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File: 110 KB, 1024x1023, aldi-sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6622697 No.6622697 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best chain grocer and why is it Aldi?

>> No.6622701



>> No.6622706

Who the fuck wants to pay 5 dollars for a cartoon of eggs.

>> No.6622708

Because it keeps blacks and old people from using food stamps and going through the hassle of finding a quarter for the cart and paying for bags pisses unprepared people off so they never return. They completely cut labor down and speed up the whole process by using automatic cash machines and bagging your own shit. They also use all store brand so you dont pay for marketing shelf strategy you seriously throw shit up on shelves, no arranging and again speeding up and efficiency in labor use.

>> No.6622710

>still buying off brand products
>still being europenis

>> No.6622717

Is Busch's good?
Meijer here.

>> No.6622718

would get nothing but the staple ingredients from there

>> No.6622720

Not realizing Aldi is all over and expanding in the southern us at a ridiculous rate.

>> No.6622723

>Doritos $4 per bag as supermarket, $2.69 if it's on sale
>Aldi's brand chips $1.49

That's one of many reasons why.

>> No.6622724

>not knowing that wegmans has the cheapest prices and the best quality

srsly there should be no grocery store but wegmans, can get any and everything there, they cary things asian markets don't even cary.

>> No.6622725

Asian markets are terrifying, especially the meat department.

>> No.6622727

I hate to be that faggot, but I really like Tarder Joe's

>> No.6622746

not really a faggot more a pleb/hipster a plebster.

>> No.6622795

Aldis is all over the USA

>> No.6622810

represent wegmans, that shit is incredible.

>> No.6622815

Even in here in Europe.

>> No.6622842

If there is an Aldi near where you live and you don't shop there; you are a fucking idiot. Literally half the cost of everywhere else for same stuff.

Unless you need specialty produce or expensive meat; you are an idiot if you don't shop there.

>> No.6622853

no you are rich if you don't shop there.

>> No.6622911

There's just not much at Aldi I actually like. It's great for cheap junk food and maybe some bulk staples, but yes, I do like interesting produce and meat that's not of questionable origin.

>> No.6622924

that's because you are not Asian.

>> No.6622949

I don't shop there because they only ever hire one cashier and I live in a city with a very high marshallese population. I don't feel like waiting two hours to check out.

>> No.6622954

Not everyone lives in yankeefuckland

>> No.6623042

The one near me has shit selection, produce is usually iffy and doesn't last long, meat is pretty pricy for how questionable/shitty it is (bought a filet minon wrapped in bacon there once just for shits and giggles, it was absolutely terrible)
It's usually not worth my time to make an extra trip there to buy cheap bread and staples, my local kroger beats most of their prices.

>> No.6623054
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Actual master-race coming through.

>> No.6623063

>free parking for 15 minutes only

what the fuck is going on

>> No.6623068

Its usually if the shop is in a retail park or middle of town & there is risk of people using their car park space (which cost them a lot in land) and not shopping there.

Free for 15 mins (i.e. if you're just popping in for one or two items and spending less than £10).

Free for two hours if you spend over £10...most people will spend £40-150 each visit. They give you a token when you pay for the parking ticket machine.

Parking in UK towns is generally not free anywhere, so if they did offer free parking with no restrictions it would be filled up by non-customers instantly.

>> No.6623082
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Or Wingyip

>> No.6623086
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>> No.6623095

alright i guess that makes sense. i misread the sign as £30, too.

>> No.6623271

Here in the Yankland, the only supermarkets that do something similar near me are Hmart and Fresh Grocer. The way it works, though, is that you park, get a ticket from the machine for the spot you're in, go do your shopping than slide the receipt and your ticket to the scanner at the exit gate. The scanner will calcumuhlate whether or not you need to pay based on the time you got your ticket and how much you spent on your receipt. I don't remember how much you'd need to spend at either Hmart or Fresh Grocer, but it's much lower than what you'd need to spend for freek parking in le UK.

