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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6622077 No.6622077 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best condiment for fries /ck?

For me, I'd have to go with mayo/fry sauce most of the time, for seasoned fries, a picante sauce is good, and for curly fries, horseradish sauce all day.

What are your preferences?

>> No.6622095

ketchup and/or vinegar


>> No.6622109

fancy sauce or gtfo


>> No.6622161
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I tend to go full autismo with fries and spend a good 10 minutes making sauce with whatever I have lying around, which tends to culminate in elaborate spicy mayonnaise because all I ever have lying around is spices and mayonnaise

If I'm looking at a carry out menu with like four sauce options, I'll usually just roll with ketchup or whatever ranchy type shit they have, I'm not picky. You can get beef gravy on fries at most of the corner shops in my city as well, shit's on point.

>all of these stock images of fries and caramel sauce

>> No.6622203
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ketchup and this magical seasoning from norway. i put it on all my junk food.

>> No.6622204

Bbq sauce & mayo
Malt Vinegar
Heinz 57 sauce

>> No.6622221

Best condiment is dipping them in your milkshake.

>> No.6622226

Malt vinegar or gravy

>> No.6622241

salt and vinegar...gravy as well

>> No.6622261

Salt & vinegar/brown sauce or hot sauce, particularly fond of Frank's buffalo sauce, nice and buttery

Sometimes when cooking chips at home I fuck around with diffetent condiments and make sauces, mostly mayo-based, but a mix of soy sauce and sweet and sour has also been an old favourite

>> No.6622274


>> No.6622277

I put old fries in a Nutribullet and use the puree as a condiment for fresh fries. Delish, and absolutely the best possible option.

>> No.6622278

poutine and cheese curds.

>> No.6622284
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gravy, cheese curds and hamburger

>> No.6622285

Fry sauce. A mix of mayo and ketchup for the uninitiated.

>> No.6622294

Seasoned fries like those are best enjoyed without any condiments.

>> No.6622317

But Mayo is fucking disgusting.

>> No.6622321

Just some kind-of-coarse salt, mang.

>> No.6622325

Go back to Utah!

>> No.6622371

You've obviously never tried it.

>> No.6622384

A mix of ketchup and mustard.
A 35 to 65 mix

>> No.6622386

Mustard, that is all.

>> No.6622399

It's threads like this one that shows how pleb /ck/ really is.

>> No.6622400

You realize picante just means spicy, right? its not a specific sauce

>> No.6622404

I meant spicy sauce in general but I guess I could clarify.
There's a place near me that does it perfectly.
It's somewhere between the texture of the "juice" in pico de gallo and a really fine salsa.
But also fairly spicy. It's pretty good.

>> No.6622412

horseradish sauce
sweet and sour sauce
barbecue sauce

malt vinegar
honey mustard

ranch dressing
hot sauce
steak sauce

>> No.6622413

no name brand taco seasoning powder

>> No.6622415

Old Bay
Hot sauce
Malt vinegar

Only acceptable answers

>> No.6622430

Heinz, the only Ketchup.

>> No.6622438

I've never really liked my fries with hot sauce since it seems impossible to get a uniform distribution of hot sauce on the fries. Inevitably, it streaks and you get a couple hot fries and a lot of non hot fries, assuming you're tossing sauce and not dipping.

>> No.6622442
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Good fries, most fry pics here are soggy and disgusting.

Where are those fries from.

Ranch,mayo,catsup mix. Or if I have time a aioli.

>> No.6622460

whoa that sounds..exotic

>> No.6622461

>Turns Out We've Been Putting The Wrong Toppings On Our Fries This Whole Time - Click to [WATCH] FOODBEAST.COM

>> No.6622473

Tomato Sauce(ketchup) or salt and vinegar for me.
The mayo idea sounds repulsive to me, surprised to see it mentioned so much.

>> No.6622478

Okay Cletus.

>> No.6622484

Ranch+Hot Sauce
Ranch+BBQ (god tier combination right here)
Mayo (for crisp seasoned fries)
Ketchup+mayo+worcestershire+black pepper
Malt vinegar (for salty seasoned fries)

>> No.6622486

Curry sauce or mustard. Fuck ketchup

>> No.6622503


>> No.6622507

is this a ebik maymay?

>> No.6622510

Mayo is a Euro thing and quite good if like mentioned where the fries are fairly seasoned.

>> No.6622515

Malt vinegar and a tomato chilli sauce.

>> No.6622520
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>ctrl f
>no quinky sauce

Quinky sauce

>> No.6622541
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Cajun Seasoning

>> No.6622625

you guys are butch league

garlic aioli

>> No.6622673

lmao oh god that thread was hilarious

>> No.6622704
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>best condiment for fries

best condiment for fries is the rest of the garbage plate

>> No.6622712

Milkshake works with just about any fry
Mayo (if they have a lot of seasoning like Checkers/Rallys' fries)
Ketchup if they are McDombles tier
Gravy for thick cut
BBQ sauce for curly

>> No.6622731

legalize it!

