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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6615208 No.6615208 [Reply] [Original]

I used to feel sorry for Jack because he just seemed like a bumbling, albeit nice, idiot who just wanted to have a successful cooking show.

Someone posted this video review he did in /ck/ last week and he's being a racist dick the whole time. Totally changed how I feel about him.


Jack thread. Gif unrelated.

>> No.6615220
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Hey Ja/ck/offs.
What's your opinion on this beautiful dish?

>> No.6615224

Lol the bbq sauce spread on plate... Five stars.

>> No.6615245

He thinks 70$ for 3 people is expensive? Kek

>> No.6615255

Shouldn't be a problem because he rakes in on that god-awful sauce.

>> No.6615356

I have some non jack cringe

>> No.6615378

I'm not too familiar with sharpening knives, what exactly is she doing wrong?

>> No.6615406

stupidity piled on misinformation
wrong angle, wrong direction on the stone, she's ruining her knife edge basically

>> No.6615420

>kid trying to have a joke with him

The autism is strong with this one

>> No.6615444

Half of his videos are him berating his kid and thinking it's funny.

>> No.6615512

Oh god, I didn't think that would make me cringe.

>> No.6615664
File: 6 KB, 271x186, into the trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>upset when table only has one grill on it and expects them to rearrange the whole fucking restaurant for him
>family says "we'll all have water to drink" gets assmad when he doesnt get a 2L of coke even though they already said they didn't want any
>mocks the names of the dishes loudly while recording
>entire family dressed like white trash (except brunette across from him, shes a qt)
>can't fucking tell the difference between oil and water or understand the concept of grilling
>40 year old man calls his son an idiot to try and be funny on the fucking internet
>pretends to know shit about korean food but doesn't understand that the pickled dishes served with the main are called banchan not "side dishes"
>"prices are just insane" even though each serving is more than enough for 3 to 4 people
>grown ass man and still playing with his fucking food
>calls his own son an idiot for a second time
>70 dollars to feed his entire family a nice meal and says it's "too expensive"
>"don't come here, the seafood it's all in shells" has never had mussels, clams or any other bivalve
>food looks honestly good and authentic and shits on it because he's a fat white trash fuck
>"meat was dried out"- says jack after he cooks it on the table grill
>food literally covered with food much of which they didn't finish but says "good luck getting your sides refilled"

fuck you jack
you can always tell the character of a person based on how they treat a waitress. Jack is a fucking asshole at his core.

>> No.6615669

>>food literally covered with food much of which they didn't finish but says "good luck getting your sides refilled"

fuck should be tables not food twice.

>> No.6615721 [DELETED] 

>Jack is a fucking asshole at his core
This is why I sorta respect him, he has the balls to walk around screaming and being racist with his tacky jewelry and athletic cup shaped head and Robotnik gut.
I wish I was as brave as the Cuck King

>> No.6615733

but it takes literally no balls.
the waitress has to do what you say if she wants to make money. there are no ramifications for his dipshittery.

>> No.6615737

Too bad Jack was right about every single one of those things. Hate harder.

>> No.6615754

What got me is that he was complaining about a language barrier.
You're going to an ethnic restaurant. You're bound be served by people who don't speak english as a first language.
If that's the issue, go to a steak house or something.

>> No.6615767

He went to an American business in America. They should speak the language, especially if they're in a customer facing role.

>> No.6615788 [DELETED] 

personally, I feel like there would be a significant authenticity issue if I went to a ethnic restaurant serviced by Americans.

And they did speak English well enough to conduct business. It just wasn't good enough for Jack and his cuck family.

>> No.6615795

That's actually mole, you lunkhead.

>> No.6615801

Still doesn't take away from the uselessness of the act.

>> No.6615808

he says in the video he put a spread of mole on the plate for steak dipping

>> No.6615810

Didn't watch the video. Simply saw a picture and made a comment.

>> No.6615813

Are the waitresses cooking the food? No, you're paying $50 to do it yourself.

Backroom staff can be gooks, but the floor staff should speak the damn language.

>> No.6615815

>sees gyoza soup
>pronounces it GUY-oh-zuh

Jesus. Is there anyone on this planet who knows less about food?

>> No.6615818

Applies to ingredients, presentation, etc.

But they do speak the language. Perfectly? No. That's difficult when it's a second language, but well enough to do their job.

Hard to defend Jack. He was being a complete ass. Can't review a cuisine if you know nothing about it, how it should be prepared or how it should taste. He has no concept.

>> No.6615828

No he went to a Korean business in america. They can run their business the way they want. If they want to kick out whitey subtly with a language barrier, more power to them.

>> No.6615841

>Can't review a cuisine if you know nothing about it, how it should be prepared or how it should taste.
Good thing he went to a restaurant then.

Oh wait...
>Need to cook it yourself
>Floor staff don't speak English so can't ask them
Jack is a big bad evil man!

>> No.6615844

So Jack recommending (White) people not go there is doing them a favour then.

