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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6620991 No.6620991 [Reply] [Original]

So my mother just bought this...

>Hotdog crust pizza

>> No.6620996

Is your mother obese?

>> No.6620998
File: 54 KB, 540x323, flyover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice frog rost.

>> No.6621000

No she's normal
Jokes on you faggot I'm home from uni for summer

>> No.6621005
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>> No.6621006

Yeah, it's pretty shit.
It's shit to make too.
Fucking Pizza Hut and their gimmick pizzas.

>> No.6621012

It was disgusting. Fuck. My dad walked in the house and looked at it and immediately grabbed some Chef Boyardee.

>> No.6621014
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Fuck.. look at this shit guys. Welcome to the decline of western cuisine.

>> No.6621020


>> No.6621023

Stop being a fucking pussy and eat it you bitchfaggot loser. It's normal food your mom paid money for.

>> No.6621024

your dad eats Chef Boyardee

>> No.6621026

>western cuisine.
>midwestern cuisine.

>> No.6621027

Actually, OP just marked himself as a fag. I think it's a tradition between OPs.

>> No.6621028
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Is that worse than this?

>> No.6621029

Would either of you gentlemen like these hotdog crusts? I will ship them to you.

>> No.6621033

Bro, it's just bread with a hotdog. Stop being a little pussy holy shit.

>> No.6621036

Japan did it first. It's international cuisine, you plebs. Eat your fucking multiculturalism. EAT IT.

>> No.6621039
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you sound like a fucking normie that hasn't been following fast food trends

>> No.6621040


If you're american then that likely means obese

>> No.6621048

Now imagine the absolutely worst hot dogs you can find in those crusts and you'll have an idea of what these are.

Pretty much tasted of nothing but salt, with a hint of bologna.

>> No.6621056

normal in america is obese. so she's not morbidly obese, but by everywhere but america standards she is obese.

>> No.6621061

All hotdogs are like that. You're just a spoiled little shit.

>> No.6621071

go to a non-shit (ie european) butcher and buy some quality smoked würstchen you fucking pleb

>> No.6621081

That crust is triggering my fear of things with holes in them

>> No.6621086

christ even go to any decent us butcher and get some freshly made hotdogs

>> No.6621092

I saw this online a few days ago and it induced a sense of nausea that hasn't quite subsided. Surprisingly, I think this isn't a pure American market thing, I think it was tested in the UK first...which, okay that's not surprising. Hot dogs are good, pizza is good, but I can't imagine this in any way could be good. Because you know it's all cut-rate quality meat rammed into those soggy dough holes. The crust sent me into waves of trypophobic horror, honestly.

>> No.6621097
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>you turn your hand over and see this

>> No.6621143

I'd throw up if that wasn't photoshopped

>> No.6621181
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>> No.6621203

oh god that is a sad pic

>> No.6621328

This shit is mother fucking standard in Japan. Even the glorious nihon jin like hotdog pizza. \

But...if i had to guess Japans hotdogs are probably legit as fuck and wont kill you...just like all their other food. :'c

>> No.6621469
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fuck you for posting that

>> No.6621507

God damn I just wanna pop and pluck all those things out.

>> No.6621763

shit looks like the genitals of a newborn

>> No.6621973
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>> No.6622005

Pizza Hut are doing a meat pie crust pizza now in Australia. It's got little party pies all around the crust. It's not that bad. They just taste like party pies. But it's not that good either.

I don't think they've given us hot dog crusts.

>> No.6622006 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6622075

what is this? i wanna try some (all of it)

>> No.6622081

[Spoiler]god fuck damnit[/Spoiler]

>> No.6622632

> my mother made my fat lazy ass some food while I sponge off of her and my dad
> better post it on 4chan so all my friends can see it!

Holy shit kid, go lay down in the nearest freeway.

>> No.6622643

since she can't cook I assume she give good head?

>> No.6622645

Doesn't every Walmart have a McDonalds inside lmao

>> No.6622648

would feel amazing

>> No.6622683

that looks like circle pen1s' peeking out of the fourskin. digusting.