>> No.6622733


you guys whoever made that trolled greg

>> No.6622738

Ketchup or BBQ sauce. Ranch is it's made well, none of the packaged garbage.

>> No.6622739

If you ever have fish and chips, the association just crops up naturally.

>> No.6622787

>mayo on fish

Fucking gross.

I didn't start putting mayo on fries until I heard about it on /ck/ all the time. It doesn't work for non-seasoned fries and tastes like shit, but for some reason the seasoning + mayo is a godlike combination. It works really really good with Checkers' fries.

>> No.6622802

definitely vinegar

>> No.6622981

how can anyone think this?

>> No.6622988

Make Spanish Bravas. God tier sauces if not made by a tourist trap

>> No.6623050

Avocado dip goes well with sweet potato fries

>> No.6623071

thousand island dressing

>> No.6623107

You should check out the food traditions thread.

It's a mix of ketchup horror stories and pleb-tier fastfood, but it warms my heart and makes me want to cry.

Life lesson learned
Nostalgia is a powerful thing, anon...A powerful thing.

>> No.6623129

mayo + sriracha

>> No.6623181

Peanut sauce and onions.

>> No.6623194

Garlic aioli. All other answers are patently false.

>> No.6623199


>> No.6623201

whataburgers spicy ketchup

>> No.6623203

nice meme.

>> No.6623446
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a literal meme you big league chew two tone shit brick

>> No.6623462
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>> No.6623474
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>> No.6623487
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>> No.6623491
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>> No.6623496
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>> No.6623498

Fun Fact: Samuel L Jackson was the first black american to travel to Europe.

>> No.6623499
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>fries whiter than a neckbeard
>government cheese
>parmesean imitation saw dust-tier bacon

>not knowing how to cook and prep your kitchen in 2015

>> No.6623500
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>> No.6623507

this or creme fraiche

>> No.6623508
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Give it to me, now!

>> No.6623513
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>> No.6623514


>> No.6623526
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>> No.6623538

alioli and aioli are different. Namely alioli is generally made from mustard.

>> No.6623555

Any idea when these are coming back? moi is want to jiak wif mclaosai

>> No.6623556


>> No.6623560

Not a condiment but there's nothing better than mushy peas on your chips.

>> No.6623569

look at this faggot animal eating fries off the ground

>> No.6623586

aioli is the part around a nipple

>> No.6623618

Not sure if your trolling or being genuine, but wtf dude.

>> No.6623624

Garlic aioli and ketchup blend.

>> No.6623636

the sweetness/tangyness of ketchup combined with the creaminess of mayo

>> No.6623645

>mushy peas
choose one retard.

>> No.6623647

ranch or something southern like vinegar bbq or firey ranch or somesuch.

>> No.6623652


>> No.6623657

man i cannot word today, anyway get this shit posting off /ck/

>> No.6623982


>> No.6623990
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Satay sauce

>> No.6624000

okay whatever you say Wouter

>> No.6624030

Truffle mayo followed by ketchup followed by vinegar.

>> No.6624041

Chip shop curry sauce and heinz ketchup mixed together

>> No.6624048
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You a Northern Monkey by any chance?

>> No.6624060

Just ketchup

>> No.6624064

Alioli or salsa brava

Preferably both at the same time

>> No.6624193
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>> No.6624398

Ohhh man ive tried this once . Its fucking delicious

>> No.6624503

fuck off pleb

>> No.6624504

Ketchup or Aioli

>> No.6624506

mediocre fries and burger... yup, lets take a picture!

>> No.6624515


mediocre opinion... yup, lets post it on 4chan!

>> No.6624583

what sauce is that?

>> No.6624598

gay sauce

>> No.6624955

If you're from Chicago you know what I mean when I say put mild sauce on your fries

>> No.6624977

aww did anon hurt your feelings, faggot?

>> No.6625214

Ketchup, lemon, and pepper makes a good sauce for fries, particularly if I'm having it with seafood.

>> No.6625261

Shit fries you fucking filthy disgusting shit eating faggot god damn im fuckimg tired of people posting soggy fucking fries and acting like they are good. Your fries are shit and that vomit you put on top if what kill yourself filth.

>> No.6625333

Tangy (not fucking sweet) marinara sauce and some parmesan cheese on top

>> No.6625377

>poutine and cheese curds
So you put fries with gravy and cheese curd on your fries with more cheese curd?

>> No.6625397

I like to toss them around in the juice of a medium rare steak. usually I have a few steaks on a platter, and after I plate them I'll throw the fries on the platter and rustle them around to absorb the juice!