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File: 1.62 MB, 1432x970, Baileys-Designed-by-Bloom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6616356 No.6616356 [Reply] [Original]

just turned 21 and about to head to the liquor store for my first adult purchase. I'm torn between Bailey's and any kind of vodka. On the one hand I'd love some creamy mixed drink with chocolate for a special birthday treat. On the other had I want to get blitzed out of my mind before the sun goes down. I drink vodka all the time but have never touched bailey's Can anyone describe it to me?

>> No.6616423

Regular baileys tastes a bit like chocolate milk with a slight alcohol twinge. I hate drinking it straight, let alone getting drunk on it because it tends to curdle in your stomach.

>> No.6616444

Like caramel, but thinner. Basically think of caramel flavoured milk with a strong alcohol taste, but not overpowering.

I really like it but I'm biased. I used to drink it with my mom when I was young and the nostalgia always makes it tricky to gauge.

>> No.6616476

Do not get Bailey's, you can have one glass of it and after that the rest of the bottle is the second worst shit you've ever drank.

>> No.6616477

do not get baileys

>> No.6616478

Buy vodka AND Bailey's, you need them both to make a mudslide anyway!

>> No.6616518

>because it tends to curdle in your stomach
I don't think that's it, there's some inherent quality of disgustiveness(?) in it that starts kicking in harder and harder with every sip you take. I've tried some other cream liqueurs too and they don't have it.

>> No.6616527

Just get a big handle of Popov's vodka and drink it until you puke. There is no difference in the tastes of cheap and expensive vodka and anyone who says otherwise is a fucking twat trying to impress someone or seem cultured.

>> No.6616542
File: 57 KB, 532x408, amarula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, buy Amarula instead of Bailey's, it's way fucking better. I drink a small glass of Amarula every day for dessert.

>> No.6616548


sounds bretty gud

I'll mix it with something. I've got chocolate milk powder and some 2% lying around.

sounds like a plan.

I read it tastes like rubbing alcohol. Then again so does SKYY. I guess you're right.

that does look good. What's the price compared to bailey's? Smallest for Bailey's is 20 bucks for 750 ml

>> No.6616578

Cheap vodka is going to be hella cheaper than baileys in terms of abv%.

>There is no difference in the tastes of cheap and expensive vodka
Now that's not exactly correct. When it comes to vodka and it's close relatives, it's true that even though price doesn't equal quality, even things that have more or less the same price can have noticeable differences in how "clean" the taste is.
There's not much point in buying expensive vodka, but I can tell from experience that if it's complete topkek quality you can taste it through no matter how much you water it down.

>> No.6616582

get vodka nd make a white russian, it is obviously your best option

>> No.6616596

Seconding this, Amarula is amazing. It's the same price as Bailey's, atleast where I live, but it's like a hundred times better. Like it's so good you don't even want to waste it by mixing it with anything, for the same price as Bailey's which you practically have to mix with stuff.

>> No.6616601

sounds amazing. will definitely check it out and probably purchase if the price is good.

>> No.6616612

Amarula is wonderful, a South African friend introduced me to it and I have yet to buy balieys again

>> No.6616625


Stick with beer. Don't get carried away.

>> No.6616632

I put non dairy creamer (dissolved in warm water) in diet AW root beer. that's my treat. no alcohol required.

>> No.6616720
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>> No.6616726

15 is a good age, enjoy it.

>> No.6616729
File: 1.47 MB, 720x405, copy that.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't want to drink something that you have to force yourself to like. He must be underage!

>> No.6616750

I really like the taste of the majority of beers.
That said there are literally people discussing handles of cheap vodka in this thread, anyone who claims to actually enjoy neat vodka is a liar.

>> No.6616765

I enjoy some vodkas neat, i am telling the truth

>> No.6616771

as soon as i saw bailey's, came here to mention. amarula over ice is incroyable

>> No.6616802

W2c? Do they keep it in any American stores?

>> No.6618645
File: 9 KB, 232x217, paulie..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having to be an adult for 3 years before being able to buy alcohol.

>> No.6618654

>18 year old Ameriburger


>> No.6618658

>Thinking anyone from the ages of 18-28 is an actual adult.