>> No.6622740

I know people post these because some people have some sort of phobia for some reason, but I love these so much. It's just so fucking fascinating and I don't know why.

>> No.6622748

>Look it up
>Four n' Twenty
Fucking really? They put 420 on it? I mean at least they know the demographic who's going to buy it but isn't that a bit odd for a large scale company to do? Maybe it's different on that side of the world.

>> No.6622756

Spoiler tags don't work on this board, retard.

>> No.6622758

What's odd about it? They're a big company with the capacity for large scale output, making them capable of cheaply supplying the quantities that a company like Pizza Hut would require.

>> No.6622763

They put 420 on it. They're advertising it for stoners. That's all I was getting at.

>> No.6622777

Oh, right.

It's from the children's song. "Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie." That's why.

Not that there are any blackbirds in it.

>> No.6623142
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>> No.6623153

She didn't make it you fucking retard. It's from pizza hut.

>> No.6623157


Fuck off you wapanese dick licker.

>> No.6623158

its like im looking at tiny little flaccid uncircumcised penises, surrounding my pizza. i cant fap to this, and i cant unsee.

>> No.6623164

Fuck off.
The beetus beaner is never coming back, summerfag.

>> No.6623168

they look like uncircumcised penis

>> No.6623267

As someone who works for SlutHut, I am ashamed of my company. So far, not one single person who has ordered one of these goddamned things has been anything but an uneducated god-hates-fags type or an absolute hambeast.

>> No.6623321
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>live here and ride your scooter to McDonald's and Walmart

>> No.6623328

No friend, the term is normal penis, "un" implies someone is missing out on something, that suits the mutilated dicks much better.

>> No.6623616

I thought it tasted fine, though I am conflicted on the idea of warm mustard.

>> No.6623635

>pretzel/lye or whatever they call it crust
>brown mustard drizzle
>sliced hot dog/polish sausage/brats as meat
>typical hot dog toppings offered
There's the hot dog pizza they should be making, not this dippy crust bullshit.

>> No.6623671 [DELETED] 


>> No.6623707

Ok Smeglord, have fun waving your Confederate flag with a foreskin on it around.

>> No.6623936


>le smegmeme

don't be angry just because your jewish parents mutilated you as a child

>> No.6623940

your dick is literally covered in rotting dead skin

>> No.6623951

i live within walking distance of a wal-mart and mcdonald's and fear for my life when i'm in that area, as there have been multiple murders down that rod

>> No.6623957
File: 22 KB, 480x360, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not, because i wash

>> No.6623962


>> No.6623989
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This makes me uncomfortable please stop

its like lotus seed pizza

>> No.6624180

Do you also love videos of people popping blackheads out?

>> No.6624207

You're retarded dude. Women have worse smegma than uncircumcised men do, and that's a fact. It doesn't even happen unless you don't wash your shit for DAYS.

>> No.6624221


>> No.6625052

I got the salted pretzel version. The hot dogs were pretty low tier, and honey mustard didn't help. (I also hate mustard I realize so that's a thing)

ON THE OTHER HAND, the pizza part itself was a lot better than the usual thin crust? So maybe the pretzel salt helps or something I dunno.

They should really bring back stuffed pan crust.

>> No.6625166

Hurrendous! Did you look at your mom and feel embarressed for her? I feel like I am on an LSD flashback looking at a collage of obese men's, uncircumsized penises.

>> No.6625180

God that looks like my foreskin when I was 15

>> No.6625551

It looks like a pizza surrounded by numerous Jewish cocks waiting to add their sauce. Not surprised your mom bought it.

>> No.6625556

odd coincindence, or samefag shitposters? hmmmm....whatever, gonna go jerk off and have a great orgasm with my complete penis.

>> No.6625559

No. Mine has a Subway. It did have one back when I was kid, but the owner got pissed off with corporate and made the switch after remodeling.

>> No.6625567

No. It's just a pretty obvious observation.

>> No.6625690


>not getting meat pie pizza

>> No.6625692
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>> No.6625727

It looks like it should take off or hover or something.