Land is not very valuable in most of the US so nearly every other supermarket ever has free parking. Since most Americans don't live anywhere near valuable land (IE New York and a handful of other places), the idea of being charged for parking to shop somewhere is tantamount to burning the flag whilst wiping your arse with the constitution and feasting on a dinner of roast eagle.
In NY, several places charge for parking if you spend less than X amount. Where I live, several places do, as well, but I don't think any supermarkets do except for Hmart and Fresh Grocer.

>> No.6623273

I earn six figures and I shop in Aldi & Lidl.

>> No.6623278

ITT: povs

>> No.6623288

Strike that.

All three of the Whole Foods, two of the Super Freshes and the Trader Joe's, each within a 10 minute drive of my house, all charge for parking if you spend under X amount, too. I forgot about them since I never shot at these places as they seldom carry anything I ever actually buy (TJ's), they overcharge for shit quality (SF) or they overcharge for good quality but don't actually carry much I actually buy (WF).
WF fucks my shit up. They carry, and I fucking counted this, five different brands of agave syrup and six other of agave nectar (I thought they were the same thing, but apparently not), but I couldn't find a single box, bag or other container of chamomile. Just chamomile. IE not chamomile mixed into some hip-and-with-it tea blend. One had fucking raspberry leaves, liquorice root and alfalfa in it as well as a long list of other ingredients I can no longer recall, yet had the gall to call itself "chamomile tea."
Fuck WF in the dickhole with a 00-gauge sounding rod.

>> No.6623456

>the cheapest prices and the best quality

You just described Aldi.

>> No.6623463
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love their chocolate

>> No.6623477

I've got one near me I shop at all the time for beer, frozen shit, bread, meats, veggies, eggs, pretty much anything I use that they have

sometimes there's stuff I want they don't have, like those tiny potatoes for making salt potatoes, had to go to publix for that

but yeah aldi's fucking great

I try lots more stuff I otherwise wouldn't just because they're so cheap

I was going first because lolEBT and making them gubbmint dollars stretch, but I've stuck with them after getting a job because they're really great so far.

Only thing I've gotten that I didn't like was their bulk "Polish Sausage" the hot dog jumbo pack type not that johsonville style ones. They were kinda shit.

the "good" looking hot dogs and sausages like their Bavarian ones are great

>> No.6623510

because you don't buy produce

>> No.6623525

The cooperative is the best combination of quality and price.

don't want to buy gutter shit from lidl/tesco/etc but don't want to buy kike/yuppie crap from m&s

>> No.6623565

That's why you're rich. The rich tend to be very cheap, which is why they stay rich.

>> No.6623584

Aldis produce is great

>> No.6623589

You dont get rich by being loose with your money.

>> No.6623595

I find them hit or miss, but not much more miss than other places in the area (publix, super walmart)
selection's a bit meh but that's a thing for aldi in general
still shop there all the time though
$4.99 six pack bottled light beer fuckyear

>> No.6623609

Wegmans for everything. The one near me even has a food court but I don't really like the idea of stopping to eat while picking up groceries.

>> No.6623622

I prefer Netto for beer, but Aldi has them beat in pretty much every other respect.

>> No.6623623

The two closest to me don't carry Chilis of any variety.
One of them often does not have any non-frozen greens.
I've been when they had no tomatoes.
I've never been in one that had tomatillos.
The produce they do have is generally in bad shape and the prices are ok, but not cheap like the rest of the store.

>> No.6623673
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You're learning young Mordechai

>> No.6623676

there are 3 aldis in my hometown.

>> No.6623693
File: 58 KB, 507x146, Costco-Logo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been discussed over and over again that Costco is objectively the best.

>> No.6623785

main reason I shop aldi more than Costco is I live by myself and getting through Costco size can be a chore on some stuff

Still get those god-tier $1.50 polish sausages all the time though

>> No.6623792

The one nearby is an absolute horror to shop in. Mainly the narrow aisles; the last one, opposite the doors, has pallets of stuff right in the middle; meaning it's now two aisles that are exactly one cart in width. This means that if you stop and reach over to get something, you've blocked everyone behind you. It's madness.

