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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6615568 No.6615568 [Reply] [Original]

Lets discuss water bottles. What kind do you use? People who use glass ones can fuck off. Disposable are for losers.

Pic related, I use one of these except it has my school's logo on it. Shit's cash.

>> No.6615580

>not using a metal Klean Kanteen


>> No.6615586

Why bother? If you are leaving water in a plastic bottle long enough to impart a flavor, you aren't drinking enough water.

>> No.6615590

>even having to have that concern


>some cheap plastic thing with a bunch of parts that need to be cleaned and a sippy straw, all with some commoner school's logo emblazoned on it, as if you forgot where you go to school or as if others cared.

>> No.6615591

>made in China

Yeah, no thanks.

>> No.6615592

This nigga gets it.

>> No.6615597

>People who use glass ones can fuck off
Why? The glass ones are the best because they never alter the flavor of the water.

>> No.6615599

>muh Nalgene

Yeah, fuck that, I'm not some college kid who needs a wild and wacky color plastic bottle to slap a bunch of moronic coffee shop stickers on. They always look juvenile, even when unadulterated.

>> No.6615600

>Having to clean a water bottle
You only put water in them retard. The only person I know who would put other stuff in one was this autistic retard from my time in boy scouts. The motherfucker would put milk in his. That's just shit you don't do man.

>> No.6615603

If you are drinking water as fast as you should be, the plastic won't impart flavor. Glass also breaks. Easily.

>> No.6615606

>as you should be

What the fuck are you on about? I'll drink a drink at any speed I want, and I shouldn't have to worry about plastic making me change this fact.

>he never cleans water bottles

>> No.6615660
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>People who use glass ones can fuck off.

Uh, why? What's wrong with glass? It's easier to clean and, in my experience, harder to break than plastic. This is the one that I use.

>> No.6615666
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fun fact: some athletes add electrolytes to their water.

pic related. an athlete!

>> No.6615667

I don't see any problem not cleaning something you just put water in. I don't clean a pot that I just boil water in either.

>> No.6615668

>Glass also breaks. Easily.

It really doesn't. I've dropped mine (the pink one above) several times, and it hasn't broken at all.

>> No.6615671

Fun fact, it's just salt!

>> No.6615672

it's wrapped in silicon!

>> No.6615673

I like the Camelback eddy straw thing and plan on getting one. I currently have a 32 oz nalgene I like the size but hate splashing water all over my face when the bottle gets empty

checked, nice trips

>> No.6615676

You don't put your bacteria-ridden mouth all over a pot of boiling water. Do you also lick your dirty dishes off and call them clean?

>> No.6615677


I've been using a Groove bottle for years but the mouthpiece is a bitch to keep clean and keep going green. Thinking about getting Fill2Pure which filters fluoride.

>> No.6615679

You can drop the plastic ones off a cliff and they will be fine. My Nalgene has survived me drunkenly throwing it at a brick wall when my friend bet me I couldn't break it. We were extremely drunk.

>> No.6615680

If the bacteria is in my mouth chances are I'd already be sick from it regardless. You're dumb and paranoid. How many things are you allergic to?

>> No.6615685

>things are kept clean despite coming into regular contact with my mouth and water that more than likely has trace elements that leave residue.

>> No.6615689

If the water has shit that's bad for you in it, why drink it at all?

>> No.6615690

I got a metal water bottle and I'm happy with it

it just werks

>> No.6615693

You should just not eat food anymore. It all comes into contact with all types of different shit. Why risk it?

>> No.6615702

Who /sigg/ here?

>> No.6615710

>People who use glass ones can fuck off.

Got a dozen glass ones with silicon sleeves. Fill em up with distilled H2O.

>> No.6615712


Have fun breaking your bones

>> No.6615724

>i don't wash my plates after i eat because anything left on the plate would be bits of food that might have otherwose gone in my mouth

I'm assuming that you actually use plates and don't eat off the floor like a fucking pig you disgusting pig.

>> No.6615734
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tupperware masterrace

>> No.6615744

You are retarded as fuck

>> No.6615789
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It was a gift. I use it more than any other and it has traveled the states with me. It's not the most efficient, since I don't have a handle for it but it has emotional value.

>> No.6615804

For not cleaning my water bottle? I just rinse out my shaker cup with hot water after I drink my whey + milk too. Same with beer glasses.

