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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6622206 No.6622206 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6622209

First trip to the supermarket? Cinnamon sugar has existed forever.

>> No.6622219
File: 50 KB, 697x585, seafood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe he just growed up enough to see the top shelf XD

This "crab cake" from another thread blows my mind

>> No.6622260
File: 26 KB, 312x312, 1421295243413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i live in the crab cake capitol of the entire world

and i've never seen one of these, it's hideous

just serve the fucking crab cake

>> No.6622351


Where is the crab cake capitol located?

>> No.6622492
File: 613 KB, 1614x1205, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 years living on a steady diet of ramen, toast and frozen waffles
>finally develop hereditary wheat allergy from my mom's side
>fuck what now
>eat quesodillas, rice and cornflakes for like a year because marketed gluten free shit ("pasta" "bread" "crackers" that kind of shit) either or both tastes like ass and is mad expensive
>see gluten free frozen waffles for $2
>why the fuck not
>taste fine, still feel sheepish checking out with them because of massive GLUTEN FREE printed across the face of the box
>sittin in my poor ass kitchen eating my waffles with some Save-A-Lot generic peanut butter
>see this shit on the back of the box

I don't care who you think you are eating gluten free, but these are frozen waffles and you can get the hell out of here with your fresh fruit and crème fraîche

>> No.6622528

Why? Anything that tastes good on a pancake tastes good on a waffle.

>> No.6622566


They just want to shed a little light on your life of darkness.

>> No.6622571

If it's not Baltimore, Maryland he's a liar.

>> No.6622572

You think it's something fancy to put fucking berries on your waffles?

>> No.6622574

hey man true darkness knows no frozen waffles

>> No.6622575

>not eating fruit

buy some strawberries and discover what tastes taste like

>> No.6623770


This x9001

>> No.6623778

crab is quite literally the only redeeming quality of that hellhole city

>> No.6623903
File: 82 KB, 640x480, 1426223919747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I'm having flashbacks to grade school. They used to serve us this gross dried-up white rice in the cafeteria. To make it a little less disgusting, the kids would pour cinnamon sugar on top of it. I actually tried it once. It was absolutely horrendous.

>> No.6625295


You know what's even worse? The Whataburger honey butter sauce that they sell.


They don't even use real butter for that. I could understand that in a restaurant, you have margins and shit, but most people at least have butter, honey, and some way of combining the two at home.

>> No.6625312

>>not eating fruit
>buy some strawberries and discover what tastes taste like
> Anonymous 06/25/15(Thu)12:57:38 No.6623770▶
>This x9001
> Anonymous 06/25/15(Thu)13:00:19 No.6623778▶
>crab is quite literally the only redeeming quality of that hellhole city
> Anonymous 06/25/15(Thu)13:43:31 No.6623903▶
>File: 1426223919747.jpg (82 KB, 640x480)
>Oh god, I'm having flashbacks to grade school. They used to serve us this gross dried-up white rice in the cafeteria. To make it a little less disgusting, the kids would pour cinnamon sugar on top of it. I actually tried it once. It was absolutely horrendous.
> Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)00:10:23 No.6625295▶
>>>6622206 (OP)
>You know what's even worse? The Whataburger honey butter sauce that they sell.
>They don't even use real butter for that. I could understand that in a restaurant, you have margins and shit, but most people at least have butter, honey, and some way of combining the two at home.
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>> No.6626467

Fuck off you retard

>> No.6626495
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>> No.6626507

Hey shlomo shekelberg, your script stopped working.

>> No.6626917


what an abortion of a post

>> No.6626957

This is the single worst post currently on 4chan.

>> No.6626964

>what is copy and paste

>> No.6626970

I think it's more the fact that people buy cinnamon sugar rather than buying cinnamon and mixing up some cinnamon sugar themselves.

>> No.6627047

Screw cinnamon sugar. This thread is now about how much of a fuckup this guy is:>>6625312

>> No.6627050

how do you even manage that?
do you even look at your post before you hit submit?

>> No.6627052

Over on some parts of the chins we would call this post-ironic shitposting.
I think this guy is being serious though. Not sure which is funnier.