>> No.6623795

A side story: in the dairy section, the soymilk variety I wanted was packed in a box behind the one in front. So I had to take all the cartons out in front, shove them in empty spaces nearby, and take out the empty box. Which then resulted in the full box behind it slamming forward, and tipping out the front in my face. Of course there's no room for this box anywhere else in the cooler, so I had to drop it on the floor outside.
If there had been vertical space between shelves I could have reached in and grabbed the carton I wanted. No, Aldi wouldn't dare waste such space on a luxury like that.

Meanwhile, the Ruler Foods (a Kroger thing) up the road has gloriously wide aisles. Too bad Kroger manages to ruin nearly every food product it touches.

>> No.6623817

I have straight chamomile tea that I bought from my locally owner grocer.

It might not be some fruity "organic" shit, but at least it was reasonably priced and easy to find.

>> No.6623838

damn your aldi needs to get its shit together

mine fits two and a half carts in each aisle

>> No.6623847

That's the thing, that last aisle is of decent width. The manager or whoever believes it's okay to put things right in the middle of the damn aisle, splitting it into two narrow ones.

>> No.6624010

>the pizza from the cafe


Also the pull apart cinnamon bread is god tier.

>> No.6624202

no, the produce and meat are their weakest departments. I do like the seasonality but the quality could get be better.

>> No.6624258

White people use more food stamps than black people, FYI

>> No.6624266

River Cola is literally the foulest cola I have ever had the displeasure of ingesting, surpasses as the foulest beverage ever ingested only by Dr Pepper and Akvavit.

>> No.6624285


>> No.6624286

AL what ?

>> No.6624294

Probably because blacks make up like 12-13% of the population

>> No.6624298

cheap as fuck and goodish quality

>> No.6624496

> Foul
> Dr.Pepper
Pick one, Anon.

>> No.6624541

For what small selection they have, the produce at my nearest Aldi is of decent quality. Especially for the price. 49¢/lb for baby-cut carrots. 89¢/lb for zucchine. Asparagus rangind from 99¢-$1.99/lb for the deliciously thin-type. Tanimura Farms hydroponically grown bibb lettuce for $1.29 per head. Chiquita bananas for 39¢/lb. Plantains for 14-29¢/lb (the price differs from the visit every single time I'm in there). Shallots for $1.49/lb. Onions 3lbs for 99¢. Etc etc etc.
I don't generally buy fruit there, though, because the prices are nearly always shit for that. The meat prices used to be good (and the meat always of decent quality) but they've skyrocketed in the last year. All the same, they occasionally have ridiculous manager's specials on meat, such as $5 for any ham of any size (I got a 15 pounder!). $5 for a boneless leg of lamb of any size (the one I got was a little over 3lbs). Chicken leg quarters for 42¢/lb.
And the plain pork chops are of paradoxically higher quality than any of the other supermarkets around here. It's always so fresh and with perfect meat:fat ratio. And at $1.99/lb, that's a fucking steal.
The only thing I never buy there (other than once: cubed steaks for $1.19/lb) is beef because it's never of terribly good quality and always overpriced. I was there yesterday. $4.29/lb for 80/20 mince. Fuck that.

>no chilis
Holy fuck, you're right. I've never noticed.
>no greens
More or less. The only leafy green meant for cooking they ever sell is cabbage. They don't even have spinach for fuck's sake! A really big problem for me.
Here's what you do: believe it or not, grocery stores listen to their customers. I've personally gotten several of my area shops from various chains to carry certain products just by asking for it, but never tried with Aldi. Perhaps if you emailed them, they might start carrying it in your area.
The produce is decent. At least it is here. Might differ in your area.

>> No.6625252

I prefer Save-a-Lot.

>> No.6625288

Some people don't like the sarsaparilla taste because it reminds them of cough syrup, which is sarsaparilla flavored in many countries.

>> No.6625347

You heard the man,
their nuts
>In yo face

>> No.6625366

If you WANT Indians everywhere then yes that's the best.

>> No.6625475

I love Asian markets. It's always an adventure, and you can get some seafoods that you can't find in regular stores.

I like finding produce at 1/2 to 1/3 the price of the other places. They're alcoholic beverages are good. The Blue Moon knockoff actually taste better to me than the brand name. I like some of the special pizzas and stuff they have, and I really like shopping in a store that isn't really loud, large, or just hard to navigate. And the service tends to be friendlier than most of the stores in my area.