>> No.6615870
File: 10 KB, 410x410, Zulu Atls Water Bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're disgusting. Haven't you ever heard of mildew? You can start to smell it after while if you don't wash it.
>Implying I ONLY drink water from a water bottle.
>glass breaks easily
And plastic breaks down and cracks. Also Glass keeps my water cooler longer. Pic related is what I have. The rubber around it reenforces it and provides some protection if it's dropped, I suppose. Glass is superior.
So much this.
Holy crap you're a retard. You wash a water bottle the same reason you don't drink from the milk carton. The bacteria in your mouth is fine when it's in your mouth, if you slobber all over the rim of a bottle it starts growing and making shit all gross. Someone who drinks straight from the milk jug's milk will go sour way sooner. Have you seen those experiments where you touch the petrie dish and they put it under a light and then all sorts of shit grows on it? I'm not some kind of germaphobe, and I'm not allergic to anything, but that's no excuse to be FILTHY. Once you can smell your water bottle it's time to clean it.

>> No.6615889

>The bacteria in your mouth is fine when it's in your mouth

Exactly this. Your body has an immune system to keep out gross bacteria. Your water bottle does not. You have to wash your water bottle or else it'll get gross.

>> No.6615906


It's basic elementary school biology.

>> No.6615921

I have that exact bottle, love it minus the fact that the painted lines on the glass rubbed off quickly and got stuck to everything I touched

>> No.6615934
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Sigg master race

>> No.6615940


I put soda in mine a lot, actually waking shakes it up to much but on the bike frame it keeps

>> No.6615945


>implying there's any agar jelly in your water bottle

>> No.6615993

how fat are you?

>> No.6616008

>work in kitchen
>water is unpleasantly warm every time within an hour
>finally spring for a double walled vacuum-insulated steel bottle
>with ice in the bottle, water stays cold for like twelve hours on the line
Fuck is it ever nice.

>> No.6616331



you can probably get them anywhere you can get a nalgene especially if its an outdoor store or some sort. best 3 bucks i ever spent.

>> No.6616338

>sucking on that plastic nob like the faggot you are

>> No.6616376
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I've got two of these 32oz Contigo bottles. They hold a shitload of water, are easy to add ice to and last a decent amount of time.

As others have mentioned this style of bottle has parts that degrade. Usually it's just the o-ring that breaks and it'll leak if it's not standing up.

Also they'll slowly leak from the spout, even closed, at certain random angles.

Oh and if the water goes from cold to warm (e.g. leave it in my truck), it'll spray water when you deploy the spout.

Other than that, I love them. Keep one in the truck (that I use at work) and one in the house. They flow really well.

I wish they made a bigger one. Waking up hungover I can down an entire quart in like 10 seconds.

>> No.6616461

whats a good one for runs?

>> No.6616474
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>except it has my school's logo on it. Shit's cash.
Little red school house day care? Thought they used sippy cups.

>> No.6616531

gf uses a contigo, i use a nalgene

>> No.6616537

>People who use glass ones can fuck off
I'm sorry if my patrician taste in water containers offends you

>> No.6616539

ITT: dragon dildos

>> No.6616546
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Ahahahaha what the fuck anyone who isn't an autist just uses a regular plastic bottle

Do you wear hiking trousers as casual wear as well ahahaha faggots

Pic related: me trying to hold in the tears of laughter when I see some sperg get one of these out

>> No.6616572

>not using an old war canteen from either Germany or America

Kill yourselves.

>> No.6616613

>that obnoxiously narrow opening

>> No.6617178

Do you find that the mouthpiece goes green after a while?

>> No.6617190

nonsense, dragon dildos can only hold 60mL of "fluid" at any time

these bottles can hold much more

>> No.6617205

Get wrecked edge lord

>> No.6617310

aquasteel 24oz water bottle. bright pink, so no one steals it.

>> No.6617353
File: 29 KB, 532x346, for five long years your great grand daddy hid that canteen up his ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using an old war canteen
How did you get an old war canteen?

>> No.6617372

Nah, it just sorta oxidizes and turns a light brownish color.

I once left one in my truck while I went to Chicago to visit my mother in a warm month.

When I came back, the spout had gross shit in it, but I just ran it through the dishwasher (I believe they're dishwasher safe, if not, lol oh well) and it came out good as new (still oxidized, though).

