636011
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>> No.6636017
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>> No.6636022
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>> No.6636028

Pie made with poi is disgusting.

>> No.6636029
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>> No.6636032

Atkins diet?

>> No.6636033
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>> No.6636037
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>> No.6636038

Is that suppose to be a chicken cordon bleu?

>> No.6636042

Some sort of philly cheese steak pocket sandwich?

>> No.6636051
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It's a meat pie from New Zealand/Australia

>> No.6636060
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No idea. I tried to find out what they were but never got an adequate explanation. Must be a secret Dutch stoner thing

>> No.6636063
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>> No.6636071
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>> No.6636076
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>> No.6636081
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>> No.6636083
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>> No.6636084

>Disecting the McKroket, it is essentially a kroket sandwiched in the typical McDonald’s hamburger bun. A kroket is a deep fried, breaded snack made of something that resembled cheese, and beef (Beef ragout?). Kind of like a giant croquettas that you will normally find in Spanish Tapas Bars. The McKroket costs about 2.50 Euros as of this posting

>Biting into it, the steaming, hot goo oozes out with salty flavors. It’s hard to taste the beef as it is overpowered by the cheese and that mustard-like dressing. You can probably find better made krokets in some authentic restaurants in Amsterdam, but this one is one pretty darn good. The wife is not much of a fan, though.


>> No.6636089

Adult meal came with a french fry "toy"?

>> No.6636090
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Fascinating. Thx

>> No.6636092

ketchup pie?

>> No.6636095
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>> No.6636099

They might still have lobster or crab at some new england mcd's.

>> No.6636105
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>> No.6636107

Looks like cherry

>> No.6636110
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>> No.6636116
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>> No.6636123
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>> No.6636127
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>> No.6636136
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>> No.6636184

>I'm hot

>> No.6636188



>> No.6636198

woah there buddy. I never ask to be informed about your case of The Auts.

>> No.6636792

soccer ball genius

>> No.6636985

They are literally doing that promotion right now retard.

>> No.6637097


Fuck off. Those niggers use old burger for their shitty chili. Fuck you for even thinking it.

>> No.6637104

>buying fastfood chili

>> No.6637150

If you held that in your ands and rolled it all into a ball you'd be left with something smaller than the size of a golf ball. So after eating that you'd be hungry again in less then twelve seconds.

>> No.6637288

Is a soccer ball a turtle?

>> No.6638067

I'm glad they're closing, they tried to do "pumped full of preservatives but we're calling it healthy and organic" food down here in South Carolina for a month and then scrapped the name change (cus that's all it was).

Wendy's is a pure shit hole.
First experience, ordered a new "fresh" salad......the whole entire thing was just rotten lettuce which I have no idea why they would serve it that way.
next 4 experiences all sucked too, Muslim fuckers need to stop buying into franchise restaurants that have pork (bacon) on 3/4 of the menu. I once asked for them to put bacon on my baconator and the guy working got so mad he started cursing at me through the drive thru window so I threw my large soda at him and drove away. Luckily that store's franchise license was revoked a couple weeks later from multiple complaints spanning years