>> No.6625478

It's actually owned by same parent as Aldi's. I don't know the stores personally. We just finally got Aldi's down here like 2 years ago.

>> No.6625504


I mean, if you like shitty frozen meals I guess.

>> No.6625509

D O M I N I C K ' S

S ' K C I N I M O D

>> No.6625861

Wingyip pretty good, although I've noticed they're a lot more expensive compared to competition now.

>> No.6625875


>Tfw every time we shop at Aldi's I get violently sick from whatever we buy from there

It's honestly disgusting. Maybe it's just the one by where I live, but it always makes me sick.

>> No.6625885
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>go to Aldi's
>buy some frozen White Castle cheeseburgers
>come home
>microwave according to instructions on box
>I can has cheeseburgers like White Castle at home

>> No.6625969

I assume it's just the one near you as all three of the ones in my area are great.
Consumer Reports consistently rates Aldi in the top fifteen (out of sixty-eight) supermarket chains in the US. Above Whole Foods, actually!

It's not even close to beating Wegman's, which is at no.1.

>> No.6625973


>> No.6626015

>gf is from Syracuse, NY
>has the holy trifecta of aldis, wegmans, and Costco
Dear lord that city would be gods gift only if it wasn't in the middle of bumfuck nowhere

>> No.6626037

Worked at a ShopRite for quite a few years during college. Have great deals, compared to the Stop&Shop and BigY nearby. Then an Aldi moved in literally across the street, and I managed to cut a chunk of change buying some of my groceries from them. Always finding myself buying their trailmix, jerky, and chocolate anytime I go in there.

>> No.6626043
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>buying brand products

>> No.6626061

i work at a whole foods, so i generally shop there because of my discount. this thread has inspired to go to aldi today, however.

>> No.6626121

Brit rankings-

>Asda/Tesco - 7/10
Cheap, has almost everything you need, pretty much give away food at the end of the day. Customer service isn't great along with most of the customers. Pre-prepared and convenience food is often very mediocre, but fine for buying ingredients and produce.

>Morrisons - 7/10
Tends to be small and with a more limited selection, but this is balanced out by very decent meat, fish, cheese, deli products, etc.

>Marks & Spencers & Waitrose - 9/10
Expensive and often too small to buy everything there, but delicious speciality goods, desserts, baked goods, etc. Best customer service and best for buying unusual ingredients and pre-prepared or luxury food.

>Aldi/Lidl - 6/10
Great prices, often good quality produce, but can be hit and miss. Sometimes the selection is limited and items are only stocked for a few weeks, which is tragic when you discover something especially delicious. Good for cheap chocolate and confectionery.

>> No.6626127

>Asda/Tesco on 7/10
>Lidl & Aldi on 6/10

Not. Fucking. Even.

Asda could die in a fire over night and I wouldn't weep a single tear, even thought it's the closest supermarket to me. Asdas these days are even lower tier version of Walmart, which the Americans here might find hard to believe.

Tesco has always been cheap and horrible in all way, with terrible stores full of fat ugly people buying oven chips and ready meals. There is literally nothing redeeming about a Tesco.

Also you missed out Sainsburys.

>> No.6626131
File: 69 KB, 500x500, murrika america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never live in europe where stores produce better food than jewbrands
>you will always live in america where even produce and raw meat are branded items with mascots and slogans

>> No.6626190


Depends what kind of shopping I'm doing. I'll visit Aldi/Lidl if I haven't got planned recipes in mind and just see what's in stock that looks good and work around it. But if I've planned out a week of recipes, it's often a waste of time rocking up to Lidl and then discovering they don't have half the ingredients because they're fairly small and their stock is very variable. I'd rather just go to an Asda for ingredients if I need a lot of them- I wouldn't go there for ready meals, but a tin of chickpeas or some ginger or pak choi or whatever doesn't vary that much in quality across chain supermarkets.

Sainsburys I think is a solid 8/10- bit pricey and not always a huge range in certain areas, but better quality than the big two and they carry some good brands. It's also a good choice if you don't feel like cooking and want to pick up something pre-prepared.