>> No.6617466
File: 17 KB, 355x355, 719bcmKLAeL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goes everywhere with me, the filter is a nice addition too so tap water is better

>> No.6617480

i have the same one, except i took the plastic top thing off, you can drink at maximum efficiency without it.

also mine is green, and seems to be taller than that one.

>> No.6617540

>using plastic

>> No.6617582

Cleaned Ragu bottle, glass.

Easily cleaned in the dishwasher.

Glass so no flavors or things leeching in.

Easy to open lip (not annoying like those metal ones that take forever to unscrew)

No annoying sippy straws that can't be cleaned and makes you look like a man-child.

Has a neoprene slipcover for protection.

>> No.6617591

glass bottles don't end up tasting like plastic though...

>> No.6617679

Am I a pleb for reusing a voss water bottle?
It's glass, but the glass has gotten foggy after 100 uses.

>> No.6617681

do you need to chug your water like you mom chugs jizz or something?

>> No.6617696

ayy buddyyyyy

>> No.6617854
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Both well-done and rare

>> No.6617862

>like you mom
just stop

>> No.6618070

I reuse a mexican coke glass bottle
they're sturdy as fuck so I can run them through the dishwasher

>> No.6618093

This develop leaks so fast.

>> No.6618146

Blender ball bottles, anyone? Although I don't like to use them in public because people always ask me if I work out (I started lifting 2 months ago and I'm still skinny as fuck)

Also you can never get the subtle taste of old protein powder out of them. Thank God I get these shakers for free

>> No.6618201

Emotions are for the weak. The bottle is worthless and so are you

>> No.6618203

Are you ok? Those aren't tears of laughter anon, it's pain. I feel like you might even be slightly projecting about the hiking trousers. I'm here if you want to talk

>> No.6618209
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>tfw thermos keeps drinks unbearably hot

mixed feel

>> No.6618234
File: 15 KB, 403x599, water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone ever see these? It has a carbon filter thing that you draw the water through when you drink and it supposedly filters it.

Do they really work or is it just a gimmick

>> No.6618248

I have one. It worked fine for me since it took the chlorine taste out of my tap water but you gotta change them every 3 months and they're expensive.

>> No.6618304
File: 37 KB, 700x600, Groove 700ml (mouthpiece).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a Camelbak Groove which also has a carbon filter that focuses specifically on filtering out chlorine and the first time I drank from it was the first time that I realised that water is actually delicious. Almost sweet.
I mean, tap water isn't horrible but it's kind of sour. I didn't realise how sour until I tried the Groove.

The problem with my Groove, though, is that the mouthpiece is difficult to keep clean and goes green after a while (replacements are available). But this might not be a problem with the bottle that you've posted.

Your bottle looks pretty small, though, so you'll probably be refilling it several times a day.

>> No.6619576
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I use this one. I work outside a lot so the spritzer is actually really welcome. I've dropped it tons of times and it's never broken. It was also $12 so that's a plus for me.

>> No.6619582

Same with my thermos. I pour them in boiling hot, and it stays that way till tomorrow morning.

If you can find time for it to sit open, that might help.

>> No.6619683
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My nigga. I bought pic related canteen at a military surplus store over 10 years ago, still use it on any major outdoor stuff, and sometimes attach it to my maxpedition thermite pack for going around doing shit in town. The canvas cover keeps it cold. Downside is, hard to clean properly and can't really add ice, so if you want it cold you have to add cold water or fridge it.

Recently though I picked up a 32 oz nalgene for me and girlfriend, green one is mine and glows in dark. The caps cost extra but are nice for 1 handed drinking without getting water everywhere.

>> No.6619690


6'2" 170lbs

It's not really hard, a sofa is only like 120 calories, I could drink 30 on a day and me five

>> No.6619713
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I have the black and blue ones from the middle part of pic related

>> No.6619718
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>not using a stainless Camlebak Groove with built in charcoal filter

>> No.6619756
File: 26 KB, 350x400, JacksonGreyedJadeMain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a 3 pack of these at Costco for 5$
Not much to say, the lid mechanism works well and is very easy to clean.

I also bought a 2 pack of insulated Contigo bottles there too, they are vacuum insulated metal bottles.

When you throw ice in it, it does stay cool for a really long time. I prefer the flip lid, but it wouldnt stay as cool that way.