>> No.6618661

Hence the kek anon.

>> No.6618668

>mfw first ethyl coma at 14

>> No.6618677

refer to video


>> No.6618778

And now I'm kek-ing for being slow

>> No.6619702

Beer is literally swill. Single malt scotch is the way to go.

>> No.6619729

>Beer is literally swill. Single malt scotch is the way to go.

lol what kind of trilby do you wear

>> No.6619855

I enjoy whiskey. Not my fault you 18 year olds don't know how to drink real alcohol.

>> No.6619868
File: 376 KB, 1000x3491, fedora'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I enjoy whiskey. Not my fault you 18 year olds don't know how to drink real alcohol.

>> No.6619898

>slipped in a couple of bowler hats for good measure


>> No.6620390
File: 37 KB, 600x800, good shit right here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sooner you get used to sipping whiskey and finding out what beer you like, the happier you're going to be.

>> No.6620408

I'd rather grind my dick up in a blender and drink it than drink that. Diet just makes it worse

>> No.6620530

Don't get baileys, Amarula is basically a cheaper, more delicious, less stomach curdling version of Baileys, but caramel/marula flavored.

>> No.6620535

Not true, there's a definite difference in taste between the cheapest vodka and the medium priced vodka, but that's only because the fucking bargain bin drinks are always the most rancid stomach destroying shit imaginable.

>> No.6620811

It smells like the syrup they put in McDonald's shake machine flavorings

>> No.6620814

wow this is the most fedora thing in /ck/ history
>inb4 being ironic

>> No.6620949


>> No.6621065
File: 57 KB, 550x801, kraken_bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a good dark/spiced rum. higher alcohol than Bailey's, but still sweet and goes down smooth. maybe also get some ginger beer if you absolutely have to mix it

>> No.6621069
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>> No.6621278

I really hope you're kidding.

>> No.6621463

That stuff's sweet enough to just drink, definitely. Tried mixing some in coke and it was absolutely cloying, grrhghg nasty

I don't think he is. I agree with him. Whoever wrote that is just an uncomfortable person I would never want to associate with

>> No.6621471

Not one bit. I don't care what you think about whisky vs beer (not that its a fucking competition you goddamn autistic), but anyone who speaks or thinks like that guy is a horrible cunt that I would never want to be around.

>> No.6621489

This definitely, then from there if it's one of his first times getting drunk and he may or may not be big on alcohol in the future (it'll teach him a lesson he'll never forget if he does abuse it though, not good for you at all and no real benefit to the poison) then just slurp down some average beer after as you get drunker and pair it with lots of tasty junk comfort food and you'll be all good for the night. Gets to a point where your so drunk that unless you find something absolutely disgusting you'll be able to drink it if it'll get you just that slightly more drunk.

>> No.6621512

Carolan's, an off-brand of Bailey's, is better in my opinion. Doesn't have the sickly sort of sweetness that plague's Bailey's in my opinion. A nice simple cocktail is equal parts Carolan's and some Irish whiskey (I like Seagram's) poured over ice and stirred.

>> No.6621666

Carolans or Amarula OP, Baileys is overpriced and disgusting.

For Vodka, anything cheap + mixxer will do.

also good bourbon like Evan Williams white label, or scotch like highland queen 12.

>> No.6621712

>For Vodka, anything cheap + mixxer will do.
If you just want to get fucked up, mixing something into cheap vodka is almost a waste of the mixer. I'd rather just slam the shot of vodka for the authentic deathwater experience, and chase it with the juice or soda or water or whatever.

>> No.6622355

You can drink whatever you want, just because I don't like it means stop drinking it. I thought it was self explanatory that I like scotch more then beer.

And I was referencing this about the age. Didn't really mean it.

>> No.6622562

>being 18

>> No.6622567


>> No.6623335

I was going to say this. Vodka, Kahlua and single cream. I was drinking this yesterday, far better than Bailey's.

>> No.6623351

still a cunt

>> No.6624071

no, you're a cunt. If im going to kill myself with alcohol, it will be good alcohol.

>> No.6624077

wow so cunty

>> No.6624084

BOC mate, BOC.