>> No.6626215

I don't understand how you can brand a store's entire range as horrible, unless you're exclusively buying own brands

>> No.6626251
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>tfw I just live in a small town and just buy local

stop living in a shit part of the US

>> No.6626263

Why has no one said publix

>> No.6626714
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>leaving out the 10/10 of British supermarkets
I guess it goes without saying, but here it is all the same, ready to take its rightful place on the grocery throne as the apex of food vendors.
No need to thank me. Just doing my part.

>> No.6626731

Factually incorrect.

>> No.6626783

>as if there could be any other sort of incorrect
And you're the one that's wrong.

Darkies make up less than 15% of the US population. Whites make up over 75% of the population.

Currently, over 47 million people are on foodstamps.

Whites make up over a third of them and blacks less than a quarter.

By sheer numbers, yes: whites on foodstamps outnumber blacks. By percentage of their respective groups, however, a far larger portion of blacks are on foodstamps than whites, at about 25% of all black people in America using foodstamps compared to 7% of all whites. The majority of whites on food stamps, 52%, are elderly persons and the disabled. The majority of blacks on foodstamps, 73%, are able-bodied layabouts.

>> No.6626784


>> No.6626815

>paying $1,000,000 dollars for everything

They keep roping you in with deals I see

>> No.6626850


> burning the flag whilst wiping your arse with the constitution and feasting on a dinner of roast eagle.

I was thinking more like "attending a homosexual "marriage" of two illegal aliens whilst listening to nigger music and voting Democrat".

>> No.6628218

>>still buying off brand products
Ah schlomo won you over I see?

>> No.6628224

guys serious question here, what the fuck is aldi?

It's a grocery chain I get that, but where? I'm in California and we've got ralphs and albertsons here. Vons too.

>> No.6628231

>aldis cheap as fuck
>pays employees 12$/h

what the fugg

>> No.6628256

They have like 2 employees in the whole store.

>> No.6628617

> gutter shit from lidl

Here in the Netherlands the Lidl consistently has the best quality veggies.

>> No.6628960

And of course, the federal government likes to lump in Hispanics with whites for these sort of statistics, so a good hunk of the "white" people getting food stamps are mostly native (central) American.

>> No.6628963

Protip: the federal government is responsive to the will of the people. There are huge numbers of hispanics and hispanics are extremely racist, much more so even than regular run of the mill anglo whites. It's somewhat of a miracle that "white non-hispanic" is still considered an official census category, it's almost as archaic as "mongolid" or "hebrew", but I think the reason hispanics don't make a big deal of it is that they consider it a small victory that the anglos understand that there are white hispanics, and that's good enough for them.

>> No.6629005

Ahold just bought Delhaize. This makes it one of the largest grocery owner in the US.

Now why this sounds like a good idea but is literally the worst thing that can happen to Europe and the US.

Ahold is nasty company that tries to maximise profits by economise on the customers above everything else. Delhaize is a great chain which sells life lobster and literally every great wine you could think of. Now this will all disappear in Belgium and it will be replaced by cheap alternatives. The same will happen with quality of supermarkets in the US. especially in the east part of the US where they both own 70% of all supermarkets.

Now in the upcoming years prices will first drop but so will the quality. Finally now everyone is starting to enjoy proper food it will be taken away again.

Sad feels all over the place. So I have decided to switch to just not buy anything anymore from Albert Heijn or all the related chains, fuck them! I buy my cheese from my local cheese farmer, my veggies from my local veggie famers. And all the other stuff from a expensive organic food chain because fuck them.

>> No.6629053
File: 66 KB, 760x431, BasedMarket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retarded question coming through. Is Trader Joe's just the Californian version of Aldi? I know when I moved from California to Arizona, Vons became Safeway, but they were actually the same store.
>No one has said ABC market

>> No.6629061

Piggly Wiggly (the northern variety, which is apparently unaffiliated with the southern ones)

>> No.6629068

they have very few employees that work faster and more efficient than those of other supermarkets

>> No.6629375

>i dont know how to percentage

>> No.6629691