And seeing how I have 5 bottles in total I probably wont be buying new ones for a while. Im still using my original plastic one, and ive had it for like 8 months.

>> No.6619762

The 3 pack was on sale for 15$
The 2 pack insulated was 22$

I should say I had paid 16$ for a regular old thermos one that I accidentally left somewhere, these are as good or better quality for much less money.

>> No.6619774


Hell yeah motherfucker. I use the blue one. I've got it next to me right now, actually.

>> No.6619783

I had one for a little while, but it took some effort to get the water through the filter. It made the bottle not very nice to use.

>> No.6619795
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dubs now in /ck/? I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS

>> No.6619813

They're called Fazoli's, pleb.

>> No.6619824

newfag: the post

>> No.6619825
File: 56 KB, 1000x1000, 5017-275_GRY33_view1_1000x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wide Mouth Nalgene
Get on my level

>> No.6619826

Wide mouth nalgene biiiiiiitch.
Really though. They're a bitch to clean, retain odor, are hard to seal, and are expensive. I own five

>> No.6619828

This plus the spout top and youre golden

>> No.6619831

>bottles with built in straws or nozzles

Seriously, could you be more of an absolute fucking child?

>> No.6619846


This website is 18+, please enjoy your summer elsewhere

>> No.6619854
File: 253 KB, 340x736, 64oz-Classic-Stainless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hydroflask insulated bottles master race reporting

>> No.6619865

Straw sipping babby detected

>> No.6619869


lol, you fucks need to hydrate constantly?

>> No.6619906

Nigga u dumb as FUCK

>> No.6619916

I can't remember which film this was

>> No.6619928

Nope I dropped my 5+ times now on tiles and it's still good
If it's 80%+ full tho it will break. Cheapest long lasting, non-toxic water bottle on the market.

>> No.6619938

I have one now.
It makes the hard water here taste good so thats all that matters to me

>> No.6619939
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I've gone through 3 in the past 5 years.

Contigo bottle that I picked up at Costco. It was actually a 3-pack for $15, but I gave the other 2 to my family. It wasn't too bad at first, but the bottom of the spout started tearing after using it for a while. Thanks to that, I now avoid straws and rubber spouts in my bottles.

Nalgene OTF from Target. This was actually my favorite bottle since it doesn't have straws and was pretty sleek (which I needed so that it can fit in the bottle pocket in my backpack). Problem is, it's kind of flimsy. The button became worn and the cap became loose, so it started leaking from there. Also, the rubber underneath the cap is hard to clean, so despite regularly scrubbing, it got all moldy and shit.

Thermos Nissan bottle that I also picked up from Target. It's basically a sturdier version of the Nalgene bottle. The rubber is easier to clean and remove. In fact, the whole bottle is very easy to clean. Great bottle, but my only complaint is that it's kind of ugly.

>> No.6619946

This whole water bottle thing makes sense if you drink a shitload of coffee throughout the day, hike or ride your bike a shitload, or are extremely paranoid about tap water so you fill it with filtered water. I'm afraid most of you fall under the latter category which is pretty sad.

If you can't stick your mouth under a faucet and drink enough water to last you the next two hours, you're lost. There's nothing dumber than having a plastic bottle dangling from your BACKPACK (why do you have a backpack since graduating college?). Okay, maybe leave one of these bottles at work, but you still really look out of place.

>> No.6619948

I paid $5 for a surplus metal canteen. You might wanna rethink that.

>> No.6619997
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>tasting the filter not the water

>> No.6620038

>ctrl-f tervis
>0 of 0
Get the superior product you retards

>> No.6620052
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>> No.6620118
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I use the same thing. Its pretty good except the sippy thing is discoloured and won't stay down

>> No.6620295


Sometimes I fill mine with cold herbal tea

>> No.6620298

this but not rei branded

>> No.6620309


>Human being
>Really really really require water to live
>gets called dumb for carrying a water container around

>> No.6620321

I got the right one. Im off from class, so only used when I work out.

The noise it makes is somewhat annoying.

>> No.6620335

>I don't go outside or do activities much.
We use a backpack instead of a diaper bag for the kid's stuff, we'll also throw beers and sandwiches in there too when we go to the drive-in, beach, concert, etc. Backpacks are easier to carry while keeping your hands free.

>> No.6620462
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>> No.6620467

I just drink out of an old wine or tomato puree or whatever bottle.
All that matters is that you're drinking properly and not sucking on some teat.