>> No.6615845

>"they're looking at me like I'm speaking English or something"
I can't even go on

>> No.6615846

You keep mentioning "cook it yourself" as a negative aspect. That's part of the experience. It's a Korean BBQ.

He knew he would be cooking his own food because he mentioned the grills at the tables before he entered the restaurant.

>> No.6615848

It was more like a white trash man telling other white trash not to go there. I'm sure the Koreans are fine with that.

>> No.6615850
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Holy shit 45 degree angle sharpening every day ... Coarse to fine probably resharpens on coarse and fucks up she probably reset the bevel to 45 degrees by now.


>> No.6615852

Nothing wrong with a negative review. Objectivity is a good thing.

I just think the way he presented his review was shitty.

>> No.6615854

So at what point should he be able to review it then?

>> No.6615856

When he learns that shellfish come in shells.

>> No.6615857

It's fine for him to review the restaurant. If he didn't like the food, that's perfectly fine.
But there is a better way to present your opinion. Being a rude, racist asshole in public is not how to do it.

>> No.6615879 [DELETED] 

It takes balls for him to do it in front of other customers and people on line and in front of his high test son who could knock his lights out for cucking him by calling him an idiot in front of his gf

>> No.6615882

If you look back at his old videos he is a dick to Jack Jr. when he's a little kid.

I'm sure he's used to it by now.

>> No.6615898

isn't that the right way on the stone aside from the angle?
everything i could find also does it that way

>> No.6615916

>that guy in the Hawaiian/print shirt
>cant say bulgogi
>totally not a heavy drinker
>qt brunette over the table from Jack
>Jacks wife's smokers voice
>trying to embarrass his son
>filming at the table

This vid

>> No.6615929

United States does not have an official language

>> No.6616001

The way he treats his son is terrible. Constantly belittling him like that, he's going to resent him just like his older brother does.

>> No.6616004
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Daily reminder that this is jacks "other" son.

>> No.6616025

Is there any confirmation of this besides the same last name?

>> No.6616034
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>> No.6616036

Dad of the year.

>> No.6616039

Okay. Why am I supposed to care about this kid?

>> No.6616044
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>> No.6616045
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>> No.6616049

Wow, it's like looking at Jack Jr in the future.

>> No.6616064

That face his son made when his dad called him an idiot and everyone laughed was just awful. I feel bad for his son.

I seriously hope he turns into another stoner his his brother posting pictures of purple drank and blunts on twitter.

>> No.6616069

like his*

>> No.6616101

>Stupid racists. "Gabby, Gabby" It's Galbi! Can u read man? I am disappointed and offended.(Im asian)

Do people just go around looking for things they can feel offended by?

>> No.6616107

>says food was dried out even though he's the one that grilled it
fucking lol he's such a failure.

>> No.6616125

I'm starting to feel like he's afraid his son will be more successful than him like his other son so he puts him down all of the time.

>> No.6616129

What does his other son do?

>> No.6616136

He owns some business but regularly, somehow, meets with celebrities that smoke weed

>> No.6616143

I believe it's a jewellery company. He probably has a bunch of celeb clients.

>> No.6616148

Does he own a jewelry company or a jewelry store?

>> No.6616216
File: 1.38 MB, 3640x2168, cooking with jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not surprised Jack tries to belittle his son so much. He was a better cook than his father when he was 11.

>> No.6616223

No way, Jack Jr has dem Tammy genetics

>> No.6616269


>> No.6616368

You should see her trying to use them.

>> No.6616602


>> No.6617377

what place does he go that refills his sides?

>> No.6617473

what video is the pic from the one under the raw chicken, and above the cheese salad?

>> No.6617487

I wonder what stuff he deems unsuitable for the show if he keeps in all the bits where he says ignorant/racist shit, whines about cars making noise/people talking when he films, and verbally abuses his son. like, what the hell does he cut out?

>> No.6617575
File: 1.68 MB, 1638x858, スクリーンショット 2015-06-07 0.52.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want someone who's successful and a nice gentle guy you should try kbdproductinostv he gives good objective reviews so you can figure it all out

i rate him a GO OUT AND GET IT NOW

>> No.6617870

So who was the other family in the video? The wife and daughter deserve some of Jack's best barbecue sauce.

>> No.6617948

Church friends

The daughter is already getting some of Jack Jr's best barbecue sauce

Jack could probably get the wife seeing as her husband is an alcoholic

>> No.6618066 [DELETED] 
File: 336 KB, 547x360, juck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Cuck King has an update

He gives his PSN too

>> No.6618247


>> No.6618309
File: 187 KB, 1280x720, 1433645747669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone is new to the king he spoke at a conference a year ago and his bio is pretty detailed
>That is when he met his first wife and had a son named Garrett. Jack and his wife soon divorced and Jack raised Garrett for the next 3 years by himself.

>> No.6618424

Also is there any known reason why he hates Jack Jr so much. He seems like a decent kid.