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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6614051 No.6614051 [Reply] [Original]

I want to build up a solid assortment of alcohol. I plan to have a number of parties with reasonably adult people, meaning I want to avoid shit like Keystone Light or PBR.

What do you think of this?
- Mid-tier Rum, Gin, Tequila, and Vodka
- Everclear (personally love this shit)
- Assorted decent beers like Dogfish head, etc.

Should I get a decanter or anything?

>> No.6614092

>- Everclear (personally love this shit)

What was the question? Should you buy a decanter?
You can probably wait until you figure out what they're used for.
What do I think of your list?
You probably shouldn't "store" beer for future parties. Also, you're likely under 23, so no one's expecting much from you. Learn how to make a couple of easy but cool cocktails with one liquor vs buying an arbitrary collection. Master one, and then expand.

>> No.6614103

A decanter would be low priority. Start with a set of basic bar ware: pint glasses, wine glasses, whiskey glasses. Ice bucket, tongs, and shaker if you plan on cocktails. Corkscrew/ bottle opener. Add a mid-tier bourbon and an Irish whiskey and a few common mixers.

>> No.6614558

i got a keg bar in my garage... get a different keg of beer each month.. round 80 for 1/4 a keg, last me all month. plus you can change it up each month

>> No.6614585

>Adult people

pffffffft haha yeah right

>> No.6614625

A few points:

-you cannot have a bar without whisky, it is probably the most popular spirit
-no adult person is going to drink everclear
-I would add one or two liqueurs
-you need wine too
-I would stick to one beer, probably a euro macrobrew, that way everyone will drink it

>> No.6616105

You forget a sour bourbon and a whiskey, other than if you prepare to be able to properly mix drinks you'll need:
Tonic water
Unflavoured soda water
Peach schnapps
Orange juice
Apple liqueur

With that you'll be able to mix most cocktails and show off to all your fancy middle class friends.

>> No.6616117

Also for parties try to get some of each type of beer and wine.
Dessert white
Dry white
Vienna lager
Pale ale
Maybe a witbeir if you want to impress.
Rauchbeir and lambic for bonus points.

>> No.6616121

Remember the golden rule, the Alkaline trio said it best "never had a drink that I didn't like".

>> No.6617669

Bumping for interest

>> No.6617704

I try to have different tiers for different people/occasion.
Right now if you come at my house you'll have a few choices:

Label 5, Walker Red, Auchentoshan
Gordon's, Tanqueray, Hendrick's, Tanqueray N°10
Local white rhum
Martini Bianco, Martini Dry
Decent white and red wines from Chile, South Africa
Good to great white and red wines from France
Fancy flavored rosé wines (grapefruit, raspberry)
Cheap local beers, Desperados, Heineken, Leffe Blonde, Leffe Radieuse
Array of mixers and juices
A filtering, chilling fountain plugged to the tap water outlet.
Filtered water ice cubes

Except for special occasions/parties I don't keep fresh ingredients such as mint, fresh fruits and the like, I never get to use them before they go bad.

>> No.6617728

White and dark Rum, bourbon, irish whisky, gin, vodka, orange liqueur, sweet and dry vermouth, red and white wine, seltzer, tonic, coke/pepsi, orange and cranberry juice, lemons and limes. These are a must.

Optional are scotch, tequila and whatever else you can think of.

>> No.6617746

>go to any bar anywhere
>order a gin and tonic
>they hand you a gin and seltzer

It blows my fucking mind.

>> No.6617751

Where do you live that Whiskey is the most popular spirit? I live in the rural south and even here people drink more vodka than they do Whiskey.

>> No.6617769

Never happened to me, I would get the fuck out.

I was served a black russian with coke in it once tho. Shit was disgusting. It seems it does exist in some books/recipes but it's a waste imo.

>> No.6617805
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if you are making cocktails for other folks, invest in a mini fridge, and buy bags of ice from a store: they have big freezers of them on the cashier-side walls.

you need, at minimum:
>bottle of tequila
>bottle of whiskey
>bottle of dark rum
>bottle of white rum
>2 bottles of vodka (one good and one meh brand)
>maybe some gin
>triple sec (or grand mariner)
>optional coffee/mint/vanilla/melon liquors

stock your (mini) fridge with:
>tomato juice
>pineapple juice
>lemon juice
>lime juice
>cocktail bitters
>novelty shit like cocktail onions, olives, Marciano cherries, lime/lemon wedges, candies, chili peppers, etc for garnishes
>fill the rest of the remaining space with beer

It really depends on what you personally like, what you intend to to serve or what you want to experiment with.

for personal drinks, I like blood marys, long islands, white russians, drinks that have a lot of standard ingredients.

for parties, make batch drinks with a lot of booze, that are easy to make. A blender helps with margaritas, daquairis, pina coladas, drinks with 2-4 ingredients tops

If you have a fully stocked bar, you can try making some of those fancy drinks, which usually require really odd ingredients: try mohitos with mint and a muddle, sazaracs with absinthe, moscow/irish mules with ginger beer

if you are thinking beers: mini fridge is a good investment: I think they around 100~200 bucks. If you have a lot of friends (which you don't because you are on 4chan) you could consider a tap: it's a C02 system and some lines that will run a few hundred bucks and requires cleaning and maintenance; they get moldy if you don't clean them.

Happy drunkin'

>> No.6617815

It happened at a fucking club in London no less, and I though brits were the fucking experts on tonic. It might have just been a shit bartender though. It was one of those places that caters to 20 something spray tan douches drinking vk blue.

>> No.6617823


>> No.6617853
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>buying bags of ice

here, i got something for you. pic related

>> No.6617856

Not him but when you have a party and no chest freezer, it may be fucking hard to make your own.
I too purchase bags of ice in this occasion.
Watcha gonna do about it, tough boi?

>> No.6617857

i think those are plantains. plantains are a pain in a 90 degree angle of your anus to peel sometimes.

>> No.6618062

>when you have a party

>> No.6618186

op do you actually want a full bar or are you just pretending to have a full bar to impress someone in particular?
are you trying to bartend or what?

>> No.6618204

Nah, those really are bananas.

>> No.6618373

Yes, some peoples on this board, unlike you, sometimes host parties of other human beings.

>> No.6619845
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>using ice trays
>using that tiny bucket from your ice machine that will serve about 12 drinks total
>using ice that has strange odors from your freezer
>not spending $1.50 on clean, fresh ice so your drinks don't taste like refrigerant
>being a faggot