>> No.6620471

Autistic backpack and water bottle carriers are so not /fa/

>> No.6620472

You're not supposed to drink Distilled water you shit for brains

>> No.6622176
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>> No.6622185


Thermos a bes

warm tea/milk/soup

>> No.6622192

the plastic straws are stupid and i dont see the point

1L camelbak chute with my school logo, it doesn't have a straw thing

this water bottle is super durable doesn't leak a drop
not stellar for insulating ice but i don't really care about that
i only ever use it for water so i dont wash it as often as i should (i empty/rinse it out all the time but i need to make a better habit of cleaning the mysterious white flakey stuff that accumulates under the rubbery top more often)

i like it a lot, it's held up a lot of wear and tear for a year and i don't see myself swapping it out until it breaks

>> No.6622268

What do you think is a good size for a water bottle?
Do you fill your's up all the way, but don't finish it?
Do you find yourself filling up more often than you'd like?

not sure what size to get and would like some feed back

>> No.6622349

>There are people here who will never experience the crystal clear and refreshing tap water drawn straight from the springs in the Scottish Highlands.

>> No.6622424
File: 411 KB, 2124x1317, buy_a_waterbottle_anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's literally what this friend girl of mine did when I saw her many moons ago. She left the bottle with me and I can't find a use for it. I can't attach it to anything, I don't want to carry it around, and it makes way more sense to get hydrated before going out, because who knows when and where you'll need to piss? I'm a huge hydration freak. Don't get me wrong, I think the mental and physical benefits are huge and horribly underestimated by the public at large.

It's dumb to be unable to time your hydration needs without carrying around a bottle that I could probably clear in 2 minutes of hydration. So at that point, you're just carrying around an empty bottle. Why not just drink that water at a faucet or drinking fountain? You'll have to fill the bottle anyways, and it's not hard to properly hydrate at work/school/in a cafe/restaurant/grocery store. I just think having these bottles makes you look like to everyone else, "Look at me, I know how important drinking H2O is. I'm so casual, yet so full of forethought, about my personal hydration. Here it is on public display."
Okay, yeah, I regret that. Backpacks are major, but where I live, it just creates a huge amount of sweat on my back and I sort of look like a petty thief/stoner with one of them on my back.
I gave up on /fa/ a long time ago. everyone in this thread is arguing about which bottle is more /fa/, honestly. I'm not.
too heavy. makes u look like a survivalist/boy scout.

>> No.6622434

>plastic straws are stupid and i dont see the point
I'm only speculating but I think that modern BPA-free plastics like Tritan are much less elastic than older types of plastics so the bottle isn't squeezable. Therefore the only options are to have a pour spout or a straw.
Basically I think that the harder the plastic the less it effects taste. But, again, I'm talking out of my arse and don't really know.

One size doesn't fit all but I think my 700ml water bottle is just the right size for me. Though if I had to carry it around then I would probably get something a bit smaller and lighter. But mine sits on a desk or in the car's cup holder, and I use different (smaller) type of bottle for electrolytes when I'm cycling.

>> No.6622491


In reference to your reply to

What if its hotter than you expected out? What if your just a human being and you have fluctuating bodily needs? What if you are in a public park and the only available fountain is in any number of disgusting or unsanitary conditions? Can't very well drink the pond water can you? Ok, so you walk 3 -5 blocks to the first convenience store, you can either over pay for a bottle of rip off, or you can ask for a cup for water. As it is required by law, any food or beverage providing place must be able to provide you with water. This convenience store inconveniently (like most) does inventory on beverages by stock of cups. Thus they give you one of the100ml Dixie cups they keep for just this purpose. You get 5.


Your in a public park.
Get thirsty
Drink from bottle.
>maybe you even got some MiO in there
Lets be real, I don't carry a water bottle everywhere in real life.

In my backpack? Yes, always.
In my Car? Yes, always
Going out for a walk? Of course, it only makes sense
Going down town to hit a pub or bar?? I'm not autistic
Going to the hardware store? Unless I am walking & it is within walking distance, no, of course not.
Am I working outside, maybe yard work or on my car? I don't really see the benefit of using a cup from the house if I am going to get it dirt or oil in it. Why not a nice closing lid bottle?
Walking the dog? Heck, why not, maybe the dog is going to want something to drink. Am I expected to lift it into a fountain or plan for its hydration and urination cycles?

Its not at all about showing the world how prepared you are to slam back 1000ml of that sweet fuckin survival juice, its about fulfilling a totally human need when your totally human body wants it.

There is no reason or argument to say that carrying one around is a bad thing.
It doesn't hurt anyone, inconvenience anyone, offend anyone, it isn't a threat to anyone's safety. It just makes sense.

>> No.6622530 [DELETED] 

>hotter than expected
You know the seasons. You know global warming is a thing. It could even be 10 degrees hotter outside than you realized! Take a minute, after you opened the front door to that blisteringly dry summer climate and gulp down water from the sink. I have one of those giant steins that must hold something like 30 oz of water, and I drink that shit down. I had a large homebrewed iced tea last night and I was up for hours after going to bed because I was dehydrated. I'm super sensitive to dehydration. But simple things like planning ahead by filling up with plenty of water is not hard to do.

Also, you'll still be absorbing that water in the heat. Why not just drink it all before you leave, so it's absorbing faster, you can piss sooner, and then drink more? I just think the bottle encourages sipping, when we should be gulping. And if you're gulping, you're refilling often, at which point, you may as well just fill up your belly right then and there.

Look at it this way. I'm fine with walking around with my belly full of water absorbing while you're toting around your half full bottle of water, worrying about forgetting it and having to pay $15 for another one.

If it's very hot and dry outside, I'm not gonna wear a backpack and get sweat all over my shirt. I can see the thing about the car, but leaving it in a hot car with that bacteria? Plus, it's not being drunk when it's there. May as well hydrate before getting in the car.

I ran cross country and track. They stressed pre-hydration. I just see a lot of "mindful," "health conscious" college girls carrying them around and guys who want to look vaguely "outdoorsy" swinging them around. It's gonna be 90+ degrees tomorrow. What am I gonna do? Pre-hydrate. Trust me, I need a lot more water than what's in those bottles, and by the time I need to refill it, I may as well just drink that amount without having to carry around an empty bottle between fillings.

>> No.6622537

they make wide mouth versions. also important to get ice into the bottle for maximum refreshment.

>> No.6622573

lol fag

>> No.6622576

hey breh are the next three letters VIC

>> No.6622657


ugh, how? Why am I fucked around for trying to defend water bottles?

>> No.6622682

Pulp fiction

>> No.6622699
File: 24 KB, 450x450, migo-32oz-water-bottle_3069_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6623745
File: 239 KB, 1024x768, all s'well ends well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S'well masterrace reporting. Keeps water cold forever and also looks good.

Nalgene's are good for hiking. Camelbaks are only used by sorority girls. Double-walled stainless steel really is the way to go

>> No.6624386

Lol man just how much of your life is spent talking about your plastic water bottle with friends and anonymous strangers

>> No.6625364

Narrow mouth is for faggots that can't control their water flow...

>> No.6625368

good cheap ones? i'm talking 10USD~ if possible
right now i just drink a plastic one and just refill it for a few days before throwing it out

>> No.6625389
File: 17 KB, 395x536, trainer_dazzling_blue_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to just reuse water bottles for a few days at uni, but just got this. Literally the best for keeping water cold. I filled it up with ice and water at 10 am and carried it around all day and even left it in my car for 5 hours when it was 100F outside and half of the ice was still left at 10pm. Fuck yeah I'm shilling, because this shit is crazy yo, I also like the metal bottle vs plastic or glass, and the autoseal cap makes it impossible for retards like me to spill

>> No.6625946

Thermos one at walmart or target, should be around that price.

I like my contigos, but they come in multi packs at costco.

>> No.6625972

Id be a bigger faggot using army surplus having never been in the army than I would buying a bottle of Voss.

>> No.6625998

Moving the goalposts is a pretty faggoty move.

>> No.6626228

I only use a pitcher.

>> No.6626253

I've been using the same nalgene wide-mouth since geology field camp in school. Over the last 10 years it has survived falls off of large cliffs, 3 story buildings, and even off the roof of my car at 20+ mph.

Still tastes the same, just clean it once in a while.

>> No.6626342

>wide openings
Literally undrinkable. Who the hell thought that would be a good idea?

>> No.6626346

I like decent sized opening
I dont like to backwash into my water, so I literally just dump it